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  • A question about renting a house from a relative..?

    My brother is about to rent his house out,as he is moving abroad. I have stayed at his house quite alot while he's been away on holiday,just to take care of the house.I even stayed there 3 weeks once while he was away. Even doing the cleaning (and trying not to make any marks on his beloved laminated flooring lol). Now i am hopefully goin to be renting his house.Does he need to make up a contract for me to sign?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • When toddler is potty training is it normal for Grand parents ...?

    to keep making comments about the childs bear bottom? I don't understand my parents who are o.a.p's to always made crude remarks about my 2 year old sons bottom. My dad is the worst,as he as always commented on his bottom,always patting it and always telling him he's going to spank him in a playful way. Ever since he started crawling,my dad would tap him on the bottom,and saying i'm smacking your bum bum. Even my brother used to do it,but i put a stop to him doing it. My mom always used watch and laugh. Now as my child has grown into a 2 and half year old his vocabulary is getting bigger and his behaviour more daring. Whenever my son goes to pick a toy off the floor by my dad,my dad automatically smacks his bum. Even if he's reading the newspaper or watching tv. He does it every time without fail.

    I had a few words with him about a year ago when my son was on his lap and my dad was going on about his bum again and he was holding it and kept saying what a lovely bum bum he has.( He had his nappy on and was dressed). My brother sat there watching and grinning. I decided i had to say something. I told him not to keep refering to my childs bum. He started laughing and was shocked that i had said something. He told me he is just playing. I told him,that he makes comments all the time about his bum and he keeps spanking it.Not occasionally but every chance he gets. Now to me that seems a bit gay. He laughed and said i'm over reacting. He said that i need to stop watching how he behaves around him,otherwise he don't want to know his grandson anymore. I couldn't believe it. And as usual,not one of my family take my side and agree with what i say.

    Now my dad thinks its all forgotten,and still he behaves the same. He plays with him normally,and often sits him on his lap watching kids tv or reads a book,but still he keeps smacking his bottom,every chance he gets. Even telling my son to come to him so he can smack it. On occasions my child laughs and bends over and runs away,. But it isn't right behaviour if you ask me.My son is potty training,has been the past 7 months. Now the weathers getting warmer,he runs about with no nappy or pants on. All innocently as toddlers do. It's just being natural and easy to go on potty,but my parents keep telling him what lovely bum bum he has. Going Aww look at that bum bum. He's even started rolling over and showing everything today before i could put his pants on. My dad was laughing at him and urging him on to carry on doing it,and saying look at your dirty bum bum. My mom was going Aww what a nice bum you have and telling him to bend over. My dad then went into the kitchen and my son followed him.My son then started feeling my dad between the legs.Instead of my dad telling him to stop it,he kept laughing and going,Aww what are you doing? My son was just laughing.I kept saying to stop but he carried on. I told my mom what he was doing,but she took no notice.I also told her to stop refering to my childs bum all the time as i don't like it.Hoping my dad could hear. She said,"God,we all have bums!" I said i know but you are always going on about my sons ,instead of him running about innocently,and you taking no notice,you keep making crude comments. She took offence and screwed her face up,and acted like i'm moaning over nothing.I asked her if her and dad spanked our bums as babies and toddlers and kept making comments about our bums all the time. She went silent. I told her that if he grows up to be gay i will know who to blame.

    The thing is. My brother knew a problem family who's 12 year old son was filthy for his age. He would often go on about womens parts and was expelled from school for touching his teachers chest and bum. He would talk filthy to my brother too to his little sister.His mother used to tell my brother to take him out places out of the way alot. One day he told his mother that my brother had touched him.(He wanted money off my brother and because he wouldn't give him none he made up lies)Eventually,it went to court and my brother was found not guilty. For months my family went on and on about the whole incident and court case,and saying about the kid and how filthy he was and always going on about this and that. I was sick of hearing of it all.

    Now my son was a breath of fresh air with he arrived into this world. My parents first grandchild and they were over the moon me having him,so why are they behaving like they do? Is it me,or is what they say about my sons bum and spanking him all the time sexual? It seems like they are moulding him into being like that kid i just mentioned.I even warned them about that but they think i'm over reacting. Is this normal behaviour? Does anyone else do this?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I have very low space on my 'C' Disk. A question about photos...?

    I have alot of photos and videos,alot i have transfered to an external hard drive. But still it goes back to saying my space is critically low. I don't have any unused programs to uninstall either,as i use them all. Over the time i've noticed that my photos get duplicated,i find 2 or even 3 of the same photos in other 'unknown to me' folders,not knowing how they got there. So obviously this takes up space too,so i have deleted them.When i say delete,i mean sent to the recycle bin,then emptying it.

    What i need to know now is i download my photos and videos to my 'C' disk. But i also have Adobe Photoshop where most of my photos and videos go too. Could this be contributing to the low space? Also if i delete videos on my 'C' disk,will they delete in Adobe Photoshop too. ? I want to keep at least one.

    Will be happy for any replies. Ta

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • So my brother picks faults with my 2 year old son...?

    My son is perfect in every way. The criticisms started when my son was a few months old. My son would stick his tongue out on occasions. My brother would say it wasn't normal. Then when he was about 6 months old,my son would dribble whilst sucking his dummy,my brother would say it wasn't normal again. Then when my son started babbling and making sounds,my brother stared at him and told me there was something wrong with him because he was babbling and dribbling as babies do. I remember telling my brother to shut up as he has no idea about babies. He never wanted children,but by this time his wife was expecting their first. They had their baby and over the months he was telling the family how cute their baby looks sticking her tongue out like my son did. She's had many colds with a constant runny nose,and also dribbles. She's 17 months now. My son is 2 1/2. I have never once criticised his child and he often relies on me to baby sit her,and i care for her as good as my own,while the mothers at work.

    Now almost every time he sees my son he makes a remark about him. He compares him to his friends kids who are older and says they did this and that at the age of 2. One of his friends sons is Autistic,he's 4. My brother often talks about him and goes on about my son like he's the same. My child is very bright and can understand alot. I can even have proper conversations with him. Some words he don't say clear but most he can,he won't shut up most of the time. I've been potty training him since he was 2,not everyday,but most days he's eager to use potty.When i go out i put pull up pants on him. Anyway today we were all going out to play ball. I decided to change my sons clothes. Straight away my brother commented on my son in nappies,saying his friends son who's 4 still wears them because he's Autistic. I thought whats that got to do with anything. He also was staring at my son and commented on him having a deformed tongue. I asked what he meant,he said he sticks it out and it looks curved. Nothing wrong,its a normal tongue.Then he mentioned his ears,asking if his ears looked like his dads ears,because his ears look a bit big. My son's ears aren't big,they don't stick out and are normal size. He also criticises if my son falls over,hurting himself and cries. He calls him a wimp. He says he's a mommys boy. He tells me i shouldn't console him if he's hurt himself,he'll get over it. His little daughter has fallen and hurt herslf lots of times,had bangs to her head,cuts to her face and lip recently after falling off a chair flat on her face. My brother said her lip was bleeding. He tells me his daughter is tough and can take hurting herself. He should be making sure she's safe and keeping an eye on her. Is he waiting until she breaks a leg or her neck? My brother is boisterous around the children and deliberately tries to scare my son. At the park he started pushing my son high on the swings where he nearly fell out.He tipped forward. My son was petrified. My brother apologised after i told him off. My son won't let my brother pick him up now because of how he is. He even pushes the kids sit-in car around fast so that they could easily tip over and out. He seems to get a kick out of it. We were sitting on te grass and he began pushing the car really fast towards us pretending to crash into us,he did this 3 times,i had to tell him to calm down.

    My son likes to laugh and talk alot,but when he's around my brother he says few words. They were in the garden today and i popped in the house for a minute,when i heard my brother say sarcastically to my son,"What was that you said,was it some noise you're making?". What a cheeky sod. Why is he being horrible to me son. He seems to be a bully. If i ever say anything,he tells me i am being paranoid and get over it. I have decided i could not trust my brother alone withmy son,he just has no idea. He once said he would take him swimming but on no account would i allow him anywhere near a swimming pool with him.

    His daughter has a slightly deformed leg,where it points inwards,so she walks funny,she also has redness on the skin around her eyes and forehead. She's 17 months and can speak about 4 words. The rest of the time she mumbles,just like he criticised my son for doing. I do not criticise her and have no desire to as a mother who obviously knows how to be kind and understanding of a child and know whats normal or not. I WOULD SAY MY BROTHERS NOT NORMAL. I also feel my brother is jealous of my son. He always wanted a son. But he is sticking at one child. To add,my son had his 2 year check with our Health Visitor and he completed every test. I told my brother this and i think it went through one ear and out the other.How can i get him to back off and stop being like this?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why is my 'C' file on computer nearly always full when i keep deleting unwanted programs?

    I'm always getting messages popping up telling me i am low in disc space. I cannot disfragment because it says i don't have enough space. I delete unwanted programs,temporary files, and history. I asked this question a while back and i was advised to get an external hardrive,which i did do. I transfered lots of videos which took up alot of space,it was ok for a bit,then it started running out of space again. I'm now transferring lots of photos as well ,it frees up a bit then gradually gets low again,even as low as 0 mb. Today i done diagnostic tests on it and i got a few error codes coming up,which i need to check with technical support,but on the whole everything was working normally.Plus i do regular clean ups.

    I have Windows XP. Does anyone know what could be affecting my computer to make it do this? I use Facebook,could the Apps on there be doing something?

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • If needing long term accommodation,you can't get a mortgage,you can't get a council house,then ...?

    the only option is to rent privately. But what if the landlord decides after a year or 2 that he is selling up or has a relative who would like to live there,and so wants you out. How can people feel settled knowing that the house or flat they've lived in and got used to is being taken off them. Surely people like to call their home,'home'. Be able to decorate,change furnishings whenever they want.Yet a rented place you can't really do that,can you? So what's the answer?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What's the point of CBeebies 'Lets Celebrate'?

    I watched it before and it was on again today. Its a British kids program about celebrating Religious festivals. I don't really know of other religious festivals other than my own Christmas one,which is the main one in UK we celebrate,obviously. Yet it goes on with the presenter saying,"Today is xxxxxxx Day! A Jewish festival,or a Sikh festival or Hindu. Today it was an Iranian festival. He shows an Iranian family in London celebrating their day. The children were all excited and shouting to the tv camera,Happy xxxxxx day!! At the end of the show,the English presenter was saying to the viewers,"Why not send your family and friends a present to celebrate!?

    Now,i wonder what's the point in it. Its not like we're all going to start celebrating every festival of every religion are we? Why does my child need to know about them? there's no point. Why tell English people to send others gifts to celebrate when it don't mean a thing to us.Its not important.

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • If someone has done something unlawful in the past ,can they get a job working for the police?

    I know someone who has. Also i know someone who used to work in bank as a cashier and stole some money and was sacked. They now work as a qualified nurse. Its been niggling at me all day,so just wanted to hear others opinions on this.UK

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is it true that Pisceans like to create problems...?

    .They create problems for themselves and/or trouble for others,then sit back and act like they had nothing to do with it?

    I know several Pisceans who do this and then start feeling sorry for themselves and want people to feel sorry for them too.

    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • If my child was born 14th September and is 3 this year...?

    When can he start free nursery? Also when will he be able to start reception school at the age of 4? He will still be 3 when the term starts.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • If your baby/toddler falls over and bangs their head and cries,is it normal for the parents to...? nothing and tell them,its not that bad so stop crying?

    Only thats what my brother does with his 16 month old daughter. She's has countless falls ever since she could stand up,and banged her head up but he thinks its nothing.Many times i've seen small cuts and scratches on her face,sometimes by her eye where she's knocked into things or tripped over.He told me once that he wants her to be tough and not a soft and needy child. But surely you want to care for your child and not want them to hurt themselves.

    Even my son who is 2 has had falls over the time or banged into something and my natural instinct is to pick him up and rub his head or leg or arm and make sure he's ok. We were in my brothers house yesterday and my son nearly broke his arm after slipping on a flimsy rug on laminated flooring. He fell with his arm twisted behind him and banged his head on some wooden furniture. Then later he tripped over another rug and fell flat on his back banging his head up.He started crying and i held him,and rubbing his head. All my brother said was,"There's no need to cry,it could've been worse". When he see's me holding my son to comfort him,its like he doesn't like it for some reason.Aww i'd love him to have a few falls and bang his head up,see how he likes it.

    I just think his attitude isn't normal for a parent.

    15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Can working as a childminder be classed as a proper job?

    I already have a part time job,but to work extra hours i am hoping to do childminding.Being paid for looking after my baby niece,at least 8 hours a week. Can i declare this to claim working Tax credits ? I have already been advised to find a job with more hours anyway,which i had planned to do,but since i have been offered the chance to child mind,i thought i'd find out if it can be seen as my second job. If so ,how do i get proof of earnings?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • My parents keep telling my 2 year old son to go out to my brothers car when he pulls up.Question?

    I happen to live at home for financial reasons.My brother does too. I have a 2 year old son who shares a small room with me. The council don't see me as a priority to offer me a place to live.But thats another story.

    Over the months my family have annoyed me on what they allow my child to do.My dad lets him drink fizzy coke even though i say not to.My mother and brother both take lots of medication/tablets that are left lying around,though i'm always vigilant when i'm there.A while ago my dad told my son who was about 23 months old to run outside into the street to my brother who was pumping his tyres up.Its a quiet road but still cars come down it. When i told him not to keep telling him to go out there,that he could easily run into the road.My dad went mad at me and said he don't want anything more to do with his grandson,if he has to watch everything he says and does.After i got upset about it,the situation died down and went back to normal again.My mother tells me my dad loves my son to bits.A few weeks ago my child was asking where my brother was,i said gone to the shop.He soon drove up the road and pulled up outside the house,at that moment my son ran out the front door with no shoes on,right out behind my brothers car who was still inside.I ran out after him and and my brother said he could easily have reversed his car.Now the past week my mother has told him to run out twice.Once to my dads car,my son was busy playing with his toys and my mom told him his grandad had come back and to go out to him.He did again while my dad was parking his car and run behind it.Now tonight my brother arrives back from shop and while i'm busy doing something,they tell my son that his uncles back and straight away he runs outside to him. Why oh why do they do this?? My parents afterwards call him to come back and say its dangerous, yet they don't think that at the time. I'm so annoyed. You might say keep the door locked. Well we have a pvc door that was fitted by the council and it has a handle and doesn't lock when you shut it,you have to lock it with a key.Sometimes the key gets mislaid until we find it later.But if my parents didn't tell my son to go out then he wouldn't.

    I work part time in the evening and i get worried sometimes.I could argue so much on my parents and brother sometimes and have had words,but they tend to take offence and it spirals out of control.

    I might have the chance of renting my other brothers house this year when he leaves for a year or more.But its not certain yet. I'm a single parent,and not a kid. My childs father don't pay me any maintenance and couldn't care less about me or his son.Yet he still contacts me to him sometimes.He swears alot and has a voilent temper.So theres no way i'd ever be with him again.

    I'm planning on sendin my son to nursery this year and i'm hoping to work full time. In the meantime though i'm worried about my situation at home.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Child in nursery,mother in work.What happens if child is ill?

    If she gets a phone call to say her child is ill and needs to be taken home,how can the mother just leave work at a moments notice? Just asking this question as i intend to work full time this year while my son goes to nursery.

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • My dad gives my 2 year old fizzy coke to drink...?

    He thinks nothing of it,even when i tell him not to. Even if it is sugar free,its still fizzy,which can still ruin the enamel on his teeth. I give my son a small amount of sugar free cordial in water to drink.He's used to that or milk. Yet my dad,because he loves his fizzy coke is always encouraging my son to drink some.He drank a whole glassful tonight. My dad sarcasticly says that ,"its nicer than the water mommy gives you isn't it?". He really annoys me and i feel unless i continue to tell him no,theres nothing i can do.My dad is very argumentative.I brush my sons teeth before bed,but thats not the point.

    21 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • On UK job Application forms or Housing Applications,they often say they support Equal Opportunities...?

    So then why do they insist you tick what Ethnic Origin you are? if we are all Equal in the UK then why do they want to know our colour,ie) White British,Black British,Yellow British, Mixed,Oriental,Spotted? Also added to the list was Gypsy and Irish Traveller. So as well as someone from Outer Mongolia being equal to me as a White English person in England,a gypsy has as much right to the job i'm applying for as well as the Mongolian. ? They'll be adding Eskimos to the list next. And to think at one stage the British Isles was filled with English,Irish,Scottish and Welsh people. Do we have any rights anymore?not much if you ask me.

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • What do i buy a lady for a retiremement present?

    She's my manager and had worked there 38 years.I've known her 5 years and she's been a nice person to everyone.Was thinking a card and flowers but i expect she'll have lots of flowers anyway.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Income Support UK - Having regular interviews...?

    Now i work part time and have a 2 year old son.I started claiming I.S. a year ago.I was getting £25 a week,now its £34. When i initially decided to claim it i had read that once a child reaches 12,the parent will be called in for regular back to work interviews.I thought,thats fair enough,i definately won't be still claiming by then anyway.So wat happens? i fill in the form(about 15 pages long) and posted it.I get a phone call to go in for interview,so i did. Was told i'd be better off getting a job with a few more hours and i can stop claiming I.S. and claim Working Tax credit instead which is even more money.Ok i said i'd think about it.

    Six months later i get called in for another interview at another place (not Jobcentre).Woman tells me i no need to have really come for the interview as i am working and have a young child.I was in there 5 minutes and come away.

    Now last month i had to go again for the same interview with another woman.I called them up before hand and explained my circumstances.Was told that i had to go for interview as its the law.I went there with my child.The interview became long drawn out.The woman took her time verifying my details and just staring at the screen like she was killing some time.20 minutes had passed and i was getting a bit agitated.She started going on in detail about if i worked a few more hours i would be able to claim Working Tax credits.I know i said.She started giving me all these figures of what i could get.I kept telling her i am happy with what i'm doing right now.I was getting figitety and wishing i could hurry up and go.She asked if i was ok.I said i didn't think it would take this long,she just said i had to come for interview as its the law,and reminded me that 6 months goes by so quick and unless i fing a job with more hours i'll be coming back again.

    Now as far as i see it,these interviews are a waste of time.They only tell you what they told you 6 months earlier,its nothing new.So when i go again,i will be told the same thing.And also it seems that these interviewers are there to try and push people into work.I am working part time 14 hours ,and have a toddler to look after,its not like i'm sitting on my ****.Its not like i'm getting loads of money off them either.How do they treat someone with no job?

    So much for thinking my child had to be 12 before they call me in for a work focused interview.Oh and she told me the age is 5 now not 12,where they call you in,and they stop your Income Support too. I know this,so why do i need to go for another interview in 5 months time,to be told the same thing.Do they think we are stupid? Am wondering what others think,and has anyone else had to go through this?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago