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Lv 2878 points

arun gautam

Favorite Answers22%
  • i am sex obsessed?

    I always think of having sex with different partners, when i look at a women i am thinking what kind of pose should i take to sex her and always think of getting her naked. my thinking is getting deteriorated i guess. what should i do to avoid it

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to understand payment bands for government indian jobs?

    pay band-2 (Rs.9300-34800) plus Rs 4200/- as grade pay. How much will i get and how will increase in pay will go on? I appreciate your help.

    3 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit10 years ago
  • English sentence error finding.?

    1.If he is a millionaire he would help the millennium project.

    2.The Prime minister along with his Cabinet colleagues have been welcomed by the Chief Minister at a formal ceremony.

    3. The political candidate talked as if she has already been elected to the presidency.

    5.The way to increase the production of the food is to bring more land under cultivation.

    6.The girls watched intently as the model applied her make-up with a practiced hand.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • why some people are so mo th er fu ck er.?

    why they want themselves to be a bone of contention. Why do they write fu ck things when i am asking a reasonable question. why why why......

    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago
  • House painting? what type of color i should use?

    My room is painted with a very low-cost type of paint made from slaked lime, now i want my room to be painted in with a high cost and good coloring style paint but the problem is what type of color i must apply that it attached to whitewash. Which type of paint will firmly attach upon a slaked lime painted wall and also give a pleasant look?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • Do some ladies 40+ likes younger guys?

    Okay, one day i was travelling in a bus from one city to another city, and bus was bit crowded. I was sitting in middle seats which was attached with another seat and it was preoccupied by a specific lady and her age could be between 37 and 43. She was a good looking lady and had a smiley face, so i started talking to her about day today life for a while and then i started looking out of window admiring surrounding area. Soon i got a nap and was dreaming something, in dream i was feeling something odd as something is touching my private parts so i just woke up and saw that lady really pushing my *****. At first i got terrified, and gave a negative indication to lady so she stop doing that, and i again started looking out of window and was thinking about this act, soon i got a erection of thinking about it which was not hidden from the lady, and it made her to touch my private parts again. I was so embarrassed as she was a lady and i never had such experience before with a women of that age, yet i was enjoying it. We talked nothing meanwhile and she slowly slowly muterbated me, though her hands were not touching my row materiel still i felt my thing just vomited its juice in underwear itself. She was expecting me to touch her parts but i was bit shying as it was a bus and what if someone saw me doing that and i kept my hand where they belong. Soon my destination came and i delighted bus and took my way without waving bye to her.

    From that time i am keep on thinking if 40+ ladies also want sex, and why do they?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What does "due to go" mean, only English people please.?

    1.This lady I am due to go out with could be hard work.

    2.His transfer orders have been given to him over a month ago and he was due to go on Friday

    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago
  • Find the error in sentence, correct it, ENGLISH GRAMMAR?

    1: He reassured to his boss that he had no plans to leave the company.

    2: The company reports that he demand for their computers are growing everyday.

    3: When I saw the dress, I knew it was exactly What I had looked for.

    4: I promise I call you as soon as I get home.

    5: I am afraid I did a mistake in the calculation.

    6: The number of applications has risen this year by as many as 50%.

    7: I was driving under the bridge, as a football hit my window.

    8: If I know what you wanted I would help you.

    9. No source of energy is so cheap as solar energy in the present age of energy crisis.

    10: Last year she was married with a businessman in Australia.

    11: The students could not understand why the teacher was angry upon them.

    12: This book is quite different than the previous one.

    13: That day when they brought her back for the last time, there was many old-timers who were shocked and fearful.

    14: Though the project is in its infancy, it is a progress by the day.

    15: Robert told me his name after he left.

    16: Opportunities like these are not offered on everyday.

    17: I am completed a course in Spanish.

    18: The briefing will be held between 2 PM to 3 PM.

    19. He is empowered to act independently in routine matters.

    20. Unless you do not meet all the requirements your application will be rejected.

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Find the error in sentence, correct it, ENGLISH GRAMMAR?

    1: He reassured to his boss that he had no plans to leave the company.

    2: The company reports that he demand for their computers are growing everyday.

    3: When I saw the dress, I knew it was exactly What I had looked for.

    4: I promise I call you as soon as I get home.

    5: I am afraid I did a mistake in the calculation.

    6: The number of applications has risen this year by as many as 50%.

    7: I was driving under the bridge, as a football hit my window.

    8: If I know what you wanted I would help you.

    9. No source of energy is so cheap as solar energy in the present age of energy crisis.

    10: Last year she was married with a businessman in Australia.

    11: The students could not understand why the teacher was angry upon them.

    12: This book is quite different than the previous one.

    13: That day when they brought her back for the last time, there was many old-timers who were shocked and fearful.

    14: Though the project is in its infancy, it is a progress by the day.

    15: Robert told me his name after he left.

    16: Opportunities like these are not offered on everyday.

    17: I am completed a course in Spanish.

    18: The briefing will be held between 2 PM to 3 PM.

    19. He is empowered to act independently in routine matters.

    20. Unless you do not meet all the requirements your application will be rejected.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • spot and correct the error, English grammar?

    1: Neither of them are going to attend the party on 10th October.

    2: I have not seen him since twenty years and so I cannot say with certainty whether he is alive or dead.

    3: He walked five miles which are really a great distance for a man like him who is not only old but also ill.

    5. The student requested the teacher to explain him the theory of relativity with some examples which he could understand easily.

    6: When he did not find his cook in the kitchen he asked his wife where had he gone.

    7: We are proud to announce that every one on our team has earned a good name.

    8: Either my colleague or a peon are coming home with the material today.

    9: Never I asked my Englishman how much he earned.

    10: The Vice-Chancellor of our university urged to the agitating students to shun violence and maintain peace on the campus.

    11: When her son got a job she was besides herself with joy.

    12: Here is the man whom I think committed the crime.

    13: We have studied the two specimens carefully X differs to Y in only one respect.

    14: Bread and butter is all we want.

    15. What are their reasons to say it.

    16. He took his younger sister with himself.

    17. Can you cite any precedent in support of the case?

    18. We must work very hard now to making up for the lost time.

    19: Right from his childhood he used to prefer sports than studies.


    3 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Physics question: during free fall of an object.?

    what impact will be on potential energy and kinetic energy? decrease, increase??

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • i always feel like killing someone, what should i do?

    I don't understand why i always feels like killing someone, i mean i have a strong urge to kill someone with gun, knife, wire. It started after i encountered a long mantel stress. I always busy planning murder of people, most likely those who just created just little bit of problem to me, for example- when i go to general store and want to buy some book and if shop owner is busy with somebody else i gets strong feeling of killing him and not just simple killing but a brutal killing. Last Sunday i went to my ancestral village and bought 2 guns with 30 heavy power bullets (just because i want to kill someone).

    I can not tell this mental problem to anybody because they will think i am mad or something, even to my parents as most indian youth do not reveal their own issue to parents.

    should i do YOGA to diminish my problem, but i doubt if youga could heal such problem.

    If you are feeling this way then please answer and tell me how you controlled your emotions.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • My friend (setansingh) gets home early from work and hears strange noises coming from the bedroom.?

    He rushes upstairs to find his wife naked on the bed, sweating and panting.

    "What's up?" he says.

    "I m having a heart attack," cries the woman.

    He rushes downstairs to grab the phone, but just as he s dialing, his 4-year-old son comes up and says, "Daddy! Daddy! Uncle Balvinder is hiding in your closet and he's got no clothes on!"

    Our setansingh slams the phone down and storms upstairs into the bedroom, past his screaming wife, and rips open the wardrobe door. Sure enough, there is his brother, totally naked, covering on the closet floor.

    "You bastard," says Setansingh, "my wife is having a heart attack and you're running around naked scaring the kids!"

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • What is possible meaning of certain word here (english only)?

    "Should not bear traces of previous acute or chronic disease pointing to any impaired constitution". what is "impaired constitution" here,

    i mean i trying to find out something but because i dont understand a specific meaning of "impaired constitution". could you please help me with this...thank you in advance

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • what does it mean, what will be possible reflection of it, and to what it refers?

    Should not bear traces of previous acute or chronic disease pointing to any impaired constitution,

    here what "impaired constitution" reflects, what does it really mean by it?

    1 AnswerPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • how many of you ever experienced any thing unusual like ghost and soul?

    please do not lie, you are swear of your mom your dad, your god your most loved one.

    i experience something very unusual when i was in college and going to my brother's rented house who used to live near railway track, i almost everyday went there to watch movie or having marijuana, but in night as i have to attend college. one night when i was going to him i sow a girl standing in middle of the road and was facing me from her back, so as of curiosity i went to her, and asked what is the issue and she just replied nothing, so i again repeated my words and then she suddenly turned her face to me and i was like "could speak nothing. i felt like i saw i heavy flash of light that poured into me and i felt like cold of Antarctica but i could not see her face due to that high light coming out of her face or somewhere else, as for me i suddenly ran towards my brother's room and explained them whatever happend to me while coming to him. so they were all like me no fear, and went back to inquire the situation along me. i requested him not to go again as i was totally socked to fear and sudden temperature fall but they did not listen to me and went back, but we found nothing. next day we again inquired about this thing to the local people who where living near that site, so one barber told us that we were not alone who ever felt such unusual situation, i mean there were a lot of people who seen that ghost and that ghost was responsible for many road accidents.

    this is a real incident happen to me ..and my real time ghost experience.

    If something same came across to you then please let me know.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • "A friend in need can be a real pest"?

    What this sentence reflects, what does it mean. please give confine answers ..Thank you in advance

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago