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If people would mind their own buisness, maybe we could all get along.
If I sold a house and owner financed the home is their monthly payment.....?
considered income? Or is just the interest they pay considered income? Thanks
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years agoJason Chaffetz proposed to “return to private ownership” 5 million acres of federal land in the West.?
First published Oct 29 2011 09:25AM
Updated Oct 30, 2011 12:07AM
Last week, Congressman Jason Chaffetz proposed to “return to private ownership” 5 million acres of federal land in the West.
The word “return” caught my attention. Before the United States owned Utah’s land, it was the property of Mexico, which had inherited it from Spain, which had been deeded the area by the Pope in Rome, who (I’m sure this was an oversight) failed to consult the actual inhabitants with actual moccasins on the ground.
The Mormon pioneers arrived here as squatters, first on Mexican, then on American, soil. Land apportioned by Brigham Young and the LDS Church to the early pioneers was only reconciled to federal law in 1869, when Congress established a land office in Utah to sort things out.
Federal ownership of large portions of the state was later enshrined in the Utah Constitution, probably as a condition of statehood.
So the federal land that Chaffetz hopes to “return” to private ownership hasn’t been in private hands for centuries — unless he’s thinking of the original inhabitants who had, at best, a hazy notion of private property.
No one in Congress is seriously thinking about giving away anything these days. But I thought I would do an historical title search anyway, just to see if it was possible to unearth the original owners.
Who were the real discoverers and original American pioneers? There had to have been a paleo-Columbus discoverer and a proto-Brigham Young who led his tribe to settle in Utah. Of course, without written records we’ll never know these particular stories. But tools and the remains of meals can tell us where and when people were, even if they can’t say what the person munching on mammoth looked liked.
A site in Texas has yielded 15,000-year-old stone tools. Recent research on a 14,000-year-old mammoth from Washington state confirmed that the animal had been pierced by a human-crafted spear point.. So who exactly is he proposing to return this land to?
2 AnswersGovernment10 years agoBankerfox.A, how did get rid of it when I cant get online?
Okay so yeaterday I was on Facebook watching a youtube video posted on my wall. All of a sudden all of these pop ups came up on my computer telling me I had BANKERFOX.A virus.
My malwarebites Antivirus software scan shows no threats when ran the scan.
I can't open internet (neither IE or Chrome will open) All the sites I've gone to (on this library computer) have told me to run task manager, run a virus scan, etc. Which, as I've explained is not possible for me as I HAVE NO internet I can not open ANYTHING at all!
I read somewhere that Bankerfox is part of a rouge spyware scam trying to bully me into buying fake spyware protection. Also, I noticed in my programs I have a new program I am unable to uninstall titled aa with an icon that looks like a teacup with steam comming out off it? HELP PLEASE!
3 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoDoes anyone have the link to the news that was on yahoos homepage about Obama sending millions to Afghanistan?
For an embassy? Thanks
1 AnswerGovernment1 decade agoI need help with transitive and intransitive verbs?
First a place considered an object?
It compromises England,Scotland, and Wales.
Compromises is the verb, so are the places an object? or is this intransitive?
Correct my work.
1. Most of that island is occupied by Republic of Ireland. occupied is the verb, Is Republic of Ireland the object?.....Urgg, I so don't get this...
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoRedfoot tortoise hasn't ate since Sunday.....Almost 5 days.?
We brought him home from petco Sunday and he ate a apricot and some dandelions, and I keep offering him a variety of different things in small portions but he's not eating. He seems healthy and alert and is quite active. So my question is, is it normal for them to go that long without eating?
2 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoHow do I get gifts on frontierville?
As much detail as possible, THANKS!
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoRV fridge was working fine, I had it connected to electricity, the power went out and since then I...?
can not get the fridge to work at all on electricity or propane. Any ideas? Thanks!
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI think it is an Adam Sandler movie where he is stuck in a can not get out off?
at the end he is in a boat .....
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoIs there a book that has similar events to the Green Grass Of Wyoming? By Mary O'Hara?
Could you compare the two books with some examples please? Thank you for any info.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoHow will you feel if Obama grants amnesty to 20 million plus poor illegal immigrants that will qualify for?
subsidize health care? Anyone with common sense can see that is where this is going. He is going to need those votes.
20 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoYawn... Who else is tired of questions regarding or bashing both parties?
It seems like most answerers have no idea about history or politics, but seem to have all the answers after listening to the news? WOW, Your thoughts?
15 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHelp, what to do, I keep getting this popup?
Warning! Visiting this site may harm your computer!
This web site probably contains malicious software program, which can cause damage to your computer or perform actions without your permission. Your computer may be infected after visiting such web site.
We recommend you to install (or activate) antivirus security software.
I do realize that visiting this site can cause harm to my computer.
7 AnswersSecurity1 decade agobest free antispyware programs? The only security I have on my computer is AVG antivirus....?
What else should I have? Thanks!
8 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoHave illegal immigrants thought about loosing their jobs in the case there is an amnesty?
I mean they are getting jobs here because employers can pay them less, so there would be no point in hiring them if they became legal citizens? Is that correct? Do you think illegals have thought about that? More illegals would just come to fill those jobs like the last time amnesty was passed. But now there are less jobs, Unemployment rate at 8.9% shows Obama's "stimulus" has failed.
6 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoI notice in the past few months alot more people are talking about NWO....?
most seem genuinely worried.What facts do you personally see that this is not a conspiracy, how long do you think it will be before there is no more doubt for the sheeple, and what are you doing to prepare? I can not even buy ammo in my town anymore? Just curious, thanks.
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoAs a junior in High school which math should I enroll in, Accounting I or?
geometry? They offer a computer programming I class to, but I think that is a college credit, I did not do so well in algebra. Thanks for any advise.
9 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoCan anyone help me rewrite this paragraph from Fellowship Of the Ring?
1) Re-tell the paragraph as if you were writing it for a kindergarten age child. Use short sentences and simple words.
2) Re-tell it in very formal language - maybe like an older, dignified college professor lecturing. Use more difficult vocabulary and longer, more complex sentences.
3)Re-tell it as if you were a teen who liked using slang, talking to your (very cool) friends.
The Fellowship flees to the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm, a narrow span across an abyss and the last obstacle before the main gate.
As the party runs across, Gandalf turns to face a new terror that approaches: a Balrog. It is a dreadful spirit of shadow and flame,
Durin’s Bane, the evil that caused the downfall of Moria. Gandalf holds off the Balrog, and then collapses the bridge to hurl it into
the depths. Just as he turns away, the Balrog’s flaming whip uncurls and pulls Gandalf down, as well. Weeping, the remainder of the
Fellowship flees, escaping from the mines into the light of early afternoon.
Thank You! Help with any of the three would be great.
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago