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  • This boy basically threatened to kill me and now I am really scared of him?

    So we were on a class trip, and our tour guide was talking about jazz music, and this kid says "who listens to jazz music?" And I said sarcastically with the intent of being funny (I even had a smile on my face) "people who listen to music." And then he turns to me and said "I'm going to throw you under a bus, seriously." And this really scared me and I said "that's really mean." And he says "I know I'm mean." And then I told him I would really appreciate if he said sorry but then he told me he didn't know if I deserved it. I am absolutely terrified of this kid now to the point where I don't want to go to school or leave the house. It would not bother me as much if I wasn't pregnant but I am really scared because I want my baby to be okay and safe. I cry and get really nervous when I think about it and I don't know if I should tell

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • This made me dislike my job?

    I recently got my first job as a waitress and I have been enjoying my training experience. Today my grandfather passed away so I let my manager know I would not be in for a couple of days. All she said was "Will you be back for the weekend" "when will you be back" she didn't even say sorry and I know some people don't, but it's a rough time and she was just really rude to me. And when my shift was over all she could say was "so I'll be seeing you Thursday? When you get back I'm gonna hit you hard since you weren't here for your next day of training." And th lady who was training me at least told me she was sorry about my grandfather. I don't want to sound like a baby but it's really upsetting because I am very sad about my grandfather and my manager treating me like that made me want to cry. What should I do?

    2 AnswersFood Service7 years ago
  • I still haven't told my parents I'm pregnant?

    I already feel like such a horrible mom..I'm just terrified of what my parents think of me. I have been taking prenatal vitamins but I know I need to see a doctor soon. Next week I will be 14 weeks I'm pretty sure, and that just makes me feel badly. And my boyfriend won't even be there to tell them with me because he said it will be too awkward and they will be mad. I recently went to the doctor to be treated for sinus infection and I also told them I needed a pregnancy test. Before I told them that, they were friendly and carrying a conversation with me, but after they became distant and made me feel like the scum of the earth. If I can't even tell my doctor, how can I tell my own parents? I don't know what to do and I want my baby to be healthy but I'm just scared of my parents..I want to tell them before I start to show and I think my mom is starting to catch on the the fact that I haven't had my period. The other day she asked "is there a reason why you're eating so much?" I really

    4 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • I am 18 and pregnant?

    I just figured out that I'm pregnant and I believe that I am six weeks pregnant. I am very scared to tell my parents. My boyfriend doesn't seem to be any help. He's just brushing it off and I asked him if he would be there to tell them with me and he said no. I don't know how to tell her. I graduate from high school in about four months. I don't want my mom to hate me.

    5 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Does it sound like I am pregnant? (Sorry for this stupid question)?

    I haven't got my period this month and it was suppose to be around the tenth. My boobs are also very sore and hard on the outsides. And my middle back has started to hurt occasionally. I was just giving my niece a bath and I was only hunched over for like ten minutes and that never happens to me. I also get naseous and dizzy at night. I kind of think I am but I haven't taken a test yet. What do you think? Also how can I feel less awkward when buying a test? I'm eighteen.

    3 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Throbbing pain in my left pinky toe?

    I'm pretty sure I didn't stub it or anything like that. It just randomly started hurting last night. It is hurting right now. It only happens when I lay down and it hurts so bad. I don't know what happened.

  • My breasts recently became sore and slightly hard?

    I really don't know whats causing it. I've been thinking I am pregnant because I've never experienced this before not even before my period. My period is due soon, sometime within the next week. My breasts are sore and hard on the sides, and I can see veins too. Could I be pregnant or could it be something else?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Ugh, I'm so scared? I shouldn't be..?

    Ok so like a week ago my butt started itching and I had no idea why. I then noticed that I had three red bumps close to my crack and I wasn't sure where they had come from. I told my mom and she said to put calamine lotion on them and I did and the next morning they had gone away and now they are just kind of spots. But now I got two larger ones, one on the bottom of my check close to my thigh and another one close to my butt crack. They had a white head looking thing on them and they hurt very badly. When I sit down and sometimes when I walk and at random times they just sting. Now, they don't really have a white head but just kind of a crust. They don't itch anymore but they still hurt. I've been thinking it's Herpes or some kind of STD but then I ask myself how? Cause my ex was clean he had never had sex with anyone else but me but what has got me thinking it could be like an STD is because I went to the bathroom in a hospital about two weeks ago when I was visiting my dad. There was pee on the lid so I wiped it off with toiler paper but I accidentally touched the lid with my finger (no pee, just the lid). and then after I peed I was going to wipe and my finger broke through the toiler paper and I ended up touching my clitoris on accident. From then on I've been freaking out because I am scared that I might have contracted a disease and these butt bumps are making my fears worse. Could it just be ingrown hairs, a pimple? Staph or boils? The pumps aren't very big, just pea size. Please help I am very scared.

    4 AnswersSTDs8 years ago
  • Who else is excited about The Great Gatsby?

    I can't wait to see it! I love the book.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • My boyfriend is making me feel like crap? Is this emotional abuse or am I overreacting?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for ten months..and like the first few months were amazing..he would text me til like 3 in the morning and would respond quickly. He would always want to see me and be with me..I felt like a princess. But now..I feel like he is drifting farther and farther away. A few days before our six months he broke up with me because he had felt guilty due to the fact that he had cheated on me. He promised never to talk to this girl again, even though she goes to his school (we go to separate schools and live like 30 minutes away). (he also broke up with me again like a week later but we got back together cause he said he loved me) He stuck to his word for like.. a month and then they were talking again but he didn't save her number he just texts her. And I told him it bothers me so he stopped for a while. His birthday was last week and I bought him a gift, baked him a cake, and a lot of other things just trying to please him. And while I was sitting right next to him..he was just texting her over and over again. I usually try to hold my sadness in when he does that but I couldn't. I told him it upset me and I didn't understand why he was doing that. I asked if he cared and he said "I'm heartless." and I figured he was just joking because when he's a somewhat good mood we get along fine..but then he was like "You promised you wouldn't cry in front of me anymore." But it's like how can I not when you're talking to someone you cheated on me with..and then I said "It's her isn't it?" (and I know it is) and he said "why would it matter anyway?" I'm getting more and more depressed to where the point I feel like I could just kill myself..He ignores me even though he knows it hurts me..he barely says I love you anymore. I'm sorry this is long I just need advice..

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I want to join the US Air Force, but will they accept me since I'm legally blind in my right eye?

    I have 20/20 in my left eye so it makes up for the right eye. I can see out of my right eye but it's only like half of it works, so it's somewhat fuzzy. I have been considering joining for the past year and I graduate next year. I plan on doing healthcare. Will they accept me?

    6 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Why can't he just stop? What is wrong with me?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for nine months now...I have asked similar questions about this many has to do with my boyfriend cheating on me. He told me at the beginning of our relationship he went to other girls houses when he was suppose to be at work. He said he kissed one of them and felt her and that they have sexted. He broke up with me due to guilt but we got back together quickly after because we love each other very much. It hurts me and I always find myself thinking about it. He promised he would never talk to her again and I began to trust him again because he cried and had seemed seriously sorry. And for a was better (he told me all this about three months ago). Until one day I saw that he had been getting text messages from a number without a name. I began to feel paranoid because I automatically knew it was her (because I asked who it was) I felt betrayed and I confronted him about it and he got very mad at me (I didn't tell him I texted her though..) He ignored me and wouldn't talk to me. Also, he had her as a friend on xbox and he got rid of her after I told him I disapproved of that too (but as of recently he has added her back and is most likely texting her again). I don't understand what i am doing wrong..I have never cheated on him and gave up many of my friends to keep us happy..he always brings up my past like it's my fault..but he cheated..and I always feel like I'm the one saying sorry..why can't he just leave her alone and not talk to her anymore?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Would it have been better to not take my boyfriend back after he told me he cheated on me?

    I love him very much and he seemed sincere when he apologized and everything..but I can't stop worrying that he's still talking to the girl even when he said he would stop..what do I do? I can't let him go..:/

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My boyfriend cheated on me but I'm afraid he's still doing it?

    My boyfriend and I are both seventeen. Earlier this month, my boyfriend of six months broke up with me and wouldn't tell me why. The night he broke up with me, he came over and said he wanted me back but he had to tell me why he dumped me. He told me that around the time we started dating, other girls that he is friends with he had liked before me started liking him. He told me that for a while he had flirted with one of them and other times when he told me he was at work he was at another girl's house. He told me all the did was kissed and he kind of touched her and he has sexted her before. He was very distraught and sincere sounding. He cried and said that I didn't have to take him back. I love him, so therefore I did. He told me he would never talk to the one he kissed again. I believe him but now, like two weeks later he has started to be secretive with his phone again (like he always had been before). I don't want to make assumptions but he gets mad whenever I try to touch it. One time he has let me see it and her name wasn't in there, but he always gets texts from this number that isn't saved and I'm very scared that it's her..I don't want to be nosy but I feel like I should be able to know but I don't want him to get mad at me :/ Do you think he could still be cheating on me..? Can someone please answer? :/

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • is the Triquetra really a symbol for Christianity?

    I am getting a tattoo soon and I wanted to get the triquetra symbol on my back but I am afraid that it may not be associated with Christianity. One of my friends said it was Satanic. I am confused.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I have been feeling extremely sick?

    Last week, I began to feel very dizzy and nauseated. I am not sure why. I threw up twice last week and felt better for the whole week after that. But yesterday, I started feeling the same way. I threw up twice and continued to feel dizzy. At times when I'm laying down I feel like I am spinning very fast. Other times my vision becomes rather fuzzy or blurred. What could be wrong? Also,just in case anyone asks this or thinks this (my uncle asked that), I am not pregnant. I have never had sex and I just got off my period a couple days ago.

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Why are my warts spreading?

    It all started with just one tiny wart on the bottom of my left foot. And then I noticed I had one on my big toe on the same foot. Then a couple more came on the bottom of my foot. And then somehow they spread to my right big toe. There are a lot of them on this toe. They aren't giant warts warts though. They're very small. I also have two tiny ones on my knee. I previously had one frozen off on my knee that was a little larger. I usually just use fingernail clippers to clip the rest off. I make sure to wash the clippers though every time I use them. Why are they spreading so much??

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • I am very depressed for my mom?

    My mom and I were looking through things we could give to my sister's baby. We found books for Kindergarten classes and I look over and my mom is crying. I asked her what's wrong and she said these were the books I was going to use for my kindergarten class. You see, my mom went back to college to become a teacher. She graduated after completing four years and earning her bachelor's degree. She has tried so hard to get hired but she never did. It breaks my heart to see my mom upset and depressed. She feels like a failure and I don't know what I can do. How can I make her feel like she's the best mom in the world and not a failure?

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • I recently started taking 25 mg of Zoloft..?

    My counselor was concerned that I may be bipolar so he recommended I start taking Zoloft. I went to the doctor to get the prescription filled. I am usually a content person, sad here and there and irritable as well. But lately I've just been very angry. Like I feel so much worse than before I started taking the medicine. Is the Zoloft the problem?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago