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1991 mitsubishi 3000gt?
i have a 1991 mitsubishi 3000gt and i was thinking of puting a performance chipp into it does anyone have any knowledge about these? do they even work? thanks in advance
2 AnswersMitsubishi10 years agowhat are some slow slipknot songs?
so what are some slower slipknot songs i know theres a few but not much so what are they? thanks maggots
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoso im 17 and my girlfriends 15..?
my girlfriends 15 shes turning 16 in august and im turning 18 in october do you think its too much of an age difference cause its kinda bothering me i mean she doesnt look 15 or act 15 so its not like its more of a morals kinda thing you know? answers please. honest answers are much apreciated
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow to tatto myself from household products?
from housedold products likei just wanna do a reall small one thanks alot and if your reply is gona be " dont do it " go to a proffesional" its nnot a good idea" dont reply at all
8 AnswersTattoos1 decade agoSo i can suck my own?
so im one of the few who an autofelliato and i figured out i could most likely f**k a girl and lick her clit at the same time. so do you think i should try this next time i have sex? like would this be pleasurable for her?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoso i can suck my own?
and im wondering if theres any good sexual positions STRAIGHT positions i could do. like i found out i could f**k a girl and eat her out at the same time. so thanks to any furthers ideas and stuff.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoso im gauging my ears and?
so i have 8s in right now they been in for a couple days but they didnt even hurt when they went in. so my question is how bad would it be to my ears if i put 6s in tommorrow and 4s in monday?
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoso does every guy precum?
like does every guy produce precum before the actual "load"? thanks for future answer
10 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoanyone know this song?
ok i was listening to pirate radio and this song came on about a 2 foot tall patrick swayze living under somones be and the whole song the guy keeps singing about what this little patrick swayze does one of the lines are " patrick swayze living under my bed" . sorry i dont rember alot of lines but if you guys know this song it would be awsomee. thanks
3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agojudging by my profile pic?
would you say im attractive be honest? if im fugly ssay im fugly. i just wanna know the truth. thanks for future answers.
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade agocan i get kicked outta school for this?
so last week me my friends wore german fleck camoflage jackets only having are german flag (these are neto issued jackets and still used in germany) and they accused us of being nazis/skindheads and confinscated said jackets. so over the weekend me and my 2 other friend are plaining on shaving ours head and coming in monday weariing flight jackets and doc martens. do you think they could suspend us for this? were doing it as a "f**k you" to the schoool but were not gonna say were white power or nazis/ skin heads just the apearancce./ so again can we get in trouble for this?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agois it ilegal to bring a nazi flag?
so for my birthday one of my friends got me a nuremberg flag (eagle with a swastika in its talons) he can only bring it in school is there anyway he or i can get introuble if were caught with it? btw im in new jersey
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoso im gauging my ears and?
well right now i have tens in they been in for a couple days before tht i had 12s in they been in for a month. and they tens went right in no problem you think i could jump to 8s tommorrow?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agois my penis a good size?
its a bout 7 inches long and about 3 inches in girth is tht a good size? like should i worry about being small?
3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agohow can 1 dye my bangs electric blue?
how can i dye my bangs blue like semi-permanetly? and what products are needed? thanks million.
3 AnswersHair1 decade agoBORED, what do you do when your bored?
what are some good entertaining things to do when your bored. like simple things? thanks for future answers
13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agohow do you add a profile pic for yahoo?
i wanna add i pic for my yahoo answers profile and iim confused on how to do tht. lol
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade agowhat would you do with 250$?
so uhm my birthday is coming up and i have a 250$ budget on a gift to get from my one relative and idk what to get and dont say save it or anything like tht. keep in mind i have the new ipod touch and i have a pretty decent cell phone and i dont need drugs. What should i get oh im a 17 yr old male so keep tht in mind. thanks.
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoshort or long pubes on a guy?
so i was wondering do girls prefer short or long or no pubes on a guy. i alway keep it clean down their but does it matter? like am i wasting my time shaving?
7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agodo instant drug tests?
ok so im doing a school project and i need to know for one of my arguments. Can instant drug tests tell if its a male or females urine? thanks in advance this will help me get an A!
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago