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  • I don’t love my niece? ?

    My niece lives in another country. I’ve seen her once. She is my only niece. Her parents my brother in law in particular are such over bearing parents that when they visit I have to leave the family home with my dog because they think he will kill her. It’s making me indifferent to the family. And I don’t feel a deep connection to my niece or my sister anymore. Is this strange? They have just caused me so much pain and drama every time they visit that I wish they just didn’t visit. 

    4 AnswersFamily2 months ago
  • How to break up with someone? ?

    I know everyone is going to say it’s easy just do it etc. The last time I tried he cried for 2 days got down on his knees and begged me not to leave him. I’m very weak, a people pleaser and also scared to be alone so when this happens I loose my balls and just say ya ok let’s stay together. We are not bad together we are just not fairytale love. I think of what else is out there I think about the fact we don’t like any of the same things except hikes and dogs, and I get scared that he’s not the one. So I want some time on my own but he guilts me into staying. Background he lives at my parents house with me and we are together 9 years. Age 28 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • How to deal with a stressful job that you love? ?

    My job was always busy, and I love being busy! There is nothing worse than being bored the day goes by slowly and you don’t feel good about yourself. For a while it was comfortable, only having to do a few hours overtime a week to get everything done. The last two months has been hectic. To the point where I have to do at least 2.5 hours overtime each day and still am not caught up on what I need to do. My manager is aware how busy it is but we cannot change it. I love the job but hate that I can’t catch up on the work that needs to be done when I say me I mean the team we are all the same. I think about it everyday and night. I can’t switch off it’s affecting my life. How do I switch off? How do I not care? 

    1 AnswerPsychology3 months ago
  • How to deal with work stress? ?

    Loads of people are out at the moment due to covid. There are two of us left which means overtime daily. So much stress we feel like we are never going to catch up. How to deal with stress. I get headaches find it hard to switch off what should I do? 

    5 AnswersMental Health4 months ago
  • Is it normal to have doubts about your partner? ?

    Is it normal to think one min you love them could see spending your whole life with them and then the next thinking you are completely different and it would not work out? Has anyone experienced this and been happy? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Can’t come during sex female ?

    Hi all. I can’t come during sex, I can come when rubbing my clit but cannot come when my boyfriend is having sex with me. It’s always very short and very fast paced. How do I come? I need help. We have been together 9 years I can’t have never had an orgasm we need to learn how to do it 

    5 AnswersWomen's Health5 months ago
  • Is it unfair to ask your partner to give up weed for you? ?

    I used to smoke it and gave it up. It was easy not like cigarettes or drink I just did it saw improvements had no withdrawals and didn’t look back. Even when I smoked I always said if I have kids I never want them to grow up thinking drugs are normal. Or come across them in our house and ask what’s that or what is that smell. I am getting older thinking about this stuff and I ask my partner if he’s going to quit. He says he’s trying and it’s unfair for me to force him. Do you agree? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • Will I ever fully get over this? ?

    When I moved away with my bf and his friends. They all treated me like ****! They all knew each other for years and I was an outsider and I couldn’t find a job for ages not for lack of trying and they made me feel like a waster even though some of them had no jobs and nothing was said to them. Everything I did needed a group meeting but when they did the same thing nothing was said. They went places without me they talked about me I caught them a few times but didn’t say anything. My bf didn’t stand up for me until the end of 4 months and this was only because I threatened to leave.  I looked into the sea every night thinking I would love to just jump and end it all and I’ve never had those thoughts before or since I just felt so lost and bullied. It took me to book a flight home for him to say anything to them. I still don’t know what he said but I know him and I know it was more of a she had a problem so stop not we have a problem convo. It has been 4 years since this happened but I can’t move past it I’ve tried to talk to his friends about it to squash it but the gf of his best friend never lets me finish cuts Over me and says there was just too many people living there. I feel I can’t get past it and resent my bf for not standing up for me because if the shoe was on the other foot I would have screamed at my friends for this behaviour it was awful and made me feel bullied. Will this fade it makes me hate him at times 

    2 AnswersFriends8 months ago
  • Boyfriend and I don’t have much in common is it doomed or a good thing? ?

    So my bf and I just kinda talk about our day then watch tv then sleep! We have nothing in common no common interests only travelling which we can’t do at the moment. We are saving for a house but I’m thinking will I be happy with this forever? And is this normal as men and women are very different? Are most couples like this? We don’t find the same things funny we rely a lot on each other and have sex a lot and I think that’s good but should we have this best friend connection or is what I stated above enough for a happy life? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 months ago
  • I’m very bloated two weeks before my period how do I stop this? ?

    It’s very annoying two weeks before my period and up until my period comes I get so bloated it looks like I’m pregnant. It’s disgusting is there any tablets or anything you can take for this 

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 months ago
  • Is this a reasonable request? ?

    My partner smokes weed. He holds down a full time job and he has cut down on the amount he smokes but for me I want him to give it up completely as I don’t want my kids to grow up in a household where their father does drugs that they may some day find and use or think this is normal and start doing it. I used to smoke weed it made me lazy and basically was a waste of time and money. I gave up and gave up easily. He told me before he would do anything for me but when I bring this up he gets angry and screams and says I don’t make you give up stuff i am a hard worker etc. I feel like weed is much more important in his life than I am. I think I need to break it off I’ve been with him for 8 years and have wasted that time now I’m probably too old to find love again I’m 27. What should I do I definitely feel second best to a drug which is very upsetting. 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Anyone got any cooking book recommendations for loosing weight ?

    I have belly fat and leg fat that has come out of no where and I need to sort it out. However I know I’ll never loose weight through running and walking alone I need to change my diet. I mostly eat carbs and meat. I don’t want a book made for people who have to spend hundreds on grocery’s and I like simple food too because I’m not the best cook. Any suggestions? 

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 year ago
  • How do I convince my bf to go live his life even if it means doing long distance? ?

    My bf is so unhappy since we moved home from travels for a year. He has no money no degree and no prospects at home and is getting upset about it. I keep telling him to move away or get a degree or just do what he wants that will make him happy but he won’t leave without me. I’m getting older want to progress in my career and don’t want to be planning my future around him And don’t want him held back waiting for me to settle someplace and try to find work around there to suit me. 

    I want for us both to get to a place where we are happy in our careers and our lives before we get married etc. how do I get him to see this is the right move he won’t listen he just wants to Be with me all the time no matter how unhappy it makes him 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • My bf really annoys me but I love him am I just mad or does this happen to anyone else? ?

    I know I’m gona get a lot of hate from keyboard warriors but I need answers. He constantly interrupts me even shouting over me mid conversation. He constantly says I’m wrong about things interrupting me mid point to say exactly what I was saying in a different way. But he’s great in all other areas I try not to get annoyed but it’s very frustrating. It’s like he will over shadow me in conversations and I hate it but need to find a way past it because he is not going to change 

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Is this controlling behaviour? ?

    Gf told me that my tattoo on my arm of an ex bothered her so much I had to pay 1000$ to get it covered up my ex And I only kissed nothing else. She made me stop going to exercise classes alone because she said I was looking at other girls and she made me stop talking to a Co worker because we were talking outside of work as friends and she saw messages. I love her should I leave or is love enough 

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • People keep thinking me and my bf are brother and sister is this a bad sign? ?

    People keep thinking this and saying it to me in the last 3 months 4 people have said it to me I mean does it mean we are not affectionate or seem like we love each other in that way? 

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago