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  • When will my etrade funds be available to invest?

    I put money on several days ago, they just now took the money off my bank account, but I still cant trade with the money that's clearly on etrade. Why does it take so long??

    3 AnswersInvesting1 month ago
  • Why do people think Bruce Lee was the greatest fighter of all time?

    He never even had a fight that we can confirm. The one possible fight he had was told by a couple people and their statements all contradicted each other. And he fought a kung fu guy. Kung Fu is bs anyways. So that's not saying much even if he did win that fight. 

       Some even say Lee could have beaten a prime Muhammad Ali lmfao! One punch from Ali would have killed little bitty Bruce long before that aneurysm did lol

    21 AnswersMartial Arts1 year ago
  • If a woman can get an abortion, shouldnt a man be able to sign his parental rights away?

    Why is it ok for a young "mother to be" to remove herself from all responsibility, but not ok for a young man to do the same? A woman claiming a man is the father of her child is all the courts need to deduct child support; it's on him to pay for a DNA test proving that he's not the father. Even if he is, if he wants to sign his rights away, he cant unless theres someone there to take his place financially. That doesnt seem fair, at all. If its your body, your choice, the same should apply with men. Men shouldnt have to hang around and wait on your decision on whether or not you want to be a mother and him to be the father. Women already have all the reproductive rights. Quit complaining. Anyone still complaining that women don't have enough reproductive rights are absolute morons. I hope all of you feminists that think otherwise have sons that go through the same bullshit that you put men through. Maybe then you'll see things from a different perspective.

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 year ago
  • Why do people take the Fermi Paradox as evidence against alien life?

    We havent even discovered all species on our own planet. There are lifeforms (complex life at that) living in the Amazon and the ocean that weve yet to discover. We dont know whether or not alien life exists on other planets or satellites in our own Solar System. How can one say life doesnt exist in a planetary system 10 light years away with a straight face?

    12 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 year ago
  • Would you like to see Lyle Morgan (Arthur's dad) in red dead redemption 3?

    I've been thinking about this recently. I think it'd be great! According to arthur he was a pretty bad guy and his death didnt come soon enough for anybody, but he obviously admires him, otherwise he wouldnt have his picture hanging or wear his hat. I dont think anyone is all good or all bad. It'd be interesting if Rockstar showed us that by telling us Lyle's story. Maybe explain why he wasn't really around for Arthur when he was a kid or just while he was alive in general. What are your thoughts on this subject?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 year ago
  • If god created everyone, why didn't he reveal himself to all cultures?

    Why didn't the Christian god reveal himself to all of those generations of inca, mayans, and Aztecs before the arrival of the Spaniards? How about the aboriginals of Australia? Still, to this day, the natives of North Sentinel Island have never even heard of jesus or any other religious ideology of the modern world. Some indigenous tribes of the Amazon are the same way. Are these people doomed to hell for the circumstances of something they had no control over like the location of their births and the people they grew up amongst? It's safe to say that more people have never heard of jesus than have. If not hearing about jesus spares them from hell, why tell them about him in the first place? Isnt that a bit barbaric?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Liberals: do you believe in the bill of rights?

    Why do you verbally and physically assault people when they disagree with you? Why do you act like a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the toy aisle of walmart when you don't get your way? Why can't you discuss social and political topics without lashing out at someone over opposing views? Do you not see how ridiculous it makes you look? You people complain about the police having too much authority (which I agree with btw), but then turn around and try to suppress the views that you disagree with. You want America to be North Korea or Venezuela as long as it's your party in charge, right? You realize these are the political parties dictators and conquerors come out of, right? Grow up.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 year ago
  • Why does the United States Postal Service even have a 2 day or overnight mail option?

    They ALWAYS lose my packages and they never arrive in that time frame. Most times regular mail arrives before the Express mail. I never have this problem with FedEx, EVER. I think they should just quit offering express shipping if they're not able to honor it. You get a refund but most times they lose your package and it doesn't arrive for weeks at a time. One package was lost for good. 

    6 AnswersCorporations1 year ago
  • Anyone know what orphanages were like in the 1860s? Also did one exist in Texas, or were kids sent to other states?

    Currently writing a novel. I wont give away many details, but the main protagonist spends time in his pre teens and early teens in an orphanage. Hes a Texan, but I want this to be as accurate as possible. Anyone know where I can find this information?

    1 AnswerHistory2 years ago
  • Women have the rights of an adult with the responsibility and accountability of children. Why?

    Was that the goal all along of feminists? Most women that commit murder never even serve jail time. If they murder their husbands, courts blame the victim. They try to say he committed domestic violence against her even when theres absolutely no evidence of that. Feminism is no longer needed. Women have Grants, scholarships, loans, and many government assistance programs that are exclusively available to women. What do men have that isnt also available to women? Nothing at all, that's what. If you really wanted equality, shouldn't you be pushing for equal sentences when a woman commits a crime? Why does a man with 3 dwi charges do more time in prison than a woman who took someone's life? Even women that kill their own children rarely do jail time. 

    4 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • Man created god in his image, not the other way around. Prove me wrong!?

    If this wasnt the case, there wouldn't have been 900 different religions over the course of history. Your god would have revealed himself to everyone. He didnt though. He revealed himself to a small group of people in the middle east.. same way Zeus and Apollo revealed themselves to the ancient Greeks and Odin revealed himself to the Norse.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Feminists; do you really believe that men are the root of all evil?

    Do you also believe that anytime a woman goes on a killing spree, they re nothing more than revenge killings over that one time that dude at the local Dollar Store catcalled her? Maybe even slapped her fanny? Why do you think women should be given lenient sentences for the same crime that men get life imprisonment or the death penalty for? Shouldn t equality mean women should take responsibility for their own actions? Most male sexual predators (I say male because there are definitely females that prey on young teenage boys) were sexually assaulted as children. Why dont you say that that s the reason they did those crimes and should get a slap on the wrist? It s what you do when women are in that position. Feminism is cancer.

    8 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • Do you think there are tribes of people on the Netflix show "The Society"?

    Like isolated. We already know that there are animals. We seen both a snake and turkeys in season 1. Maybe there are people.. like Indians. Maybe in this alternate reality its actually America pre European colonization. That would make things interesting later on in the Series.

  • Do you think uncontacted tribes like the Sentinelese and tribes in the Amazon have geniuses?

    European and Asian cultures have definitely both had their share of geniuses, both in the ancient and modern world. They advanced human knowledge and sometimes single handedly sent their civilizations light years ahead. Why wouldn't these uncontacted tribes have figured things out about their natural world yet? Why are they still running around in lion cloths, eating caimans, and throwing sticks at each other?

    6 AnswersAnthropology2 years ago
  • Will my wife need a work visa if we move to Brazil?

    Shes more of a housewife/homemaker type. I make the money. Will it be different there? Will she have to work? I know jobs dont pay as much in brazil so it's likely she might have to anyways. I'm just worried about depending on her to keep a job for the duration of her work visa. Does anyone know the process in which families move to Brazil from the US?

    6 AnswersImmigration2 years ago