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  • What are some geographical issues existing today in Canada?

    For my geography summative in school I have to choose an issue in Canadian geography and talk about how it impacts us and how to resolve it. I'm having some trouble thinking of an issue. I don't want to do something like forestry or fishing because that will be a common topic in the class, but maybe a sub topic in either will work.

    1 AnswerHomework Help6 years ago
  • Can you use inversion in French for a negative sentence?

    for my homework I'm supposed to make the following sentence negative (by adding "ne" and "pas", obviously).

    "Etes-vous partis avant l'arrivee du requin?"

    If I'm writing in negative, am I allowed to use inversion and, if so, how would I write it I'm a bit confused.

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • Should I text him Merry Christmas?

    I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but... I don't know it feels like one. So there's this guy but i'm not entirely sure if I have any feelings for him or if he has any for me. We started talking about two months ago but recently we've been talking less but I like talking to him so I don't want us to stop completely. I think he thinks I like him because of something that happened a few days ago and every time we text I'm always the person to initiate the conversation otberwise we won't text at all. But I don't want to seem like i'n desperate to talk to him and I know it may seem like o'm overreacting because it is just "Merry Christmas" but i'm not so sure

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I THINK my guy friend thinks I like him when I really don't?

    okay so one of my friends went to the guy and told him that I like him even tho she knew that I didn't she just said it to annoy me and the guy later asked me if it was true and I explained the whole thing but idk of he believes me or not. I don't want things to be awkward around us because we barely talk already and he might stop talking to me but I actually like talking to him (because he's funny). So what should I do

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • What movie is this?

    So I remember watching a horror movie about a guy who got released from prison and wanted to start a new life. So, he tries looking for a job and finds an old apartment to live in and realizes that this neighbour, who is a cop, abuses his wife while his daughter sirs outside. Later, we find out that the guy went to prison for beating a man to death who was touching his (ex) girlfriend. I'm not entirely sure about the story but I know in included the things I mentioned above. Thank you.

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • How to convince my parents to get a Christmas Tree?

    I know it seems selfish because many people can't afford to buy a tree or presents but my family and I never ever had a traditional Christmas. Almost every year my mom would be at work and I would wake up like it was just another regular day. It never felt like anything special and we never exchanged gifts or anything and for once I just want a traditional Christmas because my mom is staying home this year but my parents don't seem so into it but I really want one. Money is a little tight this year but i'm totally fine with getting a small tree that doesn't cost much and just a small present my one wish is just for us to do something traditional as a family. How can I convince my parents?

    5 AnswersChristmas6 years ago
  • My cat has been exposed to lilies?

    A few weeks ago my mom bought two pots of lilies but we didn't know that it was dangerous to cats. Our cat didn't eat it or anything but has been around it and two days ago he got a really high fever. We took him to the vet and they gave us antibiotics in case it was a virus because he didn't have a cold. The fever seemed to have gone down quite a bit since then but he's still not eating and we have to force water into him using a syringe. But if this was because of the lilies what can happen to him?

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • My iPod deleted all of my songs?

    Okay so this morning I didn't check my music so I'm not sure if it was already gone before this but what happened was I was downloading a song. What I do is I take the YouTube video of a song and use an online converter and save it on my computer then I add it to my library and then to my iPod. It's always worked but this time after I downloaded the song to my iPod I went to check if it was there an it said no content. Why did this happen and will I have to download all the songs again?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • What book is this?

    So in school in may we were doing book reports and this one student did a book and I decided I wanted to read it but I never go around to it now I forgot the name. Anyways the book was about this girl and she was watching over a little boy who was either a neighbour or her brother (I don't remember) and the little boy ran to the road and got hit by a car and died. And the book is about the aftermath and it's told in a flashback. I'm pretty sure that the word "spiral" was in the title. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What episode of Boy Meets World is this?

    So I recently got into Boy Meets World and I saw this picture. I was just wondering what episode the quote is from

    1 AnswerComedy7 years ago
  • Good pranks for an overnight school trip?

    My school is having this 3 day trip to a camp for everybody in our grade and me and my friend were planning on doing some pranks. We need small pranks that everyone can laugh at, including the victim, but ones that won't get us in trouble. I mean, the teachers going with us are pretty easy going (except for one or two) but we obviously don't want to get in trouble. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles7 years ago
  • What is the funniest thing that happened to you in school?

    In grade 8 me and my friend always went to the pubic library (it was connected to our school) during lunch because it was cold to go outside. So one time when we were on our way there I decided to buy a Coke from the vending machine (and I'm totally obsessed with Coke) but then I remembered that we weren't allowed drinks in the library and I was really thirsty. So we decided to sneak it in and these guys at the library saw the coke and kept staring at us. We went to the very back, a few aisles away from them and I was about to open it when I realized that opening the coke would make a huge noise. So my friend said that she'd open it really slowly but it still made a huge noise and those guys heard. So I decided to leave it in the shelf and we forgot it there. A week later me and some other friends went back to the library and I went to check if the coke was still there and it was. So I really wanted it and I was thinking how to sneak it back out. And one of my friends wore a hijab so I decided to hide the coke under it. And while we were leaving with the coke I went to my friend who was at a computer and I whispered so loudly "WE GOT THE COKE WE GOT THE COKE". As we were leaving the library we were trying so hard not to laugh and my friend was holding her hijab so nobody would see the coke and we looked crazy straining our laughter and I know everybody knew something was going on. As soon as we left the library we started laughing so hard omg it was so hilarious.

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles7 years ago
  • What are some pictures that "speak a thousand words"?

    It's for a project. We're supposed to pick a picture and write why it speaks to us, why it's effective, etc. You don't have to write the paragraph for me because I can do that, but I need help finding a good, effective picture. Thank you!!

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Does he like me (sorry for asking this question!!!)?

    Okay, so there's this guy that I kind of like. We talk everyday, but we aren't really close friends. He's a flirt, and he flirts with almost every girl, including me, but, I never took it seriously. Last week, my friend, my crush, and some other people were playing truth or dare. My friend said that he was dared to ask me out as a joke (I was in the same room just wasn't playing). He said no because he was "too scared" so he just did it to another girl who, I know for a fact, that he doesn't like in that way. So, I was thinking, why is it that someone who is not afraid to do that kind of stuff, no matter who the girl is, suddenly be afraid to do that to me. I know it's kind of pathetic that I have to ask this question online, but I have nowhere else to go.

    PS, You can be totally honest with me. If you don't think he likes me then you can say it, I don't mind/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Girl problem (About a boy). Help?

    Okay so there's this guy that I've known since 6th grade, but we were never that close. The reason I never really liked him was because 1) He doesn't care about school, and I do and I try to distance myself from those kind of people 2) He thinks he's really cool and 3) He's kind of a player and flirts with almost every girl. But, this year (10th grade) he's in almost all my classes and sits near me in all of them (I don't know if he did it on purpose or if it's just a coincidence). So, we started talking a lot. Our relationship together is like we tease each other a lot and we joke around a lot. My friends realized that he does stuff to me (like "girlfriend" stuff) that he doesn't usually do with the other girls he flirts with. They said that he likes me but I kept denying it. But, then I realized that I might like him too. I found myself thinking of him all the time and deliberately trying to get near him. So, I have two problems: 1) I'm not sure if I like him 2) I'm kind of mad at myself for liking someone like him because I've always hated the players and the "too cool for school" guys. So what should I do?

    By the way, I don't normally post questions like this but I can't tell my friends because they're really immature and if I tell them they'll bring it up every minute and I don't want to deal with that. And, also, I can't tell my mom because my parents are totally "anti-boyfriend/girlfriend". And, I don't have an older sister.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • If someone has an older sibling that is over 18, can their sibling be that person's legal guardian?

    I'm writing a story, and I want it to be as realistic as possible because I'm showing it to my aunt who's a writer, and I want to see if I'm any good. So, in my story, the main character is a girl named Leslie. Her parents both died in a car crash. I'm wondering, since both her parents are dead, if her older brother can be her legal guardian if he's over 18. And, I'm not sure whether I want the story to be in Canada or the US, so can you please give me the answer for both countries. Thank you!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • My mom wants me to be a doctor, but I don't want to?

    I know that a lot of people deal with the same thing, so I was hoping someone could help me. I'm, honestly, not sure what I want to do. But, I'm pretty sure, considering my academic performance, that I'm able to have a successful career. But, my mom has this idea that being a doctor is the only successful career out there. She keeps pressuring me to take medicine. She's been doing this for, basically, my whole life. At first, when I was younger, I thought it was pretty cool, but now I don't want to. My dad hasn't really said anything about my future life. All he said is that I should do something that will get me ahead, but it's my life and I can choose what I want to do. And, my older brother agrees, and so do I. I told my mom that it's my life, and I make my decisions. But, I said it nicely. I appreciate that she wants the best for me. But, what she thinks is the best for me isn't what I want. No matter how many times I tell her, she doesn't listen. And, I know, that if I go for career I don't want, then I will be unhappy for the rest of my life. Even my teachers say that. All of my teachers have said the same thing my dad and brother said. So, what should I do??

    8 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Criminal Minds episode question?

    I remember watching an episode of Criminal Minds, but I forgot what it's called. It was about two girls, who were sisters, that went missing. They found the body of a the younger sister near a river, I think. And, they found the older on in the woods with a shotgun. They thought that the girl just had that to protect herself, and JJ took the girl home. At her house, JJ figured out that the girl was actually the one who killed her younger sister because she was jealous of her. What's this episode called? And, one more question. What is the episode "Minimal Loss" about? It's from season 4.


    2 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Question about the show "Criminal Minds"?

    I'm a new "Criminal Minds" fan and I'm watching the episodes in order online. I'm currently at the middle of season 2. I know that Prentiss later dies in the series, but, I've heard that Hotch and JJ faked the death. Is this true? And, if so, why? Please give as much detail as you can; I don't care about "ruining" it.

    3 AnswersDrama8 years ago