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hey thanks for help with adobe photoshop. also is upgrading up to cs3,4,5 from cs2 free or costs cash?
Is nicotine withdrawal responsible for my mucus cough up?
I used to take like 3-4 mokes a day for 6 months. I quit 2 months ago, but I still cough up mucus sometimes and I almost always feel like there’s mucus stuck in my throat... Is that normal?
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases2 years agoCan I call the cops on my obnoxious roommates?
I’m in a college party town. I have horrible roommates of course. Two are in a fraternity, two didn’t finish high school, and the other is an alcoholic who makes 15 trips to the kitchen(shares a wall with my room) a night.
One of the frat guys is a horrible addition to our species. He comes home drunk on whichever night of the week he pleases then proceeds to scream, bang on ****, and try to initiate physical altercations. I do not fear him for he is a 5’7 lunk and I am a 6’3 statue, but I should not have to feel unsafe in my own home! he is also a pathological liar, and a good one at that. I would see that—if I had the option—he never obtains a position containing any responsibility within our society.
It’s not possible for me to move out till, at the earliest, January. It’s a by the bed lease within a small appt. complex. I’ve spoken with the property manager, who has been pretty helpful. He tells me to call the cops if I get threatened.
4 AnswersPsychology3 years agoDoes smoking oil weed pens cause indigestion/bloating/constipation?
I already know the answer is yes, because I smoke everyday and experience these symptoms. My real concern is whether or not this is negatively effecting me biologically.
To be perfectly honest I actually prefer this feeling: I wake up feeling like I'm going to throw up/die, then I immediately have an amazing bowel movement and feel great the rest of the entire day with very little urges of hunger. I've lost 10 lbs since I started, but I've also been running 5miles a day because this stuff gives you wings I swear.
2 AnswersOther - Health5 years agoShooting leg and back pain causes?
4 AnswersPain & Pain Management5 years agoWhy can't I just STFU?
Inside I hate just about everything and everyone, but recently I've been craving attention and it's disgusting. I find myself arguing with people I just hate and feel are ridiculous when I really don't care.
This is probably just hormones making me need to feel some sense of belonging, but what can I do to fix it?
I was happy with my life, but now I just feel an absurd amount of anxiety and need to take codine just to chill the **** out.
3 AnswersMental Health6 years agoWeird feeling in throat/stomach/chest?
Late at night when I haven't eaten very much I start to get this strange feeling in my throat, stomach, and chest all at the same time. It's so peculiar that I can only describe it as a heavy, cold, empty feeling and the only way I have been able to stop it in the past is by eating or falling asleep. It's not starvation. Thanks!
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases6 years agoHow do you deal with religious people?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWould this be a valid source of time travel?
2 AnswersCivic Participation7 years agoIs this a migraine ?
I've had this happen twice in my life so far, both in this year, its going on right now. I have a small head ache, then my vision is all blurry and I can't see well, then when that slowly goes away my right hand goes numb, then my right hand does, then my right side of face, then my right side of tongue, then right side of throat, then lastly a really strong head ache and all other symptoms at once but very weak compared to before! It lasts about 2-3 hours and this has happened twice so far, what is this!??!?!?
Pain & Pain Management7 years agoWhy are my teeth not rotten?
To start off I'll throw out the brutal honest truth, I brush my teeth 4-7 times a week maximum, and I never floss. I had a couple cavities about 8 years ago and am 16 now. At the time I was really confused because I was brushing my teeth all the time, and they had still gone rotten. The problem was that all i ate was candy and sweets. Now here I am, a teenager, all I eat is moms spaghetti, and I have an obsession with diet Pepsi, so I drink at least 2 bottles of those a day. I rarely brush my teeth (4-7 times a week) and usually at night. I had braces for 3 years and it was the same agenda. My teeth are averagely white and my breathe isn't terrible either. So my big issue here is: Why are my teeth fine now when I've treated them poorly for the last 8 years?
Gosh! You go into these yahoo questions planning to right a sentence...
2 AnswersDental7 years agoNeed help with hair cuts please! (Pictures)?
Hey I want to get my hair styled really nicely and cool, I recently got into hair styling and even though my hair isn't very good i will still carry dw.
Picture of my hair 5 minutes ago:
Hair styles I want:(order of greatest to least)
The last one (Zack Efron) I had close to when I was younger but it was taking way to long to grow it out and keep caring for it.
Please let me know which one you think would look the best!!!
3 AnswersHair7 years agoRubik's cube isn't solving?
I am a sub 1 minute solver for the rubik's cube and just today haven't been able to get one solve, the after completing f2l perfectly it is imposible to get the last one corner the same!!! HELP! Did someone switch up my cube?
1 AnswerToys7 years agoWhat to say to a cyber bully?
MY friend is getting bullied on, I want a good insult/comeback to really hurt the anonymous bully's feelings.
Any clever or funny insults post below:
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agoWhat is a good forum site?
Looking for fun forum site, I like sports, drama, video games, whattt ever
1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years agoPlease recommend romantic/comedy films?
HI I am looking for either romatic comedies to watch, romantics, or just comedies.
The person with the movie that I watch or like the most will get the best answer.
9 AnswersMovies8 years agoCan you get into 4 year college with a d ?
I got a d in my first semester of biology, that's passing but I heard you can't get into a four year with a d??! I can remediate but it's alot of work and money? If I could get a 4.0 for the rest of high school would that make it ok?
I'm a freshman at the moment.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoIs it wrong to like her....? what should i do about it?
Hi all, this is my dilemma:
> I went on vacation with 3 of my best friends.
> One of his friends has a sister that's one year younger then myself.
> I really got to know her and we ended up falling asleep in the same bed, nothing happened.
> I don't want a relationship with her, just to be friends, but somewhere inside me i feel really attracted to her.
> Would it be wrong to hook up with her, i know she would do it, but if my friend ever found out he'd kill me. :(
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agowhat do i do in the gym?!?
i swear every time i go to the gym I do the same thing, and it always involves dumb bells or squats which I can do easily at home. :( some one please tell me a good routine or redirect me to a video of a routine.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoCan anyone please let me use there Hide My *** VPN account?
It would be very much appreciated if we could get on skype and discuss a deal or an agreement to letting me use your account.
1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years agoWhy is my hair changing colors?
My hair used to be bleach blonde, at 11 years old my hair started thtt looking ginger in the summer and was getting darker.
At 12 it went dirty blonde and still looked a bit ginger.
Now at 14 is brown with streaks of blonde and it no longer turns ginger...ever
What's happening?
3 AnswersHair8 years ago