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  • Why is my male cat agressive towards female humans?

    I have a 2 year old neutered male cat that is really agressive towards me and any other human female he comes into contact with. He is fine with my boyfriend and my boyfriends male friends. But any female that comes in he gets really agressive if they are in the house more then 5 to 10 minutes. He attacks me daily, has attacked me numerous times in my sleep. If I walk away he just comes after me. He's not a clawer, but really bites and it even seems he's sprayed a few times while doing it.

    He's not really been around any female animals so I don't know if his behaviour is limited to females of the human variety. Any ideas or suggestions?

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • What would the long term effects of a poisonous spider bite?

    In 2009 I was on base in Kandahar, Afghanistan and was bitten by a spider. A friend of mine saw the spider crawling on me, it had apparently climbed up the back of my camp chair and down my hair onto my face. I swatted at it and it bit me on the right side of my forehead. I screamed and my friend looked over, panicked and swatted it off of me. It hit the ground and took off running. We could not get it to kill it as we were told to do when bitten by anything potentially poisonous.

    We started out to find someone with a vehicle to take me to the hospital. About 5-10 minutes later I felt the side of my face start to go numb from the bite area radiating downwards and outwards. I remember not feeling well but can not remember the exact symptoms beyond the numbness initially.

    At the hospital they gave me fluids and I'm really not sure what else. They watched me but said that since they did not know what bit me (even said it might not have been a spider even though we saw it) they would have to watch for symptoms before they could do much, but I don't think they gave me anything really.

    For a few weeks I was really sick, sleeping all the time, throwing up, dizzy, hot spells and was taken back a few times for more IV fluids. There was never any discoloration or anything around the spot other then the initial redness.

    Eventually I passed out one day from the dizzy spells and was sent back to Canada. It's now 4 years later (this was May/June '09) and I have been experiencing a joint and muscle pain since I came back (I had joint but no muscle pain before hand but the joint pain was even worse), I have been getting sick a lot more, colds, fevers, etc.

    Lately I having issues hearing, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, bruising easily, pain in my muscles and joints and muscle weakness and my joints are tender to the touch, among other things.

    My doctor mentioned fibromyalgia and post traumatic stress but said he wanted to send me to an internist to check out other things as well. He was concerned about the spider bite and said sometimes things like that especially left untreated can linger for years or even lay dormant and come back.

    Does anyone know if that is possible and what some of the long term effects of spider bites could be? There are Hobo spiders, recluses, black widows and some non or semi poisonous spiders there I believe. I am so terrified of spiders I can't even look it up cause the pictures send me running.

    3 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • How much is my Wii, Wii Fit plus and balance board worth?

    I have a Wii console, Balance Board, Wii Fit Plus, Super Mario Bros for Wii, Wii Sports, 2 controllers (missing battery covers), 2 wheels, 1 nunchuck, 1 classic controller. Wii console has an emulator installed with about 15 (NES & SNES) games. I am looking to sell it or trade it for something but have no idea how much it is worth. It is about 1-2 years old and in good condition. How much would this be worth in CAD?

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii8 years ago
  • Do I need to charge tax on reseller hosting and when?

    I live in Nova Scotia and have a reseller hosting account. I am not sure if and when I would need to charge tax and if I need to be registered with the CRA. I could be selling to anyone anywhere in the world. How do I figure that out? And how to do I set it up in a pay pal account as I only seem to be able to set one tax %.

    1 AnswerCanada8 years ago
  • Can a bankruptcy trustee take a cash settlement from a car accident?

    If someone backs into your car and you choose to take a cash settlement for the damages and not get the car fixed can a bankruptcy trustee then take that money to cover the bankruptcy amount owing? And if so and if the settlement is more then the amount owing do they have to give you back the rest of it? Should a layer be contacted?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • How can you tell which processor is better when buying a computer?

    I am helping my parents purchase a new laptop or desktop computer (more likely a laptop), it will be used for my brother who is taking his GED (Grade 10/11/12) and also as a family computer for surfing the internet and playing so games. One of the newer games says he needs a AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better or a Intel Core 2 Duo 2.00GHz or better. My question is when I am looking at computers online at and other places how can I tell which computers are have at least those specs. Is there somewhere that ranks current processors (both AMD and Intel) by performance?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Black screen after installing 512 MB RAM?

    My parents have a HP DC7100 CMT that has 2x256 RAM. I wanted to install another 512MB to make it a gig. I checked online and it says it is compatible with 512 DDR PC3200 64x64 which I had in another tower not being used. I installed it and confirmed it is in their secure. The computer goes to a black screen that says 1024mb in the top left and bottom right has options of F9 Boot Menu, F10 Setup and F12 Network Service Boot. The keyboard does not seem to be recognised... any ideas what's happening?

    4 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • What could this be? Extreme vertigo, headache, nausea and other things...?

    I am having some really annoying and unsettling symptoms and am wondering what they could be caused by.

    Basically I have been suffering from extreme vertigo which is almost 24/7 when I am awake. This has been happening for about 11 days now. And can get worse in "waves" but never seems to 100% go away. Sitting still or lying down in one position seems to help but it returns again when I move my head.

    Along with the vertigo I have also had what I thought at first was a sinus headache (pressure and pain in my forehead, behind my eyes and cheekbone areas) but does not respond to Tylenol or Advil cold and sinus or even just regular Advil or Tylenol. I have a hard time focusing on things sometimes after the "spinning" sensation lessons.

    I am experiencing pain and pressure in both ears, though mainly on the right side. My doctor says I have fluid in my ear on the left side. As well as ringing and roaring (not at the same time) on my right side. The ringing/roaring will last a few seconds to a few minutes.

    I am constantly off balance. I have fallen 3 times since Wednesday last week (March 6). I have had almost constant nausea that gets worse as the headache and vertigo/dizziness gets worse and for 2-3 days (about middle to end of last week) I was throwing up a lot. I was able to keep myself mostly hydrated. But it is just not going away.

    I have had this at least once before about 2 months ago and it lasted about 5-7 days in the worst part of it between then an now I have never completely gotten rid of it.

    My family doctor is on vacation this time so I went to see another doctor in his office that has access to all my files. He looked through it and was concerned that it has happened before. He said it could be BPPV but never really committed to that. He said it sounds like it. And told me to contact the Atlantic Balance and Dizziness Center saying they should be able to clear it up. I have an appointment but it is expensive and my insurance only covers some of it. And I am not sure that they can diagnose or only treat the symptoms themselves.

    I am concerned about it being something more then this and am wondering if it does sound like BPPV or like some other type of inner ear issue? My family doctor was going more in the direction of a stomach issue but that would not cause vertigo... What can I tell him or mention to him when he comes back to get him looking in the right direction?

    In the mean time the on call doctor from my family doctors office has put me off work for 14-30 days asking me to check back with my family doctor when he returns. He did not want to commit to a time frame more then that as he did not seem to know what was wrong with me and just wanted to get me started.

    Any suggestions, or does anyone have a similar story that have a diagnosis?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Easiest (and cheapest) way to convert multiple .mp4s to .avi?

    I have Windows Vista and Windows Media Player 11. I have a codec installed to watch .mp4s and it seems to work except I can't go back, forwards or pause it just plays all the way through showing 00:00. But I want to be able to play them through the media server in Windows Media Player 11 on my ps3 or blueray player and can't get them into the library. I read a little on it but am confused on the best way to do this (conversion or is there some other way)? If conversion is the best way to go any suggest free way to convert multiple medium to large files?

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • How to prepare a small 1/4 boneless precooked ham?

    Wondering if anyone has some good glaze recipies or ideas I can try out. It's just a small ham... What else can I make with it?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What can cause redness around half healed stitches other then an infection?

    There is no swelling, no puss, and no tenderness or soreness really. I can press right on it and it does not hurt. The redness seems to just be circular around the stitches. I am fairly certain it is not an infection. The stitches are from moles being removed on Thursday (May 10th). My stitches are to come out on Tuesday (May 22nd) so two days. I am wondering if the redness is a reaction to the stitches themselves? Allergy or irritation maybe? I am wondering if it will continue or go away or if it is even part of the scar itself? I've never had stitches before and don't know what to expect. There is 7 on my chest (cleavage area... could it be stretching?). And another 10 or so on my right side below my armpit (side brastrap area) and both are doing the same.

    2 AnswersFirst Aid9 years ago
  • Should I cover my stitches with a band aid?

    I have 3 stitches on my side that are right under my bra strap and 7 on my chest that are right at the top of my bra and under clothing. I was told to keep them dry and clean and covered the first 2 days. I got them Thursday morning. Now I am sure I can uncover them but am concerned about where they are. It was for mole removal and as they are under my bra and near where seams in my clothes and bra is they are in sensitive areas. Is it safe to keep them covered until they are removed? And if so what should I cover them with? Going with a bra is not an option for me...

    2 AnswersFirst Aid9 years ago
  • What is an acceptable rate to charge daily for babysitting one 6 year old?

    It would be going to thier home and be potentially 3 Saturdays a month. 2 at the very least. Just wondering what a good rate would be since it is only one child and I would need to commute 50 km or so to thier home.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Who is responsible for NSF fee's etc, when your company fails to pay you?

    The accounting company that does the payroll for the company I work for has failed to pay us. It is not just myself affected but our whole office. They are unsure how long it will take to sort out. In the meantime I am having automatic payments that were due to come out on my pay day (or later) bounce and getting NSF fees. I have tried to postpone them but most of them have already gone through and since the company has no estimated time on when we are getting paid and these people need specific dates I am unsure what to do. Who should be responsible for my NSF fees? Me? Or my company? Or the accountant agency? If they refuse to pay it should I fight it and how?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • Keyboard shortcusts working without hitting control in Windows 7, what could be causing this?

    My mom is typing in Microsoft Office 2003 in Windows 7 Home edition on her laptop and for some reason the keyboard shortcuts are going haywire. For instance, usually Ctrl + B makes something bold. But for her she just has to type B without hitting control. Same with Ctrl + U which is underline. Sometimes she will be typing a word with the letter "U" in it and it will underline her word or even her whole sentence without her hitting Ctrl. Sometimes her font changes in the middle of typing, or a window closes. We have checked the Ctrl key it is not stuck, the computer is brand new. Could this be a setting somewhere? What could I be missing. It is driving her nuts.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What does "writing off" debt mean? Do I still have to pay it? When will it stop affecting my credit?

    I am trying to see if I can get a debt consolidation loan or somehow get my debt under control but on my credit report it is showing a few entry's that are "written off" what exactly does that mean? Do I still owe this. And how long does it affect my credit for?

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What are the chances of getting Type 2 diabetes if you have 2 parents that are both type 2 diabetics?

    My father was diagnosed about 5-6 years ago with type 2 diabetes but they believe he had it much longer then that. And my mom was just diagnosed today. I am wondering if anyone knows roughly the % chance I would have myself of it? I know diet and exercise have a big role in controling it. But what about preventing it?

    18 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Songs downloaded on iPod not available for download in iTunes on comptuter?

    I purchased and downloaded 4 songs directly from my iPod Touch and now when I go into iTunes on my computer and go to Store >> Check for available downloads it is telling me there is nothing to download. This is the way I have always done it in the past. I am scared to sync my iPod because if it syncs and deletes the songs and I can't get them back I have to pay for them all over again. Am I doing this wrong?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago