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I am a sort of loner, but I don't want to always be alone. I am a private person, but not a secretive one. I am interested in things and problems of others, but I am not nosey...I always figure if someone wants me to know, that they will tell me. I know very little about computers and my knowledge of computer terminology is non-existant
Could someone give me suggestions about family issue?
I do a lot for my children, or at least I try to do what I can. I take care of one of my daughters a lot. She is always treating more like a dog than her mother. She is always talking down to me like I don't even know what I am talking about. She is rude to me and fusses at me for doing something she doesn't want me to do (which is just about everything). I don't want to hurt her feelings because she does have a lot of health issues, but I have feelings too! This hurts my feelings, but I don't know how to address this with her without hurting her feelings. I don't want to cause any hard feelings, but I am the only person that will do anything for her. Her husband has a job and her children are too young. All of my other children live out of state. Besides I am the one that is willing to spend my money to take care of her. It costs me at least one tank of gas and one or two nights of hotel/motel stays. Please do not reply with smart remarks. This is a serious matter and I would appreciate any real suggestions that you may have. Thanks
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoI would like to hear from people that have hearing aids ????.?
My husband desperately needs a hearing aid, but he says that he needs clarification more than amplification. Can anyone please shed some light on this for me. I have talked to others and they have said the same thing. I understand the problem, I just don't know if there are any hearing aids that help with this.
1 AnswerSTDs9 years agoAre iceberg lettuce or romaine lettuce cruciferous vegetable?
I have gout and I really need to know if these are in anyway related to cruciferous vegetables. I know that cabbage and cauliflower are but I can't find anything on these lettuces. I am really sensitive when it comes to certain foods. I would appreciate any help that I can get. I checked Wikipedia and couldn't find it. Thank you.
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoIs it safe to walk across the bridge to Pietra's Negras?
I need to cross the border and see an arthritis dr and get some medication from him.
1 AnswerHealth & Safety9 years agoWhy was the drug Butazolidine discontinued?
I had been prescribed Butazoline in the late 60's, but when I went back in 1969 or 1970, it had been discontinued.
1 AnswerAlternative Medicine9 years agoWhy is it that some people on here can be so nice and others are so quick to condemn...spelling, etc.?
I have read some of the answers and some people are so judgmental. If a person doesn't want to truly just answer questions, then they should do something else. To err is human.... Are they not human? And spelling, I don't know one person that hasn't spelled something wrong from time to time or said something that doesn't come out right. I really do feel sorry for these people, that they think so highly of themselves and so little of everyone else.
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years agoWe are having a debate here, could you please help?
We are watching a movie about GHB and my husband said that he had heard that crystal meth and GHB were the same thing. I told him that I didn't agree. Is it?
4 AnswersHomework Help10 years agoI had asked earlier if anyone had heard of an infection in ICU at the Mayo in Jacksonville, Fl.?
My daughter just met with the woman and now I know what it is called. It is klebsiella.
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases10 years agoIs anyone aware of an infection spreading thru the Mayo ICU in Jacksonville, FL?
A woman that is being seen here at the Mayo was telling about her husband contracting an infection while in the ICU that has affected his bones and his pulmonary systems. He contracted pneumonia within 45 minutes. I have never heard of anything acting so fast and my daughter cannot remember what the other woman called it. If anyone can help, I would definitely appreciate it.
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases10 years agoIs there any make-up that claims to replenish the diminished collagen in skin?
2 AnswersMakeup10 years agoIs collagen found in the human body? I know that it is mammals, and since we are mammals I thought it was.?
Like I said I do know that it is in animals and mammals, but I am not sure that it is found in the human body also.
2 AnswersBiology10 years agoWas gold ever down below $500 and ounce in 2011?
I know I just asked when gold was down to $400 an ounce, but my husband said that it was over $400, but less than $500 back at the beginning of this year. I can't remember it being that low this year. Can you please help settle this for me.
2 AnswersInvesting10 years agoWhen was the last time gold was $400 an ounce?
2 AnswersInvesting10 years agoWhy did only one answer come to my email when there were actually 3 answers?
Well actually the first one was a question supposedly answering a question?? I did misspell the word though because I was answering a question at the same time that I was asking the question. I do know the correct spelling, but like I said I was distracted. Is there a specific setting that I need to check on in order to make sure all answers come to the email box?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers10 years agowhat does it mean when they say that they are declaring marshal law?
I have heard the term all of my life and I always just thought it meant when like the National Guard was going to govern all of the public actions which was over seen by the President of the US. Was I anywhere near right?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agoI need help with roses, can someone help me?
I have several rose bushes, but they seem to be weak and something appears to be eating on them. In the winter I seem to lose a couple of bushes each year. I have sprayed them for aphids and other insects so hopefully that will take care of that. My main problem is enriching the ground for them and protecting them in the winter. What would be the ideal way to take care of them for the winter and what would help make the soil richer?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years agoWhat works best for you when eyes are red and painful from allergies?
I have had my eyes turn red and get watery all of my life from allergies, but this is the first time that my eyes have actually been painful. They are redder than usual also. I sure would appreciate any advice. I usually use Visine AC, but this time the drops burned my eyes making the red even worse.
5 AnswersAllergies1 decade agoCould someone give me some advice on a debt collection question?
My former husband passed away in 2006. At that time I notified the credit card companies of his death. I had a card in my name and I have recently paid that one off, but another card that had dismissed the debt due to his death apparently got wind of that and has started to dunn me again. The company that I am talking about now sent me a letter stating that I was no longer going to be bothered with that bill. Now that I have remarried and I no longer have that letter that I got in 2007, I have been getting calls from them trying to collect that debt and just last summer a debt that was $11,000 in 2006 is now over $17,000 due to interest. What can I do about this. I kept the letter from them for over two years, I didn't think that I would start getting dunns from them again in two more years. I did not throw this letter away, but I have moved 4 times since I recieved it and I cannot find it. The last time I was confronted with this, I tried to explain that I had gotten this letter and the woman said that she did not believe me and wanted to know why it was sent to me. I told her that I had no idea why I recieved it, but I could not locate it now. What will happen if I can't find it?
1 AnswerCredit1 decade agoWhy is it that gas is higher now than when it cost $147 a barrel?
In July 2008 the oil was $147 a barrel and where I live in KY the price of reg. gas was not as high as it is now. Why is that?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago