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  • I still cant get over my ex wife.?

    we have been separated since july of last year and signed papers in march. its been very painful and even harder for me to accept the whole situation. she was in the right though. i was trying to control her and not let her breathe. that is the hardest part, admitting that. I loved her like no other person in my life. i guess you could say i felt my soul connect with hers. i truly feel that she is my soul mate. maybe its just because everything is so soon still and i havnt moved on but i feel like ill never love someone like i loved her. It hurts even more now knowing im not the man i was before. when she told me she wanted a divorce, she was deployed and i had just gotten out of the marines. i was following our plan that we set out and getting everything ready for her return and changing who i was from that asshole controlling person to who i am now. but i guess it was too late. she told me while she was deployed that she wanted to divorce me and how she really felt about me. i tried to win her back but there was nothing i could do to show her that i chanced. rather she didnt want to give me a chance to show her. she was in the right though and that is the hardest part. to admit that. so here i am. just hurting and wishing i was still with the person i gave my career up for. but anyways. guess my question is how can i cope with this and get over it. this is definitely new to me. never thought i would of divorced this woman.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • I still cant get over my ex wife.?

    we have been separated since july of last year and signed papers in march. its been very painful and even harder for me to accept the whole situation. she was in the right though. i was trying to control her and not let her breathe. that is the hardest part, admitting that. I loved her like no other person in my life. i guess you could say i felt my soul connect with hers. i truly feel that she is my soul mate. maybe its just because everything is so soon still and i havnt moved on but i feel like ill never love someone like i loved her. It hurts even more now knowing im not the man i was before. when she told me she wanted a divorce, she was deployed and i had just gotten out of the marines. i was following our plan that we set out and getting everything ready for her return and changing who i was from that asshole controlling person to who i am now. but i guess it was too late. she told me while she was deployed that she wanted to divorce me and how she really felt about me. i tried to win her back but there was nothing i could do to show her that i chanced. rather she didnt want to give me a chance to show her. she was in the right though and that is the hardest part. to admit that. so here i am. just hurting and wishing i was still with the person i gave my career up for. but anyways. guess my question is how can i cope with this and get over it. this is definitely new to me. never thought i would of divorced this woman.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Why does some games on the ps3 go from 1080p to 720?

    It starts at 1080 at the ps3 menu screen. Then when I launch a game I will switch to 720. Why is that?

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Where should I take my fiancé for our anniversary? ?

    It's on the 20th of this month and we live in San Diego. Just was wondering what you guys thought. I already got her some Victoria secret bra and panties that she always wanted. Now I need a good restaurant or activity. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • how can i better deal with the marine corps?

    I love the marine corps for what it is but the people in it are just bad people.. maybe its my unit... maybe its my MOS but im still having a hard time dealing with the people in it. any advice?

    5 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • My ex is cutting all connection from her after she said she wouldn't mind us being friends.?

    she said we could be friends... that we can still talk and everything, but today she deleted me of myspace and isn't talking to me at all. i know its just myspace. but that's a way of saying were not friends anymore. So im wondering why she did this. i didn't do anything at all to her. Also her friend deleted me to.. after i asked him if he knew if she was mad at me or something. he said him and i were still cool, then he deletes me too... I don't know what to do.. any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to get my ex back?

    so today we were talking and apparently she doesn't feel anything for me anymore.. all the feeling is gone... i don't believe that because one we were in love with each other not too long ago.. you cant just fall out of love like that. All she has is guy friends. so i had to get used to that fact. and i did. but apparently i give her guy friends a weird look when she is with them.. i didn't notice that.. I also don't trust her that much.. that's what she said. i didn't notice it until now.. when we started to date.. we really didn't know each other. so we weren't friends first. and now that she is in the relationship, she said that she is finding things that she doesn't like and just wants to be friends for now and if things change... we can get back together.. any advice?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How to get my ex back?

    so today we were talking and apparently she doesn't feel anything for me anymore.. all the feeling is gone... i don't believe that because one we were in love with each other not too long ago.. you cant just fall out of love like that. All she has is guy friends. so i had to get used to that fact. and i did. but apparently i give her guy friends a weird look when she is with them.. i didn't notice that.. I also don't trust her that much.. that's what she said. i didn't notice it until now.. when we started to date.. we really didn't know each other. so we weren't friends first. and now that she is in the relationship, she said that she is finding things that she doesn't like and just wants to be friends for now and if things change... we can get back together.. any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend broke up with me today cause she dosnt feel anything any more.. Please help?

    so today we were talking and apparently she doesn't feel anything for me anymore.. all the feeling is gone... i don't believe that because one we were in love with each other not too long ago.. you cant just fall out of love like that. All she has is guy friends. so i had to get used to that fact. and i did. but apparently i give her guy friends a weird look when she is with them.. i didn't notice that.. I also don't trust her that much.. that's what she said. i didn't notice it until now.. when we started to date.. we really didn't know each other. so we weren't friends first. and now that she is in the relationship, she said that she is finding things that she doesn't like and just wants to be friends for now and if things change... we can get back together.. any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I feel awkward when im hanging out With my girlfriend and her guy friends...?

    All she has is guy friends.... im used to that fact so i don't mind. i trust her... just when im with her and her friends... i feel awkward... like out of place... they are always talking about their memories and stuff.. i cant just jump in those conversations because i don't know any of those memories... how can i try not to feel awkward around them when im hanging out with my girlfriend...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I feel awkward when im hanging out With my girlfriend and her guy friends...?

    All she has is guy friends.... im used to that fact so i don't mind. i trust her... just when im with her and her friends... i feel awkward... like out of place... they are always talking about their memories and stuff.. i cant just jump in those conversations because i don't know any of those memories... how can i try not to feel awkward around them when im hanging out with my girlfriend...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Whats a good oldies radio station in southern cali that i can call to dedicate a song to my girlfriend?

    our anniversary is on tuesday and i was wondering if you guys could help me out? Also what is the number for the radio stations?

    9 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Whats a good oldies radio station in southern cali that i can call to dedicate a song to my girlfriend?

    our anniversary is on tuesday and i was wondering if you guys could help me out? Also what is the number for the radio stations?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Whats a way to make my self "last longer" with my girlfriend?

    Im not saying i am a "minute man" just i want to last a longer than i already do. to satisfy her more.. any tips?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Whats a way to make my self "last longer" with my girlfriend?

    Im not saying i am a "minute man" just i want to last a longer than i already do. to satisfy her more.. any tips?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I got really sick today. was throwing up all night and still feel sick to my stomach. what can i do to get wel?

    I want to know how i could get better really fast because i want to spend the new years with my girlfriend and her family. any ideas on how to get rid of a mild case of the stomach flu or possibly food poisoning? i don't know what it is. all i know is that i feel bad. really bad. nauseous and weak. any ideas? pls help. thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Whats a good way to spice up my realationship with my girlfriend both romanticly and sexually?

    I do all the normal romantic stuff... and all the normal sexual stuff. what are some ways to spice it up so it dosnt become routine or boring?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend is quite when we talk on the phone?

    is this bad? is she getting bored of me? Last night we kinda of had a fight about her guy friends going over to her house when im not their. Everyone was telling her that she shouldn't be doing that but she feels its wrong that they tell her that, but, last night she told me that i dont have to worry about them going over when im not their anymore. she said it kinda of sad and depressed... now today when i talked to her on the phone, she was all quite. When i ask questions, i would get like a short answer or when i try to make conversation, she wouldn't keep it going too... is she really mad at me?

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend has guy friends come over to her house when im not their...?

    It bugs me. a lot. and i have talked to her about it. but she thinks im being like too needy or controlling. I love her and she sais she loves me. Aren't we suppose to compromise on these kinds of things. Almost all her friends are guys because she is kinda of tom boyish. even when she was a kid she had more guy friends than girls. so she really only has guy friends. Its hard for me to tell her that i dont want them their because those are her friends. How can i tell her that i dont like that they go over when im not their?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago