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Lv 57,044 points

Brad M

Favorite Answers18%

I enlisted in the military in 1971 to keep from being drafted. I retired in 1992 as a 1SG after serving 21 years in various units associated with the Airborne Infantry. Been married 3 times and have 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl. Currently I'm single and have custody of my 16 year old son and 13 year old daughter. I don't consider myself a religious person but have a strong belief in God. I am also a 32nd Degree Mason, Shriner, and Knights Templer. I live by the motto, "Say what you mean and mean what you say. I dislike extremist in anything, especially religion and politics. I also don't like racist and those who blame me for something I had nothing to do with. Grow up! Lifes tough so get tougher. I don't take any crap off people because I don't have to.

  • What is this Perez Hilton's claim to fame?

    Up until this Miss California thing with gay marriage and all, I never heard of this guy. Who is he? And furthermore, how could he be a good judge of beautiful women? He might make a good judge for the Mr. Universe contest, but not anything to do with woman. He's not qualified!

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why do you have to be so mean?

    Why can't we just discuss the facts in an adult manner? So what, I don't like Obama. I did before Rev Wright and all the other stuff that has come out. But for anyone to voice that here gets accused of being a right wing racial extremist, and that could not be further from the truth. Is it that some of you are so challenged by your own intelligence that you can't discuss an issue without resorting to name calling? I feel sorry for some of these people who ask perfectly good questions, from both sides of the fence, and some of you mental morons crucify them. Especially in the politics category and the religion category. Grow the hell up! Nothing gets solved by being rude and indignant. Now can anyone tell me why we have to treat each other like that?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will the world end or change in 2012?

    In the religion and spirituality category I read many comments on close to the same question. Not many comments from the science minded people. I would like to know what you think and also your ideas on the cosmic alignment?

    15 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • If a credit card company lowers my limit closer to the amount I owe, will it effect my credit score?

    I have asked several banker friends and I work in the credit market myself, but I can't come up with a clear answer about this. I have a total of 4 credit cards, two of which have no balance, one I use through the month and pay off the balance most months, one I use to buy bigger items but always pay more than the minimum payment. Two of these cards have raised my limit within the last six months. The card that I use to buy bigger items lowered my limit within a few hundred dollars from what I owe. I have never been late with any of these cards or any creditor. I'm building a house this spring and am trying desperately to keep my credit scores in the 800's. Did this decrease in credit limit hurt my credit score? Should I just pay them off and cut up the card?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Do you discriminate when you vote?

    When someone does not vote for a Candidate only because the Candidate is of a different race, gender, or religion, is that not discrimination? For example, a man does not vote for Hillary only because she is a woman or a white person does not vote for Obama only because he is black or a Baptist does not vote for Romney only because he is Mormon. In my opinion, it is! Qualifications should not be based off race, gender, or religion.

    What about the other way around? Is it not equally discriminatory when someone votes for a Candidate purely for what race, gender, or religion he or she may be? A woman voting for Hillary only because she is a woman, a Baptist voting for Huckleby only because he is baptist, a black person voting for Obama only because he is black, a white person voting for Edwards only because he is white. Is this not just as discrimintory? Is this not discriminating against the other Candidates just because they are not of a certain race, gender, or religion?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How does Tom Cruise say "Merry Christmas"?

    I know little or nothing about the religion he preaches. I can't even spell it. So what do they say? Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Beam me up Scotty, May the Force Be With You or what? I don't know. Someone tell me?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • To my atheist friends. Does it really offend you when someone wishes you a Merry Christmas?

    When you meet someone at the store, or on the street, etc. And they wish you a Merry Christmas just as a jester of good faith not meaning to cause any harm, not knowing you are atheist, does it really offend you?

    60 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Was America founded on Christian values or Godly values? And is there a difference?

    In many official government documents, the word God is used many many times. God is on our money, on the seal, used in Court Rooms, etc., etc. But Jesus or Christ is not named officially anywhere in the Constitution, Declaration of Independance or in any official government document. Although Jesus is mentioned in numerous speeches by some of our leaders, these are not official documents. Many of our founding fathers were Masons. George Washington even took his oath on a St James Bible from the New York Masonic Lodge. With the rule that a Mason must believe in the God of Abraham, which would include three great faiths, is this the God that our founding fathers were refering to? How can Christians claim that this country was founded on their values and their values alone? Can't other people who also believe in the God of Abraham claim any responsibility for the founding of this nation?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is the so called self-appointed Grammer and Spelling Police on Yahoo Q&A necessary?

    There have been many times when I've mis-used a word or mis-spelled a word and certain people like to make an issue of it. Last week one of my contacts mis-spelled a word in a question that was clearly a typo and this guy got really rude, downgraded her intelligence in his answer, and on top of all that, didn't even answer her question. I felt sorry for her. Now I know I'm not the most educated man in the world, but I will match my practical and general knowledge with the best. I don't mind someone correcting me when I'm wrong because I learn from it. But I'm beginning to thing that for what some of these people have in education, they lack in manners and respect. To get on here and be rude and degrading to people is wrong. Just wanted to know how some of you feel?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What was Noah's wife's name?

    I happen to believe the Bible was written in parables, stories to teach a moral story. But for anyone who reads the Bible literally, you must believe in the story of Noah and the Ark as it is written in Genesis. My question is, God created Adam and Eve and then destroyed the world with the only surviviors being Noah, his wife, their sons, and daughter-in-laws. Now this would make Noah and his wife my grandpappy and grandmammy thousands of times back. What's my grandmammy's thousands of times back name? Don't you think that the very seeds that carried on the entire human races name would be important enough to mention in the Bible?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Athiest and Agnostics. When the Global Jehad happens, will you defend our way of life?

    I'm not one for predicting the future. But one thing I'm convinced will happen is a Global Jehad. I'm not talking about Iraq, but a full blown World War including within the United States. Although I'm not a traditional Christian, I will fight against extreme Islam to protect my family, my country and our way of life. I read many things on here between the religious and the athiest and agnostics. Some things you say to each other aren't too nice. But when the Jehad happens, what will the athiest and agnostics do? This being a holy war, will you defend western civilization? Will you defend your right not to belief? Will you fight along side the Christians and Jews even though they have been mean to you? We have soldiers doing it right now, but not to the degree that is yet to come. Can we put aside our differences and unite to defend our western way of life?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is one of the best inventions made by man-kind, but also the most pain in the butt sometimes?

    Your opinion? For me it is the telephone or cellphone. When you need one, it's the best. But there are times when I just want to throw it out the window!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does it make you mad when you see X-mas instead of Christmas?

    I'm most definitely not a religious fanatic nor am I a traditional Christian. I seldom go to Church. Matter of fact most Christians disagree with what I believe. I think the Trinity was made up to get around the 1st Commandment and the Rapture to scare people into believing. I'm against organized prayer in schools but do like to see School Christmas Programs and a 30 sec. prayer before a Football game is okay. I believe the Ten Commandments should be in Churches and homes and not in public courthouses but God should be left in the Pledge. I do not discriminate against people of other religions, athiest, or agnostics and I give them the respect they deserve. I myself have mixed feeling about the status of Christ. But when I see X-mas instead of Christmas, I feel bad inside. Although I know the holiday was originally of pagan origin in ancient times, it is now modern times and it is Christmas! Leave Christ in Christmas. Are there other people who feel this way?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Want to buy my daughter a computer (PC) for Christmas?

    My daughter is 11 yrs old. She is into music, so the computer must be satisfactory for burning CD's, DVD's, and downloading music. When she turns 12 yrs old in March, I'm getting her a digital camera because she wants to start taking pictures and working with photo labs as a hobby. Although I have a Del, I don't like Del because of the non-english speaking people in their support center, I can't understand them. I want to spend somewhere between $ 600 to $ 800 for processor, monitor (19"), speakers, keyboard, and mouse. Any suggestions?

    9 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Is the song "MacArthur Park" about a Vietnam Vet losing his lover?

    I hear this song quite often because Waylan is one of my favorite country singers. I never have figured out what it means. One of my friends told me this weekend, that it was about a Vietnam Vet that lost both legs and an arm during the War and his girlfriend broke up with him because she could not handle his injuries. I've googled it and found the words, but nothing about what it means. Does anyone know anything else about this song?

    5 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Do you ever give up on answering certain people?

    I could give a crap less about points. But what I do give a crap about is, working hard on an answer, and after reviewing all the answers, is seeing who got best answer is some dip sh!t who did not even meet the basic critiria of the question. Then when you look back in all their selections, they give best answer to the same people time and time again regardless how bad their answer is? Just wondering if anyone else felt like me?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Rate a country singer, Craig Morgan?

    When I first heard "Almost Home" by Craig Morgan it brought tears to my eyes. It was also like a breath of fresh air because I thought that one of these new guys was going back to the basics. The are other songs he does that bring back memories of those good ol' days like "That's What I Love About Sunday". In your opinion, is he carrying on the traditions of this music that we love so?

    10 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Where would you want me to take you on our first date? And, what would you want to do?

    Girls, I need to know?

    Guys, No wise cracks please!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Country Trivia, Finish the verse?

    1. He stood like a rock...

    2. While I'm putting on my make-up...

    3. You see these bright white shiny teeth...

    4. I saw the young boys as they began to fall...

    5. I done two tours of duty in Vietnam...

    6. I've had more chances to fly and...

    7. They laughted at me and then I shot'em...

    8. I'll take my chances and climb that Mountain...

    9. Just because we are married...

    10. A little matchbox circled by a rubberband...

    6 AnswersCountry1 decade ago