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  • Do you know anything about "When Tragedy Strikes"?


    While surfing I recently fell across the lyrics of a song that caught my eye. I found it was called "Can I Ever Forgive Myself?" by a band/artist/??? called "When Tragedy Strikes." I searched some more and found a list of songs by WTS: Drowning in Shallow Water, A Ballad to the Hated, Don't Forget This, I Thought You Should Know, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind...

    Here's the thing: I can easily find and read the lyrics for these songs, but nothing else. No download links (paid or otherwise), no information about the artist, no albums, no videos... pretty much no way to listen to or buy these songs. *Now* I'm intrigued.

    Does anyone know anything about the artist, or have any recommendation as to how I might listen to these songs?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • Can't approach horse in stall?


    So there's this poney in the club where I ride. I rode her for the first time last week as normally I ride horses and I haven't been in this club for long; anyway, I simply couldn't get into her stall. All the other girls in my group tried, suggesting things like treats to draw her to us and a halter and all, but the problem is you can't get close enough to her head to slip the halter on.

    For one thing she's always lurking near the back of the stall, and as soon as you try to enter she turns around so her rear is facing you, which means you're scared of getting a kick in the face AND you can't get to her head. If through some miracle you manage to get close to her shoulder, she'll turn around and bite. None of the girls I mentioned earlier could so much as touch her, and in the end I had to ask for someone who works in the club to help me.

    Now when you ride her she's a beauty, not too lazy but she at least provides a challenge because she tries to get her own way, and I love that. But after dismounting it was hell all over again. She was sweet and calm while I took her tack off and set it outside the stall, so I was pretty confident when I stepped forward with a brush. My hand was maybe ten centimeters from her side when she suddenly whirled around and tried to bite me, which scared the heck out of me. I staggered backwards out of the stall and I couldn't go back in.

    Now what annoys me here is that the girl who ended up helping me put her tack on and everything got her under control in about three seconds, and had her saddled and ready in maybe a minute. Another girl who came in just after my near-bite experience had a halter on the poney in five seconds flat and just went about brushing her calmly. I just don't get how they do it; I know I'm not being threatening or making any sudden movements, and I try to be firm and steady, but I really can't approach her. The instructor told me she was gentle and everything, but neither I nor anyone in my group (we're not very advanced, but we're not beginners either, and we all know how to saddle a horse, of course) could approach her.

    So I was wondering if you had any tips? Because now this pony scares the beejeezus out of me, but I'd love to be able to have her respect me. She's a fantastic ride but I can't get anything out of her when she's in her stall. I really don't know why she acts so threatening; there are rumors that she was mistreated by some previous owner but I can't verify them; and besides, those two girls didn't have any trouble. I can't figure out how they do it; they know her well, but still. I can't figure this pony out.

    Thank you !

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the name Kendall Hill?

    Would you say it was a boy or a girl's name? Do you like it? (Hill is a last name)

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How would you pronounce "Amaetia"?


    This is just a name I thought of... I derived it from Amitiel, the Angel of Truth. I guess it's a fairly uncommon name (not unheard of, but uncommon). I have a pronunciation for it already, but I was wondering how other people would say it.


    3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Who agrees that adding 'Spiritually Speaking' before a question does not make it a spiritual question?

    Who agrees that adding 'Spiritually Speaking' before a question does not NECESSARILY make it a spiritual question?

    I mean, sometimes it does. But a lot of the time... It doesn't.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Title for my sort-of autobiography - poll?

    Yup, I'm a poor, lonely, desperate girl writing the story of her life even though she's only thirteen.

    Hey, look at it this way: at least it'll be easier to write my complete autobiography when I'm thirty.

    I'm not asking for your opinion, anyway. I'm not going to publish this anywhere except for, because it's nothing serious.

    It's the story of my life, written by me, but from a third-person narrative and taking place after my death at almost fourteen. My two-line summary:

    After the death [not by natural causes] of Amanda Harper [me, with a different name], Inspector Mansini is brought in to investigate. Clever questions and intuition soon lead to a discovery of the girl's past... A sort-of autobiography. Basically, the story of my life revealed through questioning of my acquaintances.

    I've been toying with a few titles. What do you think of these?

    Couldn't, Wouldn't, Didn't... and Now It's Too Late

    You Ain't Jesus, Kid. You Only Got One Chance At Life.

    Take A Number, Stand in Line

    There Are Bigger Idiots

    You don't have to understand it - they all have a meaning that probably wasn't revealed in my two-sentence summary. Just tell me which one sounds catchier, which one you like better.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Présentation orale d'un livre en français - originalité?

    Comme d'habitude, travail de groupe en français. Cette fois-ci, il s'agit de présenter un livre autobiographique à la classe de façon, je cite, "originale". Et c'est évidemment là le hic. Nous nous battons pour trouver des façons "originales" depuis la cinquième. Elles sont plus ou moins toutes épuisées à présent. Aussi ai-je eu l'idée de poser la question à la communauté Yahoo.


    Nous présentons JE NE VOUS OUBLIERAI JAMAIS, MES ENFANTS D'AUSCHWITZ de Denise Holstein. Comme le nom l'indique, c'est le témoignage d'une survivante des camps de concentration. Vu le thème du livre, on ne peut pas tirer la carte 'humour' pour intéresser la prof.

    Nous travaillons à deux (deux filles).

    Les idées comme interview, etc. ne sont pas considérées comme originales, mais si vous pouviez trouver un petit truc qui rendrait ces idées intéressantes, n'hésitez pas à la partager. Tous les avis (ou presque) sont les bienvenus ici.

    La présentation n'a pas besoin de durer très longtemps. Je pense qu'il ne faut pas qu'elle dépasse 10 minutes et que 5-7 serait idéal, mais je ne suis pas sûre - je me mélange peut-être les pinceaux avec un autre travail.

  • Quels procédés grammaticaux/lexicaux peut-on utiliser pour rendre un récit plus vivant?

    En français, expression écrite. Je jète un coup d'oeil sur le sujet, waouh, c'est super, je sais exactement ce que je vais écrire! J'ai toujours des bonnes notes en E.E. (20/20 la dernière fois, sans vouloir me vanter). En examinant la feuille d'un peu plus près...

    "Utilisation de procédés lexicaux et grammaticaux pour rendre votre récit plus vivant - vous en noterez au moins trois dans la marge."

    Heu, comment ça? J'ai vérifié mon cours; le seul procédé qui semble correspondre serait l'utilisation du présent de narration pour remplacer les temps du passé afin de rapprocher le récit du lecteur, mais je n'ai pas envie de tout raconter au présent. Auriez-vous des suggestions? Est-ce que des commentaires (vu que c'est un évènement passé, commenter, à présent que j'ai mûri, mes actions passées) rendent un récit plus vivant? Pourriez-vous m'éclairer un peu, car je ne vois pas comment faire?

    Si cela peut vous servir, je raconte quelque chose qui s'est passé en CM2, une fanfaronade qui aurait pu dégénéré en bagarre. En bref, un idiot m'a volé un bien auquel je tenais et je l'ai repris, non sans violence. *ahem* Enfin, on ne s'est pas tabassé, hein, ne vous inquiétez pas; nous n'étions qu'en primaire! On a échangé des paroles pas très sympas et je l'ai frappé (ne me regardez pas comme ça, il l'avait mérité, je ne lui ai pas fait mal (il devait faire 10 kilos de plus que moi!), et il n'a pas hésité à m'agresser physiquement lui-même, je me défendais, hein!) pour qu'il me rende ce qui m'appartenait. N'en parlons plus, c'est du passé.

    Merci infiniment.

  • Christians -- do you have to have lived to go to heaven/hell?

    Okay, first I want to underline that my question is not based on any personal belief. I'm an atheist (or at the very least an agnostic). I don't want to know if I'll go to heaven, or if my sister's husband's niece's stillborn daughter will (that last part is purely fictional, by the way. I don't even have a sister).

    But I love writing. And I have an idea. I've Googled my question and what came up was that you had to believe, to confess and repent your sins, etc. So I thought, well, this character hasn't committed any sins since she's never lived (well, she lived inside her mother's womb, but she never took a breath of outside air), but I Googled this again and found someone who said humans are born sinners, thanks to Adam and Eve. Would this apply to a stillborn baby, do you think?

    Basically, what I'm asking is, can you think of a viable reason for a stillborn to go to hell? Or do you think that a stillborn baby has never existed (I mean, lived, maybe you think even though it was alive in its mother's womb, it wasn't born yet?) and doesn't go to either heaven or hell (as in, just vanishes)? Or do you think that it'd go to heaven anyway (or is that just something we tell distraught parents to reassure them)?

    Once again (because I've seen how aggressive atheists can be on here), I don't believe. I need the information for something I'm writing.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Worldbuilder to create a website?


    At school today (in Technology), we were showed a new ('new' as in it wasn't on our school computers before) program called worldbuilder or world builder 5 (or 5.0, but that doesn't really matter). It's pretty cool, easy and simple, but the only Worldbuilder I can find using Google is something for 3D artists or whatever, and the one at school is used to create a website (it's really neat). I just wanted to check it out; does anyone know if it is available for download? If so, could you please find a link? I couldn't find it...


    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Spanish class - writing a dialogue, is it grammatically correct?

    A: El pintor va a llegar en cinco minutas!

    B: Ah, si, y pues?

    A: Tenemos que preparar la casa!

    B: No pasa nada.

    A: Este caballo, aqui, encima de la chiminea. Pone el florera en la mesa, y tienes que te poner el traje marron.

    B: No, prefiero el gris que tengo ahora.

    A: Raaah... Si tu quieres... rapido, pone el cuadro de tus padres en la biblioteca.

    B: No, es bien en la mesa.

    A: Y sentate aqui, es bien... Mira la ventana... si, si, es bien?

    B: No quiero estar sentado!

    A: Durante la pintura, tendras que sentarse en el sofa, y los ninos estaran delante de ti.

    B: Ah, no, estara al lado de la chiminea y tu estaras en el sofa. Y tu estarias mirandome.

    A: Vale, vale, si tu quieres...

    I haven't put the accents, but does it make sense? Just wondering... especially the use of the tenses?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Poll: When someone says 'Amazon', you think...?

    Utterly pointless, but I got the idea for this about thirty seconds ago when I read something like this 'Alice is going to look for insects in the Amazon.' Being capitalised, Amazon was a word I noticed straight away, before reading the sentence. Being an avid reader, I immediately thought 'books' (because that's what I do on Order books, I mean). Then I read the sentence and it took me a few seconds - yes, a few *seconds* - to get it.


    So I was wondering if there was anyone who once experienced this? It made me laugh, but I was surprised.


    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What happens, say, if a person is branded when they're a child? Does the mark stretch or something?

    Yes, because in a story I'm writing, this guy was born in jail and grew up there (it's Fantasy, not realistic fiction). And in that prison, criminals are branded when they are convicted; a mark in the shape of a key is burned into their skin. He'll be branded at around 8 years old (because I suppose doing it on a baby isn't advisable...or is it?), so when he grows up, will the mark stretch and be almost unrecognisable?

    Just a thought - I try to be as accurate as possible when I write.

    Even if it IS for NaNoWriMo.

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How to balance between NaNoWriMo and school?

    I'm a thirteen-year-old who loves writing and is doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I'm trying to squeeze in a few hours of writing into my already packed schedule...But it will get even harder once vacation ends (day after tomorrow). Between studying, homework, school, eating, and sleep...What are your tips and advice to manage those 2,000+ words a day and yet have time for everything else?

    I'm not a studious student...I get high marks in everything except History/Geography and Music without studying, so I don't usually bother...And I often do my homework at 10 pm... but I'm in ninth grade now and I'd like to be a bit more serious this year...

    So...any suggestions?

    And thank you...

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Birthday gift ideas for a teen female friend?

    Okay, my friend just invited me to her birthday party and I'm glad, because I like her (obviously), it was fun last time (I think), there'll be tons of people I like (including guys), etc...But, obviously, there's THE problem: what birthday prezzie should I get her?

    Last time (two years ago, actually. I think I wasn't invited last year 'cuz she wanted to invite a girl I hate who happens to be popular and a über-*****. But I don't mind, she's allowed to have other friends) I got her a watch, a really pretty one with japanese writing on the wristband and fake gems around the 'clock' thingy and Pucca in background (because she likes Pucca; she thinks it's cute. And it is, I suppose). It doesn't work anymore but I'm not about to buy her another one (plus we had to order it on the internet and it's in five days so no time).

    She's turning fourteen, she loves horses and likes Pucca.

    I am obviously not going to get her a horse, but what thing could I get her that she would genuinely appreciate/like? I really don't know.

    You can suggest some home-made if you want, I like the idea but I'm not much of an artist, and I don't really have the time (Four days, one of which I have school, two of which I won't be home). Don't worry about cost, I'll pay with my own money if my mother thinks it's too much (I WANT to pay myself but she says I'm silly).

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this...and please suggest something if you have any ideas.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • My (guy) friend is too clingy, how do I tell him to stop?

    I suspect my very close guy friend has a crush on me, but even if he doesn't, he is oversensitive and too clingy. For example, he gets upset if I tell him to respect my personal space (I hate it when guys are too close to me. I suppose you could say I'm a bit of a prude...) because when we walk side-by-side, he's always nudging me to one side so that I basically veer to the left of my destination. Not really TOUCHING me, but just brushing me. I can FEEL him and it unnerves me. Anyway, when I tell him this he gets all hurt and whatever. He stops speaking abruptly when I go to my friends to chat, and doesn't speak either when I leave them just so he isn't alone. I think he's a bit jealous.

    I've told him countless times that he's annoying but he always takes this really hurt look so I try to turn it into a joke or to tell him it's not that important. I really care about this guy but he's killing me. Clingy, clingy, clingy! I see him every day, five times a day (not counting week-ends when I insist on having time to breathe). He calls me all the time (well, only a few times a week, but since no-one else calls me, it seems like a lot). He is always complimenting me which is unnerving.

    How can I tell him to stop being so...suffocating?

    And thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • In The Hunger Games, is it mentioned what Johanna Mason looks like physically?

    I was wondering if there was a physical description of Johanna Mason (tribute from District Seven, victor in unknown year, won by pretending to be weak) in the books (or the book. She's only briefly mentioned in THG). I read Catching Fire twice but I don't recall reading anything about what she looks like. I imagined her curvy and pretty but now that I think about it I really don't know what she looks like.

    Could you please tell me if you found a description of her, or a mention about the length of her hair or her height or whatever, however vague it may be? Or if you don't (which I think is likely) could you tell me how you imagine her when you were reading the book?

    I need this info because I'm writing a fanfiction about her and the Hunger Games she won but I realised I didn't know what she looked like. Which is going to be bothersome for the opening ceremony costumes.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do I bring up the subject of acting lessons?

    I'd like to join a drama club or something, because I love acting and have acted in a few school plays a couple years ago, but I transferred schools and there's no drama club in this one, so I thought I'd take acting lessons in town instead or something. I doubt I'll be able to find any, but if I did, my mother doesn't know of my interest in acting and I'm trying to think of a way to tell her. I know it's not a big huge problem like 'I'm pregnant' (which I'm not, thank you very much) but my mother isn't exactly the laxest or most relaxed person in the entire world, so, yeah...She's a bit on edge now too because my brother's driving her crazy between meeting with friends and studying for his license and going to guitar lessons and taekwondo...Then again I am the 'baby' of the family (ugh) and I've given up horseback riding recently so I'm not actually doing anything except swimming for leisure every week-end. Maybe I can use that as a lever; she'd love for me to actually DO something. I'm not really looking for arguments, just a way to tell her what I want without just going, 'Can I look for some place to take acting lessons?' in the middle of a meal.

    Please don't say it isn't drastic because I know it isn't. It's just important to me, okay?

    If it helps, I want to learn how to act to overcome my natural shyness (which isn't that bad compared to some people's...I can talk if a person likes me or dislikes me, it's when I like him or her and I don't know how she or he feels about me that it's troublesome and I'm not sure what to say. And when I blush it doesn't show because I've got an asian grandmother and inherited her skin color if nothing else) and to have some fun.

    3 AnswersTheatre & Acting1 decade ago
  • J'aimerais prendre des cours de théâtre...?

    Seulement voilà, j'ai treize ans et ma mère est un peu débordé en ce moment parce que mon grand frère (il a 16 ans) a choisi cette année pour commencer à apprendre la guitare (le samedi, assez loin de chez nous donc ça lui bouffe a peu près deux heures de l'après midi parce qu'elle ne peut pas renter entre le début et la fin du cours) et un art martial, et entre ça et le code (de la route)...Bah ma mère est absente les mercredi après-midi, les mardi soirs, les samedi de 14h à 16h...etc. Je ne sais même pas comment lui dire que je me suis présentée aux élections de délégués de classe et que j'ai de grande chances d'être élue (considérée comme l'intello de service, j'ai des bonnes notes et je connais mes je suis appréciée par tous les élèves même si je n'ai pas d'amis proches) parce qu'elle m'enguirlanderait surement si elle apprenait qu'elle devait me conduire aux conseils de classe (nous habitons la campagne et nous allons à un collège/lycée en ville...c'est-à-dire à 20 minutes de chez nous). Et même si elle me pousse à faire des activités (elle est inquiète car j'invite rarement des amies et j'ai récemment arrêté toute activité extra-scholaire) je ne vois pas comment elle pourrait trouver le temps de m'y conduire.

    Enfin, ce n'était pas vraiment le but de ma question quand j'ai eu la brillante idée de passer voir Yahoo! questions...J'habite en Mayenne, aux alentours de Laval (je vais au collège là-bas). L'année dernière, mon collège avait créé un club de théâtre. J'étais interessée mais comme il avait lieu pendant l'heure du midi et que je n'ai jamais assez de temps pour manger je ne me suis pas inscrite; de plus, quand ils nous ont montré le résultat à la fin de l'année, c'était franchement très très loin d'être spectaculaire. C'était même plutôt pathétique. Ils connaissaient leur texte et c'est à peu près tout ce qu'on peut dire de positif. Ils ne mettaient pas le ton, etc...

    Donc je voudrais savoir si vous connaissiez quelques clubs dans la région, ou si vous pouviez me dire comment me renseigner? Je ne connais pas bien Laval puisque je n'y habite pas; en fait je n'ai jamais vécu en ville et je ne vois pas du tout où je pourrais me renseigner à ce sujet.

    Et si vous pouviez trouvez une solution au problème avec ma mère, ce serait sympa aussi. Mon père a déménagé récemment (ils ne sont pas divorcés mais lui a trouvé un autre travail et a du déménager pour pouvoir le prendre, mais ma mère tient à ce que moi et mon frère terminions ma troisième et sa terminale dans ce collège/lycée réputé etc, etc.) donc il ne peut pas me conduire. :-D

    Merci d'avance!

    3 AnswersThéâtre1 decade ago