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I'm in my early 30's & operate a pet boarding business from home, which I very proudly say I've worked very hard to do this all on my own. I also have 11 pets (8 cats, 2 Bettas & my green iguana Dino) which are my family & I love them all dearly. I used to work for a vet before I took over this business so I have extensive knowledge caring for all types of animals not to mention the 30 something I've had since childhood. Animals are my passion. Oh some other interests: Vintage clothing and the whole 60's era, The Doors, Reading esp. True Crime, New Age stuff & some Chick Lit now & then, and I'm an organized neat freak. I like to clean, I'm hyperactive, and I'm pretty sure I have OCD & ADD :P

  • A friend asked me to help him install insulation in his attic but I'm afraid bc I'm asthmatic. Is this bad?

    I also just lost my health insurance on March 1st. (I had a bad asthma attack and fungal infection in my lungs from mold exposure 2 years ago for which I was hospitalized for 3 days. Luckily I had insurance then.)

    I feel bad telling him no because he always helps me but I'm a little more upset that he put me on the spot like this knowing I'm asthmatic. He claims I'll be fine with a dust mask but my gut is telling me not to do it.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Landlord is selling the house I rent. She is showing up with the realtors when there's a showing?

    She hasn't asked me to leave but I do not feel comfortable NOT being home since these are all my belongings and pets which I'm allowed to have. What is really irritating me is that she's been pushy with me trying to get me to buy it and as I'm here when she shows up with the realtor and potential buyers, I'm watching her make a total *** out of herself really over exaggerating how wonderful her overpriced old, moldy, crappy home is! Isn't the point of a realtor is so they can sell your house for you? Don't they know better than the seller? Wouldn't it look better if she didn't come with them? She is desperate and it really shows. Her showings are very low and she had one offer more than half price (which she was offended by) in 8 months. I'm just sitting here laughing at her while I look for a new place to live.

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • My car won't pass emissions. The codes showing a catalytic converter but was it replaced last inspection.?

    I've had the check engine light cleared but it's coming back on after 2 miles. I've already spent $713 on other repairs to pass but the light is keeping it from passing. I've always had a problem with the light, could it be faulty and if so how can you prove it and what can I do to get it to pass?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Could I possibly be pregnant?

    I'm 34 and been on the pill for 20 years. I messed them up somehow trying to pack for travel to meet my boyfriend in CA. (I was trying to down size due to flying and packing regulations. I didn't want to take the whole pack.) I think I missed a few pills before I went but I took them the whole time I was there. I'm assuming my period was probably messed up b/c of this. About 10 days after I was in CA (and still taking my pill) I started spotting about a week before my period was due. This happened about twice a day for 4 days. Then I got my period but only for 3 days verses 5. Since I got my period, I figured everything was ok. But now a week after my period I have this annoying thick and clear discharge. I have no pregnancy symptoms except I was sick a week after I got home from the trip. Everyone was sick so I'm assuming I caught the bug for a about a week or picked up someone's germs on the flights.

    I don't want to waste my money on a test if it's not necessary. I'd love to hear your thoughts and please don't tell me to take a test or go to the Dr. b/c I will. I'm just curious why I spotted and now have this discharge when it's never happened before. It's freaking me out a little.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for the perfect 1st dance wedding song; a hippie song from the 60's or 70's. What do you suggest?

    I will be walking down the isle (processional) to Lennon's Love and we will be playing Light My Fire (recessional). He's a Beatles fan and I'm a Doors fan but we don't want to turn this into a Beatles or Doors concert. Some songs we like (but they don't seem quite perfect) are:

    Grow Old With Me - Lennon

    Indian Summer - The Doors

    We are both modern day hippies so anything from that era or something modern indie/boho etc. may work too.

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • I may be moving to New Zealand but found out that iguanas are illegal to own. Can I get a permit to keep her?

    I'm 34 and have no children. She is my baby! She's 10 years old but I can't choose between my husband tranferring to another country and my pet. If I have to rehome her (which will break my heart) I might be able to talk my brother into taking her.

    I was also wondering if bearded dragons are legal to own there as I would want another lizard if we went. Thanks everyone :)

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • Can't decide between 4 Las Vegas wedding chapels!?

    I'm torn between Belleza, Cupid's, Little Chapel of the Flowers & A Special Memory.

    The wedding will be just the groom and I who are a little older at 34 and 40. This is both of our's first marriage. We have a budget of $1000-$1500 for just us two on the ceremony alone. Money is secondary to having everything we want for the chapel. Any advice or input on any of these chapels (or if there are any others that are highly recommended) would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Vet misdiagnosed my pet, b/c of the HUGE mistake she now needs a $900 surgery. Can I do anything about it?

    I have an iguana & took her to a so called "exotic" vet. I told her she wasn't eating & was lethargic & asked if she could have eggs. She said no it wasn't possible b/c it wasn't breeding season. She swabbed her mouth & diagnosed pneumonia based on that only. There were no symptoms of any respitory distress. My only complaint was she wasn't eating. So she told me to give her the antibiotics and force feed her as much as she'd tolerate & come back in 3 weeks for a follow up. So I did and I still highly suspected her to be gravid w/eggs. Vet still argued w/me that it wasn't possible but I demanded an x-ray. Well I WAS RIGHT! FULL of eggs. So as the month passed she couldn't lay her eggs. I found a "real" exotic vet that said the meds and food compacted her so she couldn't lay her eggs thanks to the 1st vet that should've known better. Now she needs a $900 surgery tomorrow to remove the eggs. (On top of the $350 I've already spent on her.) It's very risky and I could lose her but I still have to pay.

    Is there anything I can do about the misdiagnosis that was way off & has cost a fortune + put my pet's life in jeopardy?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • When will my gravid iguana lay her eggs? Should be any day now so how will I know when she's ready? Details:?

    I got her last Sept. & was told she was a 7 year old male b/c she never produced eggs. She's my 1st so I took the lady's word for it. Now she's around 8 years old, about 3 1/2 feet long (missing 2 feet of her tail, previous owners fault). About a month ago she stopped eating, became lethargic so I went to the vet & found out Dino is a she. I suggested being gravid & my "exotic" pet vet said no. 2 weeks later she gained 2 lbs & suddenly became very fat so I went back & demanded x-rays. They showed some eggs & a lot of white cloudiness. Vet said that was a huge mass of eggs but were they ruptured or not yet formed? She started acting "crazy" about 2 months ago and hasn't ate on her own for a month. She is fat, bulging, & should be laying them any day now?

    I have been hand feeding her foods high in calcium (organic baby yogurt, her vitamin powder mixed w/water & organic baby food) plus giving her fluids orally so she isn't dehydrated. Plus I soaked her in the tub before she got this big so she hasn't been in the tub for about a week now. I got a large litter box w/calci sand & she dug in it a few times then got out. So I made a huge nesting box (36 gallon storage container) mixed w/her sand & moist organic soil but when I put her in it she just comes right back out. I am frustrated & so afraid she's bound. Is this normal behavior? Will she lay them when she's ready? How will I know she's finally ready? I don't want to keep bothering my vet (money isn't a problem when it comes to her - she's my world!) In the last year I have given her a proper diet, plenty of exercise, proper heat & lighting so I haven't done anything wrong which is probably why she was stimulated enough to produce eggs for the 1st time in 8 years! She hasn't gotten a lot of exercise in the last month b/c she's lazy & very fat but she's still alert & otherwise healthy looking considering her condition. Plus her cage is plenty large enough; 6 feet high, 3 feet wide, and 4 feet long. I make her stay in 8 to 12 hours a day but let her out overnight & a few hours in between some in which we go outside for natural sunlight.

    Please help calm me down! I'm 32, single & she's my baby! Am I being a nervous crazy mom? What else can I do for her to get the process started & over with? Am I being overly worrisome? I would be devastated if I lost her. Thanks :)

    10 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Can your aura show up in a photograph? If so what does this mean (read on please)?

    A large RED circular outline around most of my body & over my head. Then a smaller YELLOW circular outline (within the red) around my mid section.

    I know some will say it was a reflection from the camera but this has never happened before to anything I've taken a photo of w/my digital camera and the flash wasn't on. Regardless I would like to believe it was my aura!!! Please tell me what you think :)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why am I having trouble getting a date? Is this the reason? Please read on.?

    I'm attractive, small but in shape, no kids, own my own successful business, make good money, own my home, kind, caring, intelligent, educated, not mean or crazy but...I'm in the pet care industry & therefore have 8 cats, 2 guinea pigs, fish, 2 birds & an iguana. I think it's a given being that I care for animals that I will have some. But I work from home & am clean so that is not the issue. Other than allergies, why is this a turn off? Is this why I'm having trouble finding a nice man to date?

    32 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where did the phrase The Crazy Cat Lady originate? Was there a person who started this saying?

    And why are we crazy if as a woman we have several cats?! How many do you have and do you consider me a crazy cat lady b/c I have 8?

    BE NICE PLEASE! I've rescued them all so it's not like I purposely go out looking for more. Trust me I don't want more but I'm a sucker for a sad situation.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do you have an iguana? What's it's name & how old is it?

    Just curious. Mine's 10 and I love him to death! Anyway 10 points to anyone who has one w/the same name as mine or if there aren't any then 10 points to the cutest name or story. I just love igs!!!

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else tired of honestly answering Q's only to find the asker chooses the stupidest as best answer?

    Or how about you're the 1st one to answer then 5 other people say what you just said then the asker chooses one of them? ARGHHH why do I bother?! Stupid questions get stupid answers I guess.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Guys: If equally attractive girls came up to you for help which one would you be more attracted to & why?

    The 1st girl who is cute but has her hair in a ponytail and is in sweats but is very polite and kind.

    The 2nd girl who is beautiful, dressed in designer clothes & all made up w/her hair & makeup done but she's huffy b/c you're making her wait until you're done talking to the down to earth cute girl.

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I photograph jewelry without the stones blurring or glaring?

    I want to sell some of my gemstone rings on Ebay but cannot seem to get a clear picture. The stones blur and this is driving me crazy! Please do not tell me to get a new digital camera, mine is fine and cost enough! I just need some advice how to make this work :)

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • What colors/shades of Behr paint have you used, which sheens have you chosen & what rooms have you painted?

    I've recently moved into a totally ugly house and have discovered Behr paints. I am now obsessed w/their colors as they are beautiful but the color choices are so overwhelming and I don't know where to start! Please help me with some ideas & suggestions :)

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago