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So my brother picks faults with my 2 year old son...?

My son is perfect in every way. The criticisms started when my son was a few months old. My son would stick his tongue out on occasions. My brother would say it wasn't normal. Then when he was about 6 months old,my son would dribble whilst sucking his dummy,my brother would say it wasn't normal again. Then when my son started babbling and making sounds,my brother stared at him and told me there was something wrong with him because he was babbling and dribbling as babies do. I remember telling my brother to shut up as he has no idea about babies. He never wanted children,but by this time his wife was expecting their first. They had their baby and over the months he was telling the family how cute their baby looks sticking her tongue out like my son did. She's had many colds with a constant runny nose,and also dribbles. She's 17 months now. My son is 2 1/2. I have never once criticised his child and he often relies on me to baby sit her,and i care for her as good as my own,while the mothers at work.

Now almost every time he sees my son he makes a remark about him. He compares him to his friends kids who are older and says they did this and that at the age of 2. One of his friends sons is Autistic,he's 4. My brother often talks about him and goes on about my son like he's the same. My child is very bright and can understand alot. I can even have proper conversations with him. Some words he don't say clear but most he can,he won't shut up most of the time. I've been potty training him since he was 2,not everyday,but most days he's eager to use potty.When i go out i put pull up pants on him. Anyway today we were all going out to play ball. I decided to change my sons clothes. Straight away my brother commented on my son in nappies,saying his friends son who's 4 still wears them because he's Autistic. I thought whats that got to do with anything. He also was staring at my son and commented on him having a deformed tongue. I asked what he meant,he said he sticks it out and it looks curved. Nothing wrong,its a normal tongue.Then he mentioned his ears,asking if his ears looked like his dads ears,because his ears look a bit big. My son's ears aren't big,they don't stick out and are normal size. He also criticises if my son falls over,hurting himself and cries. He calls him a wimp. He says he's a mommys boy. He tells me i shouldn't console him if he's hurt himself,he'll get over it. His little daughter has fallen and hurt herslf lots of times,had bangs to her head,cuts to her face and lip recently after falling off a chair flat on her face. My brother said her lip was bleeding. He tells me his daughter is tough and can take hurting herself. He should be making sure she's safe and keeping an eye on her. Is he waiting until she breaks a leg or her neck? My brother is boisterous around the children and deliberately tries to scare my son. At the park he started pushing my son high on the swings where he nearly fell out.He tipped forward. My son was petrified. My brother apologised after i told him off. My son won't let my brother pick him up now because of how he is. He even pushes the kids sit-in car around fast so that they could easily tip over and out. He seems to get a kick out of it. We were sitting on te grass and he began pushing the car really fast towards us pretending to crash into us,he did this 3 times,i had to tell him to calm down.

My son likes to laugh and talk alot,but when he's around my brother he says few words. They were in the garden today and i popped in the house for a minute,when i heard my brother say sarcastically to my son,"What was that you said,was it some noise you're making?". What a cheeky sod. Why is he being horrible to me son. He seems to be a bully. If i ever say anything,he tells me i am being paranoid and get over it. I have decided i could not trust my brother alone withmy son,he just has no idea. He once said he would take him swimming but on no account would i allow him anywhere near a swimming pool with him.

His daughter has a slightly deformed leg,where it points inwards,so she walks funny,she also has redness on the skin around her eyes and forehead. She's 17 months and can speak about 4 words. The rest of the time she mumbles,just like he criticised my son for doing. I do not criticise her and have no desire to as a mother who obviously knows how to be kind and understanding of a child and know whats normal or not. I WOULD SAY MY BROTHERS NOT NORMAL. I also feel my brother is jealous of my son. He always wanted a son. But he is sticking at one child. To add,my son had his 2 year check with our Health Visitor and he completed every test. I told my brother this and i think it went through one ear and out the other.How can i get him to back off and stop being like this?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't listen to him, he's just trying to wind you up. heck my 10 year old brother (who isnt autistic but has traits of it) is still in nappies and people are always criticising us about it, just dont let him get to you

  • 1 decade ago

    I didnt read it all because I feel I have a good idea of your situation from the first few paragraphs. You are being drawn in to explaining and defending and feeling defensive and bullied, and being made to feel that maybe there IS something wrong, being made to feel insecure. You dont need to justify your sons behaviour or health to anyone. You are right your brother is a bully. This is confirmed by the fact that he calls you paranoid when you try and call him on his behaviour. Its not so much your son he is bullying, but YOU. Has he always done it?

    If I were you, to stop this right away, stop seeing your brother, and tell him why. Tell him you are sick to the eyeballs of his juvenile competitiveness and bullying of you and your son. Tell him right out, that if he cant think of something nice to say, then he can just keep his mouth shut and stay away until he (your brother) grows up. If he's not capable of growing up, then that will be forever.You need to protect yourself and your poor little son from this man. Brother or not, hes not doing you any favours. Part of the reason for bullying you is to keep you where he can use you and manipulate you. So break out. Do the right thing for your son even if it means never seeing your brother again. Maybe you standing up for yourself will teach him a lesson, but if he deiosnt learn it be prepared to hold your ground anyway. NEVER put up with bullies. They LOVE the power they gain over you and they love it even more when you cant get out from under them without having to lose something precious to you. But your son is more precious than an adult (whatever his relationship to you) who actively seeks to harm your child. Emotional harm is deeper and longer lasting than physical harm. DONT allow it to continue.

    Source(s): Life experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    First thing I would say is, stop loosing your mind over it since you have already established that its your brother who is acting abnormal.

    Second thing ask him to stop making such remarks about your son directly without beating around the bush, as soon enough your son will start understanding what he says and that will not be very good for his self confidence. Kids are very sensitive to what is being said to them.

    Lastly if he still doesn't change his behaviour around your son keep him away from your son, as it is very important that your son gets a healthy environment to grow rather someone always picking on him.

  • 1 decade ago

    try andn ot let it get to you, it shows more about him as a 'man' than you as a mum or your son. he does sound like a bully and very jealous ofy our son, maybe because he had a daughter and wanted a son? try and avoid socialising with him and being around him, make a point of not being in touch with him much and he will start to realise hes being really pathetic and immature towards a toddler. your son sounds perfeclty normal, he should be more concerned about his own child and being a better father. he is the one with the problem carry on as you are, hell regret it later on.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He's probably just being an annoying pita. Ignore it and that will take all the fun away. Just like when you wwere kids.

  • :)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Simply say ''shut the hell up because I don't give a s*** what your opinion is about my son!''

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