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I'm 28, married, living/teaching in a Muslim country. We're starting a new Islamic teaching channel called "Muslim Mondays". Watch for us.

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    Best Way to Heal Post-Seizure Mouth Wounds?

    I've had mouth wounds from my seizures before (epilepsy) and am used to tongue bites, but I've never really gotten my cheek so badly before. I lost a LOT of blood with it (to the point of coughing up handfuls when I woke up having sucked in a breath of it and then throwing up blood having swallowed some too. Every time I'd spit out a couple tablespoons of it, more would coat my teeth and tongue. It took a lot of pressure and over 20 minutes with hubby's help to stop the bleeding. It's really painful now, so I was wondering what I could use on it?

    The photo is of how much blood popped up within 15 seconds of rinsing/spitting the previous blood out. And, yes, I'm a hijabi. It was already on.

    2 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • ONLY BIGOTS ANSWERED LAST TIME- Nice People, Help: Disabled Women who veil (or men too. I think there are some religious groups who do)?

    I was recently in an accident and have basically destroyed what was left of my lower spine. I was born with a birth defect anyway, but the day before my 28th birthday, I ended up having a seizure and falling in a really REALLY wrong way. My problem is that I wear the khimaar and niqaab. The niqaab never tangles, but the khimaar (the actual headscarf that goes down below my bust MINIMUM and generally to my waist or knees) seems to get caught in the arm crutches quite a bit. I was wondering if there were any other religious veilers who also used elbow crutches to get around that experience this issue?

    The photo underneath is a bit blurred, but I use the khimaar over the top of this and it's hard to see what I'm working around with it on.

    2 AnswersRamadan6 years ago
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    Disabled Women who veil (or men too. I think there are some religious groups who do)?

    I was recently in an accident and have basically destroyed what was left of my lower spine. I was born with a birth defect anyway, but the day before my 28th birthday, I ended up having a seizure and falling in a really REALLY wrong way. My problem is that I wear the khimaar and niqaab. The niqaab never tangles, but the khimaar (the actual headscarf that goes down below my bust MINIMUM and generally to my waist or knees) seems to get caught in the arm crutches quite a bit. I was wondering if there were any other religious veilers who also used elbow crutches to get around that experience this issue?

    The photo underneath is a bit blurred, but I use the khimaar over the top of this and it's hard to see what I'm working around with it on.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
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    Veiling Women who use Elbow Crutches?

    I recently sustained a serious spinal injury and have had a great deal of difficulty in keeping my flowy outfits out of the crutches and have knocked myself over with them quite a bit. Are there any tips to wearing more flowing dresses or veils that can prevent this kind of problem?

    The photo is blurred a bit, but that's because this is the best way to show what I have to wear before I put on my lengthier headscarf that comes down to at least my waist.

    4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities6 years ago
  • What Good Islamic Charities Could I Contact for Help?

    Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. I've not posted in here for a long time. Married life is busy life alhamdulilah. Unfortunately, I've been in an accident and need to travel from here in Bangladesh to India in order to have the type of reconstructive spinal surgery that I need. I'm already using a brace and elbow crutches to help me walk, but if it keeps getting worse then I could become wheelchair bound. I have started a fundraising page, but I'm trying to find the best place to find donors. Jazakallah khair for any advice you can give. I am half of my husband's deen and he is half of mine. I would like to be able to take care of the home properly rather than him having to worry about it all because I'm in too much pain to move.

    4 AnswersRamadan6 years ago
  • How Do You Use "Zawjat"?

    I know that in Arabic, it means "Wife of...". I recently got married and was wondering how I would combine it to say "Wife of Nazmul". I know a lot of them combine into one word and sometimes things stay separate. I was wondering if someone could help me out on the proper way to say it if I was going to refer to myself with that. And would I use it properly BEFORE my first name, after, or after my surname?

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How Do You Use "Zawjat"?

    I know that in Arabic, it means "Wife of...". I recently got married and was wondering how I would combine it to say "Wife of Nazmul". I know a lot of them combine into one word and sometimes things stay separate. I was wondering if someone could help me out on the proper way to say it if I was going to refer to myself with that. And would I use it properly BEFORE my first name, after, or after my surname?

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersSaudi Arabia8 years ago
  • Prefixes in Arabic and Muslim Names?

    I've noticed that there are prefixes to names which can mean "daughter/son of" or "mother/father of"... But are there any common words in people's names to denote spouses since traditionally in Islam the wife keeps her father's surname rather than taking on her husband's?

    Jazakallah Khair for the answers.

    1 AnswerRamadan8 years ago
  • Judaism and Nationalism?

    Salaam/Shalom, I was wondering if anyone could use some Jewish scripture to talk to me about how you feel about the subjects of patriotism and nationalism. I grew up Christian and am now Muslim and both faiths agree that nationalism is wrong because borders are man-made, not God-made and that we are all of one human race, Since Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are so close to each other (If people would bother to read and understand one another instead of condemning each other), I thought it would be nice to bring this subject to the next inter-faith activity. Any scripture you guys have that I can use would be great, and I promise that the blog post I make on the information will say absolutely nothing negative about anyone or their faith. :-)

    Thanks for your time and, I hope I'm not saying this too late, I hope that your holidays this year are as peaceful and enjoyable as possible. God bless.

    3 AnswersHanukkah8 years ago
  • Ramadan: Adhan and Iqama for a Baby?

    Asalaamu alaikum,

    I know that it's recommended to say adhan and iqama into a newborn's ear, but can one do this at a later time? My aunt just had a baby yesterday with the help of IVF and an anonymous sperm donor and she's not Muslim. While she would let me do this for her baby (since she's not religious and she wouldn't think it would have any affect at all since she believes it's just words), would it be ok to do this when the baby is a few months old since there's no way to do it sooner? Can a woman give adhaan and iqama to the baby in the presence of only women since there would be no Muslim men available? Does it absolutely have to be within minutes of cutting the cord or can it happen at a later time? I've only found a couple of small passages even online about the benefits of adhan and iqama being recited into a baby's ear, so I have no idea what would fall under bid'ah in this situation. I read that it can protect the child against epilepsy, and since that condition is in my family (myself included in those of my family afflicted) I worry about keeping her protected as well as planting the seeds for Islam to enter her heart as a child inSha'Allah.

    Any advice on this situation would be appreciated.

    Jazakullah khair.

    5 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan- Proofs for Sunnah on Nikah?

    Asalaamu alaikum-

    I've read on many sites that the Sunnah for a nikah is to have it performed on a Friday after Asr prayer during the month of Shawwal. However, I've searched many places for it and so far cannot find proofs for the Sunnah. Before I work to try and implement any of these things, I'd like to know where they are from (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi???). If any of you can tell me where these Sunnah are recorded (if at all) and what number hadith, I would greatly appreciate it.

    BQ- What is your favourite Sunnah pertaining to marriage?

    6 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan- Your Favourite Sayings About Love/Marriage?

    Asalaamu alaikum.

    My elderly great-aunt wanted to make bags to throw rice at my upcoming nikah, but since it's not Islamic to do so, we've compromised on making mini gift-bags to hand to all the guests. One of the things in the bags are going to be sayings from the Qur'an and Sunnah about love and marriage. I was wondering which your favourite verses were so I could kind of get an idea of what to use? Lots of the guests, due to me being a revert, are non-Muslims. So we're using these little sheets as a sort of way to sneak dawah into the nikah. :-) Any ideas would be appreciated. Or any nikah advice at all, really.

    Thank you all.

    12 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • How Do You Maximise Time at a Bridal Show?

    I went to a really small bridal show and it took me the whole time to get through 28 vendors. I'm going on the 4th to another show that has the SAME amount of time to visit vendors. But this one has 100 more vendors than the other one. I'm new to planning all this wedding stuff (nikah, but the planning process so far seems the same for Muslims as for other groups aside no music or booze) so I'm not sure if there's a special trick to being able to maximise your time at one of these places.

    2 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Ramadan- Help me find a hadith?

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me of any ahadith which describe acceptable situations in which there is no sin on a woman if she is uncovered. I know the prescribed hijab, but I'm talking situations like if her health requires her to keep it off until she's better or if she leaves the home quickly due to an emergency and doesn't have time to grab it. I'm just curious about these for a blog post I'm writing that way I and other ladies can be reminded of hijab and that there are very few situations which offer a valid excuse (not just some common excuses like "I was hot" or "My friends don't wear it.")

    3 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Modifying Fitness for a Disability?

    A lot has happened in the last decade- spinal defect leads to degeneration leads to me quitting exercising like I should leads to wheelchair leads to surgical repair. I JUST got engaged and I have this amazing mountain bike that, even though my spinal surgery was a success, I still don't have good enough balance or coordination to use yet. I want to modify it into a stationary bike so I can use it as both a fitness and physical therapy tool. How would I go about doing this? I haven't been around bikes in a long time and never been in a bike shop. I don't know what to look for and I would like to spend my wedding day at my athlete weight AND a little more able to walk rather than gimp.

    Also, any other ideas you have would be great. I have also had shoulder surgery recently, so basically my right arm is useless and due to my back, low impact is the way to go.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How to Modify a Mountain Bike to a Stationary Bike?

    A lot has happened in the last couple years- spinal defect leads to degeneration leads to me quitting exercising like I should leads to wheelchair leads to surgical repair. I JUST got engaged and I have this amazing mountain bike that, even though my spinal surgery was a success, I still don't have good enough balance or coordination to use yet. I want to modify it into a stationary bike so I can use it as both a fitness and physical therapy tool. How would I go about doing this? I haven't been around bikes in a long time and never been in a bike shop. I don't know what to look for and I would like to spend my wedding day at my athlete weight AND a little more able to walk rather than gimp.

    4 AnswersCycling9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Is This Actually Shirk?

    I was told that if a Muslim woman dates or marries a Non-Muslim man that it's a form of shirk since the man is the religious head and if he's the leader she will follow him into shirk. Is this true and what are the Ayaat or ahadith to state it?

    I ask this because a friend of mine may be marrying a non-Muslim man and she keeps getting mad at me/not letting me around when he's around because I won't accept his company with her until he goes to at least a few khutbahs for Jumu'ah and has accepted the truth and taken Shahada. It's putting a real strain on the friendship and I don't want to lose her as a friend OR as a sister in Islam.

    10 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Were You Aware of This Info?

    It's epilepsy awareness month, and I know some of you are familiar with the hadith about the woman asking for patience to deal with it. I was wondering if anyone else had seen this page though- and ever seen it used? My imam has confirmed that this is a good site and the ahadith in it are genuine, but I have yet to utilise it for myself (I'm epileptic and my mother hasn't memorised it yet). And has anyone else used black seed oil for the condition?

    8 AnswersRamadan10 years ago
  • What Does Your Religion Say About This?

    November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month.

    I know that Hindus have some specific mantras to help, as do Buddhists. I also know that in Islam we have specific prayers and hadiths that refer to epilepsy and seizures. You can see this link: and also the Prophet said that black seed can cure anything except death. 1430 years later and they've found anti-convulsant (anti-epileptic, in other words) properties in the seed.

    I was wondering who here knows any specific rituals of "cures" according to other religions or adding onto the info I've provided?

    *Please note that if you see a seizure in public, call emergency and do first aid if you know it. Religious bits should be left to the scholars or knowledgable of that religion IN CONJUNCTION WITH modern medicine.

    To learn first aid, visit for more info. You can learn about convulsive, non-convulsve, seizures in water, seizures for wheelchair bound, and general first aid for epilepsy.

    Thanks for your time answering. My curiosity stems from the fact that I'm an epileptic and also religious. Dual curiosity. :-)

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Specific Rituals for Your Religion Regarding...?

    November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month.

    I know that Hindus have some specific mantras to help, as do Buddhists. I also know that in Islam we have specific prayers and hadiths that refer to epilepsy and seizures. You can see this link:

    I was wondering who here knows any specific rituals of "cures" according to other religions or adding onto the info I've provided?

    *Please note that if you see a seizure in public, call emergency and do first aid if you know it. Religious bits should be left to the scholars or knowledgable of that religion IN CONJUNCTION WITH modern medicine.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality10 years ago