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I'm almost always happy. Jealous?

  • Classic TV Love Triangle Trope, what do you do?

    So here's the situation. You're in love with your friend but never told her because she had a boyfriend. You have a girlfriend that you like a lot.

    Now all of a sudden the friend that you're in love with breaks up with her boyfriend and confesses her love for you.

    What do you do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 weeks ago
  • Was it worth electing Biden?

    From my perspective here in the UK, he's a threat to western civilisation. He's been causing harm to western countries and being subservient to China, Russia and Iran. All of these countries are a threat to western civilisation and he's letting them do whatever they want while making enemies out of Europe.

    So I'm wondering if you guys in the US feel like it was worth electing Biden rather than having Trump for a second term. Do any of you regret your decisions? Are you happy with how he's turning out? Or do you totally think it was worth getting rid of Trump? Why?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events4 weeks ago
  • Why do you use dating sites?

    If you can post your gender, sexual orientation and age then that'd be great. No worries if you don't feel comfortable with that though.

    I'm curious at why people use dating sites. Whether it's just to feel validated, whether it's to have a hookup or one night stand, whether it's to simply chat and make friends or whether it's to find real love.

  • How to cope with lockdown?

    Not gonna lie, it's starting to get to me now. A year without going to pubs, meeting people, getting laid, letting loose, going kickboxing, extreme sports, travelling, experiencing new things and generally living life how I always have done is really starting to get me angry at everything around me. Even the little things are starting to p*ss me off to unreasonable levels. I'm just sick of everything and I want a change. I'm someone that's always done things outside my comfort zone and now I'm stuck inside it and I'm lost. 

    At first it was "Ah it's just a minor setback, I can deal with it" and now I feel like I've just wasted a year of my life. My patience and mood is deteriorating and I know it's because I have nothing to live for at the moment. I work nightshifts and during the day when people are walking about; I'm asleep. I don't see people anymore, let alone meet them. I've tried looking for new things to keep me occupied and I've been doing them, but nothing interests me in the slightest. I've always been an adrenaline junkie and I'm not going to get that rush of living on the edge from the endless cycle of going work and coming home.At this rate I feel like I just want a release and to go to a rave or something. Just let loose because if I don't I'll probably end up hitting someone at work or kicking up a fuss with police.Any ideas on how to deal with it?

    3 AnswersPsychology3 months ago
  • Why are people supporting the riots?

    For the past 4 years we've had nothing but democrat riots and every step of the way I and most of us have been condemning them. But now we're all attending and supporting a pro-Trump riot?

    What's with that?

    Democrats too. All this time antifa and BLM have been rioting and causing absurd amounts of damage. They've murdered innocent republicans and police officers and even took over portions of a city, not allowing ambulances and police to enter. All that time you were hailing them as heroes and peaceful protesters.But now all of a sudden a pro-Trump riot pops up and it's the worst thing since Hitler.

    I just don't get it. From my perspective you all seem brainwashed. Like you'll support anything as long as your party does. So I want to understand; what is it that makes you change your opinions so easily on these matters?

    1 AnswerPolitics4 months ago
  • Dream interpretation?

    This is all one dream. I have an idea of what some of it was about in my life, but I'm looking for second opinions. It was all vivid and in my experience vivid dreams tend to be meaningful ones so I figured I'd try to interpret it.

    I was walking through my hometown, kept on encountering old and new friends and tried chatting with them, but they were busy and couldn't chat long or they weren't interested. 

    I ended up in a crowd with some strangers who started doing things and I joined in having a happy time.

    I passed out and ended up in bed in a strange building. Someone was in the shower and I felt the need to get out ASAP. However I had an insatiable curiosity for who was in the shower. I got my stuff and got out without discovering who I had apparently slept with.

    I was walking home and saw a large brown bear walk up to this guy, he was terrified but the bear just wanted cuddles. I walked past but as I thought that the guy was scared and despite knowing it was a bad idea, I decided to call out the bear (do a bear growl). 

    I tried walking off but the bear came to me anyway. As soon as it got to me, it rolled over and wanted a cuddle. So I stroked it for a while and wanted to leave, eventually other guys came over and tried to cuddle it but I saw the bear was getting annoyed with them. I figured I would take the opportunity to leave, but the bear hit me out of anger of me leaving it and it hurt, the guys ran away...

  • Do you approve of lockdowns? (UK)?

    Also if you can explain why you approve/disapprove of it and what the people around you think of it, that would be great thanks. 

  • What do Liberals think of the great reset?

    Genuine answers please, it's a genuine question. I'm curious what you're all thinking about it.

    Oh and before someone claims it's a conspiracy theory (since many people say this to me), the World Economic Forum have been talking about it openly for months and several governments have declared their intentions to follow it. So please keep that in mind when claiming it's a conspiracy theory and if you do claim it is one; I'd like an explanation please.

    Thanks guys! Lets keep this positive for a change. 

    3 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Why do people seem to think Proud Boys are white supremacists?

    I don't care what your opinion of them is. Whether you like them, whether you hate them, or whether you consider them to be far-right activists or not. I just want to focus on the white supremacy claim.

    The reason I ask is because every time I switch the news on, I always see them referred to as white supremacists. However considering that their founding member and leader is a black-Hispanic dude I'd say that completely voids the claim that they're white supremacists.

    So why do people think they're white supremacists? 

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 months ago
  • Why do people vote for corporatist policies?

    I genuinely don't understand it.

    What benefits do policies that incites businesses to corporatize give to you or the US?

    Or what is it about Biden that makes you overlook the corporatist agenda in his policies? 

    Please include why the positives outweigh the negatives.

    Thanks for all of the serious answers in advance.

    2 AnswersElections6 months ago
  • Why don't women find happy men attractive?

    I was chatting to a friend of mine at work and out of the blue she said to me "You know, you'd get loads of women if you weren't so happy all of the time."

    I asked her about it, but she couldn't really explain why.

    Now I've been told by so many people that I'm probably the happiest person they know and I agree that I'm a pretty happy person.

    And after thinking about it, she might be right. At least it matches my experiences. When I were 19-21, I went through a flirty stage in my life and I acted super calm and chilled out in every circumstance and while I didn't get loads of women, I did have a few girlfriends and they were REALLY pretty. But I stopped doing that because it was all an act and I was tired of it. I'm 24 now and I kind of feel like I grew up since then and I want to go out and enjoy life and experience new things. Since then I've become so much more interesting and I feel like the best version of myself and as a consequence I've been so happy. But I'm also getting absolutely no attention from women. None at all, not an exaggeration.

    So what she said rings true.

    I also just did a google search on it and studies say that happy men are seen as significantly less attractive. Even moody men and angry men are more attractive apparently.

    Now I'm not going to change. If women don't like me being happy, they don't like me. I don't care, I'm patient enough to find someone I like that likes me without putting on a show like I did before.

    But I am curious. Why?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • Why doesn't President Trump disavow racism?

    Please watch this video before you reply, since it pretty much explains my question in more detail than 1,500 characters can cover.

    Politics7 months ago
  • US - Who will you vote for and why?

    Republican, Democrat or Undecided. 

    Let me know who you're going to vote for, or have voted for and why you're voting for that party.

    I'm looking for more policies that you support or are against rather than your personal quips with the leadership of each political party. 

    4 AnswersElections7 months ago
  • Where to practice rally driving? UK?

    I went to rally school not long ago. - a gift from my girlfriend.

    I spent 5 hours under a private tutorship on a gravel track/stage.

    I never really was into motor sport but after I finished rally school, I think I fell in love with the sport.

    Anyway I was already in the process of buying a new car and I'm now thinking it's worth keeping my old car (It's a cheap little thing) and having a bit of fun making use of my newly acquired driving techniques.

    Now my problem is that I want to do it legally. So I'm wondering if there are any rally enthusiasts out there that would be able to give me a bit of direction on this.

    Is there anywhere I can just take my car and drive? Even if I have to pay that's fine.

    I read online that I have to take a BARS exam or something to get a B class license in order to be able to compete, but honestly I don't really want to compete at this point of time. I just want to have a bit of fun and improve.

    Unless of course that is the only way of doing what I want to do?

    If that's the case, then what would it take to pass the BARS? Like what knowledge/skills would I need?

    Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersOther - Auto Racing7 months ago
  • Why does this girl keep getting my attention and then running away? Am I seeing things that are not there? How to I approach her?

    We work together. She keeps doing things to get my attention but every time she does so, she seems to rush off.

    For example she makes eye contact with me, smiles at me and then goes off and chats with her friends.

    She "coincidentally" bumps into me when I wasn't looking, apologises and then rushes off.

    She'll come up from behind me, say good morning and then walk past me really fast. 

    If I say hi to her and ask her how she's doing she'll quickly reply, give me a HUGE smile and then walk off really fast.

    Whenever I'm in the area she works in, I get her full attention but she acts like she doesn't want to talk. At most she'll wave at me from the other side of the room.

    When she goes past my working space, she looks for me but she never lets me know it.

    Now she is a friendly girl. She greets a lot of people and gives them the smile too. I have considered the fact that she's not really that interested and she's just being friendly. But every time I think that, she does something specifically to me that just grabs my attention completely and then runs off after doing it, not giving me a chance to take her up on the opportunity. She doesn't seem to give as much attention to anyone else as she does to me. And when we make eye contact I can feel a bit of sparks flying if that makes sense.

    Whenever I feel that, it's usually mutual attraction.

    But ultimately despite all of the signs there, I just feel like the girl is completely unapproachable. I haven't talked to her because of it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 months ago
  • Why is the United States not much of a Capitalist country these days?

    In terms of the most capitalist countries in the world, the United States doesn't even reach the top 10.

    It seems too resistant to change to be able to thrive as a capitalist nation, but why is that?

    5 AnswersEconomics8 months ago
  • People of Tomorrow, are you excited for the digital festival?

    I'm pumped, but I'm not sure whether it will be as great as I hope. 7 hours to gooooo

    Other - Music9 months ago
  • How to get a first time credit card?


    I've never had a credit card before. I'd like one just so that I can build credit history and make my life easier in the future. I'm 23. I've got a steady income and no credit history at all. I've never owed money and I've never come close to having nothing in my bank. I've got over £10k in my savings account.

    I tried applying for one today, however it was rejected at the soft check. I figure it's probably because I have no credit history. I've looked on comparison sites and none of them can find me a credit card that I would be eligible for.

    I asked my bank for any options I have to try to improve my chances of getting a credit card, however the customer support couldn't give me anything they deemed as financial support. All they did was tell me that paying off an overdraft improves credit scores, however I somehow feel doubtful that will be enough.

    But what do I know? Honestly to me the whole thing makes my head spin.

    I can't seem to get my head around the logic that spending more than I have and then paying it off is better than never spending more than I have and having a lot of money saved up. It just doesn't click with me and I would consider myself a pretty smart person.

    So I'm going to look up on getting an overdraft now.

    It leaves me wondering, how do I get credit history if I can't even get a credit card?

    Or as the big question above says, how can I get my first time credit card?

    Any help is greatly appreciated thank you.

    8 AnswersCredit10 months ago
  • Why are the BLM protests still going on?

    At first I could sympathise. The George Floyd matter was seriously out of order and something needed to be done about it.

    But something has been done about it. All of the police officers involved have lost their jobs and have been charged for murder. That's it. Justice has been held. The government did a good job for a change.

    So why exactly are people still out there protesting? What are they hoping to achieve?

    I'm asking because right now it just seems to me that people are protesting for the sake of protesting. And other people are taking advantage of that to cause destruction to public property, to loot and to attack police officers that have not done anything wrong. I've even witnessed someone hurling a brick at a police horse. It's a horse. An innocent horse.

    So rather than make assumptions I figure I'd ask. Why are you all still protesting? What do you want to happen in order to stop protesting? What are you trying to achieve? 

    8 AnswersCurrent Events11 months ago