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Hi everyone! My area of interests are as follows: Cats, Dogs, Ferrets, Freshwater Fish, and Rats. Not specifically in that order. :) I have lifelong experience with various pets. I enjoy sharing what I have learned over the 25 years as a pet parent. I am currently a freshwater fish hobbyist of 25 years and I am loving it! I am also a Pet Parent to 3 large dogs - Trevor, 14 year old Black Lab mix; Chase, 6 year old Pointer - Pit mix, and Lizzie, 4 month old Black Lab. (All Rescues!) I have recently discovered the "holistic" side of pet parenting although I have not completely evolved to an absolute holistic way of life for my pets nor myself. Although I consider myself a novice in the area of holistic pet health care I believe there are more natural alternatives available than we think. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have about the care of your domestic pets or freshwater fish. :) Have a great day!

  • fun RIDDLE for girls and women?

    When looking for a Boyfriend it is better if he has one of these. What would that be?

    Keep checking back for the answer!

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • a fun RIDDLE for girls and women?

    When looking for a Boyfriend it is better if he has one of these. What would that be?

    Keep checking back for the answer!

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Naming my newest pet addition?

    I have recently added a new member to my pet family. She is an 8 week old female Black Lab. I would like to ask what you think about these two names I have for her. The choices are - "Lizzy" and "Skye". I picture her as a full grown adult Black Lab and would like to find a name which fits her when she becomes an adult. You are welcome to share your thoughts and suggestions with naming her, too.

    PS: I am a responsible pet owner and have all my pets spayed or neutered, have regular vaccinations with regular vet check-ups. I currently have 2 other companions - "Trevor" (which is a neutered Black Lab mix of 14 years) and "Chase" (which is a neutered Pointer mix of 6 years).

    I also prefer human names but will consider other types of names too.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Selling price for used I POD Classic...?

    I would like your opinion about what this 80GB Black Ipod Classic would be worth.

    This particular Ipod classic shows wear, has scratches, and does not have any charger, earphones, or dock. What this Ipod classic DOES have is: a variety of no less than 6000 songs, 5 seasons of Family Guy - A few episodes of Comedy Central - 2 seasons of Scrubs, and 38 full length movies. What would you say this would sell for on Craigs List? Please be kind with your answers and be serious about your suggested prices. I am asking because my teenager says it s worth $75.00 or more. With the wear and tear of the ipod as well as the Ipod missing the charger, earphones, or dock I doubt it will sell for much at all. What do you think?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Problems with Yahoo and Face Book?

    Hi everyone-

    I am perplexed because I have used yahoo mail for a very long time and while I have added the "security" of a Sign-In-Seal, more often than not my seal isn't appearing, ever! Is my computer security not adequate? Also at this point I cannot get into my FB account at all. This will make the second FB account I have lost. I did go as far as following the instructions to recover my recent account but discovered a different email associated with it. Face Book had me going in circles in an attempt to gain access to my account. I have given up. It is a shame that this happens though.

    If I need to improve my security software please advise me with what security you prefer and any thing else which might be of help.

    I really appreciate your time. =o)

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Long Term Relationship of 10 years but would like more..?

    Hi everyone -

    I am a divorced woman and have been with a man 22 years my senior for a little more than 10 years. I think the world of him. I adore him. He IS the one for me. will never happen. We do not live together. We maintain separate households. It has been this way from day one and I accepted this. We see each other two nights each week, sometimes three. From time to time we spend an entire weekend together. We live 150 from each other which has worked for us since we both have family obligations, etc.

    Although I love him very much I find myself wanting to go out (occasionally) over the weekends with other people since it isn't often we have weekends together. Sure I'd like to marry one day, not right now however. I am not a party girl but I do enjoy letting my hair down from time to time. He has told me from the beginning he isn't marriage know what that means and so do I. No one knows about me, not even his business aquaintences, his son, neighbors, etc. I am unable to enjoy time with him with his friends like going on long bike rides (motorcycle) and enjoying his neighbors teenagers Birthday parties, etc. The simple things. I'd love to help out when he works on his corral and around his house but I have never been there nor will I ever, probably. It's killing me. I have asked him what I should do if for some reason something happens to him and I didn't hear from him for a full 24 hours. (We call eachother ALL the time so it's like we are together even when we aren't.) He gave me the numbers to two of his business aquaintences and said that if I ever have to to do that to say I am a concerned "friend".... I didn't like hearing that.

    The last time I talked with him about my feelings about wanting to go out occassionally he said he was very hurt that I would even consider mentioning anything like that. Yes our relationship is quite different. It hasn't been until this last year I have been having these feelings. Advice please.

    Please no rude comments - I know all of those by heart now.

    Thanks for your gentle advice. =o)

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Bloated or swollen female betta..?

    I have 25 years experience with freshwater fish. I have multiple aquariums ranging in size from 85 Gallons to 10 gallons. My question is this: I acquired a female betta three weeks ago. At that time I noticed she was some-what larger than what I had observed from raising prior female betta's. Within a week I noticed her becoming quite larger. She is obviously carrying eggs as I have noticed a white spot (ovipositor) on the underside of her body. She began to show signs of "dropsy" which included more swelling to her entire body including her tail, and having the trademark "pine cone" look. For a week now I have been medicating her with Tetra Fungus Guard placing a small piece of the tablet within her small container. She has no heat or filtration since the water is very low as she was having a difficult time swimming and coming to the top of the water to breath. I added a silk plant so she can hide under or rest on it. She is now swimming better. Although her tail is not as swollen she remains large in her abdomen up to her gills however. I would like to know whether or not to continue the medicine now that her "pine cone" characteristics have diminished. I am also puzzled as to what to do now. Any helpful information is welcome. A friend of mine has a male betta in a 2 gallon habitat but I don't feel comfortable introducing her to him at this time. I would feel terrible if he became ill from my negligence.

    I appreciate your time and helpfulness. =o)

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Freshwater aquarium crayfish question -?

    I recently purchased three crayfish from a local pet store. Each are in his (or her) own tank. One is in a 30 gallon tank with small goldfish, another is in a 55 gallon tank with larger goldfish, and the other is by himself in a 10 gallon aquarium. The one in the ten gallon aquarium is growing quickly and has molted several times already. He also has a very large left claw now. He is beautiful. I would like to add that each aquarium has not one, but two filters on them. The 30 gallon set up has two filters capable of filtering two 40 gallon aquariums individually while the 55 gallon aquarium has two filters capable of filtering two 60 gallon aquariums independently. The ten gallon aquarium has the standard 10 gallon capacity filter on it. The crayfish living within the 30 gallon aquarium stays hidden 98 percent of the time. He has molted one time so far. He is still fairly small. The crayfish living within the 55 gallon aquarium "socializes" with his fish friends but does hide occasionally especially when he molts. He has molted two times so far and has obviously grown quite a bit more than the fore mentioned crayfish. Now the crayfish living within the ten gallon aquarium has molted 4 times already and has REALLY grown quickly. His left claw is really HUGE now. He is by far the largest of the three. FIRST question - are crayfish capable of living with goldfish without being harmed by the "ammonia" within the aquarium? (Remember I do have two filters on each tank both specifically designed to filter no less than 10gallons more than the actual aquarium size itself.) SECOND question - While the three crayfish I have stay underwater, do freshwater aquarium crayfish ever need to come out of the water for any reason? Can they stay IN the water without ever coming out? THIRD question - is there a "live" food I can offer the crayfish to offer them a "variety" in their diet other than the usual fish flakes, crisps, and algae wafers? I do feed them frozen blood worms from time to time which they seem to love. LAST question - does anyone know what the quick moving little things are which are located in the middle front of their body (between their claw arms)? I have noticed these little things moving like crazy when food is available. Is it something that they use to feed themselves with, perhaps? I have used "google" to find information for my specific questions but have yet to find an answer. I have also used "" only to come up empty handed as well. At this point I feel confident about the care I am giving these creatures. As I am nowhere close to being an expert with raising crayfish I would really appreciate any help you can offer at this time. I am anxious to learn more about them, especially your information which may answer my questions above.

    Thanks everyone!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Teenagers and Mothers Day?

    Hi everyone. I am a divorced woman with joint custody of three teenage sons. The boys live with their Dad in a nearby City about 70 miles away. My oldest which is 18, the second which is 16, the youngest which is 14. Their Dad has been remarried for 6 years now to my step Dad"s niece which has been around the boys since their birth. Not to sound selfish or neglected, should the boys be encouraged by their Dad to participate in Mothers Day (for me)? Should their Dad help them with a Mothers Day present as well? I don't mean that they should have to spend money on something, but just a thoughtful gesture, or something from their hearts? Just curious. Again, I would like your thoughts about this. I am in no way demanding they "prove" they love me. I love them so very much anyway. :)

    I appreciate your helpful insights with this Mothers Day delima.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Tribal designs, I would like your opinions about these pictures.?

    I see a lot of potential with my son's artful talent. My son is 17 years old and has been drawing for 10 years now. I would love to hear what you have to say about his work. I am also interested in knowing how he could make money with these drawings. A few of them would be great as tattoos, but we don't know how to introduce them to a tattoo artist or business. Several others would be really cool on the tanks of motorcycles, but again we don't know how to take the first step. Is there potential with his drawings? Is there a way he can make money for them? He has a full portfolio which includes these drawings, cartoon characters, and much much more. He placed second in regional only because the picture he drew was "too large" on the poster board. His picture was a wonderful drawing of a man in a space suit on the moon, reaching for the American Flag. He designed it in a way where the hand was practically reaching out of the picture itself. It took him only 30 minutes to completely finish that drawing - which placed second. I'll have to get that picture loaded to show you.

    His pictures are on youtube but I don't know how to get a link directly from here to there. SO if you could please log into youtube, then in the search box type in "matthewnayrb2" (without quotation marks of course!) , then locate "my original drawings". If for some reason it doesn't come up, then please type in: "matthewnayrb2 original drawings". That should do it! Help us out, ok. Please leave comments there too. :)

    Thanks for your time and help!

    12 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Question about a rescued Rhodesian Ridgeback...?

    I will try to make this as simple as possible.

    I rescued a young female RR from a busy Highway about an hour away from my home. I would say she was 9 months of age or there-abouts. It had been raining so she was very wet, cold, loaded with fleas, smelled, was thin but not starving thin, had bald spots on her elbows and buttocks which I presume would be from sleeping on hard packed ground or on concrete. I took her in and since I was visiting family at the time I took her to their local veterinarian center and they gave her a clean bill of health. When I returned home I had her vaccinated and spayed. She is now 14 months and is a beautiful girl! Although she is pure puppy energy, I have grown more and more fond of her even though she has ruined clothes, shoes, etc. from peeing on them or chewing them up. This I expected since I have been through this with my current M Pointer mix when he was a puppy. She will poop inside too. She didn't do that in the beginning and she was unwilling to come in doors at first too. Soon she began to understand that being inside was OK. Anyway, she does make a mess from either getting into the trash (again, my Pointer mix did that too when he was young) and dragging all the good stuff out or peeing on clothes, etc which happen to be on the floor. (OK, I am not a neat freak! LOL) is the part that is tough. I love my two dogs (note I just said my TWO dogs) very much. Since my BF pays the rent here (we do NOT live together!) he has noticed how much of a handful she can be and what a big mess she can make. I do have a fenced yard except the driveway is not fenced or enclosed, so she enjoys venturing out on occasion. I live within the city limits and I know that a few neighbors are probably tired of me walking around my house or into their yards retrieving her. Besides that, one neighbor has already called Animal Control because they stated she was out "all the time". :( My BF says that I should get her into a Rescue group and think about getting a smaller dog. (after all my house is quite cozy especially with two large dogs.) I would much rather see her through this as she will calm down eventually, most likely in another year and a half (when she will be 2 and a half years old.) She is a good dog and is still quite a puppy I know....but I can see the potential with her in the future too. Both dogs are well socialized with people and other dogs as we frequent a local park we really love when weather permits. She loves cats too, but is overly curious when it comes to hamsters...LOL! All my pets are well cared for regarding shots and flea/heart worm prevention. My yard is a good size for them to run about and play, but since it is so hot and humid here we don't get out and walk as much as I would like too. Is my BF correct? SHould I re-home her and consider a smaller dog? As much as I would enjoy another pet, I would feel I was replacing her and I don't like that feeling.

    I am sure she would go to a great home with acre upon acre where she could run and run and run which she would love to do, but the fact is would that be right? I give her everything I can except for the freedom to run free outside of my yard. Please be gentle with your responses. I have no immediate plans on handing her over to a Rescue at this time, but if it comes down to my BF putting his foot down with her, and since he is paying rent, I feel I would have to place her elsewhere. Anyway, gentle answers only please. My heart and mind want to do what is right by her. Is my household not good enough for her? Should I think about contacting the Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue Group? I am sad now...:(

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • on line defensive driving?

    Hi everyone,

    I recently received a speeding ticket and I can take defensive driving to keep the ticket off my record. Now which defensive driving program should I choose? I used Google to look up "Defensive Driving" and there are a lot of different ones to choose from. Some are as inexpensive as $25, while others are closer to $70 dollars. Also some offer a six hour course while others are much shorter. Do any of you have an idea on which one would be the quickest to complete? I appreciate your help!



    2 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Pet Sitting expectations...?

    I'm going to make this as short and sweet as possible.

    Pet Sitting is one of the fastest growing businesses around right now. For the past few years I have considered beginning an individually owned and operated pet sitting business myself. I have lifetime experience with pets of most kinds and I am certified in Pet First Aid and Pet CPR. I have recently signed up to take an online course specifically for Pet Sitters, too. Right now I clean homes and offices on my own and I have a very honest and reputable image. I have long time cutomers which have helped grow my business through referrals. I have great customers and I do everything I can to keep it that way. I have been in the cleaning business for four years now, without Insurance. I also Pet Sit for several of my customers too..

    Now here is the scenario: Say, you receive a professionally created Pet Sitting flyer in your mail. Since you received this through the mail you already know the sender paid for each stamp on each flyer envelope. (And we all know a book of stamps has just gone up in price again.) Ok, you are reading the flyer and especially like the presentation and information provided. The flyer offers the persons name and number along with a little background information about their current work history and pet experience. You decide to call for more information and discover the person you called is very polite, friendly, and has a great professional phone voice too. She offers all the information you inquire about. Now: Would you hire this person knowing that he or she has a great background with their current business and has great character references, is reputable, and has Pet Sitting references available, too? What would your feelings be when you discover this Pet Sitter stays a mandatory minimum of no less than 20 minutes longer per visit ( with no increase in peice) than the usual 10 minute visits by the other local Professional pet sitters which charge more and spend less time with your pets?

    I am interested in Pet Sitting because I love the interaction with pets and I especially love knowing the Pet Parents are pleased with the care I provided and their pets are happy and healthy when they return. I can promise I am more interested in the care for the pets instead of the money, not that the money is a problem, though...:)

    Now, the last question is this: Would you still feel comfortable with this Pet Sitter even though she has no Pet Sitting Insurance? Remember, I work alone and have no insurance with my cleaning business, which is growing like crazy....I now have 20 customers!

    Please no negative replies. I am interested with what your thoughts are about this topic. Thanks in advance for your time...:)

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What do you expect from a housekeeper?

    I would like your opinions about this scenario:

    You live in a cute, cozy, small 3 bedroom two-story home. Every room is small but very tidy. Let's say you are paying $65 for a basic cleaning (kitchen, den, living room, bed rooms, bathrooms). If the job was well done, meaning everything was completed to your satisfaction and specifications, would you care how long the housekeeper stayed to clean? Would it matter if she stayed 2 hours, 4 hours, or 6 hours for the same completed effect? Does it really matter to you how long she is there? Do you have an expectation for the "time" she stays to clean for what you are "paying"? In other words for $65 do you look at that as $10 an hour cleaning time, $ 20 an hour cleaning time, or does it even matter?

    I am a housekeeper and my fees are based on the size of the home - not an hourly pay. Let's say I have a $70 house to clean. One day I may be there 5 hours, another day I may be there 4 hours, yet another day I may be there 6 hours. I don't cut corners at any time and as I have extra time I will do the extra things like wipe down chair legs, etc. which contributes to a longer stay. My customers have no problem with this since I work alone and am very dependable, trustworthy, and do a fantastic job. My customers are the BEST! :)

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago