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Lv 2574 points

birthdad in hell

Favorite Answers17%

I'm a dad who has spent almost 2 1/2 years contesting the attempted adoption of my daughter. Fathers rights is a huge issue woth me. moved 2600 miles and travel over a 1000 every month for 8 hours with my baby girl. Not much of a social life obviously. If you want to know more you'll havre to ask.

  • should psych testing be required of people trying to adopt?

    This just came to me while answering another question here. I do feel it is a valid idea and is worthy of exploration. If it was required of people trying to adopt do you think it would stop a lot of people from wanting to explore adoption? My daughter was sold at birth and at the trial I found out that the woman who adopted my daughter actually took hormone therapy so that she could breast feed even though she's infertile. This sickens me just thinking about it. If she had to go before an unbiased professional do you think she would have been allowed to continue with the adoption process or would it have halted it or stopped her from trying? I'm going to work on this over the next few weeks and look deeper into it but some opinions would help.

    Again this is just an idea that requires more input so please don't go all high and mighty. It is something that is required of parents that contest adoption so why not unslant the playing field and make it level.

    20 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong or is this guy just stupid and to self involved to read it correctly?

    I asked this and after reading added details and even sent an email to this person and haven't heard back interestingly enough. did I write the question wrong or did he read it wrong is the question. just curious. can gaurantee anyone else that answers has a better chance at 10 points than him. here's the link and thanks beforehand.;_ylt=Arpci...

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Veteran's Do you feel that memorial day is a sham?

    More to the point, the speeches and ceremonies held in d.c. I mean if they truly wanted to honor veterans shouldn't they instead of saying thank you put some more effort into fixing the va and other vet programs. we heard alot about PTSD and bad va care all through the campaigns last year and nothing that I can find since the election. It makes me feel like all the blatherings and wreaths at arlington speeches of the ultimate sacrifice and how brave we are or were is just a bunch of b/s isn't it? With the notable exceptions of WWII and desert shield/desert storm vets coming home are ignored for the most part. I did my part in somolia93 and haiti94 and have gotten nothing but a cold shoulder since from my represenatives in office.

    Also while I'm at it are you as tired of people being told to "thank a vet" as I am? I am sick and tired of being thanked for being violent to the extreme overseas agianst my fellow humans, and like many I have talked with just want to forget (even though I can't or ever will). People actually thanking me for doing violence that if done here in our "civilized society" would bring outrage and a lynch mob is just hypocritically preposterous isn't it?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do you as an american really think your free?

    We have no say about taxation. no say about the laws that govern us. We don't even have a say when it comes to death. let's face it your brain dead in a coma and your family can't let you go without a courts say so. of course the court costs money and the hospital still charges for the room and machine and medicines. will the government help you with healthcare? no. You can't even have a cigarette without them adding to your tax burden because you choose to smoke and then dictating where you can smoke. Not to mention those that seek help from the system. If you go for help they run your life or send you out on your on in the streets. crooked law enforcement, lying politicians, decietfully owned judges and back door dealing with us as citizens having no say is the norm. also don't forget the untouchable health and human services divisions. the very people who say they are protecting children are in fact the biggest endangerment to children. If you didn't learn you don't have a say in the government when the bush/gore recount happened your wearing blinders. It's at the point where parents don't even have the right to decide what care their children should recieve. once they decide it's needed you do it or it's endangerment. Do you really think they will help with the cost of treatment they decide?

    Now another issue to prove my point. Marijauna used for over 25,000 years with proven medicinal values is illegal. in the meantime they create new illnesses daily and new drugs to treat them at a cost to you. They commercialize them and prescribe them to children to get them hooked early. they can fix erectile dysfunction yet cancer is still an unknown. Maybe if money and fame didn't drive this country we'd have a better standing in the international community.

    20 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is who you are based more on genetics or the way you were raised?

    I ask this because i would really like to know. I will add details and explain later but want to see some answers first.

    31 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Why is daddy always ignored here?

    i know there aren't many of us bio dads here but the more questions i read the more i see why. for the most part we aren't even an after thought when it comes to adoption. I understand dead beat dad syndrome and all that but why is the father always giving such little consideration. it's not just the agencies, the AP's, PAP's. it's all of them and the adoptees and the bio moms and the foster kids etc etc. a lot of questions have been asked today about AP's PAP's and Adoptees so being one of the few active sperm donors here i have to ask why are we so hated and/or ignored by all?

    20 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • gag orders lifted how do I go national?

    This is more for the regulars who know some of whats going on. trial is done and the gag order with it. I was denied the constitutional right to parental presumption. The adoption will not go through. hoowever due to the length of time the potential parents are now the managing conservators. how do i get it out so this nightmare doesn't happen again. My daughter is being raised by non parents who cannot adopt her.we(my lawyer and i) can't find a single case anywhere even remotely close to this. am working on website but need ideas, contacts,etc.

    7 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • how is this possible?

    how is it that adoption agencies are so blatant and sure of themselves that their represenatives can get on the stand and under oath state that a birth father trying to exercise his right to parent is causing trouble. how did we get so far that they admit "a father who wants his kid is bad for business" and " as an agency we prefer to know nothing of the dads and normally the armies don't ask don't tell policy is best" and " we as an agency will do whatever it takes to terminate this man, no because of best interest but because of principal. if he wins the flood gates open and everytime a mom wants to adopt the dad will have to be involved and that would be bad for business." all of these are true statements made by an agency represenative on the stand during a hearing on the contested adoption of my daughter. have we as a society sunk that low? is our legacy as parents worth so little that we let others profit on it? if so please point me to another country for naturalization because as a dad and a vet this sickens me. all opinions welcome

    15 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • What do all of you think the odds are?

    child was giving up at birth. I was served with a lawsuit to terminate me 6 days prior to birth. I filed with the states paternity registry(or whatever you call it), moved to that state got an attorney. no felonies, drug convictions of any kind, no domestic violence. told the agency and their attorney prior to birth. paternity has been confirmed and have had visitation for over a year. daughter is now 2 and trial by jury is finally here next month. I can prove all of this as well as the lies and misrepresentation of facts by the agency. I am told i need 10 of the 12 jurors to side with me. mom was 8 months pregnant when she disappeared and had her prior b/f with her as her fiancee at the birth. i have done everything required and then some. what do you think the odds are of me winning. termination isn't a question. sole custody to me or shared custody with me being treated as a divorced dad are the options. termination was and is based on abandonment of the mother.the couple intervened and are trying to say i abandoned my daughter as well.i need opinions please help.

    11 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Did you know having PTSD can keep you from raising your children?

    Thats right. I'm a 35 yr old army vet. served in the Mog 93(somolia). My daughter was giving up at birth for adoption without my consent. I have been forced to sign releases for all active duty records and all VA records. I'm honorably discharged. The agency and family trying to force this adoption can find no criminal record to disqualify me and are/have been claiming I'm not psychologically fit to raise my child because I have PTSD. SO if you serve your country remember when you come home all constitutional and civil rights, all privacy and everything you swore an oath to defend will be denied you. You will be gagged by the courts to allow no interference by media and isolated from all who can help you. I'm a veteran who proudly served and am now letting all who serve know to be careful and expect nothing when you come home. I would also like to thank the people and their duly elected officials for denying me 20months and counting of my first childs life. live serve die for nothing

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should we have an unwed mother's registry ?

    someone emailed me this idea in response to my other question. they sugest instead of a paternity registry all unwed mothers giving children up for adoption have to be on. it's not the scarlet letter thing from the past. if they know the father great. if they have a pretty good idea cool. fathers have to fill out a form in texas personal info moms info and childs to best of knowledge if they want to contest an adoption or claim the child. shouldn't the women giving them up be required to do the same?

    11 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • should adoption agencies be held to another standard?

    Here's a can of worms. almost all the laws regarding adoption and foster care in most states are tied directly to CPS, DHS, statutesand laws. shouldn't the private agencies that are dealing specifically with newborns and infants be held to a higher standard and accountability. Should timelines and what not be involved with private adoptions? cps and other depts. have a 1 year deadline but agencies have no set time limits to terminate parents and can infact drag these on indefinetly. I would also like to hear ideas on how to improve and standardize adoption law and adoptee laws nationally. both sides of the fence please answer here and/or via email. it's past time we fix this. i'm also looking for perosnnal adoption/adoptee stories and opinions(email these confidentiality assured)

    2 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Is it really in my daughters best interest to have the adoptive parents in her life?

    ex g/f disappeared 8 months pregnant and gave our child up without my consent in another state. I filed and notified the agency and the courts i was contesting. 2 months later i moved to that state to meet my attorney and get her. i found out 2 months later she wasn't in the state and had been given to a family at birth. paternity is proven i now have had visitation for 9 months. the family intervened and sued me asking for sole custody should they be allowed to adopt and want support and medical from me.everyone knew before she was born i said no . when she was 2 months old i moved to the state she was supposedly 7 months i got court ordered visitation till trial. i met my daughter for the first time at 10 months and the agency and family are claiming that it would be truamatic to sever the bond they forged because of her development stage. they have done nothing but delay so they can plead this. 19 months of my first childs life and $130000 to date. how can they justify it?

    18 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • contested adoption-what do i do?

    my g/f disappeared 8 months pregnant without my knowledge. 6 days before my daughter was born i was served with a lawsuit to terminate my parental rights. I answered the courts called the agency in texas and their attorney and told all no. I moved 2600 miles to fight for her. my daughter is now 20 months i have had visitation for the last 10 months and am being told the best i can hope is shared custody with the people who have had her since birth. no felonies, no abuse, I work live alone and have an attorney. the agency is saying i abandoned the mother. she left me and had her ex at the birth claiming he was her fiance.i have fought since before the birth and remained commited but, am being told that because of the time and bond with the family it would emotionally imair or endanger my daughter to sever the bond with the potential family. the case is in texas the potential adoptive family 1000 miles away. we do not get along or agree. what should i do. jury trial in 17 days

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago