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leah j

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  • Question about filling a missing perons report?

    my husband desereted me almost a month ago..from what i heard he is living in the next town over with another woman..he is basicly hideing out from me and has left me with over 6000 in i said i can not find him or where he is staying at or if he is even there at all...i would like to file for divorce but can not because i have no adress!! What can I do? Am I able to fill him as a missing person?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Need advice on divorceing from an illeagle alien!?

    i have been married to this guy from ecuador for six years and he just up and left last month leaving me and my two kids (not his) alone...come to find out he is shacked up with another girl an her three kids and i dont know what to do..cause i dont know there address...he is illeagle (no papers) and the girl he is living with is legal (named ashley dudek) and cant go to court to file anything cause dont know an address....and he is working illeagley somewhere ( cash under the table) and dont know where he is working right now.....what do i tell the court....? I was told u could file for emergancy spousel support because he just abandoned us....but dont know an do it or file it...any suggestions or advice please? Ohh i am disabled and can not work.

    3 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Question about bench warrent?

    My cousin, just found he has a bench warrent on him, and the court said it was a $500 bench warrent. ( The case was for child support) and he had just gotten out of the hospital that night, and was under some sort of seditive. and forgot all about the case that morning! So my question is, when he goes to turn himself in, will he have to pay the whole 500, or will he only have to pay 10%?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Have you ever dated someone of a different race and get racist comments?

    I notice than in smaller towns this is sorta "taboo" and you will get more racial comments relating to this, but in larger city's nobody really cares. Have you ever dated someone of a different race than you and had some make a racial slur about you or you bf/gf/spouse? How did you handle it?

    I have been married for 5 years to a guy from Ecuador, and have had some remarks and dirty looks ( not that I give a d*mn) but some times some of the remarks through me, because it takes me by surprise! What would you do if someone said something negative in that sense?

    ( and for all the racist comments start to flow, you all can go straight to hell)

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Question about a very sick cat?

    I have made a vet appointment for tomorrow, but I wanted to ask everyone, if they knew what could be going on with my female cat. She is not quit a year old yet, and she is kept indoors. She escaped when one of my kids opened the door about 4 weeks ago, and when we recovered her, I suspected that she was pregnant, ( and yes I am going to get her sprayed, before anybody say's anything) anyway, I was right and I seen that her stomach started to grow, and then she developed a cold. with colored ( brownish) discharge from her eyes nose, and it was a very bad smell coming from the disharge, and when she breathed out, you could smell it, ( horrible smell) the doctor said I would have to do a "at home visit" because it might be contagoius, to other animals, and that night she miscarried all 5 of her kittens, the doctor came, but never really could tell me what was the problem, except something about a minor infection, and gave me some antibiotic's. She has had trouble eating and drinking, because I belive her nose is so stuffed up, and I ran a humidifier for her at night in the bathroom ( with access to litter, food and water) she has been urinateing ok, but I also noticed ( this morning) that she is still bleeding ( vaginaly) I am guessing from the misscarriages that she had, but that has been 5 days ago, is that normal? ( the bleeding part after a misscarriage or birth) and does anyone have any idea what the cold like symptoms could be? And like I said she will be going to the vet tomorrow, but also, I am haveing trouble getting the antibiotic down her throat, because of the stopped up nose deal, and her not wanting to take it, any suggestion?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My male cat is still nurseing!!?

    I always thought it odd, how my male kitten never really stopped nursing, or how my female (the mother) never discouraged it, I took him to the vet at 5 or 6 months of age, and I told the vet at his check-up, that he was still nursing, and he was shocked, and said to put a stop to it immediately! I took him to a different vet about a few months later, and told him the same, and he just laughed, The mother cat had 4 kittens 3 girl's, that were adopted out and I kept the boy, and they are both very close ( him and mom) and he is over a year old now, and I still catch him nursing once in a great while, and she let's him! So has anybody ever heard of a cat doing this before? And is it normal?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Parent's with a child that stutter's?

    I have an 11 year old son that stutters, and it unfortunately runs in my family, (dad and grandfather stutters) he has a hard time of it in school, because some of the other kids pick on him, and mock him, which has lead to fights, and arguments. He is taking speech therapy once a week, and does not like to do it, because he feels it is not helping him, and wants to quit. (It is a in school therapist). Does anybody have any "comeback" he can say when being teased, or any advice on what really helps with the stuttering problem? Also, me and his dad are divorced ( for over 10 years now) and I noticed that when he goes to visit his dad, the stuttering gets so bad, that i can not even understand what he is saying, and then when comes back home, it gets barely noticeable, and no he does not get along with him, and I have to force him to go (it is a court order). Thanks for all the answers in advance!! :)

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why does Sydney with the Natural hair always..?

    Why does she always ask questions about Black people?

    Is this just a phase or does this go on every night, cause i seen her doing the same old tired as* shi* last night and the night before that,like does she ever work, or go out?

    Is this site her whole life?

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Swelling in fingers, what could this be?

    Almost everyday (only in morning''s) I have swelling in my fingers. (this is the only place) and my finger's get so swollen, that, I can't bend my fingers. This does not last very long, about an hour or so, and notice that it goes away when I get out of bed, and start moving around, and doing stuff! I went, to my Doctor, this morning, and he said it was normal! I don't think that this is normal....Does anybody, have any idea's on what could be causing this? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Question about child support?

    Ok, here is my problem, I am a mother of 11 and 13 year pld boy's, and granted my ex husband physical custody of them because im not able to support them at this time to a disability, i have really bad back problem's and my spine is basically in the shape of the letter "S" and have crippling pain everyday, my (new) husband supports me financially, and I am in the process of filling for disability (which takes a while) anyway, when I had physical custody of the boy's (for 8 years) I never asked my ex for child support, cause we agreed we would not do that, as long as the other parent helps out with cloth's and school activity's and ect. and I have been doing that for him, buying cloth's and such when needed, now I got a letter stating that He wants me to pay child support, and I don't I will go to jail! Can I really go to jail, even though I am not working, and have a disability? what can I do or say when I have to go to court? Thanks for all who answer this, as I am really stressed out about this!

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I have a question about antique, plate with a "beehive" German mark?

    I have a very colorful, and Beautiful, plate, that has a greenish, blue, beehive mark, and says, Made in Germany, it depicts a mythological scene on it, and has green and red and gold gelding, all around the picture, does anyone have any info on these types of plates? I bought it at a Goodwill, for 12 dollars, and I love it, and feel like I got a good deal on it!

    1 AnswerSculpture1 decade ago
  • Question about Pakisatn words?

    I have some friends from Pakistan, and would like to know some basic words, like hello, how are you, and such, also what are the most popular or common foods or recipes from this country?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me a good recipe for chicken or pork Adobo( I think is a koren dish?)?

    I use to make this recipe all the time, and forgot the specifics, on how to cook it! I know you can use chicken or pork (or both) and you use garlic (I think onion?) and lots of soy sauce, and i can't remember if you use water or chicken broth also, any info or help would be gratefully appreciated!!!!

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Is there any proof that gay people existed thousands of years ago?

    I do not mean qoutes from the Bible or such, I mean is there any proof, that some cultures, such as Indians(never heard of this in the Indian culture) or in the cave man era, or any other old culture, Im just curious, and not trying to offend anyone here!

  • Does anyone here have any Family Recipes from Ecuador?

    I am looking for any recipes, or one of your favorites, that are homemade Ecuadorian recipes, My Husband is from Ecuador, and I am looking to cook something special for his parents, when they come to visit, thanks for all reply, in advance!

    1 AnswerEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • A question about the late 80s super group, "The Traveling Wilbury's"?

    I remeber Roy Orbison being in the group for a short while, and then he died, but I seem to remeber a music video they did after he dies, that he might or might not have recorded with the group before he died, and in the video they had this rocking chair that he was supposed to sit in and it was empty, but rocking, like he was there, Does anybody remeber what this song was called? or if it even existed? I was only 9 or 10, so it's kinda fuzy, but my mom was a huge Roy Orbison fan, and followed his enire lifes work, (it's also where she got my name, Leah) she is not around to ask anymore, as she would be able to tell me in a heart beat, so thanks for any one who can answer this!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question about the bible, knowledgeable christians only please!?

    In the beginning of the Bible, (Genisis) it says that God made Adam and Eve, of course, then they had two sons, and one of the brothers killed the other, and God sent him out in the wilderness, to find a wife,... what wife? He was given a mark so no one would harm him, ...who are all these people they are refering to, and where did they come from, since they are not named or listed or talked about in the bible, why only Adam and Eve? Did they skip some chapters? I find this chapeter, one of the most confusing and ellusive! Anyone got any ideas? Thanks for ypur thoughts!

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone here ever heard of a small city called Hillsville, in the State of Virgina?

    If you have, are you familiar with a childrens home down there called The Joy Ranch? Do oyu know anyone who is familiar with it, or has lived there for any period of time, or know someone who does? PLEASE let me know it is of some impotance! If anyone has any info, you can e-mail me at "" any info at all would be great, even if you think it might not be very important! Thanks for all who answer!

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What does it mean if you have to strain to go pee pee?

    I have never had this problem before, and have had urinary infections, and bladder infections, before, and never have had this type of symptom, when I go pee, I have to strain(almost force or push it out) and it's not too bad, the 1st going of, althoughim still straining a bit, the very last bit, (toward the end of the pee) I have to push or strain pretty hard to get the last bit of it out, Does anyone know what this could be?

    8 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • I need advice on how to find out what was cleared on my history button?

    I have this feeking that when ever I leave the house, my husband is talking to someone or doing something he is not supposed to, when I come back home, my history is cleared, and when Im home it is'nt even bothered, Do I have to create a restore point and backup? Or what else is there to do and how do you do it? Thanks a bunch!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago