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  • Does anyone know an effective cleaning agent to get acrylic paint out of carpet?

    My toddler got red, green, and blue acrylic paint all over my carpet. Do you know a way for me to get it out?? I have gotten it mostly clean but not all. So if you have experienced this before or know of a magical cleaning solution to get it out, please let me know. I have already tried oxiclean, a steam cleaner, and several other carpet cleaners.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • When awarding a Tiger Cub scout immediate recognition embem... do you put the strings on it?

    I am new to cub scouting. I am an assistant den leader for a Tiger den. We are ready to award our boys a Tiger Immediate Recognition emblem and are wondering if we award it with the empty strings attached or do we wait to attach the strings once they start earning beads?? I just didn't know because when you buy the kit, the strings aren't attache and I just don't know if I should just go ahead and attach the strings or not. Please only answer if you have had experience with scouting or working with Tiger cub scouts or have a child who was a tiger cub scout.

    1 AnswerGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • How much for childcare?

    I have a 4 year old son and a 3 month old son. I finally found a babysitter for the occasional time I need to get out of here. I mostly rely on my friends with a babysitting trade off but from time to time, I need childcare for when I am doing stuff with those friends. How much is a reasonable amount to pay? This person suggested $30 for four hours... equating out to $7.50 per hour. This person is a mother herself and has prior experience in a daycare sitting. I was just curious if this is about right, too much, or too little. I have no idea because I have never really had a regular babysitter that I paid. The last time I was aware of babysitting rates was when I was a teenager myself and I know times have changed. So just let me know what I should be paying!

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Should I take my 2 month old to the E.R.? running a fever?

    I have a 2 month old baby... a week away from being 3 months old. He weighs 17 pounds and is overall very healthy. He has been running a fever for the last two to three days. I took him to the ER yesterday and at that time only had a fever of 100 and also has a bad cough and congestion. They sent me home and told me to administer tylenol every 4 hours. Now, he has a rectal temperature of 103.9 (so adjusted that is 102.9) Should I take him back in to get checked out or should I just keep an eye on it? I just simply don't want to drag my baby out to the hospital at 2 A.M. just to be sent home with nothing again! One quick thing, he doesn't have an ear infection... they looked at this yesterday. I need answers quick! I need to make a decision of what to do.

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 38 weeks pregnant, membranes stripped, and now bleeding and passing clots... is this normal??

    Very strange... I had my membranes stripped yesterday at the doctor. I have been having contractions every since I had this done. They aren't severe though, just enough to make me uncomfortable. I lost my mucus plug about a week prior. All of a sudden, I woke up to go to the bathroom about an hour ago and noticed that I had passed a couple of blood clots. They were very, very dark red in color... almost black. (which I know means old blood) Also, the toilet was tinged pink because of blood. The blood is not deep dark red blood and my doctor did say I could have some spotting. Should I be concerned about these clots?? Have any of you ever had anything like this happen to you?? Is it a sign that labor is around the corner? I just can't seem to find any information on this anywhere on the internet. I am baffled. Please help me out if you have any experience with this.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • For mothers that have had gestational diabetes, when did you deliver and was your baby healthy??

    Hello, I am 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant and have gestational diabetes. It is controlled through diet and insulin. My doctor refuses to induce me until I am exactly 39 weeks. She says that if she induces me at 38 weeks and 2 days, that the baby's lungs might not be developed. Is it really necessary to do an amniocentesis to see how developed the lungs are? If you have ever had gestational diabetes, when was your baby born? And, was your baby able to breathe on his or her own at birth?? Thanks in advance for your help. I am just curious.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is my due date wrong??

    I am currently 36 weeks pregnant (supposedly) and am unsure about my due date. I had abnormal and missed periods so my last menstrual period does not work for determining my due date. At around 10 weeks, I had a dating ultrasound and they determined that I was due on October 16th. The problem is, at 35 weeks, my ultrasound said that the baby was already nearly 7 pounds and all of the measurements said 38 weeks. Also, when they measured from my pubic bone to the top of the uterus, it also measured three centimeters bigger than it should have. I am just curious if anyone who has had a dating ultrasound has had their baby on or around when their supposed due date was. OR, did you deliver earlier?/ later??? Please offer me some insight if you have dealt with this at all... I am getting very anxious and uncomfortable and am just wondering what other women have experienced.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Are Britax infant carrier carseats compatible with Combi strollers?

    I am interested in buying a Combi stroller for my baby that I am expecting. I have a Britax Companion carseat and want to know if it will be compatible with the Combi brand stroller. Please only answer this if you know the facts or if you have a Combi stroller and are maybe using a different brand carseat to go with it. Any insight would be helpful. I can't seem to get the info from Combi themselves or any other website that sells them. They all just say compatible with Combi carseats. I have included the link to the stroller I am wanting to buy as well.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do children of military Purple Heart recipients get free college?

    I don't believe this rumor but someone said to me that children of someone who get the Purple Heart get free college, does anyone know anything about this. I don't think this is correct but if anyone has any information about this I would appreciate it.

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should I be any more concerned about finding a tick on me when I am pregnant?

    Yesterday, I discovered on a tick on the back of my neck and I am 15 weeks pregnant. I pulled the tick off and I did get his head and the whole body (along with a chunk of my flesh). I kept the tick and put it in a plastic bag. The area around where the tick was is very sore and unfortunately, I have no idea how long the tick had been there and where in the world I could have got it. I am just wondering if anyone knows, should I be concerned about this? Also, if you had a tick on you, what would cause you to go to the doctor? Should I be concerned if the area stays sore for a while?

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • I am 13 weeks pregnant and not sleeping well at all, any ideas for remedies to fix this problem?

    I have tried Benadryl, Unisom, drinking some milk before bedtime, I bought a memory foam pillow, I have tried a hot shower before bed, etc etc. I still wake up many times throughout the night and then once morning comes, it is very difficult to drag myself out of bed due to exhaustion. This is my second pregnancy and I didn't experience any of this with my first one. Please advise me of any ideas you have to help with this or if you have experienced this yourself what you did to get more sleep. No sarcastic answers here please such as wait until you have the baby etc. because that is an obvious solution.

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is 3 too young for my son to learn about the basics of sex?

    I just found out I will be having a second baby in October. My 3 1/2 year old son asked me how the baby got in there, so I told him. I also explained how the baby will come out etc. etc. So many people I know are appalled that I would teach my 3 year old the truth. Please tell me how you have dealt with this situation and what you taught your child in regards to having a new baby or explaining about the basics of sex.

    27 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago