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Favorite Answers41%
  • Is the word "defensed" the proper term for having applied defensive strategy?

    OK, that's a roundabout way to ask but I hear so many sportscasters use "defensed" when I would have used "defended".

    For instance, a cornerback bit on a double-pump and gets burned for a long TD and the color analyst says, "The DB was caught looking in the backfield and the safety was not covering. That play was not well defensed."

    That just sounds weird to me - should "that play was not well defended" be used instead?

    I've looked online for confirmation one way or the other but am coming up I'm looking to some of you logophiles out there.


    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can you provide a novice with an "Introduction" to Italian Serie A?

    I'm an American and have always been a football (American) and baseball fan. I was never really exposed to soccer but I recently moved to a city that has a MLS team, which my wife and I now enjoy attending.

    From watching soccer on TV, I've also become interested in Serie A. I've watched some of the games and, from researching on the internet, I know which teams are good and which teams are not-so-good.

    Now I would like help with the "real" knowledge....

    To put it in baseball terms - the Boston Red Sox, the New York Yankees, and the Chicago Cubs are the biggest, most popular teams in America. They have huge numbers of fans and, because they reside in very large population centers and have tons of money available, they can afford to obtain the best players.

    However, they are also disliked by fans of most of the other teams because of those attributes.

    Teams like the Tampa Bay Rays, Minnesota Twins and Pittsburgh Pirates, conversely, are smaller market teams and do not have the luxury to go out and "buy" any player they want.

    Despite this, the Minnesota Twins have a track record of success and the Rays and the Pirates seem to be up-and-coming successes. The perception (whether real or not) is that they have to work harder to achieve the same success that is expected of Boston and New York.

    So, what I'm wondering is this - In Italy's Serie A, who would you liken to teams like the Yankees and Red Sox and who are the teams that are similar to the Twins and the Pirates?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    2 AnswersItalian Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Italian - What is the proper masculine singular article preceding "studente"? Is it "il" or "lo"?

    I have looked in my dictionary, textbook and many, many places online and cannot seem to get a definitive "il studente" correct or is it "lo studente"? Or maybe both are correct?

    If you know, won't you please share your wisdom and knowledge?

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can I become a Catholic even if I don't believe that Mary remained a virgin after Jesus' birth or...?

    Can I become a Catholic even if I don't believe that Mary remained a virgin after Jesus' birth and/or I don't believe in Purgatory?

    I'm trying to ask a legitimate question here - I'm not looking to argue about these two beliefs I'm only asking if not believing in those two concepts would preclude my being able to join the Catholic Church.

    Thanks in advance for your informed, serious response.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • With all the "We're taking a breather" screens I'm getting?

    Does it seem to anyone else like Microsoft has taken over Yahoo! already?

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do PS2 Games On My PS3 Only Show A Green Screen (Yes, it's the 80GB Console)?

    I have the 80GB PS3 and the games work and look great but when I put in a PS2 game that I know works on another PS3 all I get is a green screen that looks - for lack of a better description - like a scrambled video signal.

    The game is "Simpson's Road Rage". It works on my co-worker's 80 GB PS3 so, ideally, it should work on mine. We bought our consoles within days of each other (before last Christmas) so there shouldn't be any "version" issues.

    Yes, I've loaded all of the online updates from Sony.

    Any other thoughts / suggestions?


    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Who else hates "Please Help Now!!! - 10 Points To Best Answer" Questions?

    I've answered my share of "Please Help - 10 Points to the Best Answer" questions - as I'm sure many of you have, too.

    Usually these people are in dire need of information fast and seem so, I went back and searched "please help points" to get some past questions that had been asked because the asker needed help on a particular matter to them at the time.

    Out of a competely unscientific sampling of the first 20 questions that had the requisite "Please Help" and promise 10 points for the best answe, can you guess how many actually took the time to go back and choose an answer?


    Yep, 65% of those askers that desparately needed help and promised to give the 10 points to the best answer....didn't.

    I think Y!A should deduct even MORE points from these people!!

    Who's with me!!!!

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Pain in arm from batting?

    When I bat (right-handed hitter), I eventually get a pain in my right arm. The pain is initially located in the back of the arm (tricep area) just above the elbow. The pain eventually spreads to the upper part of my arm and then to my shoulder. Icing it works quickly and relieves the pain but that is not an option while playing. The next day there is no pain whatsoever - only while playing. For what it is worth, throwing tends to exascerbate the problem but I notice the problem more when I hit and throw than just when I throw.

    Anybody else have the same problem? What was the cause and how to prevent?

    Is it possible that I am overextending my arm/elbow when I swing?

    Is there a brace of elbow sleeve to use to prevent this injury?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    9 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Need Advice! What's the best -3 BASEBALL bat for the money?

    This is for an adult baseball league...not softball.

    I'm switching from a wood bat league to a league that allows metal bats and I'm overwhelmed by the choices (and costs!) of the bats available.

    I'm really not thrilled with spending several hundred dollars on a bat but, if I hear enough people thrilled with a certain bat, I may consider it.

    Let me know what you like about it. Do you like the way the ball jumps off of it? The balance in your hands?

    I'm asking people to answer only if they have personal recommendations based on their playing experience. PLEASE don't answer with "go to" or "try". That's just a waste of time for both of us.


    1 AnswerBaseball1 decade ago
  • Pitching Stats - what do "P INH Rr" and "P ING RrScr" mean?

    I have searched and Googled everywhere I can think of but still can't find what "P INH Rr" and "P ING RrScr" mean.

    Does anybody know what they stand for and how they are calculated?

    Here's a link as an example:


    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Nick Barnett to file a grievance against the ref that pulled him away from a fight?

    What's the basis of the grievance?

    How many think that, if Nick Barnett didn't like physical contact on the football field, he could always drive two hours south on I-43 and try out for the Milwaukee Ballet?

    Somebody please forward this link to Nick:

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Catholics: If Jesus Was The Perfect Lamb Because He Was Without Sin Does That Mean A Sinless Mary can Redeem?

    us, too?

    Jesus' death on the cross redeemed mankind because he was a sinless, blameless sacrifice lamb.

    Since Catholics believe Mary was sinless, too, is Mary also a redeemer and Savior?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Experiences with Instant Immersion Language Software (Any Language)?

    I am attempting to learn Italian. I am currently taking classes at a local university and augmenting that with a book/CD package I bought ( I believe I have a strong understanding of the present tense and basic vocabulary but I just don't feel I'm getting enough out of the class and the CD package.

    I ran across a software package titled "Instant Immersion Italian Deluxe" at a computer store the other day. It looked pretty good but I wanted to research it a little more. The reviews at Amazon varied greatly - some loved it, some hated it.

    My question to all of you is this: Do any of you have experience using "Instant Immersion" software? It doesn't have to be specific to Italian, as I imagine the software and learning format would be pretty consistent throughout all of the languages.

    If you have used it, would you recommend it to others?


    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Old Punk Song From Mid-80's that had the verse "I Wanna live in Gotham City". Is this a Beowulf song?

    There was an old punk song that's been running through my head. It was a punk-ified cover of the 60's Batman theme song. Here are the lyrics as close as I can remember:

    I wanna live in Gotham City

    (background vocals) Batman

    Where the air is clean and the streets are pretty

    (background vocals) Batman

    (something something something and so on)

    I think it was a Beowulf song, but I'll be darned if I can confirm that. I Googled the lyrics but came up empty. So, I'm hoping there is somebody out there that remembers the song.

    I need to track that sucker down!!!


    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • I'm addicted to Yahoo!Answers....?

    ...does that make all of you 'Enablers'?

    Can you believe I wasted 5 points on this???

    23 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are Mountaineer fans rooting for the Sooners today?

    Because a National Championship would be sweeter with a win over a storied program like OSU rather than a Cinderella like Mizzou?

    (I am)

    Let's go MOUNTAINEERS!!!!!

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • For those of you who learned a second language as an adult, how did you do it?

    ...and I qualify "as an adult" because there are studies showing children learn second languages differently than adults.

    I wasn't fortunate enough to learn a second language as a child so I'm really struggling to learn Italian then, hopefully, others.

    Also, do you consider yourself fluent in that second language? How long did it take you to be comfortable talking to a native speaker of that language?


    7 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Why is asking pro-war questioners why they are not in Iraq a violation?

    About 50% of the time, when I ask a questioner that is obviously pro-war why they are not over in Iraq, the question gets bounced from Yahoo! Answers.

    Of course, I guess my speculation as to why they're not over there (pure, unadultered cowardice and hypocrisy) is both the real reason they are not over there and the reason they report my answer to the Y!A authorities.

    Having said that, I still think it's a legitimate question. Don't you?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one that is absolutely sick of seeing Peyton Manning in EVERY #%&@* TV commercial?

    Don't get me wrong, he's a great quarterback, but it seems that he makes at least one appearance every commercial break...and sometimes two! Isn't anybody at Gatorade, Xbox, Sony,, DirectTV, Sprint, ESPN, or MasterCard ever heard the term "Oversaturation"? Hopefully Manning won't be the next Jim McMahon. Thanks for letting me vent.

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago