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Lies we tell children?
When i was little my parents told me all sorts of little innocent lies, such as:
-carrots make you see in the dark
-the wind is the trees sneezing
-eating bread crusts give you curly hair etc
and its something i now do with my children.
What lies did your parents tell you, or do you tell your children?
8 AnswersFamily1 decade agoIf sex robots become a reality would you buy one?
8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoCan you help me define irony without the use of a dictionary?
I was asked by a friend today to define irony without the use of a dictionary, can you help?
Could posting a question asking for the definition of irony on a Q&A site mainly used by people from a nation who has a repution for not understanding irony be considered ironic?
5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agowill health reforms in the US......?
Mean that people will be more like to visit their doctor for advice rather than strangers on the internet who have little or no medical experience?
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agowho do you think is the most famous person alive today?
11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoDo you think concorde should be brought back?
Maybe not as a commercial plane but it would be nice to see it during the opening of the 2012 olympics or used for special occassions.
6 AnswersAir Travel1 decade agoshould I say hello to Johnny Depp?
Johnny Depp often drinks in my local pub, every one that goes in there knows its him and leaves him alone to enjoy his drink in peace, which is probably why he likes going there. If im ever at the bar at the same time as him then ill say 'evening' as a greeting and he'll do the same but i leave it at that.
However, occasionally i feel a bit sorry for him because nobody wants to disturb him or annoy him by chatting to him. What if he thinks were all being ignorant? Is it more polite to leave him alone in peace, or to chat with him and make him feel welcome?
11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agodo you get annoyed by questions?
Do you sometimes find yourself getting more and more annoyed by people asking stupid questions till you find yourself giving really sacrcastic or insulting answers?
7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agodo people still use chat rooms?
Are they still used, i havent used one for years facebook seems to have taken over. If so whats a good chat room site.
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoLife on Mars USA, is it worth watching?
I was a big fan of the original version and they have just started to show the US version here in the UK, is it worth watching or will i be disappointed?
3 AnswersDrama1 decade agowhat song have you had stuck in your head today?
ive had :
Today by the smashing pumpkins
16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agowhat was the last vinyl album you ever bought?
mine was metallica - and justice for all.
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agowhats the defination of bases?
i live in the UK and hear in films/tv programmes about people dating going to first base, secong base etc. I think I have a pretty good idea of what each base is but is there a set definition?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agowhats the best song to listen to while driving at night?
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agowhy do people wear balck to a funeral?
Is there a reason behind it?
7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoThis website does math for you have you tried it?
The website is
It wors out formulas etc for you and tells you how it got the answer, has anyone else used this?
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agowhat sport do you find most boring to watch?
Fo rme it would be Basketball closely followed by marathon running.
6 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade agoWhy does hard cheese taste better when its grated?
Not much else to add, its just that grated cheese sandwiches always tatse better than sliced cheese sandwiches.
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoTime for confession one time only offer?
I understand there are a lot of non-religious people here (me being one of them) or indeed religious people who have never been to confession before, so for one day only i am opening my confession box.
What do you need to confess?
Ill start the ball rolling..
My first ever job was working in a ford factory, we used to work shifts and as i was arriving the previous shift would be leaving. One man who i will call bob drove a van that didn't have any indicators so to signal he was turning he would stick his arm out of the window. One morning on my way to work Bob came down the road with his arm stuck out the window, and for reasons i still do not know, i had the sudden urge to high five him. I found out the next day that due to the speed bob was doing he suffered a broken wrist, he didn't realise it was me that did it and I never admitted it until now.
Now its your turn...
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow much did you spend on your wedding?
A couple I know are getting married and they taken out a second mortgage to pay for it seems rediculous to me.
14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago