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Lv 2310 points

Dena O

Favorite Answers15%
  • I think my phone line is tapped?!?

    My sister is friends with a lot of gang members and is into drugs and alcohol, shes 19. My mom noticed first. For a while the internet was messing up, we assumed that it was just the wifi box gone bad, so we bought a new one. But not even a week later, our phone constantly said "check tel line" or "line in use" and wouldnt allow us to make calls. My stepdad checked the phone lines under the house and even replaced them. Now it rarely displays the messages, but is being even weirder! When we answer the phone now, there is a click, than an echo. Also there is often a sound as if a fax machine is on, but ours isn't even plugged in!?

    Are we wiretapped?

    Do you think by the cops, or the gang?

    Lastly, what do we do now?

    1 AnswerLand Phones8 years ago
  • How do you create an original character?

    I understand how to come up with one, but many people have I suppose what you could say like an animated drawing/ picture of them.

    this for example:

    do you need a special program to design it? Is it free? And if there's links please leave them.

    Thanks ahead!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • How do you create an original character?

    I understand how to come up with one, but many people have I suppose what you could say like an animated drawing/ picture of them.

    this for example:

    do you need a special program to design it? Is it free? And if there's links please leave them.

    Thanks ahead!

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • Were there any blondes in Avatar: The Last Airbender?

    I thought of this yesterday, and don't recall seeing any blonde characters, other than Yue if you count her. Are there any? If not, does anybody know why not?

    4 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Fire Nation names for a FanFic?

    I'm writing a fanfic about Iroh's days as General, and I need some names for the Fire Nation soldiers. Any ideas? Mostly men, but some women.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Need someone to edit fanfics?!?

    I write fan fictions and I see most people have someone to edit their fics, I mainly write Avatar: the last airbender fics. If anyone would be interested in doing this for me, please leave your email, or fanfic user name! Thanks ahead!

    *********************************FOR FREE (someone said that those people are paid, but not all of them are, hence I want one that isn't looking for cash!!)*********************************

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Glowsticks in hair/nails, also any creative ideas for cosmic bowling?

    So, im going cosmic bowling (where the lights are out and there are blacklights on) and need some ideas to spice things up. I thought about haveing some fun with glowsticks... I don't want to directly dye my hair, but I have platinum synthetic hair extensions from hot topic, and I want to dye them with the glow sticks. Will there be a dangerous reaction with the chemicals in hair and the glow stick chemicals? Also any other ideas other than highlighters?

    Also, what about mixing the liquid in a clear nailpolish?

    Need quick response!!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Glowstick hair/ nails?

    So, im going cosmic bowling and want to have some fun with glowsticks... I don't want to directly dye my hair, but I have platinum synthetic hair extensions from hot topic, and I want to dye them with the glow sticks. Will there be a dangerous reaction with the chemicals in hair and the glow stick chemicals?

    Also, what about mixing the liquid in a clear nailpolish?

    Need quick response!!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • A question of mine disappeared?!?

    I had a question and it violated no rules, so why is it saying 'deleted'?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Any ideas for a character name?

    I am writing a fanfic of Kristin Cashore's book 'Fire' in which Fire and Brigan have a child. I just do not know what to name the child, the baby is a monster, so anyone have ideas for

    1.) Gender

    2.) Name

    3.) Eye/ Hair color

    Also In the fic she finds out (the hard way) that the herbs (that prevent pregnancy) do not work for monsters! Oops on her behalf! lol.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Are there coloured contacts that cover your FULL eye (even pupil)?

    I want to get colored contacts, and I have $40. I want to get unnatural looking ones. I was wondering if there were ones that covered your pupil (resulting in tinted vision which is ok)? Also I hear some online colored contacts scratch your eyes resulting in possible vision damage? If anyone finds ones that cover your pupil, or just a trustworthy brand, please leave the link! Thanks!

    4 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • is it ok to dye synthetic extensions with glow sticks?

    I have platinum synthetic hair extensions from hot topic, and I want to dye them with glow sticks. Will there be a dangerous reaction with the face hair and the glow stick chemicals? Need quick response!!

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Braces and a fake lip piercing?

    I want snakebites, but i have braces, and my Mom hates the idea. So I was looking at fake lip rings online and my Mom said maybe. The thing is she is afraid that it'll affect the movement of my teeth. Is it ok, or will it affect it?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Could my friend be in a cult, or spiritual trouble?

    I am worried about a friend. I have a friend that really likes me and I like him. He is gothic though. We were talking about it the other day, and he said since I am Christian it is to dangerous to tell me why he is gothic. So we had a conversation today about dating, and he said he likes me, its just too dangerous for us to date. I asked him if he could get out of whatever it he is into and he said 'No, im sorry hun, they won't let me.' If he is into demons and false profits (I apologize I am indeed a terrible speller) shouldn't he be able to get out of it. Another thing I think is he could be in a cult. He is 14, and we care about eachother, what would he be able to do to spirtually, and/or physically free himself? I'm very worried about him. And is it safe to hang around him.

    Please don't tell me anything that can be 'dangerous' for someone to know. I just want to know what could it be, a cult, demons, prophecys, or what? And how could he get out of it.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Relationship help Please!!!! Very important!!!!?

    So there's this boy... and i kinda think he likes me, and i like him. So theres a carnival this weekend, and I really want to hang out with him. (Never hung out with him out of school.) We've only hung out once or twice at school though. He always stops or gets my attention to say hi, and kinda flirts when we talk.. So, I have 2 questions 1.) Does it seem like he likes me

    and 2.) Is it ok to say this, **:i forgot to tell you today (Saturday), theres a carnival-like thing (Name of my city -a-Pollooza or sumthinn) u shld go. =) me and Amanda are going, maybe see you there? I'm probably going around 2 'cause i have riding lessons, and my sis has prom... txt meh if u get service, if not message me on here 555-555-5555** Please someone help asap pleasee!!!!!!!!

    I dunno if he likes me for sure and I don't wanna ruin our friendship.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How many pages are in the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod book 5 (Twelfth Grade Kills)?

    Ok so I really liked the Heather Brewer series. But my local library didn't have the last book. So I bought it on Google Play store. When reading it, I noticed throughout the book MANY typos. But after doing some research, I noticed a lot of sites said (around) 325 pages. I have the E-book, and it is only 167 pages. How can this be?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Where can I get a hot pink and black coontail?

    So I finally decided to go and get one but I have no idea where you can I tried Wal-Mart- Smart Style, but they have no hot-pink dye. Please anyone. Near the Highlands in W.V.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • Need advice fast please will give high points to the right answer!!!!?

    So there's this really cute boy in my grade but I think he doesn't even know that I exist!!!! He always is hanging out with the jocks and talks to preppy/popular girls. I've tried to talk to him on fb but no reply. He seems scene/emo I'm scene and like the only scene girl in my school. :\ He's like the only boy that I actually think is cute that doesn't hate me (because he doesn't know that I exist). I really need advice so please help........

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • can you keep a boer goat and a milk goat in the same stall?

    Im doing a 4h project and were getting a boer goat and a goat for milk. Someone told me that you have to keep them apart some or the milk will taste different , but this person did not tell us how far apart we had to keep the goats. Please help.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago