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  • Found ring at thrift store and need info?

    Bought it for only 1 dollar so even if it doesnt have value, i will not have lost much. So anyhow, i believe that the diamond on it is real, there are roman numerals vii engraved on the inside, and it seems to be plated. The metal under the plating is also silver colored, but opaque. All i can conclude is that the roman numerals stand for a 7 yr anniversary, but if the diamond is in fact real, why would the ring be plated? Any info on any of the qs will be greatly apreciated. And i will take it to a jewler that i know, but have to wait til tuesday.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Need opinion on diet?

    First of all, my diet is not intended to lose weight, its purpose is to keep me healthy and help me tone muscle. I am about 105, and flactuate between that and 95 lbs unintentionally. I have had 3 beautiful and healthy daughters, gained up to 65 lbs, and lost it every time. I just dont seem to be able to keep weight on. So, here i am asking what the best ways to build muscle are. I have been cutting my soda consumption, and i am down to 1 to 2 cans of coke per day. I have replaced my liquids with an average of 1 gal of water per day, plus i have added 1 serving of ensure per day. If this helps, i do an intermediate routine of exercise before power walking a minimum of 30 minutes. If you can tell me what has worked for you, or you are an expert on the subject, i would love to read what you have to say...thanks!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how to become a promotions contractor to big corporations?

    I used to be a promotional model for an agency a few years ago. In all of my Walmart jobs, I would receive a box full of samples of the product to be promoted along with instructions and a credit card that I would have to use to purchase 1 item worth a dollar or less at the beginning and the end of the job(to prove that I was there on the required time). Then I would complete some forms they had sent and mailed them back in order to get paid. Anyways, I would like to know how to do these jobs on my own without having to go through an agency.

    Thanks for reading!

  • To all men and women out there, how do you move on from hell?

    Of course that I am asking this question because I have put myself in a very predictable and common situation. Have been with a man and am married to him for almost 12 years all together. He has done some of the most horrible things to me, and I am sure you must be thinking...oh she got cheated on, but unfortunatly thats just the tip of the iceburg. I wont get into all the details, but just lets say that 2 days before giving birth to my 3rd and last daughter, I contracted 2 STDs from him and was not aware of this up until almost a week after having her. I had EMS in my bathroom trying to get me on a stretcher, and was in so much pain that I could not move. Anyways, I had such a bad infection, that it almost killed me. My daughter could have lost her sight from this, had a huge cyst under her eyelid for months because of this. There is a possibility that she could be carrying one of the STDs( which is for life). Fortunatly it is treatable and not life threatening, but it is still something that lingers in my mind, specially knowing the obsticles that could come once she becomes a woman. This is just one incident of the many that I have dealt with. I have left twice and had to come back due to his behaviour. He slashed the tires of a man I was dating, would call me at 3 am and if I didnt answer or disconnected the phone, he would show up at my house and yell horrible things while my at that time only daughter could hear. I almost lost my job because of him showing up and making scenes. So in the end it became easier to stay than leave.

    And no, I have no family whatsoever. My father is in a different country and we no longer speak because after the death of my mother, he asked me to sell the apartment that my godfather left me, so I gave him a power of attorney, left back to the U.S. and never seen a dime from it. Therefore, I do not wish to associate with a man like that, specially when he is in a good financial situation.

    But now that you have an idea of what my life is and has been like for me for the past few years, you should know that there is nothing more valuable to me than education. I strive to know more and have an open mind. I do everything that I do for my children, and because they love their father so much. The only times that I have found peace of mind where the times when I wasnt with him. I have made the same mistakes more than once. Left jobs, good opportunities to become self sufficient and obtain an education because it "interefered" with my husbands whatevers.

    I know that I should leave, and never look back. But what about the kids? they do need their father. And he is not normal to the point where we could be divorced or separated and share custody. I know that as long as he is able to contact me in any way, he will try to make my life misserable.

    I also wonder if I will end up alone, and dont get me wrong, I rather be alone than with him for the rest of my life. But I have seen and experienced what a good relationship is like, and would like to be able to share my life with someone I can call a partner.

    Please dont take this the wrong way, or think I am being vain. But I am an educated, cultured individual. I am in great shape and most people dont believe I ve had 1 let alone 3 children. As a matter of fact, my doctor(a female) tells me not to worry, that I am a very feminine and beautiful intelligent woman, just what any man would want. But that still does not make me feel any stronger or assertive. I guess that is because I have been put down for so long, and have allowed someone else to take over.

    So what would you suggest if you were in my shoes, or what steps should I take to get out of this situation without harming myself in the longrun?

    Who or what kind of men should I keep away from, since I do have 3 daughers and way too many weird men praying on single women with kids?

    Any advice you can give, or if you have been in a similar situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who take the time to read and answer!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what tends to be the reason for lucid dreaming throughout once life?

    And also why it would stop?

    I never knew nor was I familiar with the term until I was in my early 20s. I thought that lucid dreaming was as common as having breakfast in the morning and that it applied to all.

    I lucid dreamed up until shortly after having my 1st born at the age of 23. Now I might lucid dream if I think about it or will come on its own 2 or 3 times a month.

    A lot of people are under the impression that lucid dreams are dreams in which one experiences scenarios as very real. Lucid dreaming is becoming aware that you are in a dream. So I am asking that only those who have real knoleadge on the subject answer please.

    Also, in my dreams I have never been able to make up the scenery, only my behaviour. For example, once I was being robbed and was asked for my wallet and I told the guy that I wouldnt give it because this was my dream.

    As a child, as soon as I started dreaming, I would begin flying...I think I spent most my childhood flying in my dreams lol...but as an adult I seem to apreciate the experience much more.

    Anyways, any info or suggestions on why some people are more prone to this, or why they would fade after having a child(which seems to be the only occurrace to hold responsible since nothing else happened during that time). Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is a nurse legally qualified to treat abscesses/cysts/boils?

    I understand that many people do not seek medical attention for these sort of issues and prefer to treat themselves. But I would like to know if it would be possible for someone such as a nurse (RN) to legally do this kind of work without the supervision of an MD and at her own risk. ie: As a home business or from an office. And these procedures would cost much less than being treated by an MD. I have already asked this question but got no answers...any info would be greatly appreciated!!

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Reading Tarot Cards has been as something that is part of me except when it comes to reading my own?

    Can anyone suggest anything that might have work for themselves when reading their own cards? I just cant seem to stay neutral to the cards and they work best for me when I know the least as possible about a person.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Could someone PLEASE help me with this? I recentrly came across a bowl?

    It is in excellent condition and is round and imperfect as if it was meant to be like that. At the bttom it reads DALTON across almost the entire area, and then right in the middle you find the letters EM carved into the bowl.

    Could anyone help me figure out what this piece is and if in fact is made by Emmett?

    Any information would help since I dont seem to be doing a good research.

    Any appraisors that are reliable maybe? if you have a way to contact them, I will be more than pleased to send pics.

    Anyways...thanks for taking the time to read my desperate question :)

    1 AnswerSculpture1 decade ago
  • Alguien me puede dar la marca o empresa que produce pochoclos con gusto?

    Son los pochoclos que vienen en paquete, y estan cubiertos con diferentes colores y gustos.

    Gracian in advance

    1 AnswerBuenos Aires1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what the percentage of spaying procedures fail?

    This would be a female dog getting fixed and afterwards (or in the future) getting pregnant.

    Has this happened to any one else’s pet? And if so, could you tell me any symptoms or complications arisen from the pregnancy?

    Any percentages or ratios that you may know of would be great if you have a link or know the information.


    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What is the average price for a tattoo?

    It would be a name in cursive (5 letters to be exact), and about a 1/2 inch by 2 inches.

    I know prices may vary by location and artist, so if anyone has had a similar tattoo done recently, I would appreciate if you could share how much it cost you to get it done.

    Thanks in advance :)

    3 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • We are 10 months behind on our mortgage and need to relocate...?

    We are not sure on what our best options might be. We have a VA loan, and really don't want to mess that up, and there is a good chance we can rent the home at the value of our monthly payment. Our main concern is getting another mortgage for a different home while still keeping this house. Does anyone with expertise can give us some advice as to weather anyone will give us a loan being 10 months behind? I know a couple who purchased after their home went in foreclosure. Any help will be greatly appreciated...THANKS

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • No fault Insurance claim wanting to claim $20/day?

    Could anyone guide me in the right direction in this situation. My daughter and I were involved in a car accident where the other party was at fault. We were both not seriously injured, but I was pregnant at the time and my daughter has been disfigured slightly on her nose(has appearance of a boxer's nose).

    I know that I am entitled to $20/day on replacement services but my insurance company is asking for proof. ie: names and dates of those who provided service, and also the ammount that I paid for these services. They also want a letter from my doc stating I couldnt perform these activities. ie: picking up over 5lbs, moving around, etc. All of these things I am able to provide, but I was told by my ins company that I could only claim for myslef and not my daughter, and couldnt claim over the period that my doctor has issued my disability.

    An attorney I spoke to said that I should be able to claim for myself and her, plus be able to claim the limit of time which is 3 years. Could someone please give me some guidance if at all possible before I get screwed like many others do with insurance claims?

    Thanks to all who take the time to read and answer!

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • For the past 2 days I have found about 10 or more quarters randomly around my house?

    Could someone please direct me as to what this might mean. If it has any significance or what a quarter dollar means as a symbol.

    I had noone die recently, and really dont understand why they just keep coming up. I havent done anything different from any other time.

    Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Can any1 share any experiences with swinging in their relationship?

    I would like insight as to what to expect and how comfortable did you feel and what did it take for both you and your partner to feel at ease. Anything else you would like to share I will gladly appreciate it TX

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What can cause the same or similar symptoms as genital herpes?

    My friend was diagnosed with it about 4 months ago, but has not gone away, just gotten better but not completely and then comes back. The doctor tested her last week or so for other things, but she is waiting on the results, and she was negative for any stds besides herpes. We would like to know if anyone with herpes has experienced it for long periods of time even while taking medications, or if someone has an idea of what else she could have...fungus of any sort??? Thanks for your time!

    6 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • How can I get the best deal on air tickets from Italy to Detroit?

    My husband is active duty military and we need him to come home on any date between the 17th and 23rd of July until the 18th and 21st of August. Can anyone guide me on any coupon codes or deals since I cannot seem to find anything for under $1100 for the round ticket.

    He can fly from Naples, IT or Rome, IT, and he is coming into Detroit.

    Thanks for any helpful info you can give us!

    4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Found a bluebird's egg and was wondering if you have good tips on how to hatch it?

    So far my 8 yr old has it wrapped in small cotton pieces inside of a toy plastic cup. We are keeping it under a regular lamp in the living room.

    Any ideas on having the best chances for it to hatch will be greatly appreciated...Thanks!

    9 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My 3 week old baby behaves like a 6 month old...why?

    She was born 3 weeks early, and seemed just like any healthy newborn for the first few days. By the time she was a week old, she was already examing her hands. At 2 weeks she was imitating my facial expressions, and responded to the word "hi" with a short sound. She has been very alert and will stay awake for an hour or longer if I let her after each feeding(from 3 days old). She barely cries, but makes sounds until she is attended to. I also have 2 other children who progressed at similar paces but nothing like this.

    I am a bit freaked out by it, and at the same time curious as to what will come next.

    Anyone experienced this with their child, or does anyone know why this could happen?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone familiar with divorce based on infidelity and passing on STDs?

    He is active duty military, and just came for a month for the birth of our daughter which he denied being his until a couple of days ago based on the way she stretches...See what kind of person I have to deal with. Got results after being admitted into the hospital that I contracted an STD and it was also passed on through delivery to my daughter which could cause her to go blind.

    Anyways, in the State of Michigan, does anyone know if I could be granted a divorce based on this, and if they would grant it right away? And also, would they allow me to leave the State since I have nothing nor anyone here. Have been disabled with the pregnancy due to many health issues it caused, and have no income as of right now except what he passes every month.

    I really want to leave, get my degree and start fresh, but cant do that here.

    We have 3 kids and just started buying a house about a year ago that I dont even care to keep.

    Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago