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  • Do you believe in god?

    If you believe in “god” shame on you for worshipping something that you believe created man. Man is the most flawed living thing on this planet – look it up – the number of mental health conditions sociopaths, psychopaths that walk among us and could be our husbands, wives, children, friends or the person next door. Is this the man you think your “god” created in his image.Wake up and smell the roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Has someone gained access to my computer?

    I have reason to believe that my computer may have been accessed to gain information from my files. Firstly is it possible to check if this has happened and secondly how do I do it.

    What happened was I put my laptop into sleep mode and front lights except for the charging light went off, I hadn’t switched off my external speakers and when I was in another room I heard a pinging noise coming from the speakers and went to check and all three lights on the front were flashing plus my external mouse also had the lights flashing, this continued for about five minutes then it went back to just the charging light as is normal.

    I want to know if there is some way I can check if someone was looking at my documents. Or am I just being paranoid?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • How can I stop my neighbour throwing toxic pest repellents through the fence?

    This morning when I let my dogs out there was a strong smell of garlic coming from my next door neighbour. I then saw there were white crystals in my garden along the fence. I noticed my one dogs eating something and when I looked it was in an area full of the garlic salt. I have heard that this is toxic to dogs and cats and when I asked her why she was throwing it onto my side of the fence she ignored me. I was wondering what I could do about it as the fence is chain link so if she decides to put down snail killer or worse there is a chance of it coming over to my side. However the garlic salt is far too much to have come through onto my side by accident.

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Is Garlic Salt toxic to dogs?

    This morning when I let my dogs out there was a strong smell of garlic coming from my next door neighbour. I then saw there were white crystals in my garden along the fence. I noticed my one dogs eating something and when I looked it was in an area full of the garlic salt. I have heard that this is toxic to dogs and cats and when I asked her why she was throwing it onto my side of the fence she ignored me. I was wondering what I could do about it as the fence is chain link so if she decides to put down snail killer or worse there is a chance of it coming over to my side. However the garlic salt is far too much to have come through onto my side by accident.

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is there any type of law that states people can only park on one side of a road?

    I live in a small village that has a cul-de-sac with bungalows on both sides - one side of the road has a pathway and this is where most of the cars park, however on my side there is no pathway and the only car to park on this side of the road in front of her house is my neighbour. This causes problems when anyone has oil deliveries, workmen and the refuse removal as they now have to weave in and out to get past her car. If during the day she is out and someone parks opposite her house and she comes home she will park in her usual spot and then no-one can get past and the car parked opposite her has to move as she point blank refuses to. She says that is her parking although there are no designated parking spaces or lines. If everyone parked on the same side of the road there would be plenty of space and no obstructions.

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Is there any type of law that states people can only park on one side of a road?

    I live in a small village that has a cul-de-sac with bungalows on both sides - one side of the road has a pathway and this is where most of the cars park, however on my side there is no pathway and the only car to park on this side of the road in front of her house is my neighbour. This causes problems when anyone has oil deliveries, workmen and the refuse removal as they now have to weave in and out to get past her car. If during the day she is out and someone parks opposite her house and she comes home she will park in her usual spot and then no-one can get past and the car parked opposite her has to move as she point blank refuses to. She says that is her parking although there are no designated parking spaces or lines. If everyone parked on the same side of the road there would be plenty of space and no obstructions.

    6 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Which laptop is the better choice for home use?

    I have 2 choices - the main difference seems to be Wireless LAN or Bluetooth 3.1 + HS what is the difference - it will not have an ethernet connection and I want to know which one would be most suitable. I am using the laptop for watching DVD's and web browsing mostly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    These are the specs for both


    2nd generation Intel® Core™ i5-2450M Processor

    Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium 64-bit (pre-installed, Toshiba-HDD recovery)

    39.6cm (15.6”)

    2.54 kg

    750 GB

    6 GB

    6 h


    up to 1,696 MB shared memory from 4 GB system memory installed (with pre-installed 64-bit operating system)

    Web Camera

    Wireless LAN

    USB 2.0 Port


    2nd generation Intel® Core™ i5-2450M Processor

    Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium 64-bit (pre-installed, Toshiba-HDD recovery)

    39.6cm (15.6”)

    2.5 kg

    640 GB

    6 GB

    5 h

    Standard numeric keypad

    up to 1,696 MB shared memory from 4 GB system memory installed (with pre-installed 64-bit operating system)

    Web Camera

    Bluetooth® 3.0 + HS

    USB 2.0 Port and HDMI

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Do you think that assisted suicide for non terminal illnesses should be made legal?

    Do you think that assisted suicide for non terminal illnesses should be made legal?

    I do for the following reasons

    • I don’t want to end my days in a care home – I am an animal lover and I don’t want to be in a place where there are no animals (I don’t mean my own I would never be so irresponsible to have a pet that I knew was going to outlive me – I have already made arrangements for my pets should anything unforeseen happen to me )

    • If I stayed at home and had carers come in to look after me what guarantee would I have that they would care for me properly (seen too many horrific things that happen to the elderly in home care and in care homes, first hand and on TV) - A survey by the Nuffield Trust and the nurses’ magazine, Nursing Times, found that the NHS is failing to care adequately for hundreds of thousands of patients who die each year, many without proper care or pain relief

    • Living wills do not permit you to ask to be euthanized if you reach a state where you can’t make and communicate your own decisions (known as a ‘lack of capacity’)

    • If something isn’t done before I reach that stage as I couldn’t afford to go to a country where assisted suicide is legal.

    • Should I then commit a death penalty crime in a State where they will kill me legally.

    • If I committed a crime in a country that had the death penalty by lethal injection I would be euthanized by the Government ( why can’t they euthanize people who want it – it would save them a fortune reducing the amount of care homes and the money could be put to better use elsewhere)

    • So I have a choice if I want to commit suicide (which I don’t) whilst I’m still compos mentis or wait until I’ve no longer the mental capacity (by which stage I would want to but probably wouldn’t be able to) I have read

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Do you think that assisted suicide for non terminal illnesses should be made legal?

    I do for the following reasons

    • I don’t want to end my days in a care home – I am an animal lover and I don’t want to be in a place where there are no animals (I don’t mean my own I would never be so irresponsible to have a pet that I knew was going to outlive me – I have already made arrangements for my pets should anything unforeseen happen to me )

    • If I stayed at home and had carers come in to look after me what guarantee would I have that they would care for me properly (seen too many horrific things that happen to the elderly in home care and in care homes, first hand and on TV) - A survey by the Nuffield Trust and the nurses’ magazine, Nursing Times, found that the NHS is failing to care adequately for hundreds of thousands of patients who die each year, many without proper care or pain relief

    • Living wills do not permit you to ask to be euthanized if you reach a state where you can’t make and communicate your own decisions (known as a ‘lack of capacity’)

    • If something isn’t done before I reach that stage as I couldn’t afford to go to a country where assisted suicide is legal.

    • Should I then commit a death penalty crime in a State where they will kill me legally.

    • If I committed a crime in a country that had the death penalty by lethal injection I would be euthanized by the Government ( why can’t they euthanize people who want it – it would save them a fortune reducing the amount of care homes and the money could be put to better use elsewhere)

    • So I have a choice if I want to commit suicide (which I don’t) whilst I’m still compos mentis or wait until I’ve no longer the mental capacity (by which stage I would want to but probably wouldn’t be able to) I have read

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Help for 11 year old greyhound with bowel incontinence?

    I am looking for something to add to his food to make his faeces a bit firmer, he doesn't have diarrhoea but as this mostly happens when he is asleep it's a nightmare to come through to every morning. He sleeps inside, and please don't suggest I let him sleep outside (won't happen). I am feeding him Bakers complete and because he won't eat just dry food I mix in tinned food as well. One website suggested pumpkin seeds - have you any suggestions?

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    I sent this email to WSPA

    I would like to donate but I am concerned about what happens to the all the dogs and other animals that are saved by Dr Gudush Jalloh. You say that “Hope - is now safe and well” and that “Dr Jalloh has helped thousands of dogs – treating their injuries and vaccinating them against fatal diseases like rabies” which is very admirable but what happens to all these animals afterwards? Please let me know as I have spoken to friends who also donate to WSPA and they are also concerned and would like reassurance that something is being done for these animals afterwards. Regards

    I received this reply today

    Once again, I apologise for the delay in responding to your enquiry. I have now heard back from my colleague who has provided me with the following information:

    On the subject of re-homing, WSPA would not export pets outside their country of origin. This is not an efficient use of funds. However, we are very keen for stray dogs to be effectively re-homed locally so they get taken off the streets.

    SLAWS reproductive control programme is primarily aimed at individual and community owned dogs, as they are the principle source of unwanted roaming dogs. Most dogs are sterilised and neutered and then returned to their original abode. One of the key objectives of the exercise is to sensitise the owners to the need for them to be more responsible pet owners. Therefore, while they are engaged with SLAWS they are provided with a lot of advice and guidance on how to improve the welfare of their dogs.

    In addition, although more generalised about our work with strays worldwide, I think you might find the information contained in this link to be informative :

    Answer Title: Stray populations of cats and dogs

    Answer Link:

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Do you believe in the death penalty?

    I used to but:

    1) What if the person although tried and found guilty is later found to be innocent - it happens

    2) Some people want to die - people with a terminal illness are denied the right to take their own lives or have assisted suicide

    3) Do the same governments that allow abortion have the death penalty?

    Why do governments only allow healthy people to be killed but won’t allow a sick person to end their own lives.

    17 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Are there any decent people left?

    Every time I watch the news I see people being cruel, abusive or negligent to animals and children - when is this going to stop?

    14 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Christians do you..............?

    When you sit down to a meal and say grace the bit where it says- "for what we are about to receive may the lord make us truly grateful" do you also thank the animals that you are eating for giving up their lives(not their choice) so you can enjoy your Christmas dinner and all the other meals throughout the year?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who hates Christmas?...........?

    People are like morons all doing the same thing year in year out. Everyone running around spending money on presents making all the retailers happy. Radio stations playing all the same boring Xmas music - TV stations showing really bad programs and worst of all all the wasted food and animals killed just so people can stuff their faces.

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where is Up?????????

    If I was standing at the north pole and pointed above my head to the sky and someone else was standing at the south pole doing the same - up is not in the same direction so where is it?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What stops the atmosphere escaping into space?

    Is it like a bubble around earth with a type of force field keeping it there and what would happen if it escapes?

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How do retired folks stay happy and occupied?

    Here's one way!!!

    Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day, Mary my wife and I went into town and visited a shop. We were only in there for about 5 minutes. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.

    We went up to him and I said, 'Come on, man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?' He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him a dumb ***. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn-out tires.

    So Mary called him a **** head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote.

    Just then our bus arrived, and we got on it and went home. We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's important at our age.

    15 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago