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Linda R

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  • What is the value of a mint Little Bo Peep cookie jar?

    Stamped on the bottom K2292 and 1997

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • can we file a Chapt 13 bankruptcy if we filed Chapt 7 a year ago?

    We filed a chapt 13 Bankruptcy in 2003 which ended in 2008...we didn't meet all the money owed, so our attorny suggested to convert to a chapt 7 at the end of the we did. We sent every monthly payment during the 5 years of payments, but there was just too much owed. When we converted to a Chapt 7, the atny told us we would NOT lose our home, well: now the mortgage company wants to foreclose on our property saying we owe this huge sum of money on the mortgage (which was included in the chapt 13, then chapt 7) The trustee had stopped making payments to the mtge. company in Sept of "05, but neither the mortgage co. nor the attorny told us...we were not made aware until the end of the 13. I have the printouts of our payments and of the dispursements of the money, and it indeed shows that 9/05 was the last of the money sent to the mortgage company. So: what do I do? Do I file another Chapter 13 to save our home, CAN I even file one, or what can I do? Mortgage company wants $11,000.00+ and huge monthly payments now or will proceed with the foreclosure process which had begun. They say we failed the Modification Loan and HAMP. Does anyone have any solid advice? I personally feel my atny. led me down a path of distruction purposely (he had to know what was going on).

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What is the best diet for safe and rapid weight loss?

    Considering the person is moderately obese (overweight), has no specific medical conditions, lives a fairly active lifestyle, and does not eat at fast food joints or eat a large amt. of junk food? I ask because all in our family want to diet, BMI's are 33, 35.9, and 30.

    We thought of trying the fill 1/2 of your plate with steamed veggies, and 1/8 with meat, 1/8 with fruit, 1/8 with starches, and use the remaining portion that would equal the 1/8 for your liquid, and DON"T wash down your food plan. We all like veggies and baked foods, and don't really overeat any more like we did in the past. We have not had pot. chips/fries/etc. for 2 months, do drink crystal lite drinks, don't drink soda and our only 2 fast food restaurants are subway and can anyone tell us what has worked for them? Oh, yes: the 19yr. old spends his day at college, walking campus, playing pool and racketball, and is a couch pot. at home about 5 hrs. per day, the dad is not very active, and mom works 2 jobs: both require physical strength and total 15 hrs. per day. (Please: no cracks about dad not being active, he has a medical reason)

    25 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Worker's Comp: what rules do they use to determine a settlement?

    The state is PA. Just wondering....

    Got hurt and had to have surgery, been off work little over a year now: permanent restrictions of only being allowed to lift a few pounds and cannot pull with my shoulder/arms prohibit me from returning to former occupation.

    Released to work "where-ever" but with the restrictions....ALSO: employer I had when I was injured has closed down, no company to even try to return to ... even in another capacity.

    Okay: so: my attorny has asked for a settlement of the equivalency of 2 years wages at 40 hrs. per week (I always had overtime every week)

    Since the company is now closed, do I have any recourse, and is there a formula Work Comp uses to compute settlement amounts? It's been 18 months since the injury, 12 since my surgery to correct the injury (yes, they made me wait 6 months in pain and agony...until THEIR doctor said there was no way I could've performed my job duties at all with the particular injury, and he felt assured that my description of how it happened was honest), and the company closed 2 months after my injury.

    What can I do? What should I do that I have not already done?

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • If someone wanted to build a terra cotta tile roof out of the less espensive sheet material, who sells it?

    We are looking for the roofing that comes in a sheet instead of the individual tiles.

    Any websites we can check out?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why does our dog scratch and lose hair?

    We have a Siberian Husky mix....since she is now going out in the yard, she bites, scratches, digs, etc. We use Frontline on her, but she is digging off patches of fur on her hips. Can it be allergies?

    HELP! I will appreciate all suggestions. Any homeopathic treatments to help her? We thought maybe she had allergies, or maybe she even was having a reaction to the shampoo since going into the grass and being bathed with new shampoo were around the same time.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a printable script of a Spanish novela?

    Free, or at a fee, doesn't matter. My son is in need of it.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a printable script of a Spanish novela?

    My son needs it desperately. HELP!!!!

    1 AnswerSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Our puppy keeps eating kitty poo w/litter, how can I stop that?

    We have tried bitter apple, diluted hot sauce, scolding, etc. She is 6 months old, obedient otherwise, but insistent on getting in the litter box. I have done everything except put it up on a shelf...any suggestions?

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Planting shrubs...some roots broken.....should I do something special?

    We were given several shrubs....almost transplant time.....but some of the roots were broken on the shrubs when they were dug up by the previous owner. Is there anything special I should do to help them root and be able to survive?

    We are in SW Pennsylvania.

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Intex soft side pool, how much water to remove before covering?

    We live where the winter temps. go below zero at times. We have the 4 X 18 foot model, with the blow up ring on the top. We want to leave it up. How do we prepare it for winter, should we remove water, etc?

    We have no clue since we have never done this before. Can we use a 24 x 24 tarp to cover it, or is it necessary to buy a regular pool cover?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know where to get a AIR staple gun that is less then 6 inches in height?

    My husband makes Cat furniture, and to get inside the tubes, he needs something short, regularly staple guns don't work, so he would

    like to have an air tool. Any suggestions? We don't really want to spend over $75. either.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Can a Private school in PA legally hold educational transcripts if there is money owed on tuition?

    My child has attended a private Catholic High School in Pennsylvania for his Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior years. Now comes his Senior

    year and they want the owed tuition PLUS his Sr. year tuition in advance. We can't financially do that, so my child has decided that

    an online accredited school is a good option (Our public school is

    very "bad"...not academically, but You Know) Anyway: when I asked the school to fax the educational transcript to the online schools' office, they told me they won't do that until every penny is paid...that it is THEIR right to hold it. I explained that it was them who allowed my child to continue, knowing the debt was getting larger, yet everytime I stated I would remove him from the school, they told me not to, that they would "work with me". Now: his Senior year: and they refuse to relinquish the transcript to the other school, and have told me that

    "He'll just have to quit until this is paid".

    What can I do? Isn't this what the Family Educational Act is? Do I need to file a civil suite on this? I am in total panic here....he gets

    A's and B's....We are not that religion and it has always been an issue with the school for my child...but my child attended because it was the best academic school in the area and my only other recourse was the online school. I am by no means slamming the Catholic faith. I do know that the Pope said on his visit that Catholic education is to be made available to EVERY child, regardless of ability to pay, income, race, etc...

    well, they aren't following what he said!

    Can I get some advice here as to what recourse I have?

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Looking for the large round "circle" used in some of the cat toys?

    It's about 15-18" across (high) and usually has a toy hanging from it.

    It's extremely hard, so I don't think it is sonotube (what they pour concrete into). Anyone know what it is and where to get it?

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Why is check engine and battery lights on? replaced bat and alternator

    Well, I have a 98 Dodge Neon. The battery light came on, and of course shortly after the battery died, took it to the alternator shop where they tested it free, and said alternator was properly charging (battery had acid coming out of it). Well, got a new battery and the battery went dead, would work if we charged it for only a little while, so we replaced the alternator:

    now the alternator has been replaced, and .this time the battery and check engine light both came on after charging the battery. I need the car for medical appointments 54 mi. away. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Where can I get Sonotubes or something that is round and heavy cardboard just like them?

    I am actually using them NOT for concrete, but another project.

    Can anyone advise me where to find them, inexpensively?

    They need to be at least 12" or 14" in across and I need to be able to make pieces 15" to 18" long. I could also use a few small 12" long pieces that are 18" across.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • I am looking for a Pen Pal for a man in a PA prison..?

    is the group I started, but I also want to know if people really pay attention to the groups and really write to inmates...they are people, too, with feelings and wants and needs...they made a mistake, they are paying for that mistake: sometimes much too harshly, sometimes not harshly enough...but the point is they were punished and society shouldn't punish them further.

    I hope my group will connect people in prison with others who will write to (snail mail) and befriend them....

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Building a cat tower, anyone have blueprints?

    Hi, I 'd like to build a tower for my cats...anyone have any blueprints or patterns they are willing to share ?

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Is anyone using or have tried the $19.99 tv through pc offer?

    It is offered through email mostly, I don't have the webaddress, anyway: supposedly you can bring in hundreds of tv channels through your pc, so of course you still need to have internet, but your pc hooks into your tv and it claims you can bring in even foreign channels, all you do is type them into the keyboard if I read it right....

    Do you have it, or know someone who does: and what is the reception/selection? It would be a big money saver if it works.

    2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago