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Kelly K

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  • I need help with naming our daughter?!Kolbie?

    My husband and I are having another little girl in early December. We searched through several names and only come up with ONE name that we can completely agree on. Kolbie Jade. WE LOVE the name, But what if you had a last name that is the same as another famous person with a sound a like first name? Can anyone help us change the baby's name up so it doesn't sound so "basketball" oriented? lol

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Wedding Blues/Crisis!! Can anyone help me with ideas on how to fix the tulle and satin underneath my dress?

    I just got the dress back from steaming and cleaning it. When I bought the dress, it was about and inch and a half too long. I had in mind using high heel shoes. But I fractured my ankle a year ago or so and I've tried to strengthen it but its just too weak for me to walk down the isle and risk re-fracturing it with the shoes. So, it's now only 10 days from my wedding and no time for professional alterations. I have two crinoline or tulle type materials underneath and a satin layer under the dress. I step on the tulle every time I walk, just need a remedy that will last me the wedding and reception without ruining the dress. Help!

    7 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Ordered from Will they deliver the items I ordered even though..?

    I chose to use for some Christmas gifts for my daughter and it said I got free shipping to home. I chose that option but I sent it to my place of employment because I did not want the merchandise to sit outside all day since I work from 9am to 6pm and risk it getting stolen. It says the items have shipped and they have charged the credit card I used for the amount. But will they still deliver it to my job even if it is not a home address? I just wanted to get some feedback from others.

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • First love AGAIN after all these years?

    He and I dated off and on for 5 years. Both of us were High School age. We were young and dumb back then and 4 years is a long time when you're not really ready for that kind of long term mature relationship, so we would breakup and get back together. But we would always get back together. I moved in with him after Highschool and his car broke down so he borrowed mine so he could get to work. He would drop me off at work and then go to his job and then instead of driving all the way back home .. he would chill at my friends house. He ended up cheating on me with my friend and I only found out about it because his mother made him bring me my things and my car but he could not face me I guess, he sent his brother to do it intstead. Longer story short, they got married. No real contact with him in about 10 years until he saw me on another popular blogging site and requested me as a friend and I was reluctant to accept. Now I have, and we talk everyday. I know he was my first love, my first everything, and his marriage seems solid and I do not want that to mess up for him. I am not bitter anymore about him and her but I am so comfortable talking to him. He seems like a missing piece of my puzzle that I found. Is it wrong for us to chat online even though we share such a history? Can we really be JUST friends? Thanks for input guys.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any Ideas why My stomach feels this way? I have a very dull pain in my belly when I wake up most days..?

    It almost feels like things have been compressed in there and then when I wake up and get out of bed, they are trying to go back to normal or something. The other day, it actually hurt all day long rather than just in the morning and I had to stay in bed. And I was vomiting and had bad diarrhea. I am going to the doc this week, but I hoped to get some ideas of what you guys thought it might be. My belly rumbles and bubbles sometimes but did not do that until the other day when I was laid up with the pain. It started (coincidence or not??) with a pain in my side I got one night after I hurt my side some how. After a while, the pain seems to subside a lot, but it never really goes away completely. I have normal bowel movements other than the other day when I had the diarrhea and vomiting. Any ideas?

    9 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How can my friend Win custody of her son?

    my friend and her husband (who was abusive to her but not the kids during their marriage)split up and she took one son and her ex husband and his parents (where he went to live after the divorce)had the other. She was told by her ex that she COULD NOT take the eldest son. She had to get out of that relationship before she was hurt badly, so she had no choice. No money or job she went to live with her mom for a bit and then got a job and she got back on her feet and he would not let her take the boy anywhere unless he went out of spite.She met a man and they fell in love and over the course of the next year, they got married and she still longed for her first born. The ex was going to jail for larceny for a year and my friend went to get her son from the grandparents and they called the police and they told her that she could not take him without the fathers permission! The grandparents took out a temp custody order against both parents after their son got out of jail and attempted to brand both parents unfit for the eldest son BUT NOT THE YOUNGEST (the temp custody was not for both kids, just the one), the temp custody order was lifted after the court could see no reason why either parent should be deamed unfit. So basically, it was a battle to the school to pick up the boy, but my friend decided that it would not be a good idea to just go snatching him up and the court decided to leave the boy where he was living(with the grandparents) because they did not want to disrupt his school and life until further discussion about where the boy should be placed permanently. She gets to see the boy every other Wednesday and every other weekend but feels that is not right because her ex can't even hold a job to support him or call concerning their other son but gets to see the eldest whenever he feels like dropping by to his parents house. We all feel that he belongs with his mother. She did not abandon him when she left, she would bring by milk alot and send him birthday and holiday cards in the mail or drop them by. The court wanted to give the parents time to adjust to sharing custody but they(grandparents and father) don't even send his report card for her to see, she goes to the school for it. They did not tell my friend that her son was even going to get his tonsils removed until the day before surgery. They were like oh if you want to go, he will be there at 8 am. So she had no arrangements with her work but made them and went and the whole time, they were rude and mean to her. They didn't expect her to make it and it bothered them that she did, I'm certain they were going to try to bring that up in court that she did not go and it burned them up that she did. This court thing has been going on for almost 2 years now and she just wants it to be over at this point. She knows her son will thrive living with her at the home and be supported by her and her husband financially and emotionally and will not have to worry about having a stable place if his dad decides to comit another crime. Her lawyer says she has a chance to win, but it went on for so long before the courts were called in, it could turn out that she won't get custody because she did not try to file for it right after she was denied to see him after she seperated from her husband. But she had not worked in 4 years, she had no job, and no money for a lawyer, so what could she have done? More importantly, what can she do now? She does not want to take the boy from his father, but she wants him to live with her and his little brother. Any advice?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My daughter is a guest at a girl pirate themed birthday party. She & I both need a piratety! name. Any ideas?

    the kids are ages 5 to 7. The girls mother thought it would be cute for all of us to get into character, including the adults. Any help would be appreciated!

    5 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Should i let him continue things this way with his daughter?Background info first.Holy novel, I know! Sorry!?

    Long story short- I was 19 young and dumb. Met a guy who I knew was already involved with another woman(they weren't married but not that that makes a difference, It was still wrong). I was the other woman. I eventually fell in love with him. He did not want to leave his gf. I felt guilty for loving someone elses life partner after some time and decided to end it. A month later, he called me and asked to see me and like a dummy I said okay. I had already put it in my head that it was over, but as soon as I saw him, I fell weak for him again and we ended up sleeping together that day. Even right after sleeping with him I told him it did not feel right anymore and we agreed not to see each other anymore. Well, later I found out I was pregnant. I told him and his reaction was 'you're ruining my life' and said silly stuff like if its a girl, it's not mine.. All the things young guys say.. He did eventually get 'okay' with me having the baby although in the beginning he wanted me to get an abortion. I was not out to ruin his life with his girlfriend, but I could not abort a child. While I was pregnant, I got the opportunity to move to a different city and start fresh. I told him I was going to move and his reaction was 'no, you aren't really moving' like he didnt see a bunch of boxes around the house. Anyway, I did make plans to move on Sept 1 but on Aug 28, my daughter was born. He was not there when I was in labor but he did come to see her for an hour when I came home with her. I gave him my new phone number and address and he said he would keep in touch. That next week I moved out of the old town and never heard from him again. I called him plenty of times when I took my daughter for doc visits down that way to no avail. For about 3 years. But when she started school, I decided that she needed to have a local doc so I transfered her records here. I never lied to her about him and when she noticed she didn't have a dad like other kids, she asked me and I told her that he lived in a different town and she wanted to see him. I struggled with the fact that I did not want my daughter to resent me for not making a larger effort to contact her dad. But It was also as if I was putting him first instead because I didn't want to ruin his relationship because his gf still had no idea about me or our daughter. My mom and his gf's mom worked at the same place and they had family gettogethers. One year he was there and so were we. He hadn't seen her since she was two days old. She was almost 4 then. He said something like wow she's getting big. I know that was him trying to show interest, but I made a snide comment and walked passed him because I felt like I had done alot of the looking and searching for him and he never returned any of my calls. Cut to another almost 4 years. This past Nov. I found him on myspace. I messaged him and he asked if he could call. He wanted to meet our daughter and get to know her and prove to me that he wasn't the same person he was 8 years ago. And so he came to visit her at our home every weekend for a whole month. He gave me 100.00 although I didnt ask for it. The girlfriend he had had broken up with him the night we talked on the phone because she could not handle the fact that he had another child w/ someone else ( he had a vasectomy last year and has 2 other sons) and they would never have kids together. So the first month was good but when the girlfriend left him but would still call him and 'torture' him with their love, he said he was so depressed. He started not calling for weeks at the time and then He called a week before christmas asking to come down and give her christmas. He came on Christmas eve. We had gifts for my daughters brothers and even for him but he had nothing for Her. He said he wanted to take her to the mall to buy her presents. She told him she did not want his money. So, she didn't get christmas. THe calls from him after that were few and far between. She got really excited to know she had two brothers and that her dad was around, the more he didnt call, the more she wanted to call him. I let her call him. Even offered him our house number so that he could call her when the sitter is here with her while i work til 6 but he insists he doesnt mind calling my phone . But he rarely does. I used to call him the day after he said he was going to call her and didnt.. he would say he forgot or he was busy. Now he's saying that he has a life and that my daughter and I are just going to have to accept that he can't be there for her all that often. He finally did come to see her two weekends ago (first time since christmas eve) and we went to the mall and she finally got her christmas gifts. He mentioned that he and his girlfriend were working things out and that he wanted our daughter to get to know his gf. I didn't think the time was appropriate since she's still getting to know him only 3 months into it. He flipped out and told me that he knew I was jealous of him and h

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What do you think it means if a guy friend tells you these things?

    He has a gf. We worked together. He would flirt w/ me.It could be considered harmless, but there were times he made suggestions or took it a bit further than just a lil flirting. I left the job, I see him and we still kept in touch. He told me that a guy from work (who liked me) told him that he should give me a shot when my friend told him that we still keep in touch and go out to lunch alot. Laughing, I said just because he wants to get with me doesn't mean you do and he looked at me with raised eyebrows, said no comment. Also, I told one of my old clients that after I left my job, I realized how important he was to me and I loved him.She told him the next time she saw him "you know she's in love with you, right?" He and I have talked about what she said playfully and nothing is weird like it can be with unrequited love. Its like he accepts it, isn't actin on it. He always shares things about his relationship. Even about their lack of chemistry in bed. Am I reading too much into it?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why the pediatric dentist office won't allow me to go back with my child?

    I'm just wondering if anyone else has had a dentist that didn't allow parents to go back with their child for 'privacy' reasons.They said it was their policy because they have everyones charts open and don't want to take the risk of being sued because their chart was read by an outside party.I took her here because one of my customers at work suggested it.The first time we went, it was very scary for her and she begged me to go back with her. I knew I couldn't.She finally agreed to go back there without a fight but as soon after, they came to speak to me about this 'papoose' thing they were gonna need to put her in for her safety and their own.They said she had a tantrum in the back. I didn't want to let them put her in there, so I told him no and then a nurse came in and said they got her calm finally.Everything went smoothly after that.This go-round she has to have a crown on her cavity and I know she's gonna be afraid.Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before? I haven't!

    8 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • 1st grader needs help with learning, suggestions please?

    I have tried my best to help my daughter follow directions about homework. I sit down with her. She knows ABC's and how to write them but when we do her hmwk, she doesn't apply herself or something because it is sloppy and half correct. I erase and erase and she does it over again and again. I know she's a smart kid and it's only 2 weeks into 1st grade, but I am at my wits end trying to help her learn to read and write. We spent 4 hours fighting to learn how to spell the words one,two,three,four,five, six and seven tonight. After she finally did it right, I asked her if she understood what I had been asking her to do. She said yes.Said she just didn't WANT to do the work. I asked her why, she said she just didn't feel like it. I told her well I just didn't feel like letting her play outside anymore. I feel awful for taking away her exercise but I don't know what else to do. Any Ideas on how to help her? Maybe she told me that she doesn't want to bcuz of some other reason... plz help!!

    14 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago