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Lv 55,830 points

Mike B

Favorite Answers7%
  • Atheists- How do you react to the anthropic principle?

    The idea that the laws of the physical universe are exactly what they need to be for us insignificant humans to exist.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is God our Father metaphorically or literally?

    Are we "stuff that He made" or is our relationship with Him different from the one that He has with lions and mountains and stars.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where in the Bible does it say that angels are "created beings"?

    Mormons believe that Christ was our Fathers Only Begotten "in the flesh". However we believe that all of us mortals are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, that He is the Father of our spirits. Thus we believe that angels are simply our brothers and sisters at other (pre and post mortal) points in their existence. Thus the idea that Satan is our (and thus Christ's) brother is not a big deal. When those who freak out at this idea respond they always respond with the idea that angels (and thus a "fallen angel" Satan) are "created beings". We, of course, reject this idea because we are quite serious when we call God Father, but I am curious to see the scriptural backing of the idea of "created beings" distinguished from "children of God"

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For those claiming that Mormons are not Christian-?V.3?

    V1 the servers were down-did not count.

    V.2;_ylc=X3oDMTE1Mm... - 17 answers

    2- from Mormons defending their faith, not the intended audience

    1 who got best answer from this sad group said "mormons are like christians on steroids."

    And 14 from people claiming that we believe xyz that they don't, some false, some true, some a mishmash of truth and falsehood, none of which answered my question which once again is " Name one thing that is *Universally* believed among Christians that Mormons do not also believe. I acknowledge that we do not accept the Nicene Creed. Many Christian sect do not. So name one thing that is *Universally* believed among Christians that Mormons do not also believe. I humbly await your reply.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For those claiming that Mormons are not Christian-?

    Can you name one doctrine that ALL those claiming to be Christian agree on that Mormons do not also believe?

    For instance Mormons believe that -

    Jesus is the Son of God

    That He died on the cross and Rose on the third day

    That He paid for our sins and through Him we may be washed clean

    What is it that you All agree on that we do not believe as well?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Flashing back to Monica and touched by this question?;_ylt=AnPXF...

    Ladies would you ever wear a thong with a skirt or is that waaaaay too much ventilation and vulnerability?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this an indication of efficiency or do i need to get a life?

    When I find a repetitive question I cut and paste from one of my previous answers that I feel good about. Is this efficiency or laziness?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Mormon computer geeks, I need a database?

    What I have in mind is a batabase where I can put in any random scripture verse (Say James 3:5) and it returns every time that that particular verse has been referenced by a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator (IE member of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve) in a conference talk or published work.

    Does this database exist?

    If not how should it be organized?

    Could it be done in Excel? Access?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I am no longer receiving links to questions asked by my contacts in my email.?

    Is this a change in policy or have my settings been changed accidentally or spontainously?

    5 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • LDS sisters, Am I being inappropriate?

    Malachi Constant asked a question about the gender of our contact lists. Curous, I checked and discovered that 70 or 80% of my almost exclusively LDS contact list are you ladies. I'm pretty sure that it is a coincidence caused by the preference of female types for communicating online (as opposed to gaming etc) but I thought that I'd check with you. I am getting married again on Saturday and want to cross all of the t's and dot all of the i's. I'd appreciate your feedback.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • contact list and it's limits?

    I have 200 contacts and 85 fans (yeah I know I'm an addict). I recently attempted to add a contact and was informed by popup that I had reached my limit. So I stopped adding contacts for a few days. A few days later someones answer was so insightful that I attempted to add them as a contact and was successful. I had not changed levels (I'm half way between 4 & 5 and getting to 5 is a loooooooong term goal) or crossed any other boundries that I was able to determine. I'm soooooo confused. It is a little sick that I care but that is my question. Does anybody know?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can monotheism be proved Biblically?

    I will not accept "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" as that leaves open beside and behind-(take that for literalism). The apparent presence of all three members of the Godhead at the Saviors baptism is either evidence of three separate beings or it appears to be deceptive. Deception being inconsistent with Deity I reject that option but I look forward to biblical evidences of singular Godhood.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you fart during personal private prayer do you apologize?

    Not out of fear or embarrassment but is the conversation sufficiently real that courtesy is in order?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has Fred Phelps been in the news lately?

    I mean since the loss of the multimillion dollar lawsuit. I'm wondering what has prompted the flurry of Phelps question - which I have now added to ; )

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Cafeteria plan Catholicism?

    I understand that for some being Catholic or Jewish or Mormon or (Insert religion here) is a cultureal heritage rather that a personally chosen belief system but would someone please explain the propensity of so many Catholics in America to personally disagree with fundimental doctrines of their church and still refer to themselves as Catholic?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For our Atheist friends struggling with Christmas.?

    Not quite thirty years ago I was a Mormon missionary in Japan. For two years I participated in social and cultural events with deep Shinto and Buddist roots. I was surrounded by helpful frienly people commited to helping me understand the religious significance of every detail. yet I came away with a deep love of the people, language, culture and history. My point - it is posible to be surrounded by people with vastly different belief systems and still have a good time. Relax. Respond to "Merry Christmas" with "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" or "Have a Cool Yule" if that gives you comfort. In less than two weeks you can go back to chiding believers for not living up to their own standards. Be happy. How about it?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Come on Atheists fess up.?

    All of the iconography, the imagery, the outright advertising of the Christ child in this season allows some believers to generalize and see something wondrous, perhaps sacred, maybe even divine in the face of every child. Whether the whole magilla is eternally true or the biggest mass delusion of all time this tiny bit of it is a good thing.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago