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Athiest and Agnostics. When the Global Jehad happens, will you defend our way of life?

I'm not one for predicting the future. But one thing I'm convinced will happen is a Global Jehad. I'm not talking about Iraq, but a full blown World War including within the United States. Although I'm not a traditional Christian, I will fight against extreme Islam to protect my family, my country and our way of life. I read many things on here between the religious and the athiest and agnostics. Some things you say to each other aren't too nice. But when the Jehad happens, what will the athiest and agnostics do? This being a holy war, will you defend western civilization? Will you defend your right not to belief? Will you fight along side the Christians and Jews even though they have been mean to you? We have soldiers doing it right now, but not to the degree that is yet to come. Can we put aside our differences and unite to defend our western way of life?


SO WHAT! I mis-spelled a word. You don't have to get ignorant and rude about it.

21 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    While I'm not a Christian, I do believe that everyone should have the right to believe what they wish. So yes, any attack that tries to take that away I would get up and fight against. Especially if it was on soil that I called home. What would make any atheist think that we would be spared an attack simply because we don't believe in a god? That would still be initiative enough for any enemy to kill us, we still don't believe the way they do. So while I may not necessarily be defending Christianity, I would defend freedoms and the right to believe what ever religion or lack there-of a person chose.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1965, I swore the following oath:

    "I, (xxxx), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

    Even though I've been retired from the U.S. Navy since 1985, I PERSONALLY feel that oath is still binding for me. I will stand by that oath until I am no longer physically able to do so, protecting this country from all enemies foreign and domestic.

    Anyone who would not willingly do the same is, in my book, a worthless coward.

    (USN, retired/in-country Viet Nam vet)

  • 1 decade ago

    Global Jihad??? They don't have the capability to bring that about and even if they did...those among them that are reasonable and moderate will rise up and finally take out the fanatics (okay I'm an idealist). Assuming they did have the intelligence and capability to perform what you're saying I'll fight for my SECULAR way of life and freedom from religious oppression. You seem to forget that's what this country was founded on to some extent. The folks that came here were a bit like the Jews after WWII and the Palestinians today...Unaccepted religious outcasts...PEACE!

  • 1 decade ago

    I will do everything in my power to protect freedom of speech and religion if it were significantly threatened. I don't look at conflicts as "holy wars." If any political or religious radical group attempted to mess with our free government, I would see it as a threat.

    It's not what you believe, or what anyone else believes. It's about preserving one of the best things that ever happened to civilization in the past 500 years. That goes for everyone who supports freedom of speech -- no matter what their religion, gender, etc.

    "I may not believe in what you do, but I'll die for your right to believe it. - Voltaire

    P.S. I love Western Civilization. Sure, there are huge mistakes in our past -- Imperialism and religious extremism, but look how far it has come! Science, technology, the growth of knowledge, and new philosophies that respect individual dissent. How could I not cherish such things, when some parts of the world would rather imprison nonbelievers for not believing in certain gods or keep their populations stuck in poverty?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not an American, but I'm fairly certain there were similar rants before and during WWII that had the word "Japs" instead of atheists. Not something I'd want associated with something I wrote. What's next? Advocating atheist internment camps?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I fought the atheistic communists in southeast asia and I am an atheist myself. We fight to protect our homes, and familys, and those to our left and right. Of course--what else would you expect--we are Americans. Great line in the movie "red dawn" when partisians execute a russian after the invasion of america--one of the partisans says "what gives us the right"--the answer the other gave was "because we live here". that was dead on--we defend how we wish to live.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It will probably happen at some point. And yes most of us will be right there. I was in the Army myself a while back. I'm a bit old now.

    Those guys certainly don't want to come to Texas that's for sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, you mean "jihad."

    Secondly, no, of course I won't defend your "way of life," if by that you mean your Christianity.

    I'm no defender of Islam, but Christianity is just more of the same psychopathy and superstition as far as I'm concerned. I'm not going to pick sides in that battle, because there's nothing to choose between irrational ideologies.

    I'm obviously against religious extremism; but the problem with even "moderate" religion is that it's still irrational, and there's nothing in theory to stop it from developing into extremism. If you push irrational beliefs to their conclusions, you wind up with radicalism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm an American first and foremost, so yes, I would defend my homeland against any invaders at any cost.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not going to fight Islam for the sake of Christianity. I will, however, fight totalitarian extremists for the sake of democracy and freedom of speech and religion.

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