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i love anime, especially Bleach. my favorite is Byakuya followed VERY closely by Ichigo. Renji's next and after him is Urahara. i like hellsing alittle also. And Vampire Knight is an anime ive gotten interested into lately. (\_/) (O.o) Copy The Bunny Into Your Sig (> <) Help Him Achieve World Domination...

  • I’ll be starting my period soon..?

    And I’ve gained like three pounds in three days. My period should start in about five. I’ve never weighed myself before a period before, but is this gaining weight thing normal?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health3 years ago
  • I have plans to visit Australia..?

    I have plans to visit Australia and can't seem to find all the information I need in order to go, or those I ask don't seem to know. What, exactly, do I need for about..a months stay? I've heard I would need a traveling Visa, but there's also a Tourists Visa. I only plan on visiting a friend. I know a passport is required.

    4 AnswersImmigration6 years ago
  • What's the span of cat years, that's equivalent to one human year?

    I know it's 7 dog years to 1 human year, but I'm just curious for cat years. My mom's cat is 19 years old, and dad mentioned that makes her 90-something in a passing comment.

    I'm just wondering if that's right.

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • I'm writing a book and need a favour..?

    Hello everyone. I'm in the process of writing a book and one of the characters I would like to add is a Dragon. The species of said Dragon is Volcanic, in the sense that they will live in a Volcano and breath fire. I'm not so good when it come to proportional sizes, which is where you guys could come in. I plan on making this Dragon at least 300 feet long, with the tail taking up 100 of that feet. Obviously the wingspan would need to be twice the size of their body, but what about the claws and the teeth? And I plan on putting four rows of horns on their head, but the tallest pair would need to also be proportional to the size of 300 feet. Each row after that will be half the size of the previous row.

    So, math wizards, what sizes am I looking at for all of that?

    Thanks for any input!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • My boobs have gotten smaller recently and..?

    Yeah, probably TMI but this is cheaper than going to the Doctor's. I noticed today that my boobs looks smaller than they're usually supposed to be. I know one cause of this is loosing weight, but I honestly don't think I have. I'm at a constant 114-120 range at 5'3". I haven't gained any weight either, I know that much, as I never eat right or properly. I've not eating right can cause this too.

    Not only that, though, I seem to be insanely hungry almost all the time and constantly feel bloated, even when I do try to eat. There's also an ache in my pelvic/groin area, but I honestly couldn't tell you where, only that it hurts. It's like an aching muscle and it hurts to stretch.

    Also, it sorta hurts to go to the bathroom, number two, if I don't legit have to go then and there. There's also like a deep ache and sometimes feels like a tug, though I honestly couldn't tell you exactly where either. I also have what I classify as diarrhea, but it's kinda of gross and slimy and also causes that deep ache. Last, but not least, even when I do try to go, it feels like I'm know..and it kinda hurts.

    I have no idea if any of these things are connected, so I would appreciate some honest answers. I have gone to the Doctor and checked the pelvic area lymph nodes and she said they were fine. Problem is, is that it's around that area that hurts.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Anybody willing to trade in Pokemon Black 2?

    Is anybody willing to trade something for a Rufflet, from White 2? I don't have much in terms of Pokemon to trade, but I'm willing to take a freshly caught, even low level, Rufflet. I need a fairly good flying type for my team and Unfezant sucks in my opinion. I do have a Zorua, Virizon, Terrakion, Metagross and even the special Eevee you can get at the end of the game with the Hidden Ability. I am actually willing to trade any of the above for a Rufflet.

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • This might seem like an odd question but...?

    Do the affinities in Naruto actually have their own Hand Seals? It seems as if Fire Jutsu's seem to utilize the Tiger seal a lot; is that because the affinity itself needs the Tiger Hand Seal? If so, then how can one figure out the Hand Seals for the other affinities? Lightning, Water, Earth and Wind?

    And has anybody found an actual pattern to Hand Seals? For example, the Phoenix Sage Fire Technique hand seals are Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox Rabbit, Tiger. But for the Flame Whirlwind, its Monkey, Bird, Dog, Ram.

    I'm just wondering if it's all supposed to actually make sense, or if they just throw the Hand Seals out there.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • How long does it take for you to get your tax refund?

    I sent my tax refund in on January 28th and it's now February 11th. I've heard it takes only a few weeks to get your tax return back, but I haven't gotten my back yet. I don't live very far away from where I had to send it, so I would have thought I would have gotten it back by now. Somebody else told me that it could take up to a few months. I didn't direct deposit it, so I'll be getting a check.

    How long DOES it take to get your tax refund?

    2 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • I'm a little confused...?

    According to, the shiny form of Gligar is blue, but on an app I have for my ipod, they show the miniature normal form as blue, but the normal picture is the normal pink. What is confusing for me is, is that in Pokemon Platinum, I've run into the supposedly 'shiny' Gligar FIVE times. Not in a row, it's just that every time I find them in the wild, they're blue. According to, they're shinies. But if shinies are supposedly supposed to be rare, why have I hit five of them? Is blue actually the NORMAL color?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • I'm trying to send a letter to Australia...?

    Like the title says, I'm trying to send a letter to Australia. I live in the US, specifically Kentucky. The first time I tried to send it, they sent it back saying I needed 73 more cents worth of postage. I already had one stamp on there. Can anybody tell me how many more stamps is 73 cents?

    I asked my dad and he said they're worth how much you buy them for (44 cents). I looked this up in google and the only thing I found was how much you can buy them for.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Australia10 years ago
  • Where can I watch...?

    Where can I watch Yu-Gi-Oh online, for free, in JAPANESE? I've tried, and onepieceofbleach gives me a lot of crap so I don't go there anymore.

    I don't want answers that will direct me to 'dubbed' versions, I want the subbed version, please.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Where can I find the Deadwood series online, for free?

    Anybody know where I can watch it? I've tried, but I don't know if I'm just not using the search engine right or what, but I can't seem to find the actual series, only videos that mention it.


    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • I know this is a weird question...?

    I know this is a weird question, but it's meant in all seriousness, so SERIOUS answers please:

    Does anybody know the closest male strip club to Louisville, Kentucky?

    And, if at all possible, please provide the address. Or, if don't know them, just list the names and I can look up the address from there.

    Thank you :).

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Why do you think Kubo Tite...SPOILERS!!?

    Who here thinks that Kubo Tite hasn't focused on Ichigo's Hollow powers? As I remember it, Ichigo only lost his Shinigami powers, but what about his Hollow side? Instead of asking that dude for help, shouldn't Ichigo be more worried that his Hollow side will go out of control? His Shinigami powers and his Hollow powers are two different sides, just because he lost one, shouldn't mean he loses the other.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Could anybody tell me how to change...?

    Can anybody tell me how to change a .bmp image format file to a .jpg image format file? Is it possible? I have a picture I need to submit, but the place I need to submit it to only accepts .jpg files. I'll need step-by-step instructions, if it's possible to change it in the first place.

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Rate my HeartGold team?

    Dragonair lvl 32 (I'm in the process of leveling him up)

    -Extreme Speed


    -Dragon Rage

    -(I'm saving this spot for Draco Meter)

    Nidoking lvl 54


    -Rock Slide



    Suicune lvl 56

    -Rain Dance (I want to replace this move, got any ideas what to replace it with?)


    -Aurora Beam


    Victreebel lvl 54

    -Razor Leaf

    -Wring Out



    Arcanine lvl 54



    -Rock Climb


    Togetic lvl 56


    -Shadow Ball


    -Rock Smash

    I also have an Umbreon, but I can not for the life of me decide if I want him on my team, or Dragonair. Yes, I realize Dragonite is powerful, but Umbreon has the dark moves I need to put down Psychic types. Arcanine has Crunch, but since Umbreon is a dark type using dark moves, it makes his dark moves more powerful.

    Should I switch any pokemon on my team? And should I switch Extreme Speed with something else?

    As you may have noticed, my starter is NOT on my team. I chose Totodile who is now a Feraligatr who's moves are: Dragon Pulse, Blizzard, Hail and Hydro Cannon. I made his moves purely so I could beat Lance, which I did. Now I can't find a reason to leave him on my team.

    They are all low levels, because I focus on leveling them up together, and not making any type way more powerful than the others.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • if you do not like yaoi then dont look?

    can someone tell me the difference beteewn yaoi and shounen-ai? i must confess im a bit confused about the difference.

    6 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • im a leo, can anyone tell me...?

    what my sun, moon, rising, sign is? im a leo. birthday 7/29/90 (if it makes any difference) born in North Carolina (sorry couldnt tell ya what city though).

    and could someone tell me what those mean? i have to admit im a little confused.

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • what makes a person right handed or left handed?

    every wonder whats so different between us? what MAKES someone left handed? whats so different in them that they write with a different hand than the right handed people? and this is another question thats been bothering me: how does the brain percieve something as funny? you dont laugh at something but when you see something funny you laugh. how can your brain tell the difference?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago