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  • Wow, did you see the Dow crash again today? Do you find it interesting that?

    Don´t you find it interesting how as Obama goes up in the polls, the Dow goes down. Is the market telling us something?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • ¨"America has been raping people of color for generations?"?

    Words from the Priest. Don´t these people know better? This rhetoric from the pulpit is not going to win an election for Obama.

    The pulpit is sacred, why do these people destroy it? Religion is meant to raise people up, not destroy a country.

    Obama needs to make a powerful statement, again, and denounce this church once and for all, your thoughts?

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does Obama´s Church keep embarrassing him?

    Did you see the Priest in his tangent, then all the people in the back ground cheering? This Priest has been a friend to Obama for over 20 years (CNN). How do you defend that?

    Is this how Obama deals with radicals? A do nothing attitude? He doesn´t seem angered by this, but rather complacent.

    Remember, this may not be the way Obama really feels, but the perception, will be on people´s mind when they go to vote.

    YOur thoughts?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • California Housing Market?

    I am moving to SoCal. But I am wondering if the housing market is close to a bottom? I don't want to buy a property when it has more to drop. I think our economy will avoid a deep recession, so I am wondering if now is the time to buy?

    I tend to be a contrarian, buy when everyone else is selling. For all the locals, how negative is the sentiment on housing? Has it reached an all time peak? Or are people starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel? Thanks for your input!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • If McCain wins the nomination, do you think the right wing will stay home and pout?

    What about the Rush Lambaugh's, Sean Hannity's, Bill OReily's and their legions of followers going to do?? If you are in the right wing of the party, will you stay home and NOT vote for a Republican because you think he is too liberal and lose the general election? As a conservative, I will be voting for McCain or any Republican who gets the nominee. Your thoughts?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What are you thoughts about this? Some say it isn't about race or skin color, but about upholding the law....

    Then explain to me why ICE went into this town in Georgia and targeted these innocent Americans and legal citizens, because of their brown skin color?

    "Nov. 1, 2006 -- Federal immigration agents conducted illegal searches and relied on racial and ethnic profiling while carrying out a massive series of raids that terrorized residents of several towns in southeast Georgia in early September, according to a federal lawsuit filed today by the Southern Poverty Law Center."

    Read the rest of the article here:

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Anyone familar with Realty Trac?

    I have found some outstanding deals on forclosed bank owned real estate, on there website, but I don't know if the info is old....It offers a 7 day free trail, but I honestly don't want to give out my credit card #......Are they worth joining or just a scam? thanks

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Homeowners insurance question??

    I was wondering how an adjuster determines what caused the damage to a roof ?

    We had a freak rain storm and it caused my roof to leak considerbly, causing water damage in my kitchen. I don't know the age of my roof, however, when I purchased my home, 1 year ago and it was inspected, the inspection report stated the roof was in good condition.

    An adjuster is coming to my home on Wednesday to access the damage. However, he told me it would only be covered if there was visual damage to the roof and there is not any visual damage. For example, some shingles missing, etc. Caused by hail or wind. A severe rain storm doesn't count?

    My dilema is, I feel they should pay the claim since I have never had any problems with storms before in the past. I am afraid they will say it is not covered due to the roof being older or not seeing any visual damage....

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks!

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Why do some men complain that illegals are taking their your jobs?

    When the truth is, you really don't want to work....This is for all the lazy American men out there. If your American, and you work for a living, then more power to you. This is not for you....

    But for those moaning about their situation, no excuses, this is a trend in our culture, what do you have to say?

    Leave those alone who wish to work for a living, heaven knows, someone has to pick up the slack....

    But for you slackers crying about no jobs or illegals taking your jobs, get off your lazy butt and get to work already!

    Read the article for yourself:

    26 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Homeowners insurance question?

    We have been having a lot of rain here, more than usual....A few nights ago, it poured for hours, and my roof, which had never had problems in the past, had a leak and water got into my house and ruined my ceiling in the kitchen.....Any ideas if this would covered under home owners? Why or why not? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't Jesus be considered a liberal, by today's standards?????

    The biographies of Jesus depict him repeatedly reaching out to those at the bottom of the social pyramid--poor people, women, Samaritans, lepers, children, prostitutes and tax collectors.

    He was an advocate for the poor and oppressed, in his time....He said, the poor would inherit the earth one day....

    He also 'hung out' with the dregs/sinner's of society, not to participate with their lifestyle's, but to bring them hope and forgiveness....

    Also, Jesus was a strong advocate for women....He was truly concerned about the horrible treatment of women during his time...Wouldn't you say He was the first woman's libber? He forgave the adulterous woman at the well.

    And rebuked those who wanted to stone a prositute.......

    Jesus, was himself, homeless.....It is no wonder he associated with the disadvantaged and underprivileged.

    What are your thoughts? Was Jesus a liberal?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did anyone read that article on "The happiest place on Earth"?

    "THE tiny South Pacific Ocean archipelago of Vanuatu is the happiest country on Earth, according to a study measuring people's wellbeing and their impact on the environment. People are generally happy here because they are very satisfied with very little. This is not a consumer-driven society. Life here is about community and family and goodwill . . . It's a place where you don't worry too much. The only things we fear are cyclones or earthquakes." - AFP

    I find that very interesting since I thought most would find US being one of the happiest places on Earth, at least we seem to think so here. We ranked 150, out of 178 countries surveyed! Thats very low!

    Just goes to show that progress, technology and money don't assure happiness!

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Any 'cat whisperers' out there??? Help!?

    I have a female cat and she is definately an out door cat. She refuses to stay indoors. I am moving to another home and I am taking her with me. I am afraid when I move there and if she gets out she might freak out and get lost or run away...Should I force her to stay indoors and for how long? Any suggestions?

    18 AnswersCats2 decades ago
  • This is for all the pinheads out there that insist our country is wasting tax dollars?

    on illegals and all the problems they bring with them...Why dont you talk about the 40 billion spend on the Pentagon alone. Over half the budget $399 billion goes to the Department of Defense and various "defense" spending. Look at how wonderful a job we have done with those funds! Have we caught Bin Laden, the greatest crimminal in this country's history? Hell NO! Where is the cries there for justice!? Instead we go to Iraq, where by the way we were NOT welcomed and talk about an illegal invasion, and propose to assume we know whats best for them. Give me a break! Its sheer hypocrisy on the part of those who are concerned about all the tax $$$ that are being spend on illegals, you people need to get your heads out of the sand and see who the real enemy is, our government!

    21 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Are all laws enforceable? Do all laws make sense???

    Why do we have some laws which we can't enforce.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 decades ago
  • I need help, how do you clean grout? I have tile throughout my house and the grout was orginally a lite?

    cream color. Over the years it has turn a dark ugly gray. I mop and clean it regularly. I have tried bleach, but that doesnt remove it? Any suggests other than getting on my hands and knees and scrubbing each section, I have done that and it takes forever? Thanks!

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 decades ago
  • How secure do you think the borders really are? Do you think our govt. is doing its job?

    securing the borders or do you feel they need improvement. And if so, why do you think the borders aren't really secure and what do you think the govt.'s reasons for this is? What could possibly be the reason?

    Do you feel the govt.will eventually want to have an open border policy with the America's, like what happen in Europe with the EU? I personally feel that is where this govt. is going. An open border policy and keep in mind the Europeans NEVER imagined it would happen to them! This is a question we must really look hard at, that our govt. would do such a thing and that the Americans would approve of something like this. I honestly see this happening in 20 years....Thanks in advance!

    14 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Can someone please explain to me why living on the border here I don't see any of what the proponents of anti

    illegals claims about what illegals are doing to this society? I live on a meduim size border city here in Texas. We have a very safe and peaceful community here. Property values are good, there is no job shortages, in fact we need workers. We have a relatively good public school system. We don't have a drug abuse problem. We have one of the safest cities in Texas, our sister city which is 20 miles from here was rated 10th safest city in the country. I am not saying I live in perfect city by any means. But to say it is a bad place to live because of illegals is NOT true. About 10 years ago, abuse was going on with social services and illegals taking advantages of the system. That changed fast, the govt. made it much stricter to get benefits. Honestly, what I see is, they come here and work for cheap labor, yard work, cleaning homes, contruction work, etc. They don't bother anyone here. I can walk in most neighborhoods at night and not worry about my safety. Any comments?

    17 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Why do the same individuals keep posting the most outrageous questions on how to solve the illegal immigration

    problem? They keep asking the same tired questions, which they find in right wing propaganda publications They incite hate and misinformation and have no substance to there claims. Can someone please explain to me why yahoo does nothing about these Neo Nazi's? Surely they dont represent America, please tell me they don't. I guess I live in a bubble, because I dont hear that here on living on the border. Any non racist out there please give me some hope...thanks!

    16 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago