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  • What does it mean when someone is connected to a crime?

    Example: Suspects that were connected to the robbery were apprehended, and released on bail. Police are continuing the investigation.

    What the hell did the police do in this situation? Catch the accomplices but not the robbers themselves?

    What does "connected," in a legal sense mean?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • My wife starts her Job at the Veteran Affairs Hospital soon, how long until she can transfer to a new location?

    I am in the process of applying for graduate school. At this point it will be cheaper for me to attend out of state. She just got the job and is afraid to ask just yet.

    If anyone knows someone who works at a Veteran Affairs Hospital or can find the answer online somehow, I would greatly appreciate it. That way my wife can get the answer and not have to express an interest in leaving the location that is about to start training her.

    Thanks again in advance.

    1 AnswerImmigration7 years ago
  • Strange Discovery?

    I am learning sign language,and I learned how to sign the alphabet. I realized I could sign it backwards pretty easy too.

    Prior to learning sign language, when I attempt to say the alphabet backwards, I would have to start from the beginning and work my way to where the prior letter is. To get the letter before the one I just found, I would have to repeat the process.

    Now I don’t need to look at my hand, or make the gestures. I only need to remember what sign came before the one I'm on, then call out the letter that goes with that sign.

    No one else in the class had this experience, the instructor has been signing for 30 years and she can't do that either.

    I consider myself to be average, no specialized talents... until now maybe.

    Has anyone heard of something like this before?

    Does anyone know what type of thinking or memory this is called?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Had a dream about rats 2 nights in a row, please interpret...?

    Dream #1.

    I was in my apartment with my wife. We had a pet rat that had white and black markings. There was a black rat running around the place that did not belong to us. It was friendly, but my wife did not want it near our rat, so I scooped my rat up to keep it away from the other one. My wife was hand feeding it poison. I was reluctant at first, but the black rat kept pestering me for food. I hand fed it poison too. I felt bad, but at the same time I didn’t want to touch it because I didn’t know where it had been. End of dream.

    Dream #2.

    I was at my parent’s house alone with my wife. Three rats got in the house and were running all over the place. Even on the walls! Two gray long haired, scraggly, and sickly looking rats. One with crusty stuff around its eyes, the other with half its tail missing, and the third one was younger, healthy, brown rat. I chased them around trying to kill them or get them to leave the house. They were afraid of me and scattered. The brown one went into the kitchen and was jumping around on the counter tops trying to get away from me. It landed in the kitchen sink. I tried to club it with the dish rack, but all I could do was trap it in the sink. I turned the water on, and the sink filled up with warm water. I held the rat under water with the dish rack for a long time. The struggle was gruesome, splashing and bubbling. I felt awful killing it that way. When I thought it was dead, I took the dish rack away. The rat got right out of the water. It didn’t die! My wife picked it up and put it in a cage with the other two and treated them very kindly and was feeding them. They became pets. I was glad the brown one was not harmed. I liked the way it looked, it became friendly. So did the other two, but I did not want to touch them even though my wife did. I was afraid I would catch something from them. They too were no longer hostile or afraid of me anymore either. End of dream.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • How to annoy neighbors without being suspected by them?

    (The Issue.)

    They are rude, smoke up the entire building, and they are always home watching everything that goes on. All they do is complain about everything. They are disgusting fat slobs. One is disabled, the other works from home.

    We had to tape off and seal our front door to keep the smoke from coming in. Everyone I live with wants them gone.

    (The Layout.)

    I live in a 5 unit apartment... house.

    2 apartments on the first and second floor, and on on the top.

    I live on the first floor, and the people I want to annoy until they leave also live on the first floor.

    We have a wall in common in our kitchens, and I have a nook if you will with a washer and dryer in it that shares a wall with their bathroom.

    There is also a central hall with steps to the other apartments that everyone uses to get their mail.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Is there legal action I could take?

    My neighbor smokes so much, she is stinking up my apartment. The landlord does not want to get involved, and I confronted her about it. She doesn't care, she is allowed to smoke, and that's all.

    True, but her smoking is effecting me in my home. Their must be something I can do. If not, I'm going to have to move out for health reasons.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Islamic perspective on Jesus?

    I'm in a world religion class in college. We are starting to cover Islam.

    Jesus got brought up... I knew that Muslims considered Jesus a prophet, and nothing more. I didn't know why until today.

    1. Do all Muslims believe in the Gospel of Barnabas?

    2. Where there Christian groups that believed in the Gospel of Barnabas before Mohammad was born? If so, please share any info you have on them.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Dear Canada, I have a medicare question for you.?

    I saw this meme:

    If you don't trust the link, I'll describe it for you.

    It is titled Canadian - Breaking Bad.

    1. Treatment paid by health insurance.

    2. The end.

    In the background is a picture of Bryan Cranston.

    Republican Americans will still argue that if Bryan was a Canadian, he would never see a Canadian doctor because the Canadian doctors are too busy... because everyone has health care. By the time he could even see a specialist, he would be dead. So Brian would have to come to America and pay out of pocket to save his life anyhow.

    Which is correct, the meme, or the republicans?

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Why is the Snoden leak such a big deal?

    1. People have suspected that a super computer has been collecting data for decades now. Even in non terrorist crimes, entire phone conversations were retrieved, and replayed in court.

    #2. Snoden confirms the existence, practices, and the organization behind it. Again, who cares. Changes nothing.

    #3. People got "outraged," over this and... did what? Blogged about it in all caps? Put there hands on their hips and stomped there right foot and pouted? Did anyone cancel their Verizon or ATT plans?

    #4. The end result seems to be, Obama and Georg W both say the government didn't do anything wrong. Personal liberties and security are and where in balance the entire time. It was necessary to keep it a secret even though the conspiracy theorist got it right this time. Snoden is a terrible person who needs to be, "brought to justice." Brought to justice is code for made an example of blowing the whistle like good Americans should.

    #5. Finally, if you are the type that think whistle blowers are heroes, what will you do WHEN this one gets captured? Blog in all caps?

    Please label which # you are reacting to in your responses.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Charles Ramsey, hero or weirdo?

    5:16 - 5:38 "I'm just like you, I work for a living. There was a woman in distress. So why turn your back on that? My father would have wooped the hell out of me if he found out I cowered out. See, you tough in these bars, but you won't and you beat a woman and you won't help one out? Ain't no man huh? I'm the definition of a man bro."

    This is the quote in context. Is he saying he is tough in bars, he hits women, but because he is willing to help a woman in distress, he is the definition of a man?

    This like is setup to start at 5:16


    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • quick movie poll question?

    trying to do a food drive at my college. Which movie would you be willing to turn in a nonperishable for admission to see at 8pm on a Saturday Night.

    Project X


    The Hunger Games


    If you have a better movie title that is newer that will draw both males and females, submit that answer instead.

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Which notebook (laptop) should I get?

    Gateway - i3 2.3 ghz - 6gb ram 15.6" $500.00

    I like the features but consumer reports say 3.5 hours battery use.


    Acer i5 2.5 ghz - 4gb ram 15.6" $500.00

    A little better processor, a lot less ram, but 5.5 hour battery use!!!

    I have a desktop as a primary PC, so this is for college/school work on the go only purposes.

    Drats! I really dig the battery life on the Acer, but like the extra ram on the Gatway! I can't decide.

    Also, listening to music and watching netflix matters to me, which one has better sound?

    To anyone who uses a laptop for school, which one will I be better off with?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Game Fly keep feature?

    They say keep at a discount. How much of a discount?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • XBOX 360 Gold Membership from Amazon, Safe?

    Everywhere I looked has the 12 month plane for 59.99. It is even printed on the card itself.

    On Amazon, it has 59.99 printed on the card in the picture but the seller is charging 45.47.

    Is this a scam, or a deal?

    5 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • Where can i find the income amounts/brackets that determine lower, middle, and upper class by state?

    A government site would be best. At this point, I'll take what I can get. I'm having a hard time finding it on

  • What are the penalties for getting in an accident with an unregistered, uninspected, uninsured car?

    This isn't about me, so save the don't do it, because I won't.

    I let a guy guy go for doing this because he was poor. My vehicle had just a scratch, his car was still drivable, but badly damaged.

    How big of a favor did I cut this guy?

    Would he have gone to jail?

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Driving a work van and a guy rear ended me and I let him go!?

    In the moment, I felt bad for him. He said his car was not inspected, and he has no insurance. Also, his car was most likely totaled. His grill was broken in half and under the hood. He lost his headlight, and his hood up bent up like tepee.

    The bumper on the van had 3 scratches next to each other.

    After letting him off the hook, I got paranoid. It is noticeable if you look directly behind the van from 6 feet away. Most people would not notice or care, but I'm afraid the regular drive might see it. He won't definitely see it, but he might. On this van the rear doors cannot be used. This guy is a hot head, I imagine he will run screaming mad that someone damaged his van, and demand a head roll for it.

    Clearly, I drove it last, everyone knows it.

    So, my options, say nothing, and hope it goes unnoticed long enough so it can't be pinned on me directly? Call this guy up and see what he says? At least then I'll have the opportunity to sequel on myself rather than find out through an investigation.

    I know I'm a softy, I cut people breaks because I think it's important. I like when others cut me breaks too. I would love it if everyone got forgiven all the time, but I know life isn't fair.

    I would try touch up paint, but if that winds up looking worse than the scratches, I will most likely get in even more trouble.

    What do you think is best?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • Does anyone know and RN who is diagnosed as bipolar?

    If so, and advice you can give would be appreciated.


    Is it better to tell the school you are bipolar or not? Being that it is a healthcare position, will revealing this information hurt or help your chances of becoming an RN?

    If you don't have any advice, just give me your opinion for even asking.

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Does anyone know and RN who is diagnosed as bipolar?

    If so, and advice you can give would be appreciated.


    Is it better to tell the school you are bipolar or not? Being that it is a healthcare position, will revealing this information hurt or help your chances of becoming an RN?

    If you don't have any advice, just give me your opinion for even asking.

    2 AnswersHealth Care9 years ago