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  • Relationship Question- Should I let it go?

    I was in a very serious relationship with a man. He had brought up the prospect of marriage, but ended the relationship a week after bringing that up. I've tried talking to him about the reasons behind it just after the break up, but even he does not understand, apparently his "feelings just changed". We are both in our early 20s. It's been almost a year since we broke up, and I still have to see him a few times per month (we go to the same church, attend the same university college and events, etc.), so he's still in my life, but not really part of it. We don't really hang out at all, and so we are on "good terms" but I wouldn't say we are friends. I have tried really hard to move on but in the depths of my heart I'm still hanging on to hope that one day it could work between us, as deep down I still love him. I know you're supposed to "do one thing per day that scares you" and I want to just ask him if we could ever be, but I know that would be stupid since we barely talk. I just don't know what to do. How to fully let go of him and holding on to hope that one day we will be together, so that I can fully move on, or whether I should do something to end this wondering. I feel like the only way to do something is through becoming friends again, but we wouldnt truly be friends if I had ulterior motives, and he may think I want more than friends even if i start hanging with him again. I thought I'd made so much progress but I just keep coming back.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to figure out my grade?

    Assignments: 20% of final grade, my average for assignments is 82.075%.

    Tests: 15% of final grade, my average for tests is 41.5%.

    Final: 65% of final grade, to be determined.

    With these variables, how can I figure out what I am going into my exam with? Thank you. :)

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • How to get videos to stop lagging on the internet?

    For some reason the visual aspect of videos is lagging while the audio goes ahead, on any video I see. So a youtube video, one on the news website, anywhere. i tried checking for viruses, and i also tried to see if I needed an update, but what could this be and how can I fix it? Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • How long does your hair have to be to give as a wig for cancer?

    I'm debating growing out my hair longer and then cutting it to sell for cancer, but if I get it cut off I'd still like to atleast have a sort of bob left, maybe almost shoulder length or something. Right now its a bit longer than mid way down my back, and in layers, but my natural colour. I live in Canada. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • How long does your hair have to be to give as a wig for cancer?

    I'm debating growing out my hair longer and then cutting it to sell for cancer, but if I get it cut off I'd still like to atleast have a sort of bob left, maybe almost shoulder length or something. Right now its a bit longer than mid way down my back, and in layers, but my natural colour. I live in Canada. Thanks!

    2 AnswersCancer10 years ago
  • When apologizing, should it be in?

    For flirting or leading someone on, does it need to be in person? Or can it be online? And if in person which is better, wait until hangout and dont say anything until that and potentially make it awkward, or tell them in the 2 min you have free at work? I dont want to wait too long to apologize, but I also dont know if quick bomb drop like that in 2 min is right. Anyway please reply!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Should you apologize for flirting?

    If you'd made it clear you didnt like the guy, but then may have been kind of flirty poking or resting legs on him. Lots of hugs. I dont have feelings for him in that way, but there is a bit of physical attraction which is prob why that happened. I just dont want to lead him on or hurt him cuz hes a new friend, but I really dont have any romantic feelings for him and dont see it going anywhere unless just as friends.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Culturally Traditional Board/Card Games?

    I'm just wondering if there are any board games that are a staple or traditional games that have carried on through generations :) So example japanese board games, mennonite games, etc. Even if it's not a cultural thing but a game that has been passed down to you a few generations I'd be really interested in hearing about it! Also looking for some not known ones, and to know more about the origins if you know about them (but if you don't just the game is enough). Thanks. :)

    3 AnswersBoard Games10 years ago
  • Board or card games similar to..?

    Power Grid?

    Dutch Blitz?

    Rage? (Except for wizard)

    Rummy cube? (except for Rummy)


    Thanks. :) Especially interested in games I may like if I enjoy power grid, since it's only starting to be on most peoples radar fairly recently. Thanks :)

    4 AnswersBoard Games10 years ago
  • Is there more geometry in Calc or Algebra?

    University Intro Classes

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Is trig algebra or calculus?

    Also, if i am best at matrices and trig, which course would i do better at?

    Intro to Algebra: topics chose from set theory, permutations and combinations, binomial theorem, probability theory, systems of linear equations, vectors and matrices, mathematical induction.

    Intro to Calculus: Models studied will involve polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Concepts introduced to solve problems are rate of change, optimization, growth and decay, and integration.

    I know what some of these things are, but a few of them I just know as term, not how they actually work. If you would be able to give me a brief rundown on what each is, and what skills I need to possess to do well at them, that would be great. Also based on my earlier statement, if you know which would be more suited towards my mathematical strengths, that would be great :) (i.e. which strengths do i have to excel at trig and matrices? what other math would the strengths needed for this be useful for?). I am def strongest at trig, prob even more than matrix. I have not taken math since highschool, this is introd. university level. I'd like to take both eventually, but wanted an opinion for now. Thank you! :)

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • What is the chord called that connects your computer to your tv?

    I am hoping to find something to hook my computer up to my television. I'd like to watch shows from my computer (a pc, toshiba, can give specs if you want) on my television screen. How does this work and what would the chord be called? Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • If getting laringitis but have to work?

    Hey, I'm getting laringitis again (it's only been about a week and a half to two weeks since I last had it). This time it's for sure from overuse since I work at a waterpark and constantly have to yell instructions and such over the sound of the water. How can I save what's left of my voice while still working today and tomorrow? Last time I lost my voice for a week and I don't want that happening again, but it's impossible to whisper, even talk because of how loud the rushing water is, and it's a safety hazard if they aren't following instructions. Thanks ahead of time for any answers! I leave for my shift in about 20 min, so please reply quick :)

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • Elimination diet: Did I mess it up?

    Hey, I'm doing an elimination diet of gluten, dairy, and eggs to see if I am allergic to them. I know you're supposed to be free from any of that for 4-6 weeks, and I've been doing it for 2 so far. Last night I ate movie popcorn as they said there was no dairy in it, and didn't think there was gluten. I got it without butter, but they said its cooked in some buttersalt oil that has no milk products in it. I'm wondering now if it had gluten in it, or maybe my body is just used to eating healthy and didnt like the preservatives in the root beer or popcorn oil? Anyway I ended up getting sick and am wondering if that was to blame. If it was (I'll call tonight and hopefully find out from a manager), do I need to start the elimination diet all over again? Like have 6 weeks from today rather than just 4 weeks left? I know it's just to get any traces of the foods out of your system so you can really see how it effects your body, but I'm just not sure yet (after 6 weeks I start adding those foods back in slowly and see how it affects me). If anyone has any knowledge on that or has done an elimination diet themselves, any information would be helpful. Thanks!

    1 AnswerAllergies10 years ago
  • Why do you think my friends mom always runs over orange cats?

    Never any other colour, just orange.

    5 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • How can I stay full and not binge when...?

    I have to go without eating from 8:30am until 4:00pm? I do not get a break or a lunch at work (I just started there) unless it's an 8hr +shift. So when I have a six or seven hour shift, how can I feel full? I am not allowed to bring snacks with me out on the job (I work outdoors). Also, because I am distracted by my duties at work that is not the major part, but my problem is once I'm home I am just starving and end up overeating a lot. I do not want this to develop into a habit, does anyone know a way I could prevent this? Thanks.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What final grade did I receive in this class?

    If you could please tell me what my overall grade is for this class, as well as how you got to that conclusion, I would really appreciate it!

    p1: worth 5% of total grade, received 75%

    p2: worth 10% of total grade, received 75%

    p3: worth 10% of total grade, received 89%

    p4: worth 10% of total grade, received 100%

    p5: worth 15% of total grade, received 77%

    p6: worth 15% of total grade, received 80%

    p7: worth 15% of total grade, received 81%

    p8: worth 20% of total grade, received 78%

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to get into agriculture?

    I am really interested in getting into agriculture, but I did not grow up on a farm, but instead in a small town in a farming community. Since nobody in my family farms, I was unsure as to whether I would apprentice for a farmer in the area, or what the best way to get into farming would be. I know that would give me the experience before I'd ever go out to start one on my own (I would volunteer, then if I still am enjoying then apprentice, then own farm). The only problem is I doubt I'll ever be able to afford a farm. I'm not looking to pull in the big bucks, but I want to be able to enjoy a comfortable life (not luxury, but not barely enough to meet the grocery bills each week). Any information or resources to get into farming would be appreciated, i live in Canada. Thanks :)

    5 AnswersAgriculture1 decade ago