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  • Grandparents not involved in sons life?

    It's almost 3 years now and they don't seem interested in ever playing or doing anything with him in general. I never thought they would be like this and it always makes me upset. I know the boys are more wild instead of girls but I feel they should spend time with him at this age since these years will never come back. Also my parents always make themselves that they are always so busy and don't have time to watch or see him. They are not even that old compared to my wifes dad who is almost 80 and at least with him he is in another country so he isn't able to see his grandchild. What can we do to feel more relaxed and get some help since we're always overwhelmed.

    4 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • Jerk cop changes ticket from fine to fine with points?

    First never in my life has this ever happened always if I got a ticket I would ask them questions or see if I could get a warning instead of a ticket. I didn't know I was going 12 over and I usually don't drive on this road. I just couldn't believe he would get crazy and go back and change the ticket I'm planning to fight this since I don't want points.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago
  • Cat acting up lately?

    1. Lately the cat has been meowing alot and acting strange this cat will be 1 year in April

    2. All night cat just making noise and running around becoming so much I have to lock in her the bathroom last 2 weeks so I can sleep

    3. Peeing or pooping on carpet in different places also tearing up carpet around the house and breaking other things around the house with her nails

    4. I feel like it's becoming too much for me and was gonna ask the vet tomorrow if he can just take her it's feeling too overwhelming all these things will the vet take the cat ?

    6 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • Locking cat in bathroom at night?

    My cat is almost a year old and the last couple weeks has been acting up. I can't sleep all night from her making noise all night and the only solution I saw was to lock her in the bathroom overnight. Was wishing she would stop misbehaving at night but it looks like she doesn't understand. Any negative effect for the future by doing this.

    3 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • What's wrong with the kids age group 18 to 23?

    It feels like something went wrong with this age group they have no respect for people older than them. Careless in every way they just want to do whatever they want and if they don't like something they run off. No plans in life in what they want to do and cause others stress with the problems they have. They want money without working and always find an easy route to get things they want.

    5 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • No results from the gym?

    It's been about 3 and a half months now and still no weight has been lost at this point it's feeling pointless to go and not losing weight. The goal was to lose 20 pounds and it haven't happened. I usually do one hour on the treadmill at 3.7 speed than 1 hour on the bike than another hour on the treadmill. I see others at the gym different since I joined except for me what can I do to lose this pounds and keep it off.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Employee doesn't work than leaves?

    So our newest employee from the beginning wasn't doing well. Now when I told them they will get a two day reduction for no work done they are leaving. Do I have to pay if they never performed the work they were supposed to do? It was a short week and a half that they worked.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Taking contractor to court for a terrible job?

    I found this guy to do work at my house to finish the basement and paint the outsude.after finishing the work is terrible I didn't pay him all the money buto want to take him to court to get my money back since I had to bring another person to finIsh his job would it be a problem if no permit to work was obtained.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Everything seems boring?

    For the past year and 2 months I have been feeling that everything is boring and not interesting. I can't look at my face in the mirror since I feel it looks disgusting. I went to the doctor and he gave me medicine for depression and another one to sleep since I was having trouble sleeping. Fixed the problem with the sleeping but I still don't feel like I used to and on top of that it seems that nothing works. At this point I don't know what to do was going to a therapist for about 5 months but I didn't feel we solved any issues and I was just wasting money so I stopped going. What can I do to feel better again?

    3 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Not gonna pay contractor remaining money?

    I hired this guy to finish the basement and everything possible has been going wrong. He told me originally whole basement is done in 3 weeks we are now at week 5 also the paint on the walls is horrible and you still see the tape underneath it. One room the whole wall is crooked and the tile on the floor is not even and in some places tile is up and down. He still has to finish the bathroom and add the ceiling thinking not to pay the rest and just go to the court after he finishes with pictures. Can't pay the remaining for such bad work.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling5 years ago
  • Car keeps not starting the next day?

    I don't this car that much it's a 2010 with only 42,000 on it. Lately every morning unless you jump it car will not start I took it for a free diagnosis and they told me the battery isn't holding a charge but the battety,alternator and starter are all good. How can I stop this I have been driving this car more lately but keep encountering this issue for thr last 3 weeks. I need to solve it since it's getting annoying.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • More happier in my life when I was a crossdresser?

    For 18 years I would wear women's clothing I started when I was 11 and than stopped at 27. My sister got rid of my stash of clothes over many years and it made me so upset. She told me I had to stop since I was getting married ever since than I always feel crazy I gained so much weight 50 pounds to be exact. When I was talking with my therapist about this she kept suggesting to me that it seems I always wished I was born a girl. When I talked to my sister about the idea she got all crazy saying nobody would agree in the family or accept me. I just don't know what to do I always cry at random times I feel like I just want to run away and get away from everyone. What can I do to be more happier in my life.

  • Therapist not helping me?

    I feel that she isn't taking things seriously I told her since the beginning which was almost 4 months ago that I don't look at myself in the mirror and we still haven't solved this issue and I feel it's such a big thing that I thought by now would be solved. I was thinking to tell her tomorrow that I would like tomorrow to be our last day since I feel now that I'm just wasting time and money with no benefit. The worst thing is my insurance only allows me to go to this one practice so I can't go anywhere else unless I switched insurances which I don't think is an option at the time. What can I do to solve this issue.

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Contractor didn't pay painter?

    I had my house painted the other day but it's 80 percent done lots of places caulking and paint were not applied. So contractor didn't pay the painter since it's not finshed. Anyways now painter is treating me to go to the police and take me to court for not paying. I don't have any agreement with this painter my contract is with the contractor. Contractor told me he would take care of it.

    Painter can't do anything at a court since no written agreement is made with him right? Keeps treating me to put a lien on the house.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Loss of interest in things I once liked?

    For almost a year now i have felt that things I once liked now seem boring to me. Also I feel that I always have so much in my mi d and it's going to explode. I tried talking to my sisters but I don't feel it did any good. I just don't know what to do to feel better and try to be happy in my life.

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • How did you know that you wanted a sex change?

    I always felt different since I was little. And I was a long time crossdresser until I got married than it was just on and off at random times. Lately I have been feeling so sick and when talking with someone about my past they kept questionin me saying how come you felt so relaxed wearing women's clothes or you were more happy at the time compared to now. Also I'm not able to look myself in the mirror for the longest time since I feel I look disgusting how can I solve these problems and feel better about myself.

  • Biggest hdd for ps4?

    So I have to keep deleting games off my ps4 to play other games it's getting annoying and I'm thinking to upgrade to a 2 tb. Is that really the biggest drive that is recommended I have seen some people with 6tb but for me I think it's too much. I would like to get a 3tb but don't know if it will work fine.

    1 AnswerPlayStation5 years ago
  • Confused about my sexuality?

    Since I was little I always liked to wear girls clothes even though I'm a guy. I just have always felt different since I was little also I always look at women in public and say things in my head like her dress is nice or I like that purse. I feel so confused and don't know what to do I'm going to a therapist to help me but so far I feel not much has been resolved even though she is nice. What can I do to feel better and have so e confidence and be happy in my life.

  • Muslim sex change?

    So I know it's not allowed for a muslim to be gay but I never read anything about getting the sex changed. Also in Iran I see all the people who say they are gay get free sex changes. Is any documentation saying anything true about this topic. Is it allowed if the person has a mental issue and thinks they were born the wrong sex all there life?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Therapist asked me if I feel I'm the wrong sex?

    I feel that I have been sad all my life when I was 11 i one day wore my sisters clothes and loved the feeling. Ever since than I have always been wearing girls clothes. I feel when I wear them so relaxed and I love the way my body looks in the mirror. Also some other things I noticed in my life I wasn't always like other guys and I felt sometimes that I thought like a girl. Or did some things that only girls would do. I don't know what to do at the present time I'm married and I'm sure my wife wouldn't agree at all for me to change my sex. I keep thinking if I did it would I like it but I just don't see it as a real possibility with my family also. What can I do?