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Lv 43,225 points

ELF Earth Life Form - Aubrey

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Retired Electrical Engineer Author of Universal Theory "Bearly Looking At Light" To know you have explained the Universe correctly, you must be able to start any where or when and arrive at the same conclusions. I start with pizza. Q.E.D.

  • What is Arab Spring? In March, 2011, the movement of so-called “Arab Spring” came to Syria and caused severe destabilization there.?

    In March, 2011, the movement of so-called “Arab Spring” came to Syria and caused severe destabilization there. It continues and until the end of March, 2014 the total number of the refugees who have gotten out of Syria has exceeded 2,560,000 (UNHCR, 2014, March). While the related countries and international organizations are seeking to improve the situation, this serious situation still continues in Syria.

    I would like to hear from Syrians and Jordanians, what this is all about.

    Thank You for serious comments.

    2 AnswersOther - Africa & Middle East7 years ago
  • Justin Bieber tickets for Japan 2012 July?

    What is the day and whee can I buy tickets?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Is there empty space between ESTs or is there a continual touching of ESTs?

    Here is the toughest question I have found yet.

    An EST = Existence Simplest Things

    There are many different ESTs

    Question: Is there empty space between ESTs or is there a continual touching of ESTs?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • I have found a devise that looks to be a wave generator. I am looking for some radio engineers.?

    ANy of you engineers who would recognize the photo please contact me at and I'll send over the photo of the equipment.

    What I would like to do is split water using radio waves as has been shown on the web.

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Should WikiLeaks get the Nobel Peace Prize for disclosing World Government corruption?

    I am asking here in Physics because this is where the best minds look

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    I received and very nice SAFE about a week ago.

    I have the key but the combination to the lock was printed on a piece of standard paper with a black felt tip marker. The paper was in a plastic bag but the paper got wet and the ink with the combination vanished.

    I can just barely see that there is something there if there is fluorescent light hitting the paper from both sides.

    I figure I have one chance to retrieve the combination.

    Any of you super chemist sleuths know how to bring back the writing?

    The previous owner has moved and is not available.

    5 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade ago
  • Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    I received and very nice SAFE about a week ago.

    I have the key but the combination to the lock was printed on a piece of standard paper with a black felt tip marker. The paper was in a plastic bag but the paper got wet and the ink with the combination vanished.

    I can just barely see that there is something there if there is fluorescent light hitting the paper from both sides.

    I figure I have one chance to retrieve the combination.

    Any of you super chemist sleuths know how to bring back the writing?

    The previous owner has moved and is not available.

    3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    I received and very nice SAFE about a week ago.

    I have the key but the combination to the lock was printed on a piece of standard paper with a black felt tip marker. The paper was in a plastic bag but the paper got wet and the ink with the combination vanished.

    I can just barely see that there is something there if there is fluorescent light hitting the paper from both sides.

    I figure I have one chance to retrieve the combination.

    Any of you super chemist sleuths know how to bring back the writing?

    The previous owner has moved and is not available.

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    I received and very nice SAFE about a week ago.

    I have the key but the combination to the lock was printed on a piece of standard paper with a black felt tip marker. The paper was in a plastic bag but the paper got wet and the ink with the combination vanished.

    I can just barely see that there is something there if there is fluorescent light hitting the paper from both sides.

    I figure I have one chance to retrieve the combination.

    Any of you super chemist sleuths know how to bring back the writing?

    The previous owner has moved and is not available.

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    I received and very nice SAFE about a week ago.

    I have the key but the combination to the lock was printed on a piece of standard paper with a black felt tip marker. The paper was in a plastic bag but the paper got wet and the ink with the combination vanished.

    I can just barely see that there is something there if there is fluorescent light hitting the paper from both sides.

    I figure I have one chance to retrieve the combination.

    Any of you super chemist sleuths know how to bring back the writing?

    The previous owner has moved and is not available.

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visible again?

    Invisible Ink, How can I make the combination visable again?

    I received and very nice SAFE about a week ago.

    I have the key but the combination to the lock was printed on a piece of standard paper with a black felt tip marker. The paper was in a plastic bag but the paper got wet and the ink with the combination vanished.

    I can just barely see that there is something there if there is fluorescent light hitting the paper from both sides.

    I figure I have one chance to retrieve the combination.

    Any of you super chemist sleuths know how to bring back the writing?

    Previous owner has moved and can not be reached.

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Anyone ever build a stack capacitor out of paper and cut up beer cans?

    I am building a stack capacitor and I am wondering what voltage standard letter paper can with stand.

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • CHILD SUPPORT, or **** IT?

    This question was deleted as I was forming an answer to the question.

    I think the answer is strong enough to allow the question to be presented.

    CHILD SUPPORT, or **** IT?

    Well my mom took the child support card from me just because I got a SUMMER job, which ends in two weeks, but anyways its mines, and without me she wouldn`t be gettin it, and if she doesn`t give me back the card I wanted to know if there is anyway that I could go to court and have them cancel it, cause im an 18 year old senior and I need money, not just 400 dollars every ****** two weeks from a summer jobs, and not to mention that I have to get clothes cause I hardly have any and shoes and this is jsut ****** up, I need to know what can i do reall???

    Hello, reall

    You are doomed.

    Read over your own question.

    At 18 you are offering yourself to the working world?

    Your question shows that you are not ready to be an adult.

    Good clothes and shoes are always available. Start at GOODWILL they have everything you need to survive.

    You are living at home, You are not paying rent, CHILD SUPPORT will only last until you are 18 or when you leave school. You are 18 so the only way to continue the CHILD SUPPORT is for you to stay in school.

    Your question shows that you have not learned enough in 18 years to be accepted in any University, College or Junior College. Your future has a 90% failure rate. Probably with time in jail within the first year of graduation, if you graduate.

    You only have a 10% chance of making it.

    Male or female here is your best chance.

    Let you mom have the CHILD SUPPORT money.

    It is time for you to get your own as* in gear.

    Construction is the only field you are qualified for.

    Your question shows that anything requiring the use of written English is beyond your abilities. You did not even use spell check. Therefore construction is your start. I recommend becoming an Electrician. Electrician is the highest pay for the least amount of work. Volunteer to work the first two weeks for free to show the company you can be at work on time ready to do and to learn. Electricity is an excellent teacher. If you do it wrong you get one hell of a shock, to make you think harder about what you just touched. If you are really stupid and do not learn fast, then electricity will kill you and I need not write any more.

    You will spend a minimum of four years learning the Electrical trade. The same time you were given by your fellow citizens to learn to be an adult during high school but which you waisted thinking that life is a free ride and there was nothing but play time ahead.

    With your first pay check as an electrical apprentice you will either make or break the 80 years ahead of you.


    Male or female buy a pack of condoms and learn how to use them.

    The last thing the world needs is more people, who can not take care of themselves, having more children.


    Open an investment account. This may be the last thing on your mind.

    Just do it. Without an investment account you will never succeed. This is the point I was NOT told and only learned after 30 years of working hard. It does not matter who the account is with. You are not going to invest yet. How can you? You know nothing about investing.


    Do not give your mother any of your pay check. She does not know how to manage money, or you would not be in the sad state you are in.

    You are living in a home. Your mother's home. Start paying your own adult way. Chose a bill, The electric bill to start with. YOU pay that bill. You buy the money order, the stamp and the envelope and put it in a safe post office mailbox.

    If you have any money left YOU go buy food for yourself. If you cook and clean up yourself then you need not buy your mother any food. If you are a deadly poor cook and you would like your mother to cook for you, you need to pay her to cook. Not with money but with the food list that she gives you to go to the store and buy the food yourself that she will cook. The store will show you how best to make every penny count.

    Make sure you have enough left from your first pay check to buy the same high quality SCREW DRIVER that you saw the other electricians using. The master electricians will respect you more each week they see you show up ON TIME with one more Electrician Grade tool of your own.

    DO NOT buy all your tools at one time. Good Tools are expensive and it will help you learn, if you ASK the Electricians you are working with, which tool you should buy next. The Electricians know which tools are safe for you. And which tools they recommend each week will tell you what they think of your progress.

    My guess is the second week they will have you go buy ELECTRICIANS work boots. HUH? Bet you did not think of that one. The Electricians know your body is a wonderful wire and the fist thing to do is to insulate you from getting shocked and killed. Some time around the second m

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My dad likes to see me in my underwear?

    The following question was posted by a young lady to Yahoo Answers on 2009 07 18. the question was removed from Yahoo Answers, before I was able to add my answer. Not sure why the Question was removed, perhaps to protect the young person submitting the question, but I think the question and answer are important so I copied it and am resubmitting it. I did notice that the style of writing was more adult than I would expect from a 15 year old.

    Here is what she wrote

    I live alone with my dad. Ever since I was young my dad has wanted to see me nude/in my underwear to check how I was 'growing'. Now I'm 15, he still asks to see me in my underwear ever 2 months or so. He also checks my private areas once a year to make sure I haven't been 'breaking the law'. I used to think this was normal, but one of my friends found out and told me it was weird. Is it weird?

    There were several quick answers that said Yes it is weird.

    But I think and answer to such a serious question deserves a more thought out answer.

    Here is the answer I wrote.

    First step

    Print out your question and the answers you receive from this site.

    Put them in an envelope and write. TO DAD on the envelope.

    Step two

    Your Dad needs time ALONE to read and think. He needs about 8 hours (preferably 24 hours) to get over his shock that his world has changed and realize that his daughter is now a thinking, acting, caring young adult.

    Step three

    Your Dad will ask to talk with you. He will apologize and acknowledge that you are growing up and that it is time for him to turn over his fatherly protection to your good judgment.

    Step four

    The hardest step. YOU now must take over your fathers protection of you and start thinking AS AN ADULT. You have a tremendous advantage and disadvantage by being a young adult in the year 2009.

    You have a computer that can tell you everything, truth and lies, that the population of this planet knows. Your ADULT job is to sort through everything you read and determine what is truth and what is lies.

    Step five

    This is the beginning of your adult life. Time for me to leave you to live your life.

    Your father will step back and let your learn to be you.

    Your father will now answer your questions truthfully when asked.

    Your father will be there for you, to back you up when the world tries to hurt you.

    Best of Luck

    email me if you need further assistance

    Here is the WHAT'S YOUR SOURCE I wrote

    Father of a ten year old daughter.

    I answered this question for myself long before my daughter was born.

    By reading and listening to hundreds of stories of the goods and bads of children growing up.

    I am now 54 an investor and writer.

    My daughters health wealth and protection are the ONLY things that are of importance to me.

    Health = The understanding given to your child of herself and the universe she lives in. Gently and over time showing the good and the bad and explaining the blend of both.

    Wealth = Building up the child's fortune. A fortune she can not touch until she has a chance to make her own try at the world. I put my daughter on my payroll when she was three months old. As office assistant and Calendar model for our company calendar. The IRS allows you to build her IRA at the rate of $15,000 per year with almost no taxes imposed. And your tax base is reduced by that same $15,000. My daughter had over $60,000 by the time she was 5. I was forced out of business by over regulation and over government. I retired but the money in my daughters account is hers and hers alone. Her retirement is secure. She will not get any social security, it will be gone by the time she retires but her IRA will by then exceed $1,000,000 just by the rule of 7 and that money growth will be untaxable and untouchable by anyone but her.

    Protection = Teach her about the bad side of life.

    How to:

    Recognize trouble before getting into it

    Run if you can.

    Fight if you must.

    Kill as a last resort.

    And know that her father is there as her first defense.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I have a collection of over 30,000 rare books to sell, in storage in California. Where do I sell them?

    Your Question

    I have a collection of over 30,000 rare books to sell, in storage in California. Where do I sell them?

    They were the private collection of the Owner of the Long Beach Book Store. He collected them for over 40 years.

    Some go back to the 1600s. I have had them for five years and he died several years before that. They are in boxes in Anaheim and no, I do not have a list of what is inside.

    3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago