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Sarah D
Where to look for lodging close to Yellowstone?
We're planning a family vacation for this summer to Yellowstone and we're looking for a cheap place to stay as close to the park as possible. All the cabins inside the park are already booked so we'll need to stay outside the park. Which cities are the best to look at?? We'll be coming from Salt Lake.
3 AnswersCamping1 decade agoIs this copyright infringement?
I worked for a property management company for a few years. While there I took it upon myself to take pictures of the properties I managed, with my own camera, and uploaded them to my own personal computer. I then used them to create online ads for the property.
Since leaving the company I have noticed they are still using my same pictures. I'm not sure how they have them other than they got them from my old ads. I never gave any sort of release for them to use them.
Is this copyright infringement? And if so what can I do?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhich is hotter, Mesa or Tempe?
Which is hotter during the summer Mesa or Tempe Arizona? What are the differences between the two cities? Good points and bad points for both? We might be moving down there for a job transfer and we're trying to decide which one we'd like better.
3 AnswersPhoenix1 decade agoDo companies need to pay a membership fee to answer a BBB complaint?
If someone files a complaint about a company to the Better Business Bureau does that company need to pay a membership fee in order to respond to it?
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoHow do you read a New Choice Ovulation Prediction test?
With every other ovulation prediction brand I've used it very clearly states that the test line MUST be at least as dark as the control line. However on the New Choice (dollar tree brand) box it reads that the color of the lines may vary. So if you get a 2nd line no matter how faint does that mean it's positive? Has anyone had success with this brand? It is from dollar tree so I'm wondering if they don't work very well.
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoGood website for book lists?
I'm trying to find a website that will let me create a list of books I want to read. I always hear about a book and think I'd like to read that but with two kids it takes me a while to read a book, so by the time I finish one I forget the other one I wanted to read! LOL
I know I can just make a list on my own, but I wanted to see if there were any fun websites that will let me do this and then maybe it will also give me suggestions of things I'd like based on what I've read?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoCan implantation bleeding begin only 3 days after sex?
I recently had my IUD removed since my husband and I are trying to have a baby. I have 2 children already and got pregnant in the first month of trying with both of them so my doctor said he expects me to get pregnant quickly again.
A few days after the first time we had sex (without the IUD) I started spotting. I normally have VERY heavy periods and with this I don't even need a panty liner. It's also dark brown in color.
I've done some researching and the color and amount seems to indicate it could be implantation bleeding, however everything says it occurs 6 - 10 days after fertilization and this started only about 3 days after. Could it still be implantation bleeding?
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhere can I listen to Dr. Laura in Salt Lake City?
They replaced Dr. Laura on KNRS and I know they said she'd be moving to another station but I can't find her anywhere? Anyone know what station she is on now and what time???
2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoWhich pregnancy test will tell you the soonest?
My husband and I just started trying to have a baby. This will be our third pregnancy and with the other two we got pregnant as soon as we started trying so I'm hoping that trend continues.
I did have an IUD in which stopped me from having my period but I just got that out. So since I don't know when I should be having my period I'm not sure when to test to see if I'm pregnant other than going from the date the IUD was removed.
How long should I wait before I start testing? Is two weeks long enough or are there some tests that can tell you sooner?
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMy husband got a new job, what does that mean for our medical assistance?
A few months ago I lost my job and we had to go on state medical assistance. I am pregnant and we have two kids already.
My husband just got a new job offer making more money which puts us over the income limits for state medical (which I'm very happy with, I'd rather take care of my own family than having the government take care of us). However the new job does not offer insurance. Will we automatically be kicked off the state assistance or will they allow us to keep it until I have the baby?
For my husband and kids we can just buy private insurance no problem... but for me they wont accept me because I am pregnant. That is the part I'm worried about, we can't afford to pay all the medical expenses out of pocket. Does anyone know if they'll let me keep the insurance just on me??? We're in Utah btw...
1 AnswerHealth Care1 decade agoIs buying a home by power lines a bad idea?
We just found an awesome home we want to buy, but it is very close to some power lines. A friend told me never to buy a home near power lines because it can cause health problems??? Is that true? That seems a little strange to me....
8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoCan employers withhold unpaid vacation time?
I just started a new job and in the handbook it says that any used vacation time once you stop working for the company will be forfeited. Every other company I've worked for has to pay you for the unused hours... is this legal for them not to? I'm in Utah if it makes a difference????
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhen do you put in the laundry soap?
My mom always taught me to add clothes first, then start the water and and as the water is running add in your soap so the water will go on top of it and make it all bubbly. But I just looked at my washing machine's instructions and it says to add soap first, then clothes, then start the machine. Which do you think is right???
7 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoHow to get labor started?
Has anyone has success at getting labor started without actually getting induced in the hospital? My best friend wants to have a natural home birth but she will be 41 weeks tomorrow. Her midwife isn't comfortable letting her go much longer so if the baby doesn't come soon she'll have to do a hospital delivery. She's been walking a lot and has been having sex too but those aren't working.
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat to do with a bunch of tomatoes?
Our garden grew a million tomatoes this year. We've already given a ton away but we still have a lot we need to use quickly. What are some great recipes for tomatoes????
9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoHow can you Edit an Adobe file?
I need to edit a file I downloaded for work, but I can only get it to open in Adobe reader and then it wont let me edit anything. Can someone tell me in very simple terms how I can edit it? I just need to change a date on it.
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoHow do I decorate a window that has blinds installed?
I rent and we are not allowed to remove the blinds that are installed as the window treatments. They are just the crappy normal apartment blinds and I'd really like to add some color to the room by putting up a Valance or something, would that look bad? What other options do I have?
3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoHow should I cook this chicken? ?
I have a 2 1/2 pound fryer chicken that has already been seasoned. How long and at what temperature should I cook it??
8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoCan I start watching Fringe now if I haven't seen other episodes? ?
I just saw a few minutes of Fringe tonight and I've heard it's a cool show, but I haven't seen any of it. If I started watching it mid season would I understand what is going on? Or is it like 24 and Lost where you have to watch from the beginning or you'll never get it?
4 AnswersDrama1 decade agoWhere can I watch my own worst enemy online? ?
Where can I watch the 2nd episode of my own worst enemy? It was accidentally deleted from my DVR.
2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago