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im the son of a demon king. temper, hell ya.

  • Could someone estimate cost of aligning tire?

    I have a motor scooter, 150cc.

    the front tire is not aligned properly, it is ********. I am new to the scooter business, and would like to know if anyone could give me an estimate of how much getting this done would be at a shop?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • Should i buy a new or used moped?

    I want to buy a moped to get to and from work. I live about 15 minute drive away from work, and i live even closer to all my friends and stores etc. a car just doesnt make sense to me right now.

    I would like advice about buying a new or used moped. There are a few dealers here and there are always Craigslist adds for mopeds.

    I don't want to have to fix it all the time like some Craigslist buys can be, but I don't want to buy a completely new really spendy one that I may only use for a few years.

    any thoughts and advice would be awesome :)

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Where can i buy cheap granite or glass tiles?

    I have a diy project I will be starting soon. One of the supplies I will need includes 1inch tiles. The area I will be covering is about 1 foot by 84 inches. I have no idea where to find or buy tiles. can you buy them at craft stores or home improvement stores?

    Also, if you could give me some sort of price estimate, you will definitly be getting best answer.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • Why does my cat love smelling flowers?

    My cat loves flowers. Whenever there is a boquet on the table or window sill, he has to get up there and smell it. When he smells it he purrs, and gets very lovey. (He pushes his nose and head against me and different objects)

    Also, any soap or hair product I use that smells like flowers, he purrs and follows me around.

    Why does he like the smell of flowers so much?

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Why do i wake up in pain?

    Most mornings I wake up in pain. Its not like excrusciating, its just sore or achy. This morning my fingers hurt, and so did my elbows.

    Sometimes I wake up and the back or top of my head or my neck will hurt. Sometimes I also wake up and parts of my body will be really numb, like my head gets numb a lot.

    Is this normal? Why does it happen?

    And I don't sleep in weird positionsw that would cause me to hurt something in my sleep.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Where can i buy flesh colored eyebrow jewelry?

    Hi there! So I just got a job in a resteraunt. I am allowed to have piercings, but I must put in flesh toned jewelry. I take out my lip rings and septum piercing for the job because I have had them for a year and they won't close up. I just got my eyebrows done in may, so I cant take them out without them closing (not an option lol)

    I have checked hot topic, spencers, online, silver castle/other piercing pagoda and stands, and even a few tattoo/piercing parlors. Please tell me where I can find flesh toned eyebrow rings! I bought clear retainer ones and I'm painting the ends skin tone for now, but I would like real skin toned jewelry.

    Thanks in advance :D <3

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Natural ways to get rid of cellulite?

    Hi! I'm an 18 year old girl. I'm very athletic and curvy and have a nice body, but even though I work out most every day, I've noticed cellulite growing on the back of my thighs, right under my butt!

    Its not too bad, and I probably notice it more than others, but can you give me some tips on what I can do to help prevent further growth and maybe make the cellulite go away/appear smoother?

    Thanks :D

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • What to do about neighbors kids throwing things into my yard?

    Hi there.

    So my neighbors have been living next to us for a good while. For the most part we have been cordial to eachother. We have exchanged neighborly deeds; helping eachother with christmas lights or fixing car parts.

    Well, in the past year, maybe two, their two daughters (around 5 and 13) have been throwing stuff over their backyard fence and into my backyard. All kinds of things, garbage, candy wrappers, empty juice boxes, balls, toys, barbies, they even threw their dads ciggarette butts over the fence.

    I have talked with the parents two times about this. The last time was 3 weeks ago. I have still found new toys and garbage sprinkled all over my lawn. I have pets who will eat anything they find out in the yard. How am I to handle this? Would calling the cops help? It seems like such a little thing to worry authorities about.

    9 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Is it okay to trade cooking and cleaning for room and board?

    Me (18) and my sister (20) still live at home. She is becoming a manager of a resteraunt that she already has worked at for a while. She plans on movng out asap, in the next month to 3 months.

    Unfortunately our family situation is horrible, my mother is verbally abusive to us and she is an alchoholic.

    I am unemployed, and have been job hunting frantically since january. My sister says she doesn't want to leave me here, and that I can move in with her if I can cook and clean until I find a job where I can pay.

    I am willing, but is this fair to her? I don't want to be a burden on her.

    Is this a fair trade for now? Cooking meals (mostly dinners, sometimes breakfast) and cleaning the house/apartment (whatever that entails: dusting vaccuuming sweeping mopping laundry etc.) Thank you! :3

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What new article of clothing do you get most excited about?

    All my friends have different new clothes they get excited over. One of my friends get super excited whenever she gets new shirts, another she is more about scarves and jewelry. Personally I just love getting new bras and panties. What about you??

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Why does my 22 yr old sister cry all the time?

    I'm 18, almost 19. I'm a girl. I've never understood why girls are so emotional. I haven't cried for atleast 6 months.... anyways, my 22 yr old sister crys atleast 1 or 2x a week! About such things I find silly.... why does she do this??

    Also, I don't want to be mean... I just stand around awkwardly and have no idea how to cheer her up.... I want her to be happy...

    Can someone explain why she gets so emotional? And how to make her feel happier?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Help, found a 2 day old baby bird?

    My sister found a baby bird on the sidewalk. Its only a day or two I'm guessing, seeing that he only has a tiny bit of down on his head, and is just skin all over the place. Also, looks like a robin. Its hard to know for sure, but that's what I'm guessing he is.

    She looked to see if there was a nest, but there wasn't, so idk where he came from. She took him home for fear he might get stepped on, and we put him in a little box with some of my bunny rabbits shedded fur.... We ARE going to call a local bird rescuing place, to see if they can care for him then release him once he is old enough, but we won't be able to do that til tomorrow.

    She left him in my care.. what am I to do? Should I feed him? Do I need to get up during the night to feed him? What does he need to eat?

    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • What would you do if you saw someone doing this?

    Shimmying into a bookstore then knocking the books off the shelfs with their tongues or chins?

    What would you do if you saw this?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Rabbit hot is too hot for baby rabbits?

    Please only answer if you have bred rabbits before....

    My bunny, puff, had her first litter on Monday. I bred her on purpose, so they are in the nesting box. Its been nice and perfect out the past two days, (she is an outdoor bunny) but the heat has risen today and I don't want them to be fried. Her cage and the nest all sit in the shade for the whole day, as our neighbors huge trees grow over the fence and shade that area, but I'm worried that even in the shade it might be too hot?

    What is too hot for baby bunnies to be out in?

    Please don't answer if you haven't bred rabbits before.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Poll: what do you wear in bed to sleep?

    Do you go completely nude, completely dressed?

    Is it a combination of both?

    I personally wear a tshirt and panties. I don't like going full commando.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • My friends are dickheads. what do i do?

    Well, I met these 2 guys about 3 yrs ago. First impression was they were real jerks. I met them a few more times and they actually seemed chill. We hung out a bit and kinda became sort of friends.

    Well.... turns out, they are the dickheads that I thought they were.

    One of them said to my face "I don't look at anything you put on facebook, because YOU are the one that posted it."

    When we play apples to apples, after the game is done and the cards have been scattered all over the table, they yell "winner (or loser) gets to pick up all the cards" :P

    Plus they are really tall, huuuge guys, and they are always "tickling" me but it hurts and I have bruises.

    What am I supposed to do? I stopped going over to their house, but they come over uninvited and my sister thinks they are great :( she even introduces them as her adopted little brothers.


    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Where should me and my best friend go tomorrow?

    My bff just got her liscense, and she wants to take me for a spin in her car. She asked where we should go and I suggested a few places and neither of us can decide where.

    The choices are:


    Walmart (or some other awesome store)

    Or the park

    (Cuz they are all free entertainment...)

    Or if u have other suggestions, lemme kno :3

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why does my cat like eating these foods.....?

    My family is really bad at leaving food out on the counters.

    My brother had left a napkin with some kettle chips on the table while I was out one day, and I returned home to find my cat crunching down the chips. I took them away instantly, but whenever I have them after that, he always begs for them. Btw, he was fine, no side effects or anything.

    Also, he ate a bit of avacado off the floor when it dropped, and always wants more when I have some. And he goes bananas for the nut covered raisins in raisin nut bran. I only ever feed him tiny bits once in a while as a treat.

    Any other peoples cats obsess over these foods or similar foods?

    6 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How to get my little brother off his xbox for a bit?

    The xbox is in the entertainment/exerscise room. He is 16 and now that it is summer all he does is play xbox.

    I don't really care what he does with his time, but my exerscise equipment is in the same room and it makes loud noises so he gets pissed if I try to work out while he plays. I ask him to give me the room for an hour or two but he just yells and swears. He has anger problems.

    The only time he is off the xbox is at night, when everyone is sleeping and I can't use the equipment then cuz it would wae up my parents (there room is right next to the fun room)

    Please help! I just need 1 or 2 hours a day :3

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Do you think being early or late is ruder?

    I have two friends. One ALWAYS arrives late. One ALWAYS arrives early. The one who comes late it usually about 1/2 an hour to 45 min. Late. She always let's me know that she is going to be late, though.

    On the other hand, my other friend always arrives atleast 1/2 an hour or 45 minutes early!!

    I honestly don't care if someone arrives late (if I have no later plans) but arriving earlier than 5 or 10 minutes I find rude.

    What do you think?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago