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  • I'm 16 and would like to get my medical marijuana card, can I?

    I am suffering from insomnia and depression. Lately I've been having really bad panic attacks/anxiety attacks. I have social anxiety really bad and I hate leaving the house because I am scared to. I do go out sometimes though. Marijuana helps with my anxiety and depression. I feel like I am happier and have more enthusiasm. I'm also on antidepressants. And I live in Oregon. I'm 16 on September 18th. I also know of another 16yr old in OR who has his medical card.

    Oh and don't tell me to talk to my doctor because I am going to .-.

    I just want to know if you think that i will qualify for one due to my conditions? Let me know please. Thanks 10 pts.

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Can I buy items online with PayPal without linking a Credit Card or Bank Account?

    For example, if someone transfers $200 via paypal, will I still be able to spend that money on stuff online or on Websites if they accept PayPal?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Can I download windows 7 on dell dimension 2400?

    I might buy windows 7 on my Bday, but my computer is an XP, sort of old.Will I be able to download windows 7 without any problems? Like it saying that my computer is too old or something lol? Thanks

    1 AnswerDesktops9 years ago
  • HELP!!! Will my dog be put down for biting another dog?:(?

    So I have a big dog and a little dog. The big dog is mine and the little one is my moms. After my mom got done walking the dogs with her friend, they went over to his house to get something. But apparently there was another dog at her friends house(a beagle). First the beagle was growling at her and next thing you know, my dog has the beagle in her mouth holding her by the neck. Kind of like a moot her dog would carry her pups. The beagle was bleeding really bad and I an older dog. I feel so bad for that beagle but I'm also worried that my dog might get put down if the owner of the beagle does anything. I'm so scared because my dog Zoey is my a huge part of my life and I can't imagine being without her. She has no biting history as far as I'm concerned (we found her on the side of the road 2-3yrs ago). I'm scared... Please help :(

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How old does someone have to be to receive money from Western Union.?

    My cousin in Canada wants to send me some money but I'm only 15. I don't have any ID, so could I just use the Secret Question? And how old do I have to be? Also, will they get suspicious if a minor is picking up $200 by themselves? Thanks !!! :D

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • I had a dream that God was calling me?

    Ok so last night I had a few dreams, and I'm surprised I remember almost all of them. But the one that stood out most was the dream where God was calling me. Here's the dream: I was sitting in a movie theater and watching a movie about Jesus being resurrected. Then he was being pulled up to the light to go to heaven. All of the sudden the movie became reality and I was going up to the light and God was telling me to go to heaven. I was so drawn to the light and then I started going up to heaven. Then I woke up. I remember everyone telling me not to go up to the light but of course I listened to God and went up to the light. I wasn't scared at all. What does this dream mean? I'm not really religious but I used to go to church and I pray before I go to sleep. So yeah, 10pts :)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Does my moms cat remember me? ?

    Well, we used to all live together but then we had to find our pets a temporary home. We would take visits to go and see our cats but only my cat would actually walk over and give us love when we would visit. Now we have almost all of our pets back and we just got my moms cat back last night. I wake up this morning and she comes to crawl on me for me to love on her. She's never acted this way when we used to all live together. She would usually avoid people and kids. It's been a little over a year since we all got to live together again. Is this a sign that she might remember me? She is my cats daughter.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago

    Hello, just found a baby bird less than 30mins ago. What do I feed it? I think its a Robin. He can't fly yet. A cat almost ate him and we saved him. Please tell me how I can take care of this little fella. He's cute and puffy. He's brown. Thanks!!! 10pts.

    13 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • How much money can I get for these World War II coins?

    Found these and wondering how much they're worth.



    This is what the back of the case says: To conserve valuable metals for the WWII effort during the war years of 1912 to 1945, emergency coins were minted.

    The wartime nickel is composed of 56% copper, 35% silver, and 9% manganese. Nickel, a critical war material, was entirely eliminated. The 1943 cent is minted of Zune coated steel.

    The silver nickel (1942-1945) and the steel penny (1943) released stockpiles of raw nickel and copper. In 1944 and 1945, used shell cases were melted down to make the last of the WWII coins.

    Economics9 years ago
  • Can someone die from taking 380mg of Prozac?

    I heard that 400mg or higher is a dangerous overdose. But will 380mg kill someone? I know that someone will vomit a lot and other stuff. So yeah, 10pts

    3 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • Should I "do it" with my BF yet? Pleas help!! 10pts?

    Ok so my mom finally met my bf and said it was ok that I spend the weekend there ALONE. He's a good kid, nice parents, wealthy, and he hasn't pressured me to have sex with him yet. We've been dating almost a month. I'm 15 and a VIRGIN. I know I'm young to be thinking about sex, but this boy is really special to me. He treats me good and we haven't had a fight yet. My friends say I should wait, but idk what to do. He's 16. I really think I love him, I've never felt this way and I think I should give a part of myself to him, I feel like we will be bonded after that. He's not a virgin, he's only had sex twice. What should I do?!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are some antidepressants for teens?

    I plan on telling my mother in a few days that I need anti depressants. What are some depression pills that don't increase the thought of suicide, and just make you happy?

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Do I need depression pills?

    Well, I'm only 15 and I just feel depressed all the time. It's hard to focus on my school work. I'm lonely and I just don't like people anymore. I have trouble communicating with others, such as telling them what's wrong. I've been depressed for a few years now. Its not just some stupid teen depression, or maybe it is, I don't know. Things are only getting worse for me, and this isn't just 'temporary' depression. It feels much worse. A lot has happened. I'm just lonely, not having my father around and my mom always struggling with money. I dont know what to do anymore. I hardly have any emotions anymore. I've never really told my feelings to anyone, I'm afraid my family will hate me. I don't really have any friends that I can talk to. Besides my one Bff but she just ignores me now. I don't want to be put on pills because I've heard what they do to people. I'm also scared to tell my mom how I feel, like I just wanna die. She already has enough on her hands, and the last thing she needs to worry about is if her youngest daughter will still be alive the next day. I feel so selfish for crying about my own pain because i know people have it worse. But I can't help but hurt sometimes. Also, I'm not comfortable with talking to a shrink about my feelings. I have trouble sleeping too. I've just been less tired lately. I really need help, but I'm scared to ask for it. What do I do? I honestly just want to hide it like I always do, but that's getting old. But I'm already having suicidal thoughts. Serious answers only please. And don't be rude :/

    6 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Did I break my foot?????? 10pts :(?

    This morning, I slipped on the stairs and my foot twisted (I heard a pop). It's swollen, blueish, and hurts really bad on one side. I can move it just a little but I can't put weight on it. Hurts when I walk. I told my sister(she used to study as a nurse). She gave me good advice. She said call her back in an hour after I did what she told me and it's almost been an hour! Its still swollen and hurts. I don't I ow of its sprained or broke, help :(

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Why does my kitten breathe weird when he's asleep?

    Like when he's sleeping, it sounds like he is snoring, it kinda sounds squeaky. He doesn't do it when he's awake. He's like 2 months old or so maybe younger, super fluffy and cute, but idk why he breaths like that. I positioned him a different way and he's not squeaking. He also sleeps through EVERYTHING. I will clap really loud and he doesn't care. Or I will yell and he still stays asleep. He only wakes up if I move him, and even then he sometimes will remain asleep lol. Also, is it ok if I give him regular 2% milk?

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • I got a text last night saying I won a 1000 dollar BestBuy gift card? ?

    It said I won from an entry I made last month. I did make an entry but I don't remember when. Idk if it's legit or not. It was at this URL: And it gave me a code to enter to get my gift card. I don't think it's legit. Does anyone know?

    4 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Why did I have a sexual dream about him? (serious)?

    Hello, before I tell you about this, I just wanted to say that I'm not being gross by this, I want to know what this means. So if you're not comfortable with this subject, back out now.

    Ok here's the story: I'm a virgin, and I hung out with this guy (he's my nieces friend). His name is Nick and I have no attraction to him whatsoever. He's cute, but I don't like him like that. Then last night I had a dream that we had intercourse. it's was weird because I lost my virginity to him in my dream. I've only hung out with him twice. He's a year older than me. I have only hung out with him like 3 times or so too.

    Does anyone know what this means? Does it mean that I will have intercourse soon? I've also been really hormonal lately. 10pts to best answer, thanks guys!:)

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • What happens if you change your MAC address too many times?

    I'm going to do it, for the first time to see if I get a new public IP tomorrow. Someone told me that my ISP could ban my Internet or something like that. Or I'll get disconnected if I change it too many times. Thanks 10pts :)

    3 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Some please help with these two History questions!! 10pts?

    Pkease help me. I don't get it and these are my last two questions. Thanks!

    1. What was the effect of the civil rights decisions of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren? Who was affected by these decisions?

    2. According to Thurgood Marshall, why was affirmative action necessary?

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Help with two Algebra math problems (easy)? 10pts!?

    1. Use the formula d = rt. Find t for r = 46.6 m/h and d = 456.68 m. Show your work.

    2. Express 0.578 in words

    3 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago