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I have no idea who I am anymore. All I do know, is that I'm a freshman. I'm fourteen years old, and I hate South Carolina. I plan on moving to Seattle, Washington and becoming either a pyschiatrist or a special education teacher. My friends mean the world to me, but I can feel myself slipping away from them. I hate how highschool rips you apart from your friends, which in my case are more than just a second family. Depression runs in my family. It's not known for sure whether I have it or not, but my mom and I believe so. I believe that peace will only be achieved through the harmony of mankind. And that that harmony will only be achieved through ones dreams. I don't know where that came from, but it sounded cool.

  • Myspace won't let me add a single song anymore.?

    Don't you remember when you could add a Myspace song and it would give you the option of either adding the single song or to create a playlist. Well, I've had a playlist for ever and I'm tired of it. It's kind of distorting my entire page. Now, when I click the add symbol to add the song it wants to choose a playlist, or create one. How can I just add the one song?

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • hey does anyone know what pwning means?

    it's bothering me, ha.

    like as in:

    "status: pwning at halo!"

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • how can i lose forty pounds?

    and fast. by this summer, i'd like to drop 40 lbs. I don't care about all this "its unhealthy" crap so dont give me that.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I really hate therapy.?

    My friend's worried that I'm suicidal, and she told my mom. I went to therapy [which was planned before the suicide thing] and I really hate it. I told my mom, and my dad agreed the woman was a quack. My mom decided to get me a new therapist, but I swear I don't need to go. Sure, I agree that depression is definately something to be worried about with me[it runs in the family]. But I'd never go as far as to kill myself. How do I get out of therapy?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What would you do if I slapped you?

    and i had no idea who you were. just all random on the street.

    36 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Read my poem. Help me revise it.?

    Writing won’t save the world,

    But pencils move at the speed of light.

    Word after word of enraged protest.

    We will not live this way.

    I’m jumping ship.

    Northern bound.

    The air we breathe is toxic.

    My lungs have burst.

    In your embrace,

    My heart stops beating.

    I suffocate.

    We’ve seen better days,

    Through the foggy windows of January,

    Than at the bottom of any community pool,

    Or underneath fallen autumn leaves.

    Time doesn’t cut any slack.

    I’m jumping ship.

    Northern bound.

    If it’s really all or nothing,

    I’d rather my hands be empty than red.

    Risk taking was never fond of me.

    Change is in the air.

    You can taste it with every individual taste bud.

    Chew it up and spit it out,

    Like coffee grounds.

    I’m jumping ship.

    Northern bound.

    Catch me?

    I want to take out the second line of the first stanza and replace it. It's just way to cliche. But I can't think of something good. Help?

    Oh yeah, if there's anything else you think I could change. Tell me. And tell me if you like it or not.

    Totally irrelevent: I'm 14.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago

    Let’s be honest.

    Because we’re all just hypocrites

    Dancing in the rain,

    We never wanted to pour.

    Loving those nights when we roamed free--

    Idolizing thin models from the covers of your magazines.

    Don’t act sincere.

    Because you’re just one more stereotype fanatic

    Facing strong winds in your big SUVS,

    That we don’t need to drive.

    Wishing all of our dreams would come true--

    Just wishing, nothing more. That’s all.

    Don’t lie to us.

    Because you’re just a taxi cab

    Carrying one protester across the line,

    That you painted all by yourself

    Off key and misunderstood

    You sing for the days when this will get better.

    You’re killing us.

    Because we’re all just children

    Jumping in the puddles of toxic aftermath,

    We created all on our own.

    Hoping, Wishing, Singing for nothing.

    And we’re all oblivious to the truth.

    So, I found this poem on an amature poetry site I visit. I thought it was good. It kind of tells about what's really going on in the world, and how everyone that is supposed to be of importance ignores it. And we're all screwed if it keeps going like this.

    Give me your thoughts.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would i look good with a monroe piecrcing?

    im the one on the left, with the brown hair. i look kind of strange in the photo but whatever.

    8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • quizzes to see if i have depression.?

    does anyone know of a good quiz i can take online to see if i have depression or not. i am sad most of the time. im beginning to think my friends dont care about me. i can never do anything right. nothing really interests me anymore. i feel like i could never be loved because of my horrible looks and personality. also, my mother,grandmother,and my aunt have depression. during my mothers childhood my grandmother stayed in her bed and did not move. my mother was just as bad in my younger years when i was around the age of 4 and 5. mom figured out she had depression when she was 13. I'm 14, and I think I have it. So I need a quiz to take, and not one of those stupid ones on but a serious one. Just help me please.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I guess I have a problem..sort of.?

    What do you call it when you want something to be wrong with you? By that, I mean drug addiction or anorexia. What do you call it when someone WANTS unhappiness?

    I need to know.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Me and My friends "religious-ish" discussion?

    Ashley, my friend, says that everything has a reason and that when you die it is your time to go. Even if its a plane crash, and everyone dies in it, it was ALL of their times to go.

    I believe that every action causes another reaction but that each of those actions holds no real reasons. Life is just a giant.....race? to death...sometimes I feel like that race is just a race to nothing but I dont tell her that. I dont think that everyone has there time to die, I think death just happens.

    Who do you agree with?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Good high school electives for psychology.?

    I have to be in 11th grade before I can start any actual high school psychology courses but Im going into ninth next year. I was wondering what electives would be good for a career in pyschology bc our counsler is making us pick electives and my meeting is tomorrow.

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • i have went through teenage rebellion. this isnt it.?

    it seems like dissapointing the people around me makes me happy. each time i do something at school or at home that doesnt exactly make them ecstatic, i get this sudden jolt of energy.

    I have this genius uncle. He is only 9mnths older than me. We have both always been in the GT classes since we began school and both have had similar grades. He always makes a little higher than me. Always does a little better than me. Is always loved a little more than me!

    People say we look alike. But he is the one with all the girls chasing after him. There are no guys chasing after me!

    He always gets everything I want! Like we were looking at clothes on the interent (alternative bisex stuff. made for both genders!) and everything i wants, he goes and buys. Shoes, belts, shirts.

    He just seems to be better than me at everything Im really tired of it.

    Maybe that has something to do with it??

    Ive always wanted to piss my parents off so bad that theyd give up on me. Just so theyd think

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What was with this chick?What mental condition?

    I was watching a documentary on tv one night, but fell asleep during the middle and now I can't remember exactly what happened. There was a girl and she would only dress in white. She was in a mental hospital. What mental condition or illness would make her need to dress in all white?

    I am mega frikin curious!

    Much Love.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Electives for Ninth Grade! AAAAHHHH?

    Okay, so I'm going into the ninth grade and I am trying to fill this paper out about which electives I want to take..

    We have this OOBERLY ANNOYING things called Career Clusters. My career cluster is Human Services because I want to be a psychologist and I have to try to find electives that would help me out. I was given a book with all of the ninth grade electives...And I want to know---

    What is Human Growth and Development?

    What is Health Science Technology 1?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Ever find yourself randomly imagining you daeth?

    Im a generally happy person and these thoughts are mostly not suicidal.

    One consists of me getting chased out by unidentified animals and being ripped to sheds.

    One consists of me sinking on a ship.

    Others are me in a plane crash. Me being murdred. Me being skinned alive. Me being burned alive. Me getting shot, stabbed.

    The few suicidal onces: Pill popping and spazzing out and having a seizure on stage while singing in the talent show. Or me shooting myself in the head with a shotgun like Kurt Cobain.

    My point is: Do you ever do this? Is it normal?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Friends and Religion Dont Mix.?

    My friend Ashley is a die hard Christian. She believes every word the Bible says with all of her heart. We discuss all the huge issues. Abortion, President Bush, Gas Prices, Gay Marriage. We have opinions that are different in some cases but similar enough so that we don't actually get into a fight. Just small debates.

    Lately, religion became another one of those topics we discussed. As I said, she is a die hard Christian and when I told her that I wasn't sure if I was Christian, or even if I believed in God then she God a little uneasy.

    Right at this very moment, I told her I found a great religion that wasnt Christianity but still had Jesus Christ. I told her it was called Deism and sent her a few of the key points. She started acting weird like I was horrible or something.

    I said "You have to admit it has a good few points." and she said

    "Yeah, a FEW is the key word!"

    She has been doing this the whole time we have been discussing religion. Every time

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Confusion with Diesm?

    I have been really confused by religion for the past, say.., three months. No religion seemed to please me. For the past month, my confusion had grew so strong that even a God, of any kind, from any religion, seemed impossible. I was beginning to research Athiesm and Darwinism until tonight...

    I found Diesm. Diesm teaches that we can intertwine reason and belief to make a better society. God is definately part of the religion. It says that the Bible, which in some cases, puts God off as an evil "character", is made by man. It says that Active people can recreate society so that it will be a better, religious, society. It is also more in touch with nature and philosophy. --or at least that was my take on the whole situation.

    Later on, after I'd been reading on the website for about forty five minutes I came across this passage in "Demans of Deism."

    " Once we do this by re-educating their rank and file, as well as by bring in the millons of people who beleive in God but

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Addiction to Depression.?

    If your answer was going to have anything to do with me wanting attention then please go away!!

    Okay, so, I am addicted to the remorseful, guilty, sad feeling you get sometimes. I am addicted to having that hole in your stomach where you know something else should be. I love to feel sad and I dont share this with anyone else really. I lie and say that I feel fine and they believe me. I love being sad. I am happy when I am sad(if that makes sense!) I am not attention starved(i get to much attention!) So will someone who actually has an idea please tell me whats wrong with me!!

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Kurt Cobains religious beliefs?

    If you dont know who Kurt Cobain is--just click the back button and back away from the question! If you know him well if enough to know a little about his background--and obviously know that he is the late lead singer of Nirvana--then answer this:

    What were Kurt Cobains religious beliefs. I thought he was an athiest but have now noticed he has made a lot of references to God and other things...So..what the freak was he?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago