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Favorite Answers26%
  • It is by grace you are saved! It is by grace you are saved! Really? What does that mean?

    I hear this sentence so much from born agains I want to puke. I am saved by grace, so I do not need to worry about obeying the commandments? Right? I just need to believe in Jesus and His grace will save me. Sounds easy. Why do born agains attend church and Bible study if you are already saved? Do you have work to do because you really are not saved like you claim?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • What's the best toilet for the money with the least repairs and problems? Any handymen or DIYers have a preference?

    There are so many choices and it costs so much for installation, I want a good investment. Kohler is popular, but I have heard it is difficult to get parts for repairs.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)4 years ago
  • Kitchen light doesn't come on all the way, what might be wrong?

    I turn my kitchen light on with the switch and the lights come on very dim. If I leave them on, sometimes they'll suddenly switch to being bright like they should be. The bulbs are new, it takes the long tubular lights, so it may be something electrical with the switch or something. I don't know. Anyone have this happen and know how to fix it?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • For those who think about suicide what are you trying to accomplish?

    Do you really believe that will be the end of your problems? Are you just thinking about the present and the past and not considering the future? Do you really want to die or do you just want your problems to end?

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why would my 13yo cousin commit suicide?

    He had great parents. How would he not know he would hurt us all so badly?

    6 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • How do young teens think?

    My 13-year-old nephew killed himself last night after his uncle caught him with weed and told his parents. His parents are loving, responsible, doting parents. Can anyone who is more familiar with a young teenager's mind possibly give me an idea of what may have been going through his mind to take such a drastic measure? Or how teens think? I'm not asking for anyone to actually analyze my nephew, I know no one can do that. I'm just at a loss of what teenagers may be thinking at that age.

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Is it safe to charge up a car battery with another car battery?

    I have a weak car battery. The car wouldn't start last night, but then today it did. I filled the battery cells with water and then let the car idle for over 30 minutes. It's not recharging very well. I took it on a safe short trip and the car dies when it slows down and comes to a stop. It always restarts. I can't take it for a long drive because I don't want to get stuck in traffic on a busy freeway or intersection when I slow down. Is it safe to charge the battery using a live battery from another running car using jumper cables and how long would it take to do that? Or do I need to use a battery charger or possibly just get a new battery?

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • How big can can cancerous pancreatic tumors get?

    For those of you who have or have known someone with pancreatic cancer, do you know how big the tumor on the pancreas is/was? I was wondering how big they can potentially get, or what the typical size might be.

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • Are there other medications besides statins and fibrates to treat high cholesterol?

    Does anyone have high cholesterol that is treated with a prescription medication other than the statins or fibrates? I have borderline high cholesterol and have taken a few of the different statin drugs available and the side effects were horrible. My doctor switched me to Fenofibrate and for a while it was much better than the statins, but after having taken it for a couple of years the side effects are becoming unbearable. Has anyone been on any other medications for high cholesterol? Of course I will be asking my doctor about it at my next appointment, but I have found it beneficial to do a little research before going to the doc. So, any info will be helpful. Thanks

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is this a strange group of friends/acquaintances or is it just me?

    Ok, so I went with 3 neighbors to a fast food restaurant a few days ago. I've known these neighbors for several years. We each ordered our food and I happened to be the last one to arrive at the table. When I got to the table I found that they had chosen the table that was only inches from the garbage can. There were 10 other empty tables in the restaurant. The worker was even changing garbage cans at the moment I got to the table and I had to wait 'til she moved in order to get to the seat. That's how close the table was to the garbage can. I told them I wasn't going to sit that close to the garbage can and moved to a different table. They refused to move, so I ate by myself. What kind of friends are these? I have several groups of friends and none of them ever would've done this. They never would've chosen the garbage can table or forced me to choose to sit at that table or sit by myself. Is this group just weird and uncaring or what? I'm trying to decide if I should hang out with them ever again.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Tricky car trouble, what to do, any ideas?

    Thanks to all who read and answered the other question, I deleted that one and added more info to this one.

    My car is a '93 Corsica, 67000 miles. This is how it behaves: I drive it over 40 mph for over a mile without stopping then when I slow down and stop, the engine rumbles and dies. I'm able to restart the car again, but it dies when I shift it into gear. After the car rests for at least 20 minutes, I am able to drive the car again. When it does die and I'm stuck on a turn or intersection in the way of traffic, I can get my car to go if I press both the brake and gas at the same time. No 'check engine' light has ever come on. It was tuned up two years ago. As long as I drive under 40 mph, I have no problems.

    I took it to the mechanics shop and they weren't able to diagnose and fix the problem.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersGMC1 decade ago
  • When talking about cancer, why do my friends abandon me?

    My brother is dying of cancer. He has a very large cancerous tumor in his abdomen, it didn't respond to chemo. The cancer is very aggressive and my brother is fading fast. When I talk to my friends on the phone or by e-mail, I patiently listen to their stresses and difficulties in life and give them moral support. However, when it comes to me talking about my recent stresses -- my most difficult stress being my sick brother -- they won't listen to me at all. They decide to end the phone call and in e-mails they say nothing. They abandon me. What could be their problem? Are they compassionless? awkward? scared? I find it very frustrating. I have one compassionate friend, but I can't talk to him much because he lives so far away. By the way, I'm not the type who lets it "all hang out" and goes into nitty-gritty details and overwhelms people. I just want to be able to tell my friends a little about it and would like them to just listen for a moment.

    19 AnswersCancer1 decade ago