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My email adress is mai lme if you wnt to talk thank ya ;)

  • 14 year old boy being abused please help!?

    Okay, I am 14 years old and there is a boy in my class, his family is less fortunate and don't exactly have the health care of most people. He is different in many ways than the other boy's in my grade. He is always talking about killing people, animals, even himself. the detail he goes into about these things is very frightening. He doesn't trust many people at all, no adults, just a few of the students that can tolerate his behavior, He has told me before that his father abuses him. at first i thought it was only a cry for attention considering he had 4 older brothers. then when he started showing me the marks i began to really listen to what he was telling me. then he came into class one day after being absent the week before. he had a large cut on his neck that really looked alot like rope burn. So when i finally managed to get him to tell me what happened it terrified me... He had tried to kill him self, only the board that he had tied himself to snapped when he stepped from the ladder. So me and my friend who also herd the story went to the school consular hoping for help. we told her everything but nothing was ever done. that was about 4 months ago. things have not improved at all, here lately he has been telling me that he wants to bring a gun to school and kill all the students that tease him. the way he acts and talks leads me to also thing he may have some type of autism, the way his is socially is manly what makes me think that. its hard to talk to him and he obsesses over the smallist things. but its just a theory. please someone tell me what to do, it feels like there is no where left to turn and i am afread that he will hurt him self or someone else. thank you so much

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • 13 year old boy being abused, PLEASE HELP! very important.?

    Okay, I am 14 years old and there is a boy in my class, his family is less fortunate and don't exactly have the health care of most people. He is different in many ways than the other boy's in my grade. He is always talking about killing people, animals, even himself. the detail he goes into about these things is very frightening. He doesn't trust many people at all, no adults, just a few of the students that can tolerate his behavior, He has told me before that his father abuses him. at first i thought it was only a cry for attention considering he had 4 older brothers. then when he started showing me the marks i began to really listen to what he was telling me. then he came into class one day after being absent the week before. he had a large cut on his neck that really looked alot like rope burn. So when i finally managed to get him to tell me what happened it terrified me... He had tried to kill him self, only the board that he had tied himself to snapped when he stepped from the ladder. So me and my friend who also herd the story went to the school consular hoping for help. we told her everything but nothing was ever done. that was about 4 months ago. things have not improved at all, here lately he has been telling me that he wants to bring a gun to school and kill all the students that tease him. the way he acts and talks leads me to also thing he may have some type of autism, the way his is socially is manly what makes me think that. its hard to talk to him and he obsesses over the smallist things. but its just a theory. please someone tell me what to do, it feels like there is no where left to turn and i am afread that he will hurt him self or someone else. thank you so much

    10 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • please help me, he keeps breaking my heart...?

    Okay, so me and this guy got together in may. we broke up last mounth because of my mom. she doesnt like him. but we agreed to stay close and be together when she wasnt around (School, Football games, Dances, ect ect) but last night my friend who rides his bus called and said he asked her out and tried to kiss her, the she went on to tell me that he had been like this about a few other girls on his bus. everytime i bring it up he blows it off. He was Also mad yesterday and wouldnt tell me why, he would kiss me before he left (he always kisses me!) and now i'm just lost. please help me:( i dont no what to do.....

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My dog keeps drinking out of the pool and now she's sick?

    I'm trying to decide if the two are connected. that's the only thing she drink's anymore is the pool water... its full of chemecals and now she wont eat and she stumbles around and she's weak. i dont know whats wrong with her. She's 8 years old and is a shar pei. please help me!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • a couple of abandon dogs on my street?

    ok, there are these people that moved in beside me, well about two weeks ago they moved out. they have two dogs, and when the moved they left them.

    i went to the police department and they told me there was nothing they could do! that the only way they could get involved is if they bite somone. so i came home an called the local pound and they told me they couldnt do anything eather somhing about it would be about a month until they could get a court order to get them, is there anything i can do??? I can fit there back bone into the palm of my hand. thats abuse.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • whats a good name for my kitten?

    ok, she is a fighter. she fought back so hard. she is a tabby, shes very small. i want her to have a brave name. somthing that makes matches he personality he is also very shy. so its kinda a hard name to come up with. any help??

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • i need a good name for my new kitten?

    ok, i'm wanting somthing that sounds brave, strong. She was attacked by my dog, thats how we found her. Shes only about 7 weeks old. she was so brave and fought back so hard. but yet she is so shy and timid...... what would be the best name for her. she is a tabby. shes little but shes very brave....... somthing that will go along with her personality.

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • i need help on training my basset hound?

    ok there not called basset HOUNDS for nothing, most hounds hunt do bassets? if so what? and how old is to late to start training? any other tips would be helpful thanks guys!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • hamster leash?

    were can i order a hammy leash on line? i tryed to get one on e bay but i was octioned out. :( please help i realy need one!

    thxs alout!

    5 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Please help me my baby hamster is hurt bad!?

    PLEASE HELP ME! i was going to see if the daddy would get along with the babys. there 4 weeks old and the sit said that the dady could go with them at that age. and he attacked one of the babies! theres a big cut on the poor things back but its still living. the vet told us wat to do but the little thing is in pain, wat can i give it for pain? please dont answer if u dont know for a fact it will not kill him.

    thant u so much!

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • HELP ME PLEASE!my hamster is hurt!!!?

    please help me!! my hamter has cuts and scraps al over her face and her eye is almost closed but she cant seem to be able to open it al ther way. what is this and how can i help my hammy?!

    11 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • animal stories?

    do u have an animnal storie i do lesson to this....

    Me and my BFF paige when to my feald as we sat down to a picnick a larg dog leaps out of know were and starts trying to attack us.... suddenly my dog wolf a redheeler jumps on the dog and they start fighting finnaly the dog leves.

    if wolf would not have been there then i would not be here know.....

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • crab wonders?

    hi umm iwas wondering, well i have this smal bowl and i was going to put rocks in the bottom and sortof make it into a pool or rock pond but theres one thing that bothers me, the temature in the water. is there one i need to keep it as?

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • mom and dad think hamsters are to messy?

    i am wanting to get a hamster from my friend bu my mom and dad think there to messy and realy dont whant one how can i change there minds. please help!


    are they raly that messy?

    11 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • mom and dad think hamsters are to messy?

    i am wanting to get a hamster from my friend bu my mom and dad think there to messy and realy dont whant one how can i change there minds. please help!


    are they raly that messy?

    10 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • tadpoles?????????????? help~!!111!!!!!!?

    i have tadepoles i a bucket of water can somone help me on takin care of them ? thx a bunch!

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • any free none wild baby boxturtles?

    i am looking for a pet baby box turtle or red eared slider must have been raced my humans must be free. email me if u have or know where i can get one

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago