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I will not fight with trolls, but I will discuss anything with someone who is respectful and open, regardless on how different our opinions are.

  • Ethical vegans: Do you feed your pets meat?

    If you own a pet that naturally would eat meat (dogs, cats, lizards etc.) do you feed them meat (most good commercial dog and cat foods have meat) and if you do, how do you feel about it? If you don't, why not?

    I'm not asking to judge or shame anyone, just wondering about how you feel on the subject.

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • To Ethical Vegans: Dog fur yarn?

    This is a question for ethical vegans. Is it ever ok to use a product from an animal?

    There are a few companies, and a lot of individuals who can spin yarn. There are now even companies that will take your pets fur and spin it into yarn, some will even knit it into something for you, like a hat.

    You send them your animals fur, collected from brushing your animal, they wash it and spin it for you.

    Seeing how you should brush your pet regularly anyway, you aren't taking anything from your dog that they need or want, and it in no way harms them, would you wear this hat or would you have a problem with this?

    Especially fur from double coated dogs, it can be very insulating but still very breathable.

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Are back yard free range chicken eggs ethical?

    If I treat them no differently than i would any other pet just because I eat their eggs, do vegans still think it's ethically wrong? If I keep them in ideal conditions, and do not slaughter them for meat once they stop laying eggs and let them live out their lives naturally, do the vegans here still see me eating their eggs as wrong?

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Gender Studies- Thank you!?

    I just wanted to say, although veiw points were very different tonight on financial abortions, I'm glad to have had read the questions and answers. Its was nice to have a mostly civil conversation with people of other viewpoints without it dropping down to name calling and insults.

    Thank you!

    (and yes, I know this isn't a question so is a violation of the rules, but I just really wanted to say it)

    4 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Financial abortions and father's rights?

    One of the common themes when it comes to financial abortions questions, is that men shouldn't be responsible for a woman's choice.

    While I think this argument is flawed because for some women, abortion just isn't an option due to religious, personal, financial, logistical issues, time, etc. and because Child support is supposed to be about the child, not about the parents.

    But it does bring the question of, If men shouldn't be responsible for child support, because it was a woman's choice, why should willing fathers have any paternal rights? She chose to have the baby, she incubated it, she went through childbirth, why should what you want decide whether you have rights or not?

    It sounds like a case of we want our cake and eat it too.

    (Note: I'm not saying I don't support dads rights. I absolutely do. its just a question based on some of the common financial abortion arguments)

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Father's rights and adoption?

    I think it is absolutely absurd and wrong that an unmarried father has very little rights if the mother chooses to give an infant up for adoption. If the father is even notified, they still have to fight an uphill battle to gain custody. Some states allow more rights than others, but in states like Utah, even informed fathers, who from the start want to keep their child, sometimes fail.

    Look at Nikolas Thurnwald who knew his girlfriend was pregnant and tried from the beginning to stop the adoption process. He spend 10 year fighting, and never gained custody of his child because he didn't make a claim within 24 hours of the baby being born, he did it a day late.

    Or Chris Carlton who was deployed with the military, when his girlfriend told him their newborn boy had died. He sued her to try to find out where the baby was buried, so he could visit the grave site, and she finally admitted, she went to Utah, had the baby and put it up for adoption, oh and it was a girl. Its been 4 years, and he still does not have custody of his child although a higher court recently ruled the lower courts were wrong.

    What should be done to protect fathers rights?

    6 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • breastfeeding in public?

    Federal law and 46 states have laws allowing mothers to breastfeed any place they may legally be, other than at someones private residence.

    While many women cover, according to the law, they don't have to. Some babies will not nurse while under a cover.

    Breastfeeding studies show numerous benefits, both to the mother and child. The WHO recommends brestfeeding until at least 2, while the APA recommends at least one year.

    Even with all that, it's still not uncommon for women to be asked to stop, or asked to leave anywhere from stores, restaurants, water parks, courtrooms, and parks.

    How do you feel about women breastfeeding in public?

    11 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • How many feminists here don't hate men?

    You see so many posts on here about how "most" and even a few who say "all" feminists hate men. And I can't even imagine that even a majority of the women and men here, who support women's rights (because that is the fundamental thought behind what a feminist is), hate men.

    So, show of hands, how many feminists here hate, or don't hate men?

    I am a feminist, and I don't hate men.

    16 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • If you are Pro-life, what do you think of miscarriages?

    This is not a question on the morality of abortion. This is not a question to argue personhood, or choice, or anything like that.

    This is a question for those who are pro-life.

    What do you believe a miscarriage is? Do you mourn miscarriages as you would an abortion?

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why can I only see the first 11 comments on an answer?

    I posted an answer to a question, and had some comments. It says that there are 16 comments, but I can only see the first 11. Is there any way to see the other comments?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • How do you feel about live feeding your pets?

    Do you find it cruel? Cool? Natural? Dangerous? Healthy? Are there some species its ok to feed and others not?

    It runs the scope of dangerous (someone dropping rats in their snake tank, and not supervising) (graphic images of a wounded snake)

    To fast (piranha one biting goldfish)

    To heartbreakingly slow (arowana fish eating a live ducking slowly) (piranha eating koi)

    Is it worse to feed non feeder animals like koi over feeding comet goldfish? How about insects such as crickets or mealworms?

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Snow storm incoming, where can I buy snow boots?

    Ugh, just found out we should be getting 5-8 inches of snow Tuesday and I just threw away my snow boots because one was being held together by duct tape.

    Does anyone know what stores still are selling snow boots this late in the season? I don't have time to order any online because Tuesday and Wednesday I will be out and about in the snow.

    Have you seen any at Target? Kohls? Dick's sporting goods? I'm out in the Chicago suburbs if that helps. Will be picking a best answer tonight!


    3 AnswersSnow Skiing8 years ago
  • Snow storm incoming, where can I buy snow boots?

    Ugh, just found out we should be getting 5-8 inches of snow Tuesday and I just threw away my snow boots because one was being held together by duct tape.

    Does anyone know what stores still are selling snow boots this late in the season? I don't have time to order any online because Tuesday and Wednesday I will be out and about in the snow.

    Have you seen any at Target? Kohls? Dick's sporting goods? I'm out in the Chicago suburbs if that helps. Will be picking a best answer tonight!


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • What can I do when the daycare I work at is constantly over ratio?

    I work at a privately owned daycare in IL.

    In an effort to save money, they have begun to tighten the teachers schedules. Nearly every morning we are over ratio. Next week, at one point in the morning, not only should be we 6 kids over ratio for 30 minutes to a hour, but we will be 4 kids over what the classroom is licensed for.

    Myself and multiple other staff members have told them, and they refuse to do anything about it. I feel that it is not only too chaotic for the kids, but its not safe. I love my job, I love my kids, and I don't want to lose it. What can I do?

    6 AnswersPreschool9 years ago
  • What can I do when the daycare I work at is constantly over ratio?

    I work at a privately owned daycare in IL.

    In an effort to save money, they have begun to tighten the teachers schedules. Nearly every morning we are over ratio. Next week, at one point in the morning, not only should be we 6 kids over ratio for 30 minutes to a hour, but we will be 4 kids over what the classroom is licensed for.

    Myself and multiple other staff members have told them, and they refuse to do anything about it. I feel that it is not only too chaotic for the kids, but its not safe. I love my job, I love my kids, and I don't want to lose it. What can I do?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Army reservist, pay for AT much less than civilian work?

    I'm sorry if this is a silly question.

    My husband is in the army reserves. Last year he got a new job with a great smaller privately owned company in IL. He just recently had his annual training and we lost so much money because of it. His military pay for that time was about half of what he would have made in his civilian job which really hurt us since we are on a tight budget.

    Is there anything we can do to make up the difference? If not now, but for the future? Or are we just out of luck and need to budget for the lost wages?


    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • What plants should I use in my tank?

    I have a 70g tall tank, currently home to 9 kuhlis, 8 serpae tetras, and 3 upside down tetras. I will eventually stock some more fish, but what I really want to do is switch over from fake plants to live plants, but I have no idea where to start.

    ^^What my tank looks like now.

    For lighting right now we just have the basic fluorescent light that comes with most tanks. Any suggestions on easy, low light aquarium plants and where to put them?


    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Mystery death in two species in my tank?

    So I have a 60g tall tank, fully cycled, last month I added some julii cory cats, serpae tetras, and some kuhli loaches, last week I added a few angels and a few ghost shrimp. All young fish, from a great LFS.

    Everybody look happy and healthy, until all the corys started dying one by one, and then the angels did too. If I find them right away, the bodies still look healthy. No spots, no fungus, no rips or tears to the fins, no discoloration, just normal healthy looking, but dead. If I can't find them right away, my loaches have been eating them.

    I've tested my water and had the local fish store test my water. No ammonia, No nitrites, and never more than 5-10 Nitrates. PH is at a stable 7.4. New water I add to the tanks is a mix of my well water (which has a PH of 8.9) and RO water that I set up in buckets and test and let sit so it is also 7.4. I add dechlorinator and stuff to it too.

    I've been feeding flakes, algae wafers, frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp.

    The tetras and the kuhli loaches seem to be thriving, I know the PH is a little high but everything I have read, and everything people have told me said that its not that big of a deal since its no that high.

    I don't know what else too do. I'm scared that whatever killed the corys and angels is going to take over the rest of my fishes, but I can't figure out what it is. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Tennessee walking horse cruelty?

    The HSUS just released an undercover video of what one barn is doing to "train" Tennessee walkers. If you want to see it, it can be found here.

    I should warn you that it is very graphic, I was crying within seconds and could not finish it.

    Pepsi just pulled their sponsorship of the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. The big player is facing up to 5 years because of this.

    How do you feel about Tennessee walkers? Do you think abuse like this is common? Do you think 5 years is enough?

    13 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Ghost Shrimp that are blue? Hurry please!?

    My husband just brought home some ghost shrimp and I noticed that a few are tinted blue, mainly along their bellies and tails. Its not eggs, I know what those look like. Do you think these are safe to put in my tank?

    I know these are not the best pictures, but I didn't want to take them out of the bag if I have to go return them. Thanks!

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago