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Hyper active sex?
I have never had this problem before but all of a sudden in the middle of having sex I end up stop breathing for a few seconds start to shake really bad feeling like paralyzed for a couple mins and end up tearing up feels like a panic attack but worse what could this be?
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases6 years agohigh heel question??????
So I just bought these nice heels online and I got a 6 and a half they seem too big for me I can fit my finger in the back and when I walk I feel like my feet are gonna fall out so I got a 6 and those are way to tight so what should I do ? Return them both or go for the bigger size?
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoHow does filing for unemployment work?
I just got fired from my first job that i Worked at for two and a half years and everyone told me to file for unemployment how does that work and what do i need ?
7 AnswersUnited States8 years agoBiotin hair skin nails?
I just started taking these pills like a week or two ago and I take one a day with a meal and and my skin from my chin just started peeling and turning red like three days ago what could this be ? Do you think it would go away ?
1 AnswerHair8 years agoWhats wrong with my car?
what does it mean when ur car starts slowing down and the radio acts up than the steering wheel locks up ? And also it did like a jerking movement twice... its a 99 Honda accord..
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoUnlocked Internet tmobile?
I just got my phone back but they gave me a AT&T one so I unlocked it to be tmobile and I have the unlimited plan with Internet and I can't seem to get the Internet to work on my phone .. The wifi works but other than that it won't .. How can I get the Internet to work ?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years agoIOS 4.3 for iPod 3G question ?
All my apps on my iPod say they need an update to ios4.3 how do I get it and apparently I need to cuz none of those apps wont work like Facebook please help..
1 AnswerNintendo Wii9 years agobereavement pay walmart for aunts?
i was told if i have a death in the family im allowed to get three days off with pay .. is this true? and if so how do i go about getting the days off? by the way im just part time if that matters...
3 AnswersCorporations9 years agoDenied credit cards ? ?
How can I ever get a credit card if I keep getting denied for one ?
6 AnswersCredit9 years agoSix flags busy on labor day ? ?
Does anyone know if it's gonna be really busy on this labor day at six flags great America ?????
2 AnswersAmusement Parks9 years agoHow to fix fridge problem ? ?
My fridge stopped working it's not cooling anything anymore .... The light still works but the rest doesn't now everything is hot and defrosted ..... :/ How can I fix this problem .....????
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoSuper skinny need help ?
I eat a good amount of food everyday so i don't know why I can't gain a pound I been 95 pounds since I was 14 I'm now 22 I can't gain and I don't loss it's weird .... I also get really sick if I stay in the sun too long or do anything active I can't even wake up and do a couple of dishes without feeling like I'm gonna faint or something .... Blah what's wrong with me need help asap ......
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agosix flags tickets jewel?
does jewel osco sell six flags season pass tickets and if they do how much are they????
1 AnswerAmusement Parks9 years agoSick for three days .... What should I do ? ?
I been sick for three days now .... I have non stop diarraha and very very very sharp pains in my stomach I also feel like I wanna throw up ... And dizzy and times also my legs would get numb .... I'm thinking food poisoning cuz I had ate something and right after I felt sick.... I also throw up one time after trying to eat some soup .... Help what should I do other than seeing a doctor ... I've tried pepto and ibporfin and also Imodium ...
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agocomcast sucks ... what is better ?
we have comcast now and everytime we are not even a day late they charge an arm and a leg... and we always have a problem with them... so what companys is better price and service wise.??????(including internet, phone and cable)......
4 AnswersTiVO & DVRs9 years agospas in Illinois????
whats a really good spa in Illinois..... mostly around woodridge area... i wanna get the whole deal message .... nails done..etc. and i need it to be cheap...
1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses9 years agocustomer service manager at walmart?
i have been working at walmart for almost three months now and today they asked me if i wanted to become a csm... and i said sure so they had me learning customer service today and they told me the rest soon... so i wanted to know how much money does a csm usually make...
2 AnswersCorporations10 years agoWalmart holiday pay ?
I work on labor day at Walmart for only 4 hours and i work part time and I been working there since June 27 ,2011 so I haven't been there three months yet ... I was wondering do I get paid time in a half for working ... Especially when I was supposed to have a day off ?
2 AnswersCorporations10 years agowhere can i go get my throat checked out?
i know i can go to a throat specialist but they are way to expensive for me ...where in Illinois can i go ?? is there any free clinic??? please help i have been having this problem for years and its bothering me to not know whats wrong with me
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management10 years agoWho can marry us ?helppp?
I want to get married at a botanic garden .. And idk who can marry us ? My bf doesn't want a priest or anything like that .. Who can do it ?
4 AnswersWeddings10 years ago