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Lv 58,124 points

Chi Chan

Favorite Answers22%
  • What should i name our kitten? 10 points!?

    She's very small, only 4 weeks (rescue kitty) a dark black and gray tabby with white eyeliner, white paws, white chest and her back legs are white.

    She's very dainty and feminine looking but she's feisty!

    We're looking for something unique and as feminine and cute as she is! We have another cat, a male named Envy, if that helps, lol. No "Bella" or other totally over used names please!

    8 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Prescription glasses, making things 3-D? 10 points!!?

    Okay, my new glasses are making me trip out!

    Any Meme that's black and red is totally 3-D, if i look directly at the floor, it kind of looks like it's bending toward me, it's driving me crazy! Can this hurt my eyes?

    3 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • Apartment heating legalities? 10 points!?

    Here in Minnesota it's about 49 degrees outside. My apartment is currently 50 degrees inside! Our low tonight is going to hit 39 degrees!

    i've called the land lord 3 times through the course of the day, and she hasn't turned the boiler on so we can get heat.

    i have three children ages 4, 2 and 18 months. They're bundled up in layers and extra blankets.

    Help! is it even legal for the land lord to have our heat turned off right now? And yes, we're current on bills, so that's not a problem!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Tattoo Aftercare? 10 points!!?

    The 1st time i got my tattoo done it was totally scabbed over by the next morning and the bottom half of the tat literally sloughed off as a large hunk of scab in the shower one week after having it done!

    Today, one year later, i got it fixed. The artist covered it in Tegaderm, and told me to leave it on for as long as it would stay, preferably at least 4-6 days.

    i got the tattoo 3 hours ago and the top is already peeled off and stuck to itself, so it cannot be put back on.

    She told me just to wash the tattoo, and then leave it dry. No lotions, no ointments. Nothing. Just wash it once or twice a day.

    i'm TERRiFiED it'll end up the same way as the 1st time!

    Can anyone offer me advice? Please?

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • 2002 Dodge Neon SXT Dashboard problems? 10 points!!!!?

    Not only have the lights stopped working, but the speedometer, odometer and fuel gauge are useless as well!

    Does anybody have any ideas on how to fix the problem?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • The last and final pope!?

    Anyone else excited that after this new pope there shall be no more?!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Rosemary question? 10 points!?

    Just bought a Rosemary plant about 2 weeks ago. A few of her leaves have turned brown and shriveled up. Can anyone tell me what's going wrong? The plants are watered a small amount daily and moved to the windows for sunshine each day as well.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • How to make my family be nice to my niece?

    My sister is more than a bit of a screw up. My mom adopted two of her children and fosters the older two because the state has labeled my sister an unfit parent.

    The problem is the way the treat the second oldest, my three-almost-four year old niece. The favor the younger two DRAMATICALLY over the older two, probably because they adopted those two.

    They are very hard on her, always being short in temper and quick in punishment compared to the others. They label her as a "bad kid" a "trouble maker" and "a liar".

    Today I hollered at my younger brother when he came to pick the kid's up because I heard him (from the other room) say to her "Get out of the way you dumb girl!"

    I told him off and to stop "effing" with her self esteem. Obviously, our mom will hear about it when he gets home. How do I tell them to lay off and treat her like an equal to the other kids because they're seriously hurting how she feels about herself?

    She's old enough to see the difference!

    If I didn't have three kids of my own to raise (alone) I'd TOTALLY take her from them!

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Lazy baby? Lazy family? Advice? 10 points!?

    For the past month I've been baby sitting my two nieces and my nephew.

    My nephew is about 10 and a half months old. Until he came here he couldn't even sit up and refused to try, he'd heavily push back into whatever hand was trying to hold him up in the sitting position. He'd also make a big fuss about it if he someone WAS able to get him to sit up for a minute. It wasn't that he was incapable, it was that nobody had worked on encouraging him to do it. He'd just rather not!

    I worked with him every day for the first week and by Thursday he was able to sit up on his own. To me it seems like there's a laziness in both the baby, AND his parents. They could've done what I'd done to get him to sit up ages ago, but they didn't. Even now I have to keep a pillow a couple inches behind him because he doesn't lower himself to the floor, he just falls. No attempt what-so-ever to stop himself from falling.

    He doesn't wave or clap, though I've been "crazy auntie" waving and clapping at him every day.

    Also, he doesn't put ANY weight on his legs and that worries me a lot. Even a newborn will put some weight on their feet when you hold them in standing position. They took him to the doctor who said there's nothing physically wrong with him.

    How to I get this little guy engaged in life?! He doesn't show even the tiniest interest in crawling, standing, waving etc. I should mention he does have a good temperment, happy kid, just... LAZY!

    What's the best way to start getting him to use those legs? And how do I get my mom (she adopted my sister's children) to actually work with him?!


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Still haven't recieved my tax information?

    When is the cut off? Everyone else I know has gotten theirs already!

    My work, however, is horrible about stuff like this!

    3 AnswersOther - Taxes8 years ago
  • 9/11 question? 10 points!?

    How many terrorist groups originally took credit for 9/11? I remember it was somewhere in the teens?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Familiar of Zero F? 10 points!?

    So, I watched Familiar of Zero F, it was labeled as episodes 1-12, come to find out, that's the FOURTH SEASON!

    Can anybody tell me the names and order of the first 3 seasons?

    Is this the correct order?

    1. The Familiar of Zero

    2.Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi (The Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Two Moons)

    3.Zero no Tsukaima: Princesse no Rondo

    4.Zero no Tsukaima F

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Question about a Dogma?

    Can anybody please tell me what year the Dogma on Celibacy was added to religion? Particularly Catholicism and Christianity? I've googled it and instead of a straight answer I've encountered page after page of walls of text!

    Thank you very much. :)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • A question to the Jewish folks, regarding the Talmud?

    Do you really believe, as it says in the Talmud Gittin 57a. That Jesus is in hell boiling in excrement?

    Or in Sanhedrin 55b that a Jew may have sex with a three year and one day old girl, because her virginity will be restored?

    Or in Sanhedrin 54b that a Jew may have sex with a child so long as that child is LESS THAN 9 years old?

    And all the bits about Gentiles. So, anybody that is a Gentile (non-jew) is the same as an animal, we can be stolen from or killed without penalty as long as the thief or murderer is a Jewish person?

    Can anybody PLEASE explain why these detestable things are in the HOLIEST of Jewish books???

    I'm just now discovering all this and couldn't be more appalled.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Change my user name? Google and Yahoo?

    I must have left Google or Yahoo open at some point, because my younger brother is suddenly showing up as owning my e-mail, Youtube AND Yahoo accounts!!!

    How the hell did he do that? And how do I fix it?! AND even BIGGER question, who the **** does Google think it is messing with my Yahoo account as well?!!!

    2 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • What should I make for dinner? 10 points!?

    I'm feeling kind of un-inspired at the moment. I REALLY want to make some open-faced turkey sandwiches, but my mother and step-father, and their 5 kids are coming over tomorrow, so I'm making it then!

    No meat loaf. And it must be kid friendly, I have three of my own! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • How do I get my kids to STOP rough housing? 10 POINTS!?

    I have a three year old boy, a two year old girl and a 10 month old girl. We go outside every day for several hours so they can get their energy out. We have constructive play inside in which we play games, learn some spelling and numbers etc, we sing etc.

    But, when I give them time to just play with their toys and each other, all hell breaks loose! I told them to clean up their toys while I washed dishes so we could play in the yard a bit longer before dark. Instead they came out to the living room where the baby was quietly playing and in the middle of their wrestling she was given a bloody nose! And after I hollered and gave them time outs, I sent them to their room to actually clean.

    I supervised for a couple minutes, then headed back to wash dishes. Almost immediately they're yelling and jumping on the bed, my 2 year old fell off the bed and hit her head! Last week I asked her to go pick out her clothes for the day while I fed the baby breakfast, and she climbed up the dresser and pulled it over on top of herself!

    I'm a single mom with three kids, I cannot be everywhere at once!

    How do I get them to CALM DOWN?! I'm going out of my mind you guys, bawling my eyes out writing this because I'm totally at my wits end!

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Does TOR stop tracking cookies? 10 points!?

    I'm looking for something that will stop the tracking of my activities by all websites including but not limited to Facebook, Google, and Yahoo!

    I've heard of TOR, but don't know if it works for that?

    1 AnswerSecurity9 years ago
  • Need a GREAT French Dip recipe! Accompanying menu too? 10 points!?

    Hi! Like the title says! I'd like something with actual flavor, so a white cheese with flavor (I'm used to Havarti, Provolone and Swiss but am willing to explore!) and some tips on how to make a mouth watering roast beef and au jus combo!

    Also, any ideas on what to put with it, all I can think of is potatoes haha! I know, fool right?!

    Thanks for your help!!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Does Padron go back to Bask or Muscat? 10 points!?

    The Arabian stallions.

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago