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  • 0% Germination, Chinese Lantern Plant? Help?

    I purchased a "Chinese Lantern Plant" from Swallow Tail Garden Seeds, all the seeds have been in flats for germination for over a month and nothing, everything else (zinnias, cosmos, bachelor butons, poppy's and so on) have come up.

    My flower bed is new and Im still fending off weeds so Im not direct sowing anything but Sunflowers and larger Comos until it is more under control. (next season)

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Borderlands 2 Enemy Scaling Issues (underleveled enemies)?

    Just a quick question on scaling, first playthrough (normal mode). I notice that in the DLC Content, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt and Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage the enemeies are not scaling, they are leveled 29-32 and the game is basically no fun because I am level 37. I just finished beating the Warrior (at 36) then went right into the DLC campaigns to find severely underleveled enemies. However, with the same Character (level 37 Commando) same playthrough when I join Tiny Tina's Dragonhunt the enemies continue to scale to my level or even higher some are level 40 (Outside of the King Orc guy that levels up whiel you fight him).

    With another Character I tried Playing The Scarlett Booty DLC and same problem, I beat the Warrior at Level 35 and joined the Oasis immediately after and there is not a single enemy above level 32.

    I played almost all of Torgue's campaign and did not level, thats like 4 hours of gameplay stuck at 37. In my opinion it has basically defeated the purpose of the DLC its not helping me level up and with suck weak enemies it is not even fun to play, Badasses were yielding an entire 47exp.

    Why does Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Scale but not the other 3 DLC packages (normal Playthrough)?

    Better on the Second Playthrough? (Sure Hope So)

    3 AnswersPC7 years ago
  • Questions about Golden Keys on Borderlands 2?

    Ok, so I bought the Game of The Year Edition of Borderlands 2. I had a few characters built already and of course started a new one with the new dlc Characters. Every character I started or had and loaded got the Vault Hunter's Relic, Contraband Skyrocket Grenades, a set of Gearbox Guns, and a golden key. It also came with a prompt about the Natural Selection Annex being available.

    My questions are...

    1) Does every Character get their own Golden Key? (for example, I have an Assassin, Commando, and Psycho, if I open the Gold Chest with my Golden Key with my Assassin will my Psycho and Commando still have their respective golden key or is that one key for all characters on that profile?)

    2) How do I get more Gold Keys? I meet people online and I've heard from 6 keys all the way up to 43 gold keys... How do I obtain more?

    3) If I have two players in the game, do I need two gold keys to open the chest? For example, If my girlfriend and I each have a key, can we open the chest now at level 50 with one of our keys and then again at like 65 with the other person's key or does every player present have to provide a key?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Car dies when idling? Gets worse the colder it gets... Any ideas?

    Its a 2004 Ford Taurus with 125,000 miles. The check engine light is always on and by always I mean always. The car normally runs great, however on colder mornings it will not idle. It runs a little rough on these mornings too, a little delay after hitting the gas peddle before it'll speed up and when I stop at Stop lights for long periods I have to shift to neutral and it barely stays running. If I stay in drive it will die.

    On warmer mornings now that we are getting into Spring it runs like a champ, no idle problems no delay it does not run "rough" at all. It passed emissions but they told us that Mass Air Flow Sensor needed to be replaced. We did so thinking that would solve the problem and the Check Engine Light is still on and it has made no difference in how well the car runs...

    I had this issue before with a previous car in which the Fuel Filter and Cat. Converters needed replacing but that car ran very rich and would not exceed 3500 rpm's period (made highway driving difficult for a week). Neither symptom is present in the current situation.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Xbox Live Gamertag Access from Multiple Consoles?

    I currently have a 360 with an Xbox Live Gold Membership, I am looking to buy an Xbox One and recover my Gamertag that I have had for a while. My question is can I still access my Gamertag on the 360 AND the Xbox One?

    I have my place that I stay at when I have my daughter about 4-5 days a week and then I stay with my girlfriend when I don't have her. We play Borderlands 2 and when I get the Xbox One I can leave the 360 with her and we can play online but when I stay at her house we'd still play Split-Screen on the 360. So is it a possibility to play the same Gamertag on my Xbox ONE at home and still play the same Gamertag on the 360 at her house so we don't literally have to have two campaigns going?

    I heard you save up to three locations but then was told that only applied to the Windows Phone Users and the appropriate apps on the Windows Phone. Still no idea or I would not be asking. All help is appreciated.

    2 AnswersXbox7 years ago
  • Boston on Assassins Creed III?

    Can't figure out how to get back there, not on Fast Travel just tons of Frontiers and Homestead, now New York. Any ideas? Can you not go back? I read under the impression this was an open world sand box game.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • How do I use the IR (injured reserve) spot in my Fantasy Football League?

    I created a Private League with friends, I added two IR spots in addition to the six bench spots. I am curious if the player must be IR'd in NFL before he can be in Fantasy or?

    The idea our Commissioner had was to be able to use the extra IR slots so we didnt have to drop players that got temporarily injured, I feel two extra bench spots would have sufficed but any help will do... Thank You in-advance.

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports8 years ago
  • Who should I start this week? Fantasy Football?

    Russel Wilson @ Indie's D or Andrew Luck at home against Seattle's D? I feel like Luck has more weapons but the Seattle D has given up the fewest QB and WR points this year...

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports8 years ago
  • how do I create a private league on Yahoo fantasy Sports football?

    It automatically throws me into a public league, I have 8 people and want to do a private league, any recommendations?

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports8 years ago
  • How to Restore Factory Settings on a Sony Xperia Z Smartphone?

    I am having trouble with this phone, would like to restore the phone to full "Default Factory Settings" and start again from the beginning, it worked fantastic at first so I think it was something I messed with Settings wise. Please help and Thank You in Advance.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Can a Nose injury cause your nasal passages to swell and/or fill with mucus?

    I play Basketball recreation-ally and two nights ago (its 8:15 am, on Friday so that was Wednesday Evening) I took an elbow to the nose when I was playing defense. The blow was to the ridge of my nose on the left side. The next morning I woke up with quite a bit of mucus in my nose, my throat was super-dry (despite the fact that I sleep with a running humidifier), and I feel my nasal passages are swollen because when I take anti-inflammatories I can breathe easier for a few hours after.

    I played again Thursday Evening from 2:30pm to 8:30 pm and when going for a rebound was hit again (elbow) this time straight on the bridge of the nose. (right next to the original injury). The first injury bruised and the second one did as well though not as bad. The nostril on the left side (injured side) is considerably more clogged and when not clogged (after I blow my nose) gives a very slight but uncomfortable sensation (not painful).

    So its almost two days later and I don't have an onset of any other symptoms that would point to sickness (not ruling it out) so I was just curious if a nose injury can cause the symptoms I am having and if so any advice on how to care for it properly and possibly alleviate the stuffiness and uncomfortable feelings when I breathe through my left nostril (injured side from first blow).

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Will Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and the expansion set The Frozen Throne work on Windows 8?

    I am considering a new laptop, my current one runs XP. I play Roller Coaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, and Warcraft III Reign of Chaos (2002) and the expansion set The Frozen Throne (2003). These games are old but I enjoy them and would like to continue playing them if I were to upgrade my Laptop which most likely would come with Windows 8. Will they work?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Minecraft 360 Animals despawning?

    Since the latest update I have created a Chicken coop and a small fenced pasture for keeping animals and breeding. Both are fenced one high (as a fence counts for one and a half blocks) so the animals cannot escape. I saved my game with 8-9 chickens and at least a dozen sheep lured into their respective areas with wheat and seed. When I loaded the game I had no sheep but I had a pig and only two chickens. Help? I also notice in my fenced in wheat field that animals are constantly appearing in there since the update, even if I just go inside and access a chest and return outside sometimes as many as 3 more animals will have literally appeared in my wheat field, the same is true for my animals disappearing from my pasture. Ill go inside and access a chest or leave to a neighboring village and they'll disappear from my pens. Any idea whats going on? Its become very difficult to maintain my wheat fields as the spawning animals are constantly trampling them (they spawn numerous and often enough that game has become unenjoyable at this point). Im trying to maintain, cows and sheep for wool and meat and no matter how many animals I lure and breed upon loading my animals are gone, if I leave the area even a mere 70 blocks, they vanish. Do I need to go higher on the fence? (minecraft wiki stated fences are 1 1/2 blocks high and that only spiders and cave spiders can scale them) If I go higher then how do the gates work? (mobs can pass through double doors, is this the same for stacked gates? Im trying to fence in the animals and wheat, light it torches so I can work the fields safely at night AND that gathers mobs on the fences allowing me to eliminate them later, relieving them of rotten flesh for my dogs, arrows for my bow, and gunpowder for potions). So to top it off, I would like to know if animals de-spawn or if somehow, someway they are escaping my fenced enclosures... if they are how do I stop it? (i cant say if this was an issue before the update as animals didn't follow you with wheat and werent allowed to breed) Is there a way to keep animals from spawning inside my wheat fields as this wasnt an issue before the update? Do animals despawn? I should note that post update the sun rises and sets in different areas (if you say sun rises east and sets west, it now rises from the South and sets in the North). Please Help, I found the game very enjoyable before the update and was excited for the new stuff but at this point I've discontinued playing the game as I spend all my time re-doing wheat fields and chasing animals that shortly after cease to exist. (you cant really explore without wheat, its the most readily available food source in the game, since I cant make a lot of bread I cant really explore, plus leaving ruins my animal pens) Please Help ( Adding the items per creative mode is not an option... What would be the point of playing if I did that?)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Whey protein supplement replacer?

    I dont have the money til next payday for more whey protein (muscle Milk is the brand I use) and I want to continue to work out, Im told sugar water or lemonade will help with cooling and the soreness but is there a replacer for the protein itself as im ery happy with results the muscle milk has given me compared to without protein or even using other supplements... any help is appreciated thanks

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Minecraft 360 pumpkins? Cant harvest obsidian?

    Hello, I recently downloaded Minecraft for the 36, I have found obsidian and have a diamond pick axe but cannot harvest it... any ideas why? Where do I find pumpkins I want to creat golems... any ideas?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Minecraft (Xbox 360) item question?

    I just recently purchased the Xbox 360 edition of Minecraft, Im curious as to what may have been left out. I spend time on Minecraft Wiki and notice a considerable amount of items I have not come across. I have hit the bottom of the map in several areas and have yet to come across a stronghold or abandoned mine shaft which I hear is a great way to gather rare metals, gems, and resources (diamonds, seeds, redstone, gold, iron, etc.). I have not found any melon or pumpkin seeds amid "Overworld" whether it be at the surface or in caves and ravines while spelunking. I have also located obsidian and have a diamond pick axe and for whatever reason I cannot mine the obsidian. I've been told I could use enchantments to try that but I dont think an Enchantment Table exists in the 360 version yet. I have also read about villagers of which to trade goods with. I have explored a good 60 to 70 percent of the surface of overworld alone as I have explored all the islands I've located and regions of desert, tropical forest, plains, and a snowy forest. Despite all that Im most curious as to where to find pumpkin and melon seeds to expand my farm, how I can locate villagers (I have located 6 uninhabited separate villages but no villagers) and why I cant mine obsidian with the highest quality pickaxe in the game when that's what the helper hints told me I needed to do. Any help or tips is greatly appreciated however I ask that you provide True information. Thank You

    2 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • What is a good weight loss supplement?

    I started working out a few months ago, i hae seen great results. However recently I have injured me knee so my exercises are limited. I want a supplement that will help me keep seeing results while my knee heals. I have used s slimming tea before but it contains a harsh laxative something i'd like to try and avoid. I keep hearing about hydroxycut elite... I know little about this... help? All I take now is musce milk post-workout. 1 scoop

    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Which Wiresless router is best?

    Hello, I am currently having issues with a Wireless Router/ 4-port switch combo I have. It is a Linksys Wireless G Router WRT54G v5. I bought it in 2005, so its rather old but I hear good things about older models compared to new ones because the newer simpler circuitry can complicated the flow of data, but not sure if that's myth or fact. Regardless, when I bought the Router I was told it could easily handle 4 wired devices and 4 wireless simultaneously, however that was in 2005, I'm not sure the router can keep up anymore. I have the current firmware and the appropriate gaming ports open. The problem I'm experiencing is an intermittent or inconsistent connection. I have two Xbox 360's wired to the Router and I run a desktop computer wireless. Occasionally guests will add another wireless device or two when they browse while visiting. On the 360's we constantly experience disconnects and they occur most often during downloads (such as demos or add-sons) and when streaming netflix. Weird enough though the connection seems find for the most part during online gaming on the 360's. It does "glitch out" a lot where it appears other players are "teleporting" around the screen as opposed to running, but rarely do I experience a full disconnect. I have no problem investing in a new router if that's the case, I just need some help on deciding on a model. I'd like to stick with linksys if that is my best bet. We will be adding a 3rd 360 after the holidays when my room-mate gets one so I'll need a router that can handle 3 xbox 360's through wire, plus a desktop wireless. At times but rarely all 4 devices will be used. So whether it be altering the performance of my current router or investing in a new one any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks

    2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago