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Free Spirit Girl
Multi-Racial. Love Nature, Children, and Animals. Jewish
What you think of these names.?
My names are
Rupaula Eleanora
Adore Dior
My friends name for their baby are
Kavod Eleanor
Shira Esther
Datya Eliana
No I am not pregnant, my friends are.
5 AnswersBaby Names3 years agoWhich name is your favorite?
Farrah Valentina
Aja Charlotte
Myriam Grace
Leila Joyce
You can choose two
11 AnswersBaby Names4 years agoWhat is a good middle name for these names?
6 AnswersBaby Names4 years agoThe Struggle is real?
I am Vegetarian, cause I tried the Vegan challenge end up at hospital anyway Vegetarian is what working best for me I might consider in the future transiction to Vegan, but right now one step at the time. Anyway I posted I was eating ice cream and my cousin ( A meat eater) say aren't you suppose to be Vegetarian, gosh the struggle is real any advice how to educate them?
2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan5 years ago"Messianic Jews" claiming to be Cohanim and Levites? Why?
Why "messianic jews" I was helping the Rabbi of my Shul accomated some items. At we allow any people as long as they call first to come visit us. So these two guys came in to buy Kosher Grape Juice and Challah then we found out they were messianic when they spoke to Rabbi, he say (the Rabbi) that they have to convert when I asked my Rabbi what happened after they left, he explain me that these two guys were claiming to have Cohanim and Levite blood, and shouldnt covert. Why "messianic jews" claim such things? how they can know?
We are a Chabad house so you know how open and friend are we.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoChoose three. Do not give me suggestions please. I want to know which one you like best. My friend is expecting triplets girls.?
Ok which name you like best
Myriam Grace
Dalila Grace
Anastasia Grace
Ivanka Grace
Ivana Grace
13 AnswersBaby Names5 years agoI am trying to go back to Orthodox, but having a few problems.?
So I rent a room (That does not have a kitchen, I share the Kitchen with non Kosher people, and I am trying to go back to Kosher as well) Ok long story short I was born to a Jewish Orthodox Woman but later when I was 7 years old she moved to Conservative movement and when I did my Bat Mizvah she stopped going so I joined a Reform Shul, but I don't agree with most of what those people does. Anyway can I keep Kosher even the Kitchen we all share is non kosher or shall I buy an eletric stove and small refrigerator also we share the bathroom I am trying to post this question before Shabbat it's 7:50 am
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoDNA testing question?
So I discovered a site that offer a Kit, but I am very confuse about it. Does this mean I have to send them back the kit with my saliva?
1 AnswerBiology5 years agoMy Dog ate Hershey kisses chocolate what should I do?
He is 11.8 pounds and just have 3 mini kisses of the hershey kisses that are white with brown stripes and have brown milk chocolate inside he is fine he haven't vomited but I am extremley worried about him. And I think the vet is close today :(
15 AnswersDogs6 years agoWhat you think of this name?
5 AnswersBaby Names6 years agoDo you like this name?
11 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago¿Justo o No? Mi Profe tiene a su novia en la misma universidad!?
Mi profesor tiene a su novia (futura esposa) a tomando clases en la misma universidad y creo que esto va en contra de las reglas? el la conoció en la misma universidad dando clases a ella y ahora creo que podría ser de interés de conflicto como veo a mi profesor hablando con otros profesores cuando su novia está ausente crees que esto es justo? Creo que no está siendo justo qué otro profesor le diera B y a mi una C cuando realmente merezco una B o A debería reportarlo? gracias
2 AnswersOtros - Sociedad y Cultura7 years agoHelp with first name?
Which name combo flows better?
Eleanor Anastasia
Aurora Anastasia
Mulan Anastasia
Merida Anastasia
Belle Anastasia
Elsa Anastasia
Helga Anastasia
Leela Anastasia
Amy Anastasia
Victoria Anastasia
Evangeline Anastasia
I cannot change the middle name, it's honoring someone.
I also don't like popular names like Haven,Baylor,Taylor,Destiny,Hope,Heaven,Kaylah,Neveah,Addison,Mackenzie,Violet, Breanne,Karley, Raylee,Riley,Kiley etc.
So if suggesting any other first name make it classical sophisticated such as Elizabeth Anastasia, Grace Anastasia,thanks for your help.
Also which combo would be good on twins girls? (yes one of twins girls middle name would be Anastasia and the other middle name would be Olga,Tatiana or Marie/Maria)
8 AnswersBaby Names7 years agoI have this friend that need serious help?
I know is his FB wall but he recently has become a "Born Again Christian" despite of being gay he judge the gays and he wanted to change he think he righteous one and think he can't do no wrong I have giving him so many chances but lately he is becoming super annoying and trying to convert me to believe in Jesus despite of me saying I am Jewish & I only believe in God I don't know if I should deleted him or not because he rather annoying as of right now
5 AnswersFriends7 years agoWhat is Wiccan & What does people believe?
Please any good site about it?
I always has follow the law "If harm none, do what you please"
I trying to find myself & I am very curious on what Wiccan is.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoShould I still his friend or run from him?
There this guy this guy that I was talking to him, I am going to audition for the Disney Character Performer audition and he totally discourage me from and say I won't make it, while I do have friends that works in Character Performer department and they encourage me to do it,even one of them say he make it in his fifth audition. So then this friend of mine he always so negative and I am getting tired of him, only because I am nice I keep forgiving him but this was the straw that broke the camel back, I understand he is fat and his face is full of acne but that not my fault, I got a clean face and when I show one of my others friend show my picture to people they say I am pretty without he even asking so should I still be friend with this guy who is completely negative the thing is I don't know how to draw myself away from him he was very mean discouraging me from the audition heck even if I won't make it he a least could have say break a leg, I know the chance I made it is slim but is better to try and fail than no to try right?
Guys what you will do in my position? thanks.
2 AnswersFriends7 years agoThe Dionne Quintuplets are the only set?
Are the Dionne Quintuplets, the only set of identical quintuplets to survived birth and live to adulthood?
2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years agoWhat you think of these names?
If a boy
Lancelot Amadeus and if a girl
Jezebel Ivanna
What do you think, like them hate them and why?
And my friend name is Jezebel so there people named Jezebel and I aslo saw on the Facebook search people.
Do not come with crap that name has so much power because if that was the case, then it won't be Jesus or Mary behind the bars.
By the way I am Jewish but I am making a point.
9 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhat you think of these babies name?
Elaine Rose
Vivian Rose
Kamille Eloise
9 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago