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  • Is eating pork a greater sin in Islam than getting drunk and having sex outside of marriage?

    I was recently at a Christmas party at work and noticed that my muslim coworkers were drinking heavily and the girls were doing some serious flirting with me and the other guys, but when it came to the dinner itself, they avoided the pork like a nest of vipers. .

    It didn t bother me at all that they didn t want to eat it, but I m having some trouble understanding why they were fine with the other stuff.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • How do I stop being so empathetic?

    I'm constantly thinking of those less fortunate than myself - to such an extent that my mental health is deteriorating, I feel emotionally exhausted and I'm not able to function well in life.

    There is so much poverty, misery, pain, suffering and general unhappiness in the world and I can't do anything to alleviate it. People tell me that those things will always exist and I need to accept it. I agree with that statement on the rational level, yet I'm unable to disconnect myself from it.

    6 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • In Game of Thrones, what could Podrick Payne have done to/with those prostitutes to make them refuse payment for their service?

    I had a conversation about this with my sister. My sister thought it was just because he was well-endowed and gave them a good drilling, whereas I thought it was because he made love to them in a respectful and passionate way, e.g. with lots of kisses, eye contact, massaging and oral for the ladies.

    What do you guys think?

    3 AnswersDrama2 years ago
  • Why do women have such a problem admitting that they need a man in their life?

    I and most guys I talk to readily admit that we love and need women in our lives.

    But Beyonce has all women be like "we don't need no man, no what I sayin'?"

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Is it difficult to make a girl orgasm through penetration alone?

    And how exactly would a guy go about achieving that?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • How do women create milk in their breasts?

    All the "ingredients" for milk come from your blood, right? So how does the blood not get into the milk? Is there something like a membrane, that only allows certain elements of your blood from getting into and building up in your breasts, that happens to be called milk?

    5 AnswersBiology2 years ago
  • Why would my (female) boss ask me (a male) how old I am?

    Do you think she's considering dating me? Why else would my age matter to her?

    We have a lot of eye contact, which is unusual where I come from, so that might mean she's interested, but on the other hand she's so different from me and clearly likes tough guys, whereas I'm a bookworm of the highest order.

    8 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • When will this Anonymous lunatic ignore my posts, if they offend her so much?

    If I ask the same question twice, it's because I'm not satisfied with the answers given to me, or because I never received an answer.

    You're telling me to go to therapy, but I think you're the one that needs it more, the way you're attacking me for some perfectly legitimate questions I have for people to answer.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers2 years ago
  • Why are mature women so rare?

    You hear women say the dumbest sh*t these days.

    1. A guy should be dependable but unpredictable.

    2. Present and there for her, but not always available to her.

    3. Pursue her, but also play hard to get.

    Why do women come up with such retarded rules? It should be enough that two people love each other and want to be together. All the rest is bullsh*t.

    6 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • Is it true that women don't want men who give them everything they want, whenever they want?

    I've been watching a lot of dating and relationship videos on Youtube lately, and what confuses me is that a lot of these women say that they DON'T want a man who would do anything for them. They claim it's a turnoff when you want to make her happy and do the things that she wants to do, and they say that you shouldn't be available to them at their every beck and call.

    How exactly does this work? Do women actually want men to tell them no? What kind of a relationship is that? A relationship should be two people that love each other so much that they'd do anything to be there for each other and make each other happy.

    Why is pleasing women so f*cking difficult????

    11 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • Why don't women value sex anymore?

    It was bad enough when guys slept around, but now women are doing it too - more than guys, according to some studies on number of sexual partners.

    I wish everyone would value sex more. It shouldn't be this thing that you do with just anyone off the street that you're attracted to, like scratching your back.

    I blame the leftwing media corporations for selling this idea of casual sex to the public.

    4 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • Is it a bad idea to lose your virginity to a prostitute?

    I'm an extremely shy guy, which is why I'm still a virgin at 26.

    Most women my age have been busy humping everything that moves, so I feel like it's a joke for me to "save myself" for a future girlfriend.

    I'm tempted to visit a prostitute and 'put a notch on my belt', so to speak, so I won't feel like a complete loser when I meet a girl in the future. I also don't want a future gf to notice that I'm inexperienced in bed, so I'm hoping a prostitute could teach me/get me used to having sex.

    Would I catch an std? Is it idiotic? I guess I'm not going to do it out of fear of contracting an std, but I'm really tempted to do it.

    9 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • Which martial art is best for self-defense in case I get jumped? MMA?

    I think it's MMA, since there's some wrestling involved in this. I think karate and stuff like that wouldn't be effective, because if you get tackled you might end up lying on the ground before the fight even begins, and that's where you can't use karate chops and MMA/wrestling comes in handy.

    5 AnswersMartial Arts2 years ago
  • Why do I catch feelings for any girl that smiles at me?

    It's like most girls are so stuck up and won't even look my way, so whenever a girl looks at me and smiles - even if she's just being nice - I begin to develop a crush on her.

    One time I made out with a girl and it's like I fell in love with her on the spot.

    Is it because I'm just so inexperienced in terms of dating and sex?

    By the way, I'm 26 and never had a real girlfriend. (social anxiety is a *****).

    3 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • How do you feel about your past boyfriends/girlfriends?

    Have you forgotten about them, do you hate them with a passion, or do you still care about them and hope they'll do well for the future?

    I just "stalked" my ex-girlfriend on Facebook and saw that she's found herself a new boyfriend, which is what I hoped would happen, but I still feel some sort of unease, because judging by the pictures it seems like she's settled, i.e. she isn't in love with the new guy and that's bothering me a bit.

    For some strange reason, I still care about her. I want her to be as happy as she can possibly be, and she doesn't seem to be that.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • How to deal with insecurities in relation to your boyfriend/girlfriend's ex?

    I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that most girls I date have dated guys in the past who are much more handsome, more muscular, better in bed and more succesful in their careers than I am. It makes me feel like they're only with me because they don't want to die alone.

    I guess the problem lies with me being insecure. So how do I become more confident, in spite of my flaws?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • How to be less sensitive as a man?

    I've come across a lot of sex and relationship videos on Youtube, in which women say that men shouldn't be too emotional.

    I can't even tell a girl I love her without tearing up, so I'd like to 'man up'.

    How do I achieve this result?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago