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Lv 610,526 points


Favorite Answers25%
  • Why have I been marked as a violator?

    A few hours ago, I was docked 10 points for supposedly violating the Yahoo answers rules. The initial question was asked, which in my personal view was unbelievable and to be honest, outlandish. I replied that the guy in question may be on something with regards to his imagination. Immediately after wards, another more outlandish question on the SAME subject, and I replied, "have you not gone to bed yet"? Now I find, after amassing near to 10,000 points, with my honest, caring and genuine answers, along with the vast amount, being chosen as best answer, now find myself subject of being reviewed and/or with the option of having my account at answers closed. Can someone please explain what I did wrong. Considering the many ridiculous questions, outlandish claims and nonsensical questions that we ALL see, day in day out, can I be considered a nasty contributor.

    Honest answers please, as I am at this time, genuinely shocked and saddened at this attack on my personality and considerate nature, and am so aghast at this action I feel like not bothering to help anyone.

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • chisel action stopped?

    I have a Heavy duty electric drill and chiseling tool. Up until yesterday it done both, however, since then it will drill but won't chisel. I have checked the grease level in the top of the machine, vai the access point and all is fine. The movement for the chiseling action seems to be moving when viewed through this grease port, but once in contact with a hard surface it just vibrates slightly, but won't chisel.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Suggestions for gifts, please.?

    My wee wife is 50 next month, and our 25th anniversary is in April. She always wanted a gold bracelet, and I have bought her one for her birthday. My children have clubbed together to buy her a gold necklace for her birthday also and her parents have bought her a pair of gold earrings.

    However; I am now stuck with what to buy my wife for our silver anniversary which is the following month. She has a good quality watch, (Gold watches are out of my financial range), but can anyone please help with suggestions as to what memento/gift I could buy her for this milestone celebration? Oh! no mention of a 'medal' for sticking with me all these years, LOL.

    5 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • Cat drinking excessively?

    Our resident cat, which lives outside the whole time, has started to drink water quite a bit. She is about 14 years old, and recently has shed her fur whilst getting a new coat. This new cost feels waxy to the touch and she is thin and bony.

    She appears unsteady on her feet when she starts walking and feeble moving about, although she seems to be eating fine.

    As I said, she is NOT a house cat, she appeared about 14 years ago and set up residence in our back garden and never left. She is not the type that loves being stroked or lifted which is why I don't want to stress her out by taking her to the vet without good reason.

    Has anyone any ideas what might be wrong.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Removing mould on plant.?

    There is a Phlox plant in the garden that within the last week has white mould on the leaves. The plant is in an area where it receives sunlight morning and afternoon where it is planted in well drained soil.

    How do I rid this mould from the plant?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • What was the original reason for half day Closing?

    Some local shops and post-offices along with the Doctors surgery still close for a half-day on a Wednesday.

    Can anyone tell me WHY this tradition started?

    9 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago